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赵毅, 哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)理学院, 教授,博导。现任应用数学研究中心主任和学科学术带头人。2007年1月获香港理工大学博士学位。2007 年3月加入哈尔滨工业大学(深圳),2016年12月晋升教授。他主要研究方向包括应用动力系统、非线性时间序列分析、复杂网络和数据科学理论等。他在数据范式转换理论、数据高阶特征刻画和一般意义数据建模理论方面形成研究特色和学术优势。近五年来,他以第一或通信作者发表SCI论文59篇,有3篇论文入选ESI高被引论文。他出版了英文专著《Simplicial Complexes in Complex Systems: in Search for Alternatives》,该著作获得国家科学技术学术著作出版基金资助。以第一发明人获得9项国家发明专利和第二发明人获得1项发明专利。2019年他因为在应用数学及数学交叉领域的贡献,当选英国数学与应用学会会士。他主持完成国家自然科学基金面上项目1项,深圳基础研究计划重点项目1项和深圳未来(新兴)产业发展专项4项。目前,主持广东省自然科学基金面上项目2项,深圳市基础研究项目1项,参与主持国家重点研发计划云计算和大数据重点专项子课题1项。2022年他主持广东省普通高校创新团队项目。 他主讲的《概率论与数理统计》入选广东省一流本科课程和广东省本科高校课程思政示范课程。他领衔的数学公共课程教学团队获得广东省省级本科教学团队。教学成果获得2021年深圳市第四届教育教学科研优秀成果特等奖(全市唯一),和2021年哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)教学成果一等奖,均排名第一。 教育经历 2003-2006 香港理工大学 博士 2000-2003 浙江大学 硕士 1995-1999 中国计量学院 学士 研究与工作经历 2016.12至今 哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)教授 2016.09至今 哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)理学院 副院长、应用数学研究中心主任 2011.02至2016.09 哈尔滨工业大学深圳研究生院 基础科学与人文学院 副院长 2009.08-2016.09 哈尔滨工业大学深圳研究生院 副教授 2007.03-2009.07 哈尔滨工业大学深圳研究生院 助理教授 近五年主持科研项目 广东省省普通高校创新团队项目,2022KCXTD039,复杂动力系统理论与智能计算团队,2022.10-2025.09,主持,在研 国家自然科学基金委员会面上项目,61573119,复杂网络与时间序列的等价转换及相互表征研究,2016-01至2019-12,主持,结题 广东省基础与应用基础研究基金委员会面上项目,2020A1515010812,复杂网络与时间序列相互表征理论及应用方法研究,2019-10至2022-09,主持,在研 深圳市孔雀计划技术创新项目,KQJSCX20180328165509766,可协同运动追踪模块研发及运动轨迹还原的应用研究,2019-01至2021-12,主持,结题 深圳市基础研究计划自由探索项目, JCYJ20170307151312215, 面向大数据研究的复杂系统表征方法及应用, 2017.07至2019.06,主持,结题 国家重点研发计划云计算和大数据重点专项,2018YFB1003800,面向服务的群智化生态化软件开发支撑平台及其最佳实践研究,2018-10至2021-09,子课题主持,结题




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专著 Yi Zhao, Slobodan Maletic, Simplicial Complexes in Complex Systems: In Search for Alternatives World Scientific Press, 2021. 国际期刊(部分) Xinyu Han and Yi Zhao*, “Interpretable Graph Reservoir Computing with the Temporal Pattern Attention,”IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, doi: 10.1109/TNNLS.2022.3231620, 2023. Jianfeng Luo, Yi Zhao*, “Bifurcation analysis of a non-smooth prey-predator model by a differential linear complementarity system,” Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, vol.205, 581-599, 2023. Hui Leng, Yi Zhao*, Jianfeng Luo, Yong Ye, “Simplicial epidemic models with birth and death,” Chaos, vol.32(9), 093144, 2022. Yang Deng, Yi Zhao*, “Mathematical modeling for COVID-19 with focus on intervention strategies and cost-effectiveness analysis,” Nonlinear Dynamics, vol.110, pp.3893-3919, 2022. Fanghao Yin, Yi Zhao*, “Distributionally robust equilibrious hybrid vehicle routing problem under twofold uncertainty,” Information Sciences, vol.609, 1239-1255, 2022. Jiaying Zhou, Yi Zhao*, Ye Yong, “Complex dynamics and control strategies of SEIR heterogeneous network model with saturated treatment,” Physica A, vol.608, 128287, 2022. Yong Ye, Yi Zhao*, Jiaying Zhou, “Promotion of cooperation mechanism on the stability of delay-induced host-generalist parasitoid model,” Chaos, Solitons&Fractals, vol.165, 112882, 2022. Guimin Hu, Yi Zhao*, Guangming Lu, et al., “An exploration of mutual information based on emotion–cause pair extraction,” Knowledge-Based Systems, vol.256, 109822, 2022. Xinyu Han, Yi Zhao*, Michael Small, “A tighter generalization bound for reservoir computing,” Chaos, vol.32, 043115, 2022. Jiaying Zhou, Yi Zhao*, Yong Ye, “Bifurcation analysis of a fractional-order simplicial SIRS system induced by double delays,” International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, vol.32(5), 2250068, 2022. Shuaiming Fu, Jianfeng Luo, Yi Zhao*, “Stability and Bifurcations Analysis in an Ecoepidemic System with Prey Group Defense and Two Infectious Routes,” Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, vol.194, pp.665-690, 2022. Hui Leng, Yi Zhao*, Dong Wang “Message passing approach for social contagions based on the trust probability with multiple influence factors,” Physica A, vol.587, 126510, 2022. Yixin Bao, Yangyang Chen* and Yi Zhao, "Classification of abelian Nash manifolds," the Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, vol.1(150), pp.397-409, 2021. Dong Wang, Yi Zhao*, Jianfeng Luo, Hui Leng, “Simplicial SIRS epidemic models with nonlinear incidence rates,” Chaos, vol.31, 053112 2021. Fanghao Yin, Yi Zhao*, “Modelling data-driven distributionally robust risk-averse hub interdiction median problem under hypothesis test,” Computers & Industrial Engineering, vol.157, 107323, 2021. Yong Ye, Yi Zhao*, “Bifurcation Analysis of a delay-induced predator-prey model with Allee effect and prey group defense,” International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, vol.31(10), 2150158, 2021. Yangyang Chen, Yi Zhao*, Xinyu Han, “Spectral properties of hypercubes with applications,” Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, vol.394, 113550, 2021. Jianfeng Luo, Yi Zhao*, “Simulation-based study of biological systems with threshold policy by a differential linear complementarity system,” International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 2021. Xinyu Han, Yi Zhao*, “Reservoir Computing Dissection and Visualization Based on Directed Network Embedding,” Neurocomputing, vol.445, pp.134-148, 2021. Xinyu Han, Yi Zhao*, Michael Small, “Revisiting the memory capacity in reservoir computing of directed acyclic network,” Chaos, vol.31(3): 033106, 2021. Hui Leng, Zhaoyan Wu, Yi Zhao*, “Group consensus in second-order multi-agent systems with nonlinear dynamics,” International Journal of Modern Physics C, vol.32(5), 2150071, 2021. Fanghao Yin, Yi Zhao*, “Optimizing vehicle routing via Stackelberg game framework and distributionally robust equilibrium optimization method,” Information Sciences, vol.557, pp.84-107, 2021. Dong Wang, Michael Small, Yi Zhao*, “Exploring the optimal network topology for spreading dynamics,” Physica A, vol.564, 125535, 2021. Guimin Hu, Guangming Lu, Yi Zhao*, “FSS-GCN: a graph convolutional neural network with fusion of semantic and structure for emotion cause analysis,” Knowledge based system, vol.212, 2020. Marzieh Najariyan, Yi Zhao*, “Granular Fuzzy PID Controller,” Expert Systems with Applications, vol.167, 114182, 2020. C. Kanchana, Yi Zhao*, “Study of the effects of three types of time-periodic vertical oscillations on the linear and nonlinear realms of Rayleigh-Benard convection in hybrid nanoliquids,” Chinese Journal of Physics, vol.68, pp.542-557, 2020. Dong Wang, Yi Zhao*, Hui Leng, “Dynamics of epidemic spreading in the group-based multilayer networks,” Mathematics, vol.8(11), 1895, 2020. Dong Wang, Yi Zhao*, Hui Leng, Michael Small, “A social communication model based on simplicial complexes,” Physics Letters A, vol.384, 126895, 2020. Xiaoyi Peng, Yi Zhao*, Michael Small, “Identification and prediction of bifurcation tipping points using complex networks based on quasi-isometric mapping,” Physica A, vol.560, 125108, 2020. C. Kanchana, P.G. Siddheshwar, Yi Zhao*, “The effect of boundary conditions on the onset of chaos in Rayleigh–Benard convection using energy-conserving Lorenz models,” Applied Mathematical Modelling, vol.88, 349-366, 2020. Jianfeng Luo, Xiaozhou Wang, Yi Zhao*, “Convergence of Discrete Approximation for Differential Linear Stochastic Complementarity Systems,” Numerical Algorithms, vol.87, pp.223–262, 2021. Xue Cheng, Jianfeng Luo, Yi Zhao, “Dynamic Analysis of a Population Competition Model with Disease in One Species and Group Defense in Another Species,” International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, doi:10.1142/S0218127420501813, 2020. C. Kanchana, Yi Zhao*, P.G. Siddheshwar, “Küppers-Lortz instability in rotating Rayleigh-Bénard convection bounded by rigid/free isothermal boundaries,” Applied Mathematics and Computation, vol.385(15), 125406, 2020. C. Kanchana, P. G. Siddheshwar* and Yi Zhao, “Study of primary and secondary instabilities in water and water copper nanoliquid,” Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, vol.90, 105392, 2020. Marzieh Najariyan, Yi Zhao*, “The Explicit Solution of Fuzzy Singular Differential Equations Using Fuzzy Drazin