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黑龙江肇东人,1995年至2005年在清华大学工程力学系学习获本科、硕士和博士学位,2005年至2015年在海外从事固体力学方向的博士后科研工作,2015年9月入职哈尔滨工业大学(深圳),任教授、博士生导师。现担任广东省力学学会常务理事、深圳市青年科技人才协会副会长。主持和完成包括国家自然科学基金面上项目和国际(地区)合作交流项目、深圳市基础学科布局项目等多项科研课题。主要研究方向是先进材料和结构的多尺度力学、多物理场耦合计算、重大装备中的加工工艺力学、应力测量技术等。提出了数据驱动的晶体塑性和损伤本构行为预测新方法,实现了含孔洞单晶本构响应的快速准确预测预报。阐明了晶体取向对复杂应力状态下韧性断裂行为的影响、纳米强化相尺寸对高温疲劳寿命和室温屈服强度的影响。厘清了GH4169合金盘件热处理残余应力的演化机制和晶 间应力分配机制,实现了轮廓法测量剪切应力。已在JMPS,Acta Mater,IJP等期刊和会议文集发表论文80多篇,授权发明专利5件、软件著作权1件,研究成果进入1项国家标准,1项行业标准,1项行业指导性技术文件,1项团体标准。应邀担任2010年第21届国际计算材料力学研讨会、2017年IUTAM极端环境下材料的多尺度疲劳破坏和损伤会议、2020年第26届国际塑性损伤及破坏会议、2023年欧洲计算塑性大会(Complas2023)等国际会议专题会场主席。担任欧盟玛丽居里研究员项目、国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金项目、广东省基础研究重大项目等国家和省市项目评审专家,中国散裂中子源工程材料中子谱仪用户工作组专家。2005年获美国机械工程师协会the Sam Y. Zamrik论文奖,2005年获清华大学优秀博士论文一等奖,2006年和2013年获美国机械工程师协会杰出会议论文奖,2016年认定为深圳市孔雀人才B类,2017年获中国力学科学技术奖-技术进步二等奖(第三)。 教育经历 1995.09-1999.06 清华大学工程力学系本科生,获学士学位 1999.09-2005.01 清华大学固体力学直博研究生,获博士学位同时获固体力学硕士学位 研究与工作经历 2001.09-2005.08 北京清华大学博士研究生助研 2005.09-2006.08 法国特鲁瓦技术大学博士后 2006.10-2008.12 香港理工大学副研 2009.01-2014.05 爱尔兰利默里克大学博士后 2014.06-2015.08 爱尔兰利国立大学(高威)博士后、兼职讲师; 2015.12-2018.12 爱尔兰利国立大学(高威)兼职教授 2015.09-至今 哈尔滨工业大学深圳研究生院、哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)教授 部分科研项目 2023.01-2026.12 国家自然科学基金面上项目,主持 2022.11-2024.11 深圳市稳定支持重点项目,主持 2022.01-2023.12 深圳市重点实验室筹建启动项目,核心成员 2021.05-2026.05 深圳市孔雀团队项目,核心成员 2020.07-2022.06 国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目,主持 2019.01-2022.12 国家自然科学基金面上项目,主持 2017.11-2019.12 深圳市发改委新型功能材料学科建设项目,核心成员 2016.11-2019.11 深圳市基础学科布局项目,主持 2016.01-2018.01 钢铁研究总院横向项目,主持 2015.09-2018.09 国家级青年人才项目,主持 2015.09-2018.09 哈尔滨工业大学人才计划启动项目,主持


先进材料和结构的多尺度力学 工程结构的疲劳和蠕变断裂分析 加工制造中多物理场耦合过程的计算模拟 工程构件残余应力测量和评估 电子封装力学


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期刊论文 Jiao L, Zhu L, Gan B, Tian X, Li D, Sun L, 2023. Atomistic insights into the synergistic effect of nanotwins and nano-precipitates on the mechanical behavior of superalloys, Mechanics of Materials, 186, 104806. Ling C, Li DF, Busso EP. 2023. Porous single crystals under triaxial creep loadings: A data-driven modelling approach, International Journal of Plasticity, 169, 103735. Jiao L, Zhu L, Gan B, Tian X, Yi S, Li D, Sun L. 2023. Atomistic insights into the synergistic effect of nanotwins and nano-precipitates on the mechanical behavior of superalloys. Mechanics of Materials, 104806. Wan CF, Sun LG, Qin HL, Bi ZN, Li DF*. 2023. A Molecular Dynamics Study on the Dislocation-Precipitate Interaction in a Nickel Based Superalloy during the Tensile Deformation. Materials, 16(18), 6140 Wang Q, Wu C, Li D, Wang K. 2023. Design and practice of comprehensive experiments for high-temperature mechanical analysis of metallic materials,Experiment Science and Technology,21(1),1-6. (In Chinese) 侯昱帆,郑勇刚,凌超,李东风*,2023. 多轴载荷作用下马氏体耐热钢中微孔洞演化行为的模拟研究. 固体力学学报,44(3), 368-380. Jianli Zhou, Dongfeng Li, Jin Zhang, Zheng Zhong, 2023. Interphase mechanical behaviors of nickel/yttria-stabilized zirconia cermets: A study by nanoindentation and molecular dynamics simulations. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 237, 107791. 董恒磊, 李东风, 王代玉, 2022. 螺旋缠绕挤压肋 FRP 筋与混凝土间的粘结性能. 复合材料学报 39(11), 5239-5250. Li P, Jiang Z, Soewardiman H, Li D*, Jin X*, Borodich FM, 2022. A numerical method based on Polonsky-Keer's conjugate gradient iterative scheme for solving axisymmetric contact of layered half-space. Mechanics Research Communications 124, 103946. Li P, Zhu K, Jiang Z, Soewardiman H, Wan C, Hu N, Li D*, Jin X*, 2022. "Displacements produced by linearly varying eigenstrains with application to isoparametric triangular inclusion." Mechanics of Materials 171, 104376. Liang X*, Li D, 2022. "A programmable liquid crystal elastomer metamaterials with soft elasticity." Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 9, 849516. Fu J, Xiao D, Li D, Thomas HR, Li C*, 2022. "Stochastic reconstruction of 3D microstructures from 2D cross-sectional images using machine learning-based characterization." Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 390, 114532. Guo HJ, Ling C, Li DF*,Li CF, Sun Y, Busso EP. 2022. "A data-driven approach to predicting the anisotropic mechanical behaviour of voided crytals." J Mech Phys Solids, 159: 104700. Song RH, Qin HL, Li DF*, Bi ZN*, Busso EP, Yu HY, Liu XL, Du JH, Zhang J, 2022. "An experimental and numerical study of quenching-induced residual stresses under effect of DSA in an IN718 superalloy disc." J Eng Mater Tech-Trans ASME. 144(1): 011002. Yuan GJ, Wang RZ, Zhu WB, Li DF, Zhang Y, Zhang XC*, Tu ST, 2021. "Experimental and simulated investigations of low cycle fatigue behavior in a nickel-based superalloy with different volume fractions of δ phase." Int J Fatigue, 153, 106411. Ren J, Wang X*, Li D, Han N, Dong B, Xing F, 2021. "Temperature adaptive microcapsules for self-healing cementitious materials." Composites Part B-Engineering, 223, 109138 Ren J, Wang X*, Li D, Xu S, Dong B, Xing F, 2021. "Performance of temperature adaptive microcapsules in self-healing cementitious materials under different mixing temperatures." Construction and Building Materials, 299, 124254 孙李刚,凌超,陈浩,李东风*, 2021.“结构完整性分析中的多尺度力学方法”,机械工程学报,2021, 57(16): 106-121. RH Song, DF Li*, EP Busso, J Wei, HL Qin, ZN Bi, J Zhang, 2021. "Examination of dynamic strain ageing effects during rapid quenching of Inconel 718 superalloy disc." Solid State Phenomena, 315, 77-83. Wan, Chang-Feng; Qin, Hai-Long; Bi, Zhong-Nan; Zhang, Ji; Li, Dong-Feng*, 2021. "Length-scale-dependent micromechanical modeling for the nano-precipitate hardening in Inconel 718 superalloy." Solid State Phenomena, 315, 84-89. Han, Tielin; Wang, Xianfeng*; Li, Dawang; Li, Dongfeng; Xing, Feng; Han, Ningxu; Li, Zhihui, 2021. "Uniaxial deformation characteristics and mechanical model of microcapsule-based self-healing cementitious composite." Construction and Building Materials 274,121227 Zhang Y, Chen H, Jia YF, Li DF, Yuan GJ, Zhang XC*, Tu ST. 2021. "A modified kinematic hardening model considering hetero-deformation induced hardening for bimodal structure based on crystal plasticity." International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 191, 106068. Song RH, Qin HL, Bi ZN, Zhang J, Chi H, Busso EP, Li DF*, 2021. "Experimental and numerical investigations of dynamic strain ageing behaviour in solid solution treated Inconel 718 superalloy", Engineering Computation, 38(1), 19-35. 刘鹏远, 李东风, 饶少华, 葛磊, 罗志聪, 黄晨光, 李祚华, 腾军*, 2020. “基于新型装配式防屈曲钢板复合连梁的高层结构耗能减震优化设计及应用.”建筑结构, 50(s2), 293-298. 刘鹏远, 李东风, 张俊良, 单庆飞, 李祚华, 腾军*, 2020. "主次结构巨型支撑的多目标拓扑优化方法." 地震工程与工程振动, 40(6), 149-157. Zhe Jia*, Jia-Li Jiang, Ligang Sun, Lai-Chang Zhang, Qing Wang, Shun-Xing Liang, Peng Qin, Dong-Feng Li, Jian Lu, Jamie J Kruzic, 2020. "Role of boron in enhancing electron delocalization to improve catalytic activity of Fe-based metallic glasses for persulfate-based advanced oxidation." ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 12(40), 44789-44797. Jun Ren, Jiaheng Zhang, Xianfeng Wang*, Dongfeng Li, Ningxu Han, Feng Xing. 2020. Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy: A potential approach for detecting the breakage rate of microcapsules for self-healing cementitious materials. Cement and Concrete Composites, 114, 103776. Han TL, Wang XF*, Li DW, Li DF, Xing F, Han NX, 2020. "Impermeability characteristics of cementitious materials with self-healing based on epoxy/urea-formaldehyde microcapsules using an immersion test." Construction and building Materials, 259, 119782. Han TL, Wang XF*, Li DW, Li DF, Xing F, Han NX, 2020. Influence of strain rate on mechanical characteristic and pore structure of self-healing cementitious composites with epoxy/urea-formaldehyde microcapsules. Construction and Building Materials, 268, 121138. Yuan GJ, Chen H, Li DF*, Gong CY, Zhang XC*, Tu ST, 2020. "The Effect of δ Phase on the Microplasticity Evolution of a Heat-Treated Nickel Base Superalloy." Mech Mater, 148, 103520. Si Y, Sun C, Li D, Yang F, Tang CY, Quan X, Dong Y*, Guiver MD, 2020. "Flexible superhydrophobic metal-based carbon nanotube membrane for electrochemically enhanced water treatment." Environmental Science and Technology, 54(14), 9074–9082. Guo, ZY, Hao MR, Jiang L, Li DF, Chen Y*, Dong LT*. 2020. "A modified Hertz model for finite spherical indentation inspired by numerical simulations." EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MECHANICS A-SOLIDS, 83, 104042. Guo HJ, Ling C, Busso EP, Zhong Z, Li DF*, 2020. "Crystal plasticity based investigation of micro-void evolution under multi-axial loading conditions." International Journal of Plasticity, 129, 102673. Sun LG*, Li DF, Zhu LL, Ruan HH, Lu J, 2020. "Size-dependent formation and thermal stability of high-order twins in hierarchical nanotwinned metals." International Journal of Plasticity, 128, 102685 宋润华,秦海龙,毕中南,张继,仲政,李东风*,2020. "GH4169合金高温动态应变时效实验及模拟." 哈尔滨工业大学学报,52(12),21-26. Han TL, Wang XF*, Li DW, Li DF, Xing F, Ren J, Han NX, 2020. "Stress-strain behaviour and pore structure of microcapsule-based self-healing cementitious composite under triaxial tests." Construction and Building Materials, 241, 118009. Liu W, Zheng J, Wang Y, Jiang C, Li D, Zhong Z*, Zhai Q, Zhou X, Guan W, 2020. "Structure evaluation of anode-0supported planar solid oxide fuel cells based on single/double-sided electrolyte(s) under redox conditions." Int J Appl Ceram Technol. 17, 1314-1321. Han TL, Wang XF*, Li DF, Li DW, Han NX, Xing F, 2019. "Damage and degradation mechanism for single intermittent cracked mortar specimens under a combination of chemical solutions and dry-wet cycles." Construction and Building Materials, 213:567-581. Han TL, Wang XF*, Li DW, Han NX, Li DF, Xing F, 2019. "Stress and strain behaviour of cementitious composites with epoxy/urea-formaldehyde microcapsules under uniaxial tests." Journal of Ceramics Processing Research. 20, 46-55. Wang DW, Zhou YH, Shen J, Liu Y, Li DF, Zhou Q, Sha G, Xu P, Ebel T, Yan M*, 2019. "Selective laser melting under the reactive atmosphere: A convenient and efficient approach to fabricate ultrahigh strength commercially pure titanium without sacrificing ductility." Materials Science and Engineering: A, 762: 138078. H. Qin*, Z. Bi, D. Li, R. Zhang, T. L. Lee, G. Feng, H. Dong, J. Du, J. Zhang, 2019. "Study of precipitation-assisted stress relaxation and creep behavior during the ageing of a nickel-iron superalloy." Materials Science and Engineering: A, 742(10): 493-500. Guo HJ, Li DF*, 2019. "Crystal Plasticity Based Micromechanical Finite Element Modelling of Ductile Void Growth for an Aluminium Alloy under Multiaxial Loading Conditions." Journal of Materials: Design and Application, 233(1):52-62. Fan JT*, Wu FF, Li DF, 2018. "Dynamic compressive response of a dendrite-reinforced Ti-based bulk metallic glass composite." Materials Science and Engineering A, 720, 140-144. Li, M., Sun, F., Li, D.F., O'Donoghue, P.E., Leen, S.B.*, O'Dowd, N.P., 2018. "The effect of ferrite phases on the micromechanical response and crack initiation in the intercritical heat-affected zone of a welded 9Cr martensitic steel." Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, 41(6), 1245-1259. Li D.F.*, Barrett R.A., O'Donoghue P., O'Dowd N.P., Leen S.B., 2017.“A multi-scale crystal plasticity model for cyclic plasticity and low-cycle fatigue in a precipitate-strengthened steel at elevated temperature.” Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 101, 44-62. Li M., Sun F.W., Barrett R.A., Meade E., Li D.F., O'Donoghue P., Leen S.B.*, O'Dowd N.P., 2017. "Influence of material inhomogeneity on the mechanical response of a tempered martensite steel." Journal of Materials: Design and Application, 231(1-2),14-22. Golden B.J., Li D.F., Guo Y.N., Tiernan P., Leen S.B., O'Dowd N.P.*, 2016. “Microscale deformation of a tempered martensite ferritic steel: Modelling and experimental study of the grain and sub-grain interactions.” Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 86, 42-52. Li D.F., Barrett R.A., O'Donoghue P., Hyde Chris, O'Dowd N.P., Leen S.B.*, 2016. “Micromechanical finite element modelling of thermo-mechanical fatigue for P91 steels.” International Journal of Fatigue, 87, 192-202. Li D.F., Golden B., O'Dowd N.P.*, 2014. “Multiscale modelling of mechanical response in a martensitic steel: A micromechanical and length-scale dependent framework for precipitate hardening.” Acta Materialia, 80, 445–456. Li D.F.*, Golden B., Zhang S.Y., Davydov V., Tiernan P., O'Dowd N.P., 2014. “The role of plasticity in transverse lattice strain evolution of a martensitic steel during in-situ tensile test.” Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 45A, 5829–5833. Golden B.J., Li D.F., O'Dowd N.P.*, Tiernan P. 2014. “Microstructural modelling of P91 martensitic steel under uniaxial loading conditions.” Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology-Transactions of the ASME. 136 (2014), 021404. Dong Y.C.*, Li D.F., Hampshire S., Zhou J.E., Dickinson C., Zhou X.L., Ling Y.H., Meng G.Y., 2013. “A high-strength Sm-doped CeO2 oxide-ion conducting electrolyte membrane for solid oxide fuel cell application” RSC Advances. 3, 17395–17401. Li D.F., Davies C.M., Zhang S.Y., Dickinson C., O'Dowd N.P.*, 2013. “The effect of prior deformation on the subsequent microplasticity evolution in stainless steel at elevated temperature.” Acta Materialia, 61, 3575–3584. Li D.F., O'Dowd N.P.*, 2011. “On the evolution of lattice deformation in austenitic stainless steels–The role of work hardening at finite strains.” Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 59, 2421–2441. Chen A.Y., Li D.F., Zhang J.B., Liu F., Liu X.R., Lu J.*, 2011. “Study of toughening mechanisms through the observations of crack propagation in nanostructured and layered metallic sheet.” Materials Science and Engineering A, 528, 8389–8395. Li D.F., O'Dowd N.P.*, Davies C.M., Zhang S.Y., 2011. “Measurement and prediction of the microscale deformation of an austenitic stainless steel under uniaxial loading.” European Journal of Mechanics–A/Solids, 30, 748–760. Li D.F., O'Dowd N.P.*, Davies C.M., Nikibin K.M., 2010.“A review of the effect of prior inelastic deformation on high temperature mechanical response of engineering alloys.” International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 87, 531–542. Li D.F., Li C.F., Qing H., Lu J.