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江西省青年科学家培养对象(井冈之星),美国Mississippi State University(MSU)访问学者。2008年9月毕业于华南农业大学兽医学院临床兽医专业,获得农学博士学位。中国畜牧兽医学会兽医内科与临床诊疗学分会常务理事,中国畜牧兽医学会宠物诊疗分会常务理事,江西省宠物行业协会副会长,中国兽医协会会员,江西省科学学与科技管理研究会会员。国家自然科学基金同行评议专家组成员,江西省兽药企业GMP验收专家组成员,江西省科技特派团富民强县工程专家组成员。现从事兽医临床方向的教学与科研工作,有较强的兽医临床实践能力,主攻畜禽及小动物(犬、猫等)疾病的诊断与治疗。主持完成国家自然科学基金项目1项,其他省部级项目10余项,研究方向为畜禽钼、镉重金属中毒的发病机制及其防控。科研成果获江西省自然科学三等奖1项,江西省高校科技成果三等奖4项。参编《兽医内科学》、《兽医临床诊断学》“十二五”国家规划教材;先后发表学术论文100余篇,其中SCI收录37篇,A类学报20余篇。邮箱:chbin20020804@163.com。 近年主持的科研项目: [1] 国家自然科学基金项目:线粒体应激介导的钼中毒山羊肝细胞凋亡机制(31101863),2012.1-2014.12,23万 [2] 江西省科技人才计划:青年科学家培养对象(20144BCB23040),2014.1-2016.12,12.5万 [3] 江西省农业厅科学基金重点项目:中草药防控猪圆环病毒感染的研究与应用,2017.1-2019.12,25万 [4] 江西省教育厅科学基金重点项目:钼、镉联合胁迫下山羊肝线粒体呼吸链电子阻断机制(GJJ160349),2017.1-2019.12,5万 [5] 江西省教育厅科学基金项目:线粒体功能改变在山羊钼、镉联合胁迫下肝损伤病理发生中的作用(GJJ14294),2014.1-2016.12,2.5万 [6] 江西省农业厅科学基金项目:动物疫病监测与防控,2017.1-2019.12,51.5万 [7] 江西省农业厅科学基金项目:动物疫病监测与防控,2014.1-2016.12,30万 [8] 科技部入园入企科学基金项目:拿山黑凤鸡产业化示范和推广,2010.1-2012.12,15万 [9] 江西省科技支撑计划项目:复方抗脂中药超微粉在“高有益胆固醇、低有害胆固醇”鸡蛋生产中的开发与应用(20133BBF60008),2013.1-2015.12,6万 [10] 江西省自然科学基金项目:肝细胞线粒体应激在山羊钼中毒病理发生中的作用(2010GQN0052),2011.1-2013.12,1.5万 近年获得的科研奖励: 1、江西省自然科学三等奖:蛋鸡脂肪肝出血综合征发病机制及其防控研究,证书号:Z-12-3-05-R02,2012,排名第二 2、江西省高等学校科技成果三等奖:不同铜源对肉鸡肝脏及其线粒体功能的影响,证书号:J1103040,2011,排名第一 3、江西省高等学校科技成果三等奖:甜菜碱对蛋鸡脂类代谢影响的研究,证书号:J1103043,2011,排名第二 4、江西省高等学校科技成果三等奖:内、外源性绵羊肺腺瘤病毒的鉴别诊断技术及病毒的体外培育细胞的建立,证书号:J1103046,2011,排名第四 5、江西省高等学校科技成果三等奖:蛋鸡脂肪肝出血综合征发病机理研究,证书号:J090334,2009,排名第三


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

[1] Huabin Cao, Feiyan Gao, Bing Xia, Qingyang Xiao, Xiaoquan Guo, Guoliang Hu, Caiying Zhang. The co-induced effects of molybdenum and cadmium on the mRNA expression of Inflammatory Cytokines and Trace Element Contents in duck Kidneys[J]. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 133(2016)157-163 (SCI, IF: 3.74, 第一作者) [2] Huabin Cao, Feiyan Gao, Bing Xia , Mengmeng Zhang, Yilin Liao, Zhi Yang, Guoliang Hu, Caiying Zhang. Alterations in Trace Element Levels and mRNA expression of Hsps and inflammatory cytokines in livers of duck exposed to molybdenum or/and cadmium [J]. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 125(2015)93-101 (SCI, IF: 3.13, 第一作者) [3] Huabin Cao, Bing Xia, Mengmeng Zhang, Yilin Liao, Zhi Yang, Guoliang Hu, Caiying Zhang. Changes of antioxidant function and the mRNA expression levels of apoptosis genes in duck ovaries caused by molybdenum combined with cadmium [J]. Biological Trace Element Research,2015, DOI 10.1007/ s12011-015-0514-1.