Inverse Matrix,” Soft Computing, vol.24, pp.11251-11264, 2020. Marzieh Najariyan, Yi Zhao*, “ On the stability of fuzzy linear dynamical systems,” Journal of the Franklin Institute, vol.357, pp.5502-5522, 2020. Yi Zhao*, Xiaoyi Peng, Michael Small, “Reciprocal characterization from multivariate time series to multilayer complex networks,” Chaos, vol.30, 013137, 2020. C. Kanchana, Yongqing Su, Yi Zhao*, “Regular and chaotic Rayleigh-Bénard convective motions in methanol and water,” Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, vol.83, 105129, 2020. C. Kanchana, P. G. Siddheshwar* and Yi Zhao, “Regulation of heat transfer in Rayleigh-Bénard convection in Newtonian liquids and Newtonian nanoliquids using gravity, boundary temperature and rotational modulations", Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry Doi.org/10.1007/s10973-020-09325-3, 2020. P. G. Siddheshwar*, B. N. Shivakumar, Yi Zhao and C. Kanchana, “Rayleigh-Bénard convection in Newtonian liquids bounded by rigid isothermal boundaries", Applied Mathematics and Computation, vol.371, 124942, 2020. C. Kanchana, P. G. Siddheshwar and Yi Zhao*, “A study of Rayleigh-Bénard convection in hybrid nanoliquids with physically realistic boundaries", The European Physical Journal Special Topic, vol.228, pp.2511-2530, 2019. Yang Zhang, Jiannan Chen, Yu Wang, Dehua Wang, W.H. Cong, B.S. Lai, Yi Zhao*, “Multilayer network analysis of miRNA and protein expression profiles in breast cancer patients,” PloS One, vol.14(4): e0202311, 2019. Yangyang Chen, Yi Zhao*, Xinyu Han, “Characterization of symmetry of complex networks,” Symmetry, vol.11, 692, 2019. Jianfeng Luo, Yi Zhao*, “Dynamic behavioral analysis of an HIV model incorporating immune responses,” International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, vol.29(9), 1950120, 2019. Mehran Mazandarani, Yi Zhao*, “Z-Differential Equations,” IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, vol.28(3), pp.462-473, 2019. Xinyu Han, Yi Zhao*, M. Small, “Identification of dynamical behaviour of pseudoperiodic time series by network community structure,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II, vol.66(11), pp.1905-1909, 2019. Xiaoyi Peng, Michael Small, Yi Zhao*, Jack Moore, “Detecting and predicting tipping point,” International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, vol.29(8), 1930022, 2019. Dong Wang, Yi Zhao*, “Network community detection from the perspective of time series,” Physica A, vol.522, pp.205-214, 2019. Jiaying Zhou, Yi Zhao*, Zhaoyan Wu, “Cluster synchronization of fractional-order directed networks via intermittent pinning control,” Physica A, vol.519, pp.22-33, 2019. Vikram Sagar, Yi Zhao*, A. Sen, “Effect of time-varying transmission rates on the coupled dynamics of epidemic and awareness over a multiplex network,” Chaos, vol.28, 113125, 2018. Kanchana C., Yi Zhao*, Pradeep Siddheshwar, “A comparative study of individual influences of suspended multiwalled carbon nanotubes and alumina nanoparticles on Rayleigh-Bénard convection in water,” Physics of Fluids, vol.30, 084101, 2018. Kanchana C., Yi Zhao*, “Effect of internal heat generation/absorption on Rayleigh-Bénard convection in water well-dispersed with nanoparticles or carbon nanotubes,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol.127, pp.1031-1047, 2018. Mehran Mazandarani, Yi Zhao*, “Fuzzy Bang-Bang control problem under granular differentiability," Journal of the Franklin Institute, vol.355(12), pp.4931-4951, 2018. Andu Zhou, Slobodan Maletic, Yi Zhao*, “Robustness and percolation of holes in complex networks,” Physica A, vol.502, pp.459-468, 2018. Bin Pang, Yi Zhao*, Z.Y. Xiu, “A new definition of order relation for the introduction of algebraic fuzzy closure operators,” International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, vol.92, pp.87-96, 2018. Marzieh Najariyan, Yi Zhao*, “Fuzzy fractional quadratic regulator problem under granular fuzzy fractional derivatives,” IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, vol.26(4), pp.2273-2287, 