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Laura did her Ph.D. with Dr. Phil Evans, Department of Biochemistry, Cambridge, and then moved to a postdoc in the Department of Chemistry with Prof. Sir Alan Fersht. She subsequently held a Beit Memorial Fellowship in Medical Research and then an MRC Career Development Award, with which she started her own group. In 2003 she moved to the MRC Cancer Cell Unit, Cambridge and briefly returned to the the Department of Chemistry before taking up a Lectureship in the Department of Pharmacology in 2013.


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Tsytlonok, M., Craig, P.O., Sivertsson, E., Serquera, D., Perrett, S., Best, R.B., Wolynes, P., Itzhaki, L.S. Complex energy landscape of a giant repeat protein. Structure 21: 1954-65 (2013). Rowling, P.J.E., Cook, R., Itzhaki, L.S. Towards classification of BRCA1 missense variants using a biophysical approach. J. Biol. Chem. 285: 20080-7 (2010). Werbeck, N.D., Rowling, P.J., Chellamuthu, V.R., Itzhaki, L.S. Shifting transition state in the unfolding of a large ankyrin repeat protein. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 105: 9982-7 (2008).
