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澳门大学语言学博士,主持省级课题两项、校级课题两项,在国内外期刊发表论文若干篇。 科研课题项目: 1. 澳门语言态度的社会语言学研究(2017年度福建省社科规划一般项目,负责人)(项目编号:FJ2017B119;在研中) 2. 澳门语言政策的社会语言学研究(2017年度中央高校基本科研业务费资助项目∙华侨大学哲学社会科学青年学者成长工程项目,负责人)(项目编号:17SKGC-QG11;在研中) 3. 澳门语言传播的社会语言学研究(2017年度“周有光语言文化学术研究项目”一般项目,负责人)(项目编号:ZYG001710;在研中) 4. 澳门多语现象的社会语言学研究(2015年度福建省社科规划一般项目,负责人)(项目编号:FJ2015B247;已结项) 5. 澳门的语言与社会(2015年度华侨大学第一期高层次人才科研启动费项目,负责人)(项目编号:15SKBS103;已结项)




查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1.Yan, X. (2017) A study of Macao tertiary students’ language attitudes after the handover. Language Awareness, 26(1), 25-40.(SSCI 和A&HCI检索期刊) 2.Yan, X. (2017) The language situation in Macao. Current Issues in Language Planning, 18(1), 1-38. 3. Yan, X. (2016) “Macao has died, traditional Chinese characters have died”: A study of netizens’ comments on the choice of Chinese scripts in Macao. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 37(6), 564-575.(SSCI 和A&HCI检索期刊) 4.Yan, X. (2015) Applying cohesion theory to translation studies: A case study. International Journal of Translation, 27(1-2), 7-29. 5. Yan, X. (2014) A meta-discursive analysis of online comments of Chinese netizens on Huang Xiaoming’s appropriation of English. Language, Culture, and Curriculum, 27(2), 151-162.(SSCI 和A&HCI检索期刊) 6.Yan, X. (2013) English ants are digging holes in the Chinese levee: Language ideological debates in the Chinese media. Language Problems and Language Planning, 37(1), 30-45.(SSCI 和A&HCI检索期刊) 7. Yan, X. & Moody, A. (2010) Language and society in Macao: A review of sociolinguistic studies on Macao in the past three decades. Chinese Language and Discourse: An International and Interdisciplinary Journal, 1(2), 293-324.


国际期刊Language, Culture, and Curriculum,Current Issues in Language Planning,国内期刊《语言战略研究》、《中国语言战略》等期刊的匿名审稿人。