2018. Slobodan Maletic, Yi Zhao*, “Hidden multidimensional social structure modeling applied to biased social perception,” Physica A, vol.492, pp.1419-1430, 2018. Jianfeng Luo, Yi Zhao*, “Stability and bifurcation analysis in a predator–prey system with constant harvesting and prey group defense,” International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, vol.27, 1750179, 2017. Daisy Kaur, Yi Zhao*, “Development of physics attitude scale (PAS): an instrument to measure students’ attitudes toward physics” Asia-Pacific Education Research, vol.26(5), pp.291–304, 2017. Slobodan Maletic, Yi Zhao*, “Multilevel integration entropies: the case of reconstruction of structural quasi-stability in building complex datasets,” Entropy, vol.19(172), 2017. Vikram Sagar, Yi Zhao*, “Collective effect of personal behavior induced preventive measures and differential rate of transmission on spread of epidemics,” Chaos, vol.27, 023115, 2017. Bin Pang, Yi Zhao*, “Several types of enriched (L, M)-fuzzy convergence spaces,” Fuzzy Sets and Systems, vol.32, pp.55-72, 2017. Bin Pang, Yi Zhao*, “L-fuzzy N-convergence structures,” Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, vol.30, pp.3033, 2016. Bin Pang, Yi Zhao*, “Topologies induced by pointwise L-fuzzifying quasi-uniformities,” Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, vol.30, pp.3025-3031, 2016. Bin Pang, Yi Zhao*, “Characterizations of L-convex spaces,” Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems, vol.13, pp.51-61, 2016. Bin Pang, Yi Zhao*, “Further results on L-ordered fuzzifying convergence spaces,” Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems, vol.13, pp.77-92, 2016. Bin Pang, Yi Zhao*, “Stratified (L, M)-fuzzy Q-convergence spaces,” Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems, vol.13, pp. 95-111, 2016. Slobodan Maletic, Yi Zhao*, Milan Rajkovic, “Persistent topological features of dynamical systems,” Chaos, vol.26, pp.053105, 2016. Yunyun Yang*, Yi Zhao*, Boying Wu, "Split Bregman Method for Minimization of Fast Multiphase Image Segmentation Model for Inhomogeneous Images," Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, vol. 166(1), pp.285-305, 2015. Tongfeng. Weng, Yi Zhao*, Michael Small, “Time-series analysis of networks: exploring the structure with random walks,” Physical Review E, vol.90, 022804, 2014. Yi Zhao* Tongfeng Weng, Shengkui Ye, “Geometrical invariability of transformation between a time series and a complex network,” Physical Review E, vol.90, 012804, 2014. Xiaoran Sun, Michael Small*, Yi Zhao, Xiaoping Xue, “Characterizing system dynamics with a weighted and directed network constructed from time series data,” Chaos, vol.24, 024402, 2014. Zijun Luo, Yi Zhao*, R. Azencott, “Impact of miRNA sequence on miRNA expression and correlation between miRNA expression and cell cycle regulation in breast cancer cells,” PloS One, vol.9(4), e95205, 2014. Zijun Luo*, R. Azencott, Yi Zhao, “Modeling miRNA-mRNA interactions: fitting chemical kinetics equations to microarray data,” BMC Systems Biology, vol.8(19) DOI:10.1186/1752-0509-8-19, 2014. Yunyun Yang*, Yi Zhao, B.Y. Wu, H.P. Wang, "A fast multiphase image segmentation model for gray images," Computers & Mathematics with Applications, vol. 67(8), pp. 1559-1581, 2014.) Yi Zhao*, Tongfeng Weng, Michael Small, “Response of the parameters of a neural network to pseudoperiodic time series,” Physica D, vol.268, pp.79-90, 2014. Yi Zhao*, Tongfeng Weng, Defeng Huang, “Levy walk in complex networks: an efficient way of mobility,” Physica A, vol.396, pp.212-223, 2014. Yunyun Yang*, Yi Zhao, Boying Wu, “Efficient active contour model for multiphase segmentation with application to brain MR Images,”International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, vol.27, pp. 1355001-1-28, 2013.


2019年至今 英国数学与应用学会 会士 2021年至今 广东省数学会 理事 2022年至今 广东省工业与应用数学学会 常务理事 2023~2024 国际期刊Applied Sciences客座编辑 2019年至今 Mathematical Review评论员 2017年至今 国际期刊Scientific Reports编委 2015年至今 Editor of International Journal of Intelligent Learning Systems and Applications
