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Taufiq's early academic training was in pharmaceutical sciences with a Bachelor and a Master of Pharmacy ( B.Pharm and M.Pharm) degrees from University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. His earlier research interest included ethnopharmacology and chemistry of natural products. After spending a year in Dhaka as a lecturer of pharmacy, he pursued an MSc in Molecular Pharmacology in the University of Manchester under the Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship program in 2003. During the MSc, he worked with Dr. Gillian Edwards in the Smooth Muscle Research Group and developed interest in ion channels and associated signalling pathways. In 2005, he started a PhD in the laboratory of Prof. Colin Taylor. During this time, he studied properties and some regulatory aspects of inositol-1,4,5 trisphosphate receptors (IP3Rs) at the single channel level. After the completion of his PhD in 2008, he continued research in the same lab as a post doc and then from October 2009, he started his first independent position as a Drapers’ Research Fellow at Pembroke College. In the last five years, he has continued research in calcium signalling and developed a strong parallel interest in rational designing and development of chemical probes and modulators of ion channels and other signalling proteins. In 2011, he received the Early Career Research Award in Signal Transduction from the Biochemical Society. Since October 2012, he has been working as a Royal Society University Research Fellow in the Department. Alongside this, he started a new position as a University Lecturer from April 2016.


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Churamani D, Hooper R, Rahman T, Brailoiu E, Patel S (2013) The N-terminal region of two-pore channel 1 regulates trafficking and activation by NAADP. Biochem J 453: 147-151 Li C, Enomoto M, Rossi AM, Seo MD, Rahman T, Stathopulos PB, Taylor CW, Ikura M, Ames JB (2013) CaBP1, a neuronal Ca2+ sensor protein, inhibits inositol trisphosphate receptors by clamping intersubunit interactions. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 110: 8507-8512
