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火栋,博士,经济管理学院副教授、博士生导师,国家知识产权局、广东省基金委、深圳市科创委项目评审专家,联合国开发计划署(UNDP)网络公开课授课专家,深圳市海外高层次人才、南山区领航人才。本硕博分别毕业于哈工大、清华大学、东京大学。研究兴趣包括技术创新经济与管理、专利以及技术标准等,主持国家自然科学基金项目 3 项、国家社会科学基金重大研究专项子课题 1 项,参与其他国家级项目十余项,学术论文发表于《Research Policy》等国际顶尖学术期刊,曾获《Research Policy》审稿杰出贡献、省高校人文社会科学研究优秀成果、深圳市哲学社会科学优秀成果等奖项。此外还曾主持和参与多项在数字技术、创新人才产业政策等领域的技术研发、企业/政府管理咨询项目,包括国家自然科学基金、863、973 等国家项目,华为、爱立信、中国移动、中国电信等企业项目,以及政府决策咨询项目等。 教育背景 东京大学,技术经营战略,博士 清华大学,计算机科学与技术,硕士 哈尔滨工业大学,信息安全,学士 工作经历 哈尔滨工业大学(深圳),经济管理学院,副教授、博士生导师、党委副书记 哈尔滨工业大学(深圳),经济管理学院,助理教授、党委副书记 南京大学,商学院,助理教授 东京大学、日本经济产业研究所(RIETI),研究助理 荣誉奖励 2023 第十一届深圳市哲学社会科学优秀成果(论文)三等奖 2022 哈尔滨工业大学五四表彰抗疫志愿服务奖 2021 黑龙江省高校人文社会科学研究优秀成果(论文)二等奖 2021 哈尔滨工业大学五四表彰抗疫志愿服务奖、优秀思想政治工作者 2020 深圳市南山区“战疫先锋”、哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)先进个人、哈尔滨工业大学五四表彰抗疫志愿服务奖 2019 深圳市南山区“领航人才” 2018 深圳市海外高层次人才 2017 《Research Policy》审稿杰出贡献奖 2010-2013 日本文部科学省国费奖学金(东京大学-清华大学-首尔国立大学特别项目)




查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Xu, Q., Wang, L., Huo, D., & Zhu, Y. (2023). Pursuing opportunities in distance: The determinants of overseas R&D by Chinese multinationals. R&D Management, 53(1): 115–135. Dang, J., Motohashi, K., & Huo, D. (2022). Get pennies from many or get a dollar from one? Multiple licensing in markets for technology. Technovation, 113: 102423. Huo, D. (2021). Local search or beyond? The influence of interfirm technological distance on co-innovation success. Industrial and Corporate Change, 30(4): 966–982. Huo, D. (2021). Knowledge production in the co-invention process: The influence of knowledge similarity on co-invention performance. Applied Economics Letters, 28(2): 109–114. Wang, L., Zhang, C., Li, J., Huo, D., & Fan, X. (2020). The influence of unilateral supplier transaction-specific investments on international buyer opportunism: Empirical findings from local suppliers in China. International Marketing Review, 37(2): 213–239. Huo, D., Motohashi, K., & Gong, H. (2019). Team diversity as dissimilarity and variety in organizational innovation. Research Policy, 48(6): 1564–1572. Wang, L., Huo, D., & Motohashi, K. (2019). Coordination mechanisms and overseas knowledge acquisition for Chinese suppliers: The contingent impact of production mode and contractual governance. Journal of International Management, 25(2): 100653. Zhang, X., Ma, X.F., Wang, Y., Li, X., & Huo, D. (2016). What drives the internationalization of Chinese SMEs? The joint effects of international entrepreneurship characteristics, network ties, and firm ownership. International Business Review, 25(2): 522–534. Kang, B., Huo, D., & Motohashi, K. (2014). Comparison of Chinese and Korean companies in ICT global standardization: Essential patent analysis. Telecommunications Policy, 38(10): 902–913. 会议论文(Peer-reviewed conference papers) Huo, D., Dang, J. & Motohashi, K. Leveraging standard essential patents for capturing innovation rents: The strategic disclosure of license rules. The 18th ASIALICS Conference, Online, 2022. Huo, D., Dang, J. & Motohashi, K. Empirical analysis of license policy for declared standard essential patents in standard setting. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2020(1): 15198. Huo, D., Dang, J., & Motohashi, K. Royalty and reciprocity terms in FRAND commitments for standard-essential patents. Special Conference of Strategic Management Society (SMS), Hangzhou, 2020. Dang, J., Motohashi, K., & Huo, D. Get pennies from many or get a dollar from one? Multiple licensing in markets for technology. Special Conference of Strategic Management Society (SMS), Hangzhou, 2020. Huo, D., Dang, J., & Motohashi, K. Empirical analysis of license policy for declared standard essential patents in technology standard setting. 14th Annual Conference of European Policy for Intellectual Property (EPIP) Association, Zurich, 2019. Liu, H., Huo, D., & Wu, Y. Does R&D respond to CSR for society? Evidence from Chinese listed manufacturers based on a perspective of idiosyncratic risk, International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR), Wuhan, 2018. Huo, D., & Motohashi, K. When relatedness flies under the measurement radar, 36th Annual Conference of Strategic Management Society (SMS), Berlin, 2016. Huo, D. Unleashing the benefits of cross-border partnership for collaborative innovation, 36th Annual Conference of Strategic Management Society (SMS), Berlin, 2016. Huo, D., Motohashi, K. & Gong, H. Towards a better measure of category-based index: The role of relatedness in categorization systems, Pre-AMCIS MISQ Author Workshop, San Diego, 2016. Huo, D. Enhancing explanatory power of diversity indices. The Annual Conference of Japanese Economic Association, Japan, 2013. Kang, B., Huo, D. & Motohashi, K. Asia's rise in ICT global standardization: Empirical analysis of Chinese and Korean companies in mobile communications standardization. The 10th ASIALICS Conference, Tokyo, 2013. Huo, D. How do we collaborate to innovate? A mathematical model. IAMOT, Hsinchu, 2012. Huo, D., Xu, M., Wu, J., Cao, Y., & Ming Z. ERMO: An incremental deployable architecture for scalable routing. AsiaFI, Japan, 2010. 讨论论文(Peer-reviewed discussion papers) Huo, D