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教育经历(从大学本科开始,按时间倒排序): 2013年8月至2018年6月 中山大学,硕博连读研究生 2009年9月至2013年7月 安徽医科大学,本科 工作经历(科研与学术工作经历,包括国外访学,按时间倒排序): 2019年8月至今 江西农业大学动物科学技术学院,讲师 代表性研究成果和学术奖励情况: (7) 李文笙; 张亚洲; 一种含生长抑素十四肽的PLGA缓释微球的制备方法及在鱼类缓释埋植中的应用, 2017-10-27, 中国, CN201711031494.X. (专利) 主持或参加科研项目及人才计划项目情况(按时间倒排序): 1. 国家自然科学基金委员会,地区项目,32160869,基于AKT/mTORC1信号通路研究somatostatin-14对高脂饮食下黄鳝脂肪代谢的调控机制,2022-01至2025-12,34万元,在研,主持。 2. 江西省教育厅,科技计划项目,GJJ200449,GnIH在黄鳝生殖调控中的作用及其分子机制,2021-01至2022-12,2万元,在研,主持。 3. 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,31472259,神经内分泌因子生长抑素调控硬骨鱼类生长和糖脂代谢的协同机制研究,2015-01至2018-12,,88万元,已结题,参与。 4. 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,32072992,基于肠肝轴研究豆粕诱发胆汁酸和脂肪分解代谢异常的作用机制,2021-01至2024-12,58万,在研,参与。


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

(1) Yazhou Zhang; Zimu Tang; Weiru Lin; Xi Yuan; Jirong Jia; Caiyun Sun; Wensheng Li*; Molecular identification, tissue distribution and functional analysis of somatostatin receptors (SSTRs) in red-spotted grouper (Epinephelus akaara), General and Comparative Endocrinology, 2019, 274: 87-96. (期刊论文) (2) Yazhou Zhang; Bin Wang; Wensheng Li*; The role of somatostatins in the regulation of growth and metabolism in orange-spotted grouper (Epinephelus coioides), The 8th Asia and Oceania Society for Comparative Endocrinology Congress, 韩国, 2016-6-20至2016-6-24. (会议摘要) (2) Jirong Jia; Yazhou Zhang; Xi Yuan; Jingkai Qin; Guokun Yang; Xiaozheng Yu; Bin Wang; Caiyun Sun; Wensheng Li*; Reactive oxygen species participate in liver function recovery during compensatory growth in zebrafish (Danio rerio), Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2018, 499(2): 285-290. (期刊论文) (3) Guokun Yang; Beichen Chen; Caiyun Sun; Xi Yuan; Yazhou Zhang; Jingkai Qin; Wensheng Li*; Molecular identification of grouper Igfbp1 and its mRNA expression in primary hepatocytes under Gh and insulin, General and Comparative Endocrinology, 2019, 281: 137-144. (期刊论文) (4) Guokun Yang; Qinqin Song; Caiyun Sun; Jingkai Qin; Jirong Jia; Xi Yuan; Yazhou Zhang; Wensheng Li*; Ctrp9 and adiponectin receptors in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus): Molecular cloning, tissue distribution and effects on reproductive genes, General and Comparative Endocrinology, 2018, 265: 160-173. (期刊论文) (5) Jingkai Qin; Xi Yuan; Chenguang Liu; Jirong Jia; Yazhou Zhang; Wensheng Li*; Development of a time-resolved fluoroimmunoassay for measuring plasma growth hormone in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), General and Comparative Endocrinology, 2020, 287, 113357. (期刊论文) (6) Xi Yuan; Yuxin Lin; Jingkai Qin; Yazhou Zhang; Guokun Yang; Ruijian Cai, Zongzhen Liao; Caiyun Sun; Wensheng Li; Molecular identification, tissue distribution and in vitro functional analysis of growth hormone and its receptors in red-spotted grouper (Epinephelus akaara). (期刊论文)
