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陈倬琼博士2017年毕业于伦敦政治经济学院,2012年获得北京大学经济学硕士、香港大学金融学硕士学位。主要研究方向是应用博弈论与行为经济学,研究见于European Economic Review, Economics Letters等国际期刊, 他在哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)主讲博弈论等课程。 教育经历 2017 伦敦政治经济学院管理学博士(商业经济学方向) 2012 北京大学汇丰商学院经济学硕士 2012 香港大学金融学硕士 研究与工作经历 助理教授 哈尔滨工业大学(深圳),经管学院 科研项目 2019 创新成果的多样性与横向差异的参赛者:不完全信息下的最优竞赛设计研究(国家自然科学基金青年项目71903046) 科研成果及奖励 2017 国家优秀自费留学生奖学金 2012-2015 伦敦政治经济学院全额奖学金 2019 国家自然科学基金青年项目




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已发表论文 "Heterogeneous Risk/Loss Aversion in Complete Information All-pay Auctions", with David Ong and Ella Segev. European Economic Review, 2017, 95:23-37. "The Gender Difference in the Value of Winning", with David Ong and Roman Sheremeta. Economics Letters, 2015, 137:226-229. 工作论文 "Differentiated Experience Goods Competition", with Catherine Thomas and Christopher Stanton "Spying in Contests" "Persistent Bias in Advice-Giving", with Tobias Gesche "Information Disclosure in Contests: Public vs. Private Signals" (available upon request) "Competition between and within Universities: Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Group Identity and the Desire to Win", with David Ong and Roman Sheremeta 会议论文及发表演说 2019: Tsinghua BEAT workshop, HKUST IO workshop, Econometric Society Asia Conference 2018: ASSA (Philadelphia), Conference on Mechanism and Institutional Design (Durham), St Andrews, Cardiff Business School, Chengdu Microeconomic Theory Conference, Nanjing Audit University Theory and Experimental Conference 2017: Beijing Normal University Experimental Economics Conference, Sun Yat-Sen University Lingnan College (Scheduled); Shanghai University of Finance and Economics (Scheduled); Singapore Economic Review Conference (Singapore); East Asia Game Theory Conference (Singapore) 2016: Peking University HSBC Business School (Shenzhen); Hong Kong Economic As- sociation Conference (Hong Kong); LSE Management Department (London); University of Utah David Eccles Business School (Salt Lake City); Research in Behavioral Finance Conference (Amsterdam); ESA European Meeting (Bergen); Games 2016 – the 5th World Congress of the Game Theory Society (Maastricht); Behavioral Finance Working Group Conference at Queen Mary University (London); London Experimental Workshop; Con- tests Theory and Evidence Conference (Norwich); Network for Integrated Behavioral Science (NIBS) Conference (Norwich) 2015: Stony Brook International Conference on Game Theory (New York); Society for Economic Design Conference (Istanbul); London Experimental Workshop; Network for Integrated Behavioral Science (NIBS) Conference (Nottingham) 2014: Stony Brook International Conference on Game Theory (New York); Experimental Development Economics PhD Workshop (London) 2011: Canadian Economics Association Annual Conference (Ottawa); Economic Science Association (ESA) International Conference (Chicago); Stony Brook International Con- ference on Game Theory (New York)