(SCI, IF:1.798, 第一作者) [4] Huabin Cao, Mengmeng Zhang, Bing Xia, Jin Xiong, Yibo Zong, Guoliang Hu, Caiying Zhang. Effects of molybdenum or/and cadmium on mRNA expression levels of inflammatory cytokines and HSPs in duck spleens [J]. Biological Trace Element Research, 2015, DOI 10.1007/s12011-015-0442-0 (SCI, IF:1.798, 第一作者) [5] Huabin Cao, Chenghong Xing, Yu Zhuang, Xiaolong Gu, Junrong Luo, Xiaoquan Guo, Ping Liu, Caiying Zhang, Guoliang Hu. Effect of Stress from Cadmium Combined with Different Levels of Molybdenum on Serum Free Radical and Expression of Related Apoptosis Genes in Goat Livers[J]. Biological Trace Element Research, 2015, DOI 10.1007/s12011- 015-0610-2(SCI, IF:1.798, 第一作者) [6] H. Cao, R. Su, G. Hu, C. Li, J. Guo, J. Pan & Z. Tang (2016): In vivo effects of high dietary copper levels on hepatocellular mitochondrial respiration and electron transport chain enzymes in broilers[J]. British Poultry Science, 2015, DOI: 10.1080/00071668.2015.1127895 (SCI, IF:0.933, 第一作者) [7] Fan Yang, Jiehua Qiu, Zeliang Fu, Yuchen Qiu, Junrong Luo, Qingyang Xiao, Huabin Cao. Safety and Feasibility Study of a Novel Stent-Graft for Thoracic Endovascular Aortic Repair: a Canine Model Experiment[J]. Brazilian Journal Of Cardiovascular Surgery, 2017;32(5):401-7. (SCI, IF:0.601, 通讯作者) [8] Xiaolong Gu, Rongrong Chen, Guoliang Hu, Yu Zhuang, Junrong Luo,Caiying Zhang, Xiaoquan Guo, Aiming Huang, Huabin Cao. Cell apoptosis of caprine spleen induced by toxicityof cadmium with different levels of molybdenum [J]. Environmental toxicology and pharmacology, 40(2015): 49-56. (SCI, IF:2.19,通讯作者) [9] Yu Zhuang, Ping Liu, Liqi Wang, Junrong Luo, Caiying Zhang, Xiaoquan Guo, Guoliang Hu, Huabin Cao. Mitochondrial oxidative stress-induced hepatocyte apoptosis reflects increased molybdenum intake in caprine [J]. Biological Trace Element Research,2015, DOI 10.1007/s12011-015-0450-0(SCI, IF:1.798,通讯作者) [10] Qingyang Xiao, Caiying Zhang, Xiaolong Gu, Yu Zhuang, Junrong Luo, Ping Liu, Xiaoquan Guo, Guoliang Hu, Huabin Cao. Varing Dietary Levels of Molybdenum Inducing Cell Apoptosis of Spleen under Cadmium Stress in Caprine [J]. Biological Trace Element Research, 2015, DOI 10.1007/s12011-015-0565-3 (SCI, IF:1.798, 通讯作者) [11] Fan Yang, Caiying Zhang, Yu Zhuang, Xiaolong Gu, Qingyang Xiao, Xiaoquan Guo, Guoliang Hu, Huabin Cao. Oxidative Stress and Cell Apoptosis in Caprine Liver Induced by Molybdenum and Cadmium in Combination [J]. Biological Trace Element Research,2016,10.1007/s12011-016-0633-3. (SCI, IF:2.4, 通讯作者) [12] Sihui Zhou, Caiying Zhang, Qingyang Xiao, Yu Zhuang, Xiaolong Gu, Fan Yang, Chenghong Xing, Guoliang Hu, Huabin Cao. Effects of Different Levels of Molybdenum on Rumen Microbiota and Trace Elements Changes in Tissues from Goats[J]. Biological Trace Element Research, 2016, DOI 10.1007/s12011-016-0706-3. (SCI, IF:2.4, 通讯作者) [13] Zhuang Y, Liu P, Zhang CY, Ye S, Hu G and Cao H, 2016. Effect of cadmium on the concentration of ceruloplasmin and its mRNA expression in goats under molybdenum stress[J]. Pakistan Veterinary Journal, 36(2): 209-213.(SCI, IF: 0.822, 通讯作者) [14] Cong Zhang, Jia Lin, Jing Gea, Li-Li Wang, Nan Lia, Xue-Tong Sun, Hua-Bin Cao, Jin-Long Lia. Selenium triggers Nrf2-mediated protection against cadmium-induced chicken hepatocyte autophagy and apoptosis[J]. Toxicology in Vitro 44 (2017) 349–356.(SCI, IF:2.866, 二区,并列通讯作者) [15] Gu X, Ali T, Chen R, Hu G, Zhuang Y, Luo J, Cao H and Han B, In Vivo Studies of Molybdenum-Induced Apoptosis in Kidney Cells of Caprine [J]. Biological Trace Element Research,2015, 165:51–58.(SCI, IF:1.798,并列通讯作者) [16] Bing Xia, Hua Chen, Guoliang Hu, Liqi Wang, Huabin Cao, Caiying Zhang. The Co-Induced Effects of Molybdenum and Cadmium on the Trace Elements and the mRNA Expression Levels of CP and MT in Duck Testicles [J]. Biological Trace Element Research, 2015,DOI 10.1007/s12011-015-0410-8(SCI, IF:1.798,并列通讯作者) [17] Song Y, Wang T, Luo J, Zhang C, Liu P, Yang F, Guo X, Cao H and Hu G, xxxx. Adjustment activity of Chinese herbal product on lipid metabolism and cholesterol content in eggs of Dongxiang blue-shelled layers. Pakistan Veterinary Journal, xx(x): xxx. (SCI, IF: 0.822, 并列通讯作者) [18] Lele Shi, Huabin Cao, Junrong Luo, Ping Liu, Tiancheng Wang, Guoliang Hu, Caiying Zhang. Effects of molybdenum and cadmium on the oxidative damage and kidney apoptosis in Duck[J]. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 145 (2017) 24-31. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoenv.2017.07.006(SCI, IF: 3.74, 并列第一作者) [19] Fan Yang, Huabin Cao, Rongsheng Su, Jianying Guo, Chengmei Li, Jiaqiang Pan and Zhaoxin Tang. Liver mitochondrial dysfunction and electron transport chain defect induced by high dietary copper in broilers[J]. 2017 Poultry Science 0:1-7. http://dx.doi.org/10.3382/ps/pex137(SCI, IF: 1.9, 并列第一作者) [20] Yang F, Cao H, Xiao Q, Guo X, Zhuang Y, Zhang C, et al. (2016) Transcriptome Analysis and Gene Identification in the Pulmonary Artery of Broilers with Ascites Syndrome. PLoS ONE 11(6): e0156045. doi:10.1371/journal. pone.0156045(SCI, IF:3.057, 并列第一作者) [21] Xu Y, Cao H, Liu H, Sun H, Martin B, Zhao Y, Wang Q, Deng G, Xue J, Zong Y, Zhu J, Wen F, Long LP, Wong SS, Zhao N, Fu X, Liao M, Hu G, Webby R, Gao GF, Wan XF, Identification of the source of A (H10N8) virus causing human infection[J]. Infection genetics and evolution, 2015 Mar, 30:159-63,doi: 10.1016/j. Meegid. 