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学习经历: 1986年获得武汉大学病毒学及分子生物学系学士;1989年获武汉大学病毒学及分子生物学系硕士;1997年获香港科技大学生物化学博士学位;1997-2001在美国U.of Maryland at College Park作博士后及研究专家;2001年作为武汉大学引进人才回到武汉大学医学院免疫系聘为教授至今。2004年赴日本福岛医科大学免疫学系作为访问学者。 主要工作经历与任职 国家杰出青年基金获得者,中国青年女科学家提名奖获得者(2005年)。中华医学会微生物及免疫学会副主任委员,中华医学会武汉市微生物及免疫学会副理事长, 武汉市免疫学会副理事长,中国生物化学与分子生物学学会糖复合物专业委员会委员。担任“Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology”杂志的review editor 编委; 担任“Infectious Disorders – Drug Targets'” Editorial Board Members,担任“Open Glycoscience” Editorial Board Members,以及《中国病毒学》,《中国生化药物杂志》和《武汉大学学报》英文版杂志编委


长期从事引起人类重要病原微生物、肿瘤表面糖苷、凝集素和糖基化免疫功能研究。 其主要成就包括:1) 首次发现人伤寒沙门菌毒力岛上一种新的致病相关的IVB型纤毛基因操纵子(含有11个基因)等基因及其功能,这些工作对阐述人伤寒沙门菌只感染人的种属特异性病因具有重要价值;2)揭示了糖苷和糖基化在感染、肿瘤免疫识别和逃逸中的关键功能;3)成功设计和研制了特异结合这些病原微生物和肿瘤细胞表面糖苷的药物分子、糖基化抑制剂和有效候选疫苗。


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Zhao Y, Ren Y, Zhang X, Zhao P, Tao W, Zhong J, Li Q, Zhang XL*. (2014). Ficolin-2 inhibits Hepatitis C Virus infection, whereas apolipoprotein E3 mediates viral immune escape. J Immunol. 193(2):783-96. Pan Q, Wang Q, Sun X, Xia X, Wu S, Luo F, Zhang XL*. (2014). Aptamer against mannose-capped lipoarabinomannan inhibits virulent Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in mice and rhesus monkeys. Mol Ther. 22(5):940-51. Tang XL, Zhou YX, Wu SM, Pan Q, Xia B, Zhang XL*. (2014)CFP10 and ESAT6 aptamers as effective Mycobacterial antigen diagnostic reagents. J Infect. 2014 Jun 23. pii: S0163-4453(14)00167-4. doi: 10.1016/j.jinf.2014.05.015. [Epub ahead of print] Luo F, Sun X, Wang Y, Wang Q, Wu Y, Pan Q, Fang C, Zhang XL*. (2013). Ficolin-2 defends against virulent Mycobacteria Tuberculosis infection in vivo, and its insufficiency is associated with infection in humans. PloS One, 8 (9): e73859. Pan Q, Chen H, Wang F , Jeza VT , Hou W, Zhao Y, Xiang T, Zhu Y, Endo Y, Fujita T, Zhang XL* (2012). L-ficolin binds to glycoproteins HA and NA and inhibits influenza A virus infection both in vitro and in vivo. J Innate Immun 4:312-24. Chen HD, Zhou X, Yu G, Zhao YL, Ren Y, Zhou YD, Li Q, Zhang XL* (2012). Knockdown of core 1 beta 1, 3-galactosyltransferase prolongs skin allograft survival with induction of galectin-1 secretion and suppression of CD8+T cells. J Clin Immunol 32:820-836. Ning N, Pan Q, Zheng F, Teitz-Tennenbaum S, Egenti M, Yet J, Li M, Ginestier C, Wicha MS, Moyer JS, Prince ME, Xu Y, Zhang XL, Huang S, Chang AE, Li Q (2012). Cancer stem cell vaccination confers significant antitumor immunity. Cancer Res 72(7):1853-64. Chen F, Zhao Y, Liu M, Li D, Wu H, Chen H, Zhu Y, Zhong J, Zhou Y, Qi Z, Zhang XL*. (2010) Functional Selection of Hepatitis C Virus Envelope E2 Binding Peptide Ligand Using Ribosome Display. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 54: 3355-3364. (IF:4.8) Zhong B, Zhang L, Lei C, Li Y, Mao AP, Yang Y, Wang YY, Zhang XL, Shu HB* (2009) .The ubiquitin ligase RNF5 regulates antiviral responses by mediating degradation of the adaptor protein MITA. Immunity 30(3):397-407. Ma Y, Chen H, Wang Q, Luo F, Yan J, Zhang XL* (2009). IL-24 protects against Salmonella typhimurium infection by stimulating early neutrophil Th1 cytokine production that in turn activate CD8+ T cells. Eur J Immunol 39:3357-68.
