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BSc Zoology 1967, University of Swansea (Wales) DPhil Zoology 1971, University of Oxford MA 1972, University of Cambridge University Lecturer 1977-2006 Awarded the Mammal Society's Silver Medal 1986 for services to the Society and to mammalogy


Small mammal ecology, particularly the interactions of environmental variables with population dynamics.


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Johnson, I.P., Flowerdew, J.R. & Hare, R. (1992) Populations and diet of small rodents and shrews in relation to pesticide usage. Chapter 12, pp144-146 in: Pesticides, Cereal Farming and the Environment. The Boxworth Project. Edited by Greig-Smith, P., Frampton, G. % Hardy, T. HMSO, London. Mice and Voles (1993) Whittet Books, London, 128pp. Flowerdew, J.R,. & Ellwood, S.A. (2001) Impacts of woodland deer on small mammal ecology. Forestry 74, 277-287. Flowerdew, J.R., Shore, R.F., Poulton, S.M.C. & Sparks, T. (2004) Live trapping to monitor small mammals in Britain. Mammal Review 34,31-50.
