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Research Associate Since June 2016 at the Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge. Advisor: Dr. Andrea Manica Climate Scientist & Scientific Programmer February 2015 - March 2016 at Climate Analytics in Berlin Guest-Scientist Since November 2014 at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research Visiting Scientist February - April 2014 at the International Pacific Research Center (SOEST, University of Hawaii). Advisor: Prof. Dr. Axel Timmermann; Co-worker: Dr. Malte Heinemann Post-Doc May 2012 - November 2014 at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research. Advisor: Dr. Andrey Ganopolski; Co-Worker: Dr. Alexander Robinson Post-Doc February - April 2012 at the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology in Hamburg Ph.D. student October 2008 to January 2012 at the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology in Hamburg. Advisor: Dr. Johann Jungclaus. Title: Middle Miocene Climate Evolution: The Role of Large-Scale Ocean Circulation and Ocean Gateways University Technische Universit?t Berlin, AG Nonlinear Dynamics and Pattern Formation (Prof. Dr. Harald Engel), Dipl.-Phys. degree in July 2008. Diploma Thesis: Electrical Excitation Wave Modelling in Heart Tissue (orig:Modellierung elektrischer Erregungswellen im Herzmuskelgewebe) School Norbertusgymnasium, Magdeburg