*, 2010. “The elastic T-stress for slightly curved or kinked cracks.” International Journal of Solids and Structures, 47, 1753–1763. Li D.F., Li C.F., Shu S.Q., Wang Z.X., Lu J.*, 2008. “A fast and accurate analysis of the interacting cracks in linear elastic solids.” International Journal of Fracture, 151(2), 169–185. Chen A.Y., Li D.F., Zhang J.B., Song H.W., Lu J.*, 2008. “Make nanostructured metal exceptionally tough by introducing non-localized fracture behaviors.” Scripta Materialia, 59(6), 579–582. Li C.F.*, Feng Y.T., Owen D.R.J., Li D.F., Davis I.M., 2008. “A Fourier-Karhunen-Loeve discretization scheme for stationary random material properties in SFEM.” International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 73(13), 1942–1965. Wang Z.X., Shi H.J., Lu J.*, Li D.F., Ma X.F., 2008. “An updated continuum damage model in DBTT to investigate fracture process of structures.” International Journal of Fracture, 151(2), 199–215. Qing H., Yang W., Lu J.*, Li D.F., 2008. “Thermal-stress analysis for a strip of finite width containing a stack of edge cracks.” Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 61(2-4), 161–169. Shu S.Q., Lu J.*, Li D.F., 2007. “A systematic study of the validation of Oliver and Pharr’s method.” Journal of Materials Research, 22(12), 3385–3396. Xue M.D.*, Du Q.H., Li D.F., Hwang K.C., 2006. “Theoretical stress analysis of intersecting cylindrical shells subjected to external forces on nozzle.” Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology-Transactions of the ASME, 128(1), 71–83. Xue M.D.*, Li D.F., Hwang K.C., 2005. “A thin shell theoretical solution for two intersecting cylindrical shells due to external branch pipe moments.” Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology-Transactions of the ASME, 127(4), 357–368. (此文获ASME压力容器及管道分会颁发的年度最佳期刊论文奖-The Sam Y. Zamrik Literature Award) Xue M.D.*, Li D.F., Hwang K.C., 2005. “Theoretical stress analysis of intersecting cylindrical shells subjected to external loads transmitted through branch pipes.” International Journal of Solids and Structures, 42, 3299–3319. Xue M.D.*, Li D.F., Hwang K.C., 2004. “Analytical solution for two intersecting cylindrical shells due to transverse moment on nozzle.” International Journal of Solids and Structures, 41, 6949–6862. 李东风,薛明德*,2005. “圆柱壳受集中载荷作用的奇异解.” 清华大学学报,45(8), 1083–1087. 薛明德*,李东风,黄克智,2004. “支管外力矩作用下带径向接管的圆柱壳的局部应力分析.” 压力容器技术, 21(1), 18–23. 夏原*, 董延,李东风,2003. “热浸铝过程中表面层厚度动态控制模型.” 中国有色金属学报, 13, 1202–1205. 专著 Qin, Hailong*; Bi, Zhongnan; Zhang, Ruiyao; Lee, Tung Lik; Yu, Hongyao; Chi, Hai; Li, Dongfeng; Dong, Hongbiao; Du, Jinhui; Zhang, Ji; 2020. Stress-Induced Variant Selection of γ″ Phase in Inconel 718 During Service: Mechanism and Effects on Mechanical Behavior. In: Tin S. et al. (eds) Superalloys 2020. The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series. Springer, Cham. 会议论文 Qin H., Bi Z., Zhang R., Lee T.L., Yu H., Li D., Dong H., Du J., Zhang J., 2020. "Stress-induced variant selection of gamma" phase in Inconel 718 during service: Mechanism and effect on mechanical behavior." Superalloys 2020, 713-725. Wan C.F., Li D.F., Qin H.L., Bi Z.N., 2020. "Length-scale-dependent micromechanical modeling for precipitate hardening in Inconel 718 superalloy." 