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Qiaoliang Bao has over 150 peer-review publications in many prestigious journals such as Nature Photonics (1), Nature Chemistry (1), Nature Communications (4), Advanced Materials (6), Advanced Functional Materials (9), Light: Science and Applications (1), JACS (4), ACS Nano (14), 2D Materials (2), Nanoscale (4) and Chemistry of Materials (6). Overall citations ~15000, with an H-index of 50 (Google Scholar). 1 Book, 3 book chapters, 1 US patent and 50 international conference presentations. Qualifications BEng, Wuhan University of Technology MEng, Wuhan University of Technology Ph.D, Wuhan University Editorial Guest editor of special issue, Optical Communications Guest editor of special issue, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics of Quantum Electronics (JSTQE) Editorial board member of npj 2D Materials and Applications (Nature Publishing Group) Guest editor of special issue, Chinese Optics Letters


ARC Centre of Excellence in Future Low-energy Electronics Technologies Decreasing energy use is a grand challenge facing society. The ARC Centre of Excellence in Future Low Energy Electronics Technologies addresses this challenge by realizing fundamentally new types of electronic conduction without resistance in solid-state systems at room temperature. Transport without resistance will be realized in topological insulators that conduct only along their edges, and in semiconductors that support superflow of electrons strongly coupled to photons. These pathways are enabled by the new science of atomically thin materials. Novel resistance-free electronic phenomena at room temperature will form the basis of integrated electronics technology with ultra-low energy consumption. Graphene-based Optical Sensors for Construction Materials To establish a versatile optical sensing platform based on graphene which will form a basis for extensive collaborations with t he best researchers in materials, chemistry, biology, environment and mining. Nano infrared and sub micron Raman spectroscopy and imaging. Near field infrared (IR) spectroscopy and imaging systems will be coupled to near-field scanning optical microscopes to provide IR spectroscopy and molecular images. Engineering Novel Two-dimensional Materials for Optoelectronic Applications On the basis of the applicant’s recent breakthroughs in the field of graphene optoelectronics, this project aims to engineer novel two-dimensional nanomaterials and demonstrate new approaches to fabricate optoelectronic devices with potential for light detection and solar light harvesting. By developing new techniques for material synthesis and device fabrication, this program will deliver high value-added prototypes for electronic and energy industries, with high efficiency of light utilisation. Successful outcomes will enable exciting innovations in the related technology area and help maintain Australia’s leading position in the rapidly emerging research area of two-dimensional materials and devices.


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Photonics of 2D materials Zhang, H., Wang, J., Hasan, T. & Bao, Q. 1 Jan 2018 In : Optics Communications. 406, p. 1-2 2 p. 2D–Materials-Based Quantum Dots: Gateway Towards Next-Generation Optical Devices Dhanabalan, S. C., Dhanabalan, B., Ponraj, J. S., Bao, Q. & Zhang, H. 2 Oct 2017 In : Advanced Optical Materials. 5, 19, 50 p., 1700257 Bilayer Bismuth Selenide nanoplatelets based saturable absorber for ultra-short pulse generation (Invited) Xu, Y., Xie, H., Jiang, G., Miao, L., Wang, K., Tang, S., Yu, X., Zhang, H. & Bao, Q. 15 Jul 2017 In : Optics Communications. 395, p. 55-60 6 p. Black phosphorus induced photo-doping for high-performance organic-silicon heterojunction photovoltaics Xia, Z., Li, P., Liu, Y., Song, T., Bao, Q., Lee, S. T. & Sun, B. 1 Nov 2017 In : Nano Research. 10, 11, p. 3848-3856 9 p. Cavity QED analysis of an exciton-plasmon hybrid molecule via the generalized nonlocal optical response method Hapuarachchi, H., Premaratne, M., Bao, Q., Cheng, W., Gunapala, S. D. & Agrawal, G. P. 19 Jun 2017 In : Physical Review B: Covering condensed matter and materials physics. 95, 24, 12 p., 245419 Controlled Growth of Monocrystalline Organo-Lead Halide Perovskite and Its Application in Photonic Devices Mao, W., Zheng, J., Zhang, Y., Chesman, A. S. R., Ou, Q., Hicks, J., Li, F., Wang, Z., Graystone, B., Bell, T. D. M., Uller Rothmann, M., Duffy, N. W., Spiccia, L., Cheng, Y-B., Bao, Q. & Bach, U. 2017 (Accepted/In press) In : Angewandte Chemie - International Edition. Dipole-field-assisted charge extraction in metal-perovskite-metal back-contact solar cells Lin, X., Jumabekov, A. N., Lal, N. N., Pascoe, A. R., Gómez, D. E., Duffy, N. W., Chesman, A. S. R., Sears, K., Fournier, M., Zhang, Y., Bao, Q., Cheng, Y-B., Spiccia, L. & Bach, U. 1 Dec 2017 In : Nature Communications. 8, 1, 8 p., 613 Direct observation of 2D electrostatics and ohmic contacts in template-grown graphene/WS2 heterostructures Zheng, C., Zhang, Q., Weber, B., Ilatikhameneh, H., Chen, F., Sahasrabudhe, H., Rahman, R., Li, S., Chen, Z., Hellerstedt, J., Zhang, Y., Duan, W. H., Bao, Q. & Fuhrer, M. S. 28 Mar 2017 In : ACS Nano. 11, 3, p. 2785-2793 9 p. Effects of edge on graphene plasmons as revealed by infrared nanoimaging Xu, Q., Ma, T., Danesh, M., Shivananju, B. N., Gan, S., Song, J., Qiu, C. W., Cheng, H-M., Ren, W. & Bao, Q. 10 Feb 2017 In : Light: Science and Applications. 6, 9 p., e16204 Emerging Trends in Phosphorene Fabrication towards Next Generation Devices Dhanabalan, S. C., Ponraj, J. S., Guo, Z., Li, S., Bao, Q. & Zhang, H. 1 Jun 2017 In : Advanced Science. 4, 6, 32 p., 1600305 Gold nanoparticle mediated graphene plasmon for broadband enhanced infrared spectroscopy Peng, L., Zhang, L., Yuan, J., Chen, C., Bao, Q., Qiu, C. W., Peng, Z. & Zhang, K. 6 Jun 2017 In : Nanotechnology. 28, 26, 6 p., 264001 Graphene-Bi2Te3 heterostructure as broadband saturable absorber for ultra-short pulse generation in Er-doped and Yb-doped fiber lasers Wang, Z., Mu, H., Yuan, J., Zhao, C., Bao, Q. & Zhang, H. 1 Jan 2017 In : IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics. 23, 1, 5 p., 8800105 High performance photodetector based on 2D CH3NH3PbI3 perovskite nanosheets Li, P., Shivananju, B. N., Zhang, Y., Li, S. & Bao, Q. 8 Mar 2017 In : Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 50, 9, 6 p., 094002 In situ observation of the thermal stability of black phosphorus Lin, S., Li, Y., Lu, W., Chui, Y. S., Rogée, L., Bao, Q. & Lau, S. P. 1 Jun 2017 In : 2D Materials. 4, 2, 8 p., 025001 Introduction to the issue on 2-D materials optoelectronics Xia, F. (ed.), Castellanos-Gomez, A. (ed.), Bao, Q. (ed.), Xing, H. G. (ed.), Hofling, S. (ed.) & Holleitner, A. (ed.) 1 Jan 2017 In : IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics. 23, 1, 3 p., 7820016 Near-Infrared Photodetectors Based on MoTe2/Graphene Heterostructure with High Responsivity and Flexibility Yu, W., Li, S., Zhang, Y., Ma, W., Sun, T., Yuan, J., Fu, K. & Bao, Q. 27 Jun 2017 In : Small. 13, 24, 8 p., 1700268 Optical conductivity of a commensurate graphene-topological insulator heterostructure Sanderson, M., Huang, S., Bao, Q. & Zhang, C. 27 Sep 2017 In : Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 50, 38, 5 p., 385301 Phase Segregation Enhanced Ion Movement in Efficient Inorganic CsPbIBr2 Solar Cells Li, W., Rothmann, M. U., Liu, A., Wang, Z., Zhang, Y., Pascoe, A. R., Lu, J., Jiang, L., Chen, Y., Huang, F., Peng, Y., Bao, Q., Etheridge, J., Bach, U. & Cheng, Y-B. 2017 (Accepted/In press) In : Advanced Energy Materials. p. 1-8 8 p. Slow cooling and efficient extraction of C-exciton hot carriers in MoS2 monolayer Wang, L., Wang, Z., Wang, H. Y., Grinblat, G., Huang, Y-L., Wang, D., Ye, X-H., Li, X-B., Bao, Q., Wee, A. S., Maier, S. A., Chen, Q-D., Zhong, M-L., Qiu, C-W. & Sun, H-B. 5 Jan 2017 In : Nature Communications. 8, 8 p., 13906 Solution-Processed Extremely Efficient Multicolor Perovskite Light-Emitting Diodes Utilizing Doped Electron Transport Layer Qasim, K., Wang, B., Zhang, Y., Li, P., Wang, Y., Li, S., Lee, S. T., Liao, L. S., Lei, W. & Bao, Q. 6 Jun 2017 In : Advanced Functional Materials. 27, 21, 9 p., 1606874 Synthesis of ultrathin composition graded doped Lateral WSe2/WS2 heterostructures Li, Z., Zheng, J., Zhang, Y., Zheng, C., Woon, W-Y., Chuang, M-C., Tsai, H-C., Chen, C-H., Davis, A., Xu, Z-Q., Lin, J., Zhang, H. & Bao, Q. 2017 In : ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. 9, 39, p. 34204-34212 9 p. The Light-Induced Field-Effect Solar Cell Concept – Perovskite Nanoparticle Coating Introduces Polarization Enhancing Silicon Cell Efficiency Wang, Y., Xia, Z., Liu, L., Xu, W., Yuan, Z., Zhang, Y., Sirringhaus, H., Lifshitz, Y., Lee, S. T., Bao, Q. & Sun, B. 10 May 2017 In : Advanced Materials. 29, 18, 7 p., 1606370 The Roadmap of Graphene-Based Optical Biochemical Sensors Shivananju, B. N., Yu, W., Liu, Y., Zhang, Y., Lin, B., Li, S. & Bao, Q. 18 May 2017 In : Advanced Functional Materials. 27, 19, 19 p., 1603918 Two-Dimensional CH3NH3PbI3 Perovskite Nanosheets for Ultrafast Pulsed Fiber Lasers Li, P., Chen, Y., Yang, T., Wang, Z., Lin, H., Xu, Y., Li, L., Mu, H., Shivananju, B. N., Zhang, Y., Zhang, Q., Pan, A., Li, S., Tang, D., Jia, B., Zhang, H. & Bao, Q. 12 Apr 2017 In : ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. 9, 14, p. 12759-12765 7 p. Wafer-scale two-dimensional semiconductors from printed oxide skin of liquid metals Carey, B. J., Ou, J. Z., Clark, R. M., Berean, K. J., Zavabeti, A., Chesman, A. S. R., Russo, S. P., Lau, D. W. M., Xu, Z. Q., Bao, Q., Kevehei, O., Gibson, B. C., Dickey, M. D., Kaner, R. B., Daeneke, T. & Kalantar-Zadeh, K. 17 Feb 2017 In : Nature Communications. 8, 10 p., 14482
