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陈健,男 1967年生,1989年在四川大学获学士学位,1995年和2004年在华南理工大学分别获得硕士和博士学位。讲授本科生课程《食品化学》、《食品分析实验》、《仪器分析实验》等,主编“食品化学原理”(华南理工大学出版社)。讲授研究生物课程《植物成分化学》。 科研项目 主持的科技项目主要有: 1) “食品组分相互作用及功能因子活性保持技术的研究”(国家“十一五”科技支撑计划重点项目“功能性食品的研制和开发”其中一个子课题);2)仙人掌天然抗氧化产物纯化、结构鉴定及其抗氧化机理研究(广东省自然科学基金);3)电化学生物传感器的研制(广东省科技攻关项目)。4)香菇储藏过程质量控制技术开发(横向项目);5)含香菇多糖保健食品分子量、含量测定及指纹图谱鉴定(横向项目);6)多糖口服液中不同分子量多糖免疫活性比较研究(横向项目)。 获奖 “物理场强化糖品加工过程的新技术及其应用”获国家教育部科学技术进步二等奖,证书号2007-258。




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1.ChenJian, Xiang Ying.StructuralAnalysis of Polysaccharides from Pholiota nameko.Modern Food Science andTechnology. Modern Food Science and Technology. 2013, 29(7): 1544-1547 2.Chen Jian, Xiang Ying.Immunological and Antitumor Activities of thePolysaccharides from Pholiota nameko.Modern Food Science and Technology.2013,29(8):1800-1804 3.Fan Xiao-dan, ChenYao-hua, Chang Jie, Chen Jian*.Structure and Antitumor Activity of Water-soluble Polysaccharide fromCraterellus cornucopioides.ModernFood Science and Technology.2014, 30,(4):50-54 4.Xu, Xiaofei; Yan,Huidan; Tang, Jian; Chen, Jian;Zhang, Xuewu.Polysaccharides in Lentinus edodes: Isolation, Structure,Immunomodulating Activity and Future Prospective.Critical Reviews in FoodScience and Nutrition. 2014,54(4):474-487 5.Zhang Jun Rui,Chen Jian*, LIU ZhongMing,Progresss ofElectrochemilum inescence Immunoassay Technology,Chinese Journal ofAnalytical Chemistry. 2010,38(8):1219~ 1226 6.Li, WF; Jiang, JG; Chen, J. Chinesemedicine and its modernization demands, ARCHIVES OF MEDICAL RESEARCH, 2008, 39(2)246-251 7. Yang, L; Jiang,Jiang JG; Li, WF; Chen, J,et al.Optimum extraction Process of polyphenols from the bark of Phyllanthus emblicaL. based on the response surface methodology. JOURNAL OF SEPARATIONSCIENCE.2009,32(9): 1437-1444 8.Chen J, Jiang JG, Lin QS,Toxicity tests of typical mutagenicphenols on Dunaliella salina TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASABE 2007,50 (2): 685-688 9.Jiang JG, Huang XJ, Chen J.Separation and purification ofsaponins from Semen Ziziphus jujuba and their sedative and hypnoticeffects.JOURNAL OF PHARMACY AND PHARMACOLOGY 2007,59 (8):1175-1180 10.Jiang JG, Huang XJ, Chen J, et al.Comparison of thesedative and hypnotic effects of flavonoids, saponins, and polysaccharidesextracted from Semen Ziziphus jujube.NATURAL PRODUCT RESEARCH 2007,21 (4):310-320