2014.12.026. (SCI, IF:3.26, 并列第一作者) [22] Yilin Liao, Huabin Cao, Bing Xia, Qingyang Xiao, Ping Liu, Guoliang Hu, Caiying Zhang. Changes in Trace Element Contents and Morphology in Bones of Duck Exposed to Molybdenum or/and Cadmium. [J]. Biological Trace Element Research, 2016, DOI 10.1007/s12011-016-0778-0(SCI, IF:2.4, 并列第一作者) [23] Bing Xia, Huabin Cao, Junrong Luo, Ping Liu, Xiaoquan Guo, Guoliang Hu, Caiying Zhang.The Co-induced Effects of Molybdenum and Cadmium on Antioxidants and Heat Shock Proteins in Duck Kidneys[J]. Biological Trace Element Research, 2015, DOI 10.1007/s12011-015-0348-x(SCI, IF:1.798, 并列第一作者) [24] Su R, Cao H, Pan J, Li C, Chen Y, Tang Z. The Protective Roles of Selenium on Hepatic Tissue Ultrastructure and Mitochondrial Antioxidant Capacity in Copper-Overloaded Rats [J]. Biological Trace Element Research,2015, DOI 10.1007/s12011-015-0293-8.(SCI, IF:1.798, 并列第一作者) [25] Rongsheng Su, Rongmei Wang, Shining Guo, Huabin Cao, Jiaqiang Pan, Chengmei Li, Dayou Shi, Zhaoxin Tang. In Vitro Effect of Copper Chloride Exposure on Reactive Oxygen Species Generation and Respiratory Chain Complex Activities of Mitochondria Isolated from Broiler Liver [J]. Biological Trace Element Research (2011) 144:668-677.(SCI, IF:1.92, 并列第一作者) [26] Rongsheng Su, Rongmei Wang, Huabin Cao, Jiaqiang Pan, Lijun Chen, Chengmei Li, Dayou Shi, Zhaoxin Tang. High Copper Levels Promotes Broiler Hepatocyte Mitochondrial Permeability Transition In Vivo and In Vitro[J]. Biological Trace Element Research (2011) 144:636-646.(SCI, IF:1.92, 并列第一作者) [27] Zhang M, Luo J, Zhang C, Cao H, Xia B, Hu G. Alterations in antioxidant function and cell apoptosis in spleens of duck exposed to molybdenum or/and cadmium. [J]. Journal of Veterinary Science, 2016.6 (SCI, IF: 1.076) [28] Yuting Qiao, Zhiwei Sui, Guoliang Hu, Huabin Cao, Guoxiang Yang, Yong Li, Yongsong Lei, Lihua Zhao, Quanjiao Chen. Comparison of concentration methods for detection of hepatitis A virus in water samples[J]. VIROLOGICA SINICA 2016, 31 (4): 331-338. DOI: 10.1007/s12250-016-3786-5(SCI) [29] P Liu, G Deng, X Guo, J Kuang, C Zhang, H Cao and G Hu. Clinicopathology of Gout in Growing Layers Induced by Avian Nephrotrophic Strains of Infectious Bronchitis Virus[J]. Pakistan Veterinary Journal, 2015.3 (SCI, IF:0.822) [30] Huayuan Lin, Qiqi Huang, XiaoQuan Guo, Ping Liu, Weilian Liu, Yuelong Zou, Shuliang Zhu, Guangfu Deng, Jun Kuang, Caiying Zhang, Huabin Cao, Guoliang Hu. Elevated level of renal xanthine oxidase mRNA transcription after nephropathogenic infectious bronchitis virus infection in growing layers [J]. Journal of Veterinary Science, 2015.10(SCI, IF: 1.076) [31] Huayuan Lin, Yanjun Chen, Qiqi Huang, Xiaoquan Guo, Ping Liu, Weilian Liu, Caiying Zhang, Huabin Cao, Guoliang Hu. Prokaryotic expression of the chicken xanthine oxidase (XOD) subunit and its localization in liver and kidney[J]. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016 /j.ijbiomac. 2016.03.001(SCI, IF:3.138) [32] Ping Liu, Fei Yang, Yu Zhuang, Qingyang Xiao, Huabin Cao, Caiying Zhang, Tiancheng Wang, Huayuan Lin, Xiaoquan Guo and Guoliang Hu. Dysregulated expression of microRNAs and mRNAs in pulmonary artery remodeling in ascites syndrome in broiler chickens[J]. Oncotarget, 2016, DOI: 10.18632/oncotarget.12888 (SCI, IF:5.168) [33] Guoliang Hu, Yalu Song, Shanlin Ke, Huabin Cao, Caiying Zhang, Guangfu Deng, Fei Yang, Sihui Zhou, Pei Liu, Xiaoquan Guo, and Ping Liu. Tanshinone IIA protects against pulmonary arterial hypertension in broilers[J]. 2016 Poultry Science 0:1-8, http://dx.doi.org/10.3382/ps/pew322.(SCI, IF:1.9) [34] Qiqi Huang, Xiaona Gao, Ping Liu, Huayuan Lin, Weilian Liu, Guohui Liu, Jin Zhang, Guangfu Deng, Caiying Zhang, Huabin Cao, Xiaoquan Guo, and Guoliang Hu. The relationship between liver-kidney impairment and viral load after nephropathogenic infectious bronchitis virus infection in embryonic chickens[J].2017 Poultry Science 0:1-9,http://dx.doi.org/10.3382/ps/pew455(SCI, IF:1.9) [35] Song Y, Huang Y, Hu G, Guo X, Cao H, Zhang C, Wang T, Lin H, Yang F and Liu P. Microbial diversity in milk from Holstein dairy cattle with mastitis in southern china using illumina miseq-based analysis[J]. Pakistan Veterinary Journal, xx(x): xxx.(SCI, IF: 0.81) [36] Yalu Song, Jiming Ruan, Junrong Luo, Tiancheng Wang, Fei Yang, Huabin Cao, Jianzhen Huang, and Guoliang Hu. Abnormal histopathology, fat percent and hepatic apolipoprotein A I and apolipoprotein B100 mRNA expression in fatty liver hemorrhagic syndrome and their improvement by soybean lecithin[J]. 2017 Poultry Science 0:1-5. http://dx.doi.org/10.3382/ps/pex163 (SCI, IF: 1.9) [37] Fei Yang, Jiming Ruan, Tiancheng Wang, Junrong Luo, Huabin Cao, Yalu Song, Jianzhen Huang and Guoliang Hu. Improving effect of dietary soybean phospholipids supplement on hepatic and serum indexes relevant to fatty liver hemorrhagic syndrome in laying hens [J]. Animal Science Journal (2017) , doi:10.1111/asj.12832(SCI, IF: 1.33) [38] Cao H, Su R, Guo J, Pang J, Li Y, Tang Z. Effects of Copper of Sources and levels on Hydrogen Peroxide Generation by Mitochondria from Broiler liver[J]. Acta veterinary et zootechnica sinica. 2010, 41:108-113. (一级学报,第一作者)