2020 8th International Conference on Metallurgy Technology and Materials, August 1-2, Xian, China. Song R.H., Li D.F., Busso E.P., Wei J., Qin H.L., Bi Z.N., Zhang J., 2020. "Examination of dynamic strain ageing effects during rapid quenching of Inconel 718 superalloy disc." 2020 8th International Conference on Metallurgy Technology and Materials, August 1-2, Xian, China. Song R.H., Qin H.L., Bi Z.N., Liu X.L., Du J.H., Zhang J., Li D.F., 2020. "Investigations of the residual stresses generated during rapid quenching of Inconel 718 superalloy by means of finite element modelling and neutron diffraction measurement." 3rd International Conference on Computational Engineering and Science for Safty and Environmental Problems, 8-11 March, Kobe, Japan. Song R.H., Qin H.L., Bi Z.N., Zhang J., Zhong Z., Busso E.P., Li D.F., 2019. "Experimental characterisation and finite element simulation of high temperature uniaxial response of a solid solution treated IN718 nickel-base superalloy." 13th International Conference on the Mechanical Behaivour of Materials, 11-14 June 2019, Melbourne, Australia. 宋润华,秦海龙,毕中南,张继,李东风,2019. "固溶态IN718合金620oC时动态应变时效硬化的实验和模拟研究". 2019海峡两岸航空太空学术研讨会,2019年4月,台北淡江 Chen J.J., Song R.H., Qin H.L., Bi Z.N., Li D.F., 2019. "Finite element modeling and epxerimental investigation of the residual stress generated during heat treatment for a nickel-based superalloy." 12th International Congress on Thermal Stress 2019, Hangzhou, China. Guo HJ, Li DF, 2017. "Crystal plasticity based micromechanical finite element modelling of ductile failure for an aluminum alloy under multiaxial loading condition", IUTAM Symposium on Multi-scale Fatigue, Fracture & Damage of Materials in Harsh Environments, 28 Aug-01 Sep 2017, Galway, Ireland. Golden B.J., Li D.F., Tiernan P., Scully S., O'Dowd N.P., 2015. “Deformation characteristics of a high-chromium, power plant steel at elevated temperatures.” Proceedings of 2015 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Division Conference, July 2015, Boston, USA. Li D.F., Golden B., O'Dowd N.P., Tiernan P., 2013. “Modelling of micro-plasticity evolution in crystalline materials.” Proceedings of 2013 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Division Conference, July 2013, Paris, France. Golden B., Li D.F., O'Dowd N.P., 2013. “Microstructural modelling of P91 martensitic steel under uniaxial loading conditions.”Proceedings of 2013 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Division Conference, July 2013, Paris, France. Li D.F., O'Dowd N.P., 2012. “Investigating ductile failure at the microscale in engineering steels: A micromechanical finite element model.” Proceedings of 2012 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Division Conference, July 2012, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. (此文获2012年ASME压力容器分会杰出会议论文奖) Li D.F., O'Dowd N.P., Davies C.M., Zhang S.Y., 2010. “Evaluating the mechanical behaviour of 316 stainless steel at the microscale using finite element modelling and in-situ neutron scattering.”Proceedings of 2010 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Division Conference, July 2010, Bellevue, WT, USA. Xue M.D., Du Q.H., Li D.F., Hwang K.C., 2006. “A stress analysis method for cylindrical shells with nozzles subjected to internal pressure, external forces and moments.” Proceedings of 2006 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Division Conference, July 2006, Vancouver, Canada. (此文获2006年ASME压力容器分会杰出会议论文奖) 薛明德,李东风,黄克智 ,圆柱壳开孔接管分析设计方法的研究进展,第五届全国压力容器学术会议,2001.9.1-2001.9.2


2022至今 SCI期刊《Engineering Computations》编委会成员 2021至今 第十届广东省力学学会理事会常务理事 2019至今 第一届中国复合材料学会智能复合材料专业委员会委员 2017至2021 第九届广东省力学学会理事会理事 2017至2021 第一届中国机械工程学会材料分会青年工作委员会委员 2009至今 美国机械工程师协会(ASME)会员 2015至今 任欧盟玛丽居里研究员项目通信评审专家、国家重点研发计划通信和会评专家、国家自然科学基金面上/青年项目以及人才项目通信评审专家、广东省基础研究重大项目会评专家
