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许博,哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)经济管理学院助理教授、硕士生导师、金融学博士、北美准精算师。曾任职于美国道富银行、桑坦德银行、安信龙保险、TTEC 咨询,从事投资分析、风险管理与精算、商业咨询等工作。主要研究领域为:公司治理与创新、体育与金融经济、ESG 投资、企业文化与社会责任。主持国家和广东省社科基金项目,学术论文发表于金融学、商业伦理学国际顶尖期刊 Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 与 Journal of Business Ethics 等。 教育经历 美国马萨诸塞大学(波士顿) 哲学博士 工商管理(金融学方向) 美国佐治亚州立大学 精算学硕士/理学硕士 精算/数理风险管理 对外经济贸易大学 经济学学士 金融学 收获奖项 2023 优秀本科毕业论文指导教师 2022 优秀班主任 2020 疫情防控期间线上教学优秀教师二等奖


公司治理与创新、体育与金融经济、ESG 投资、企业文化与社会责任


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

已发表或接收 - Corporate Patenting, Customer Capital, and Financial Market Outcomes (with Mine Ertugrul, Karthik Krishnan, and Qianqian Yu), Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, forthcoming. - Religious Values Motivating CSR: An Empirical Study from Corporate Leaders' Perspective (with Linlin Ma), Journal of Business Ethics 176(3), 487-505 (2022). - Does Competition Exacerbate Investment Inefficiencies? Evidence from Japanese Firms (with Surjit Tinaikar), International Review of Economics and Finance 87, 35-53 (2023). 工作论文 [Under review] What Incentivizes Managers to Engage in Financial Misreporting? An Analysis of Stock Delta, Option Delta and Vega (with Jay Lee) - AAA 2018* - CAAA 2018* - AAA Mid-Atlantic 2018* - AAA Northeast 2017 [Under review] CFO Ethnicity and Financial Reporting Conservatism (with Huan Kuang, Huimin Li, and Cody Lu) - 11th The Japanese Accounting Review Conference (Dec 2020)^ - AAA Diversity Section Meeting 2020* - AAA Northeast 2019* [Working paper] External Shock, Stimulus Policy, and Economic Resilience of Small and Micro Businesses: Evidence from COVID-19 Pandemic in China (with Jingjing Li and Yujun Wu) - Regional Science Policy & Practice Workshop on Pandemics, Location and Mobility (Nov 2021)*^ - 48th Annual Conference of the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE) (Aug 2021)^ - 7th China Industrial Economics Research Conference (Dec 2020) - 14th China Development Economics Annual Conference (Nov 2020) - 3rd Emerging Markets Accounting and Finance International Seminar (Oct 2020)^ [Working paper] Professional League Team Naming and Enterprise Value (with Chen Wang) - 1st Xiangzhang Sports Economics Forum (Nov 2021) [Third Prize]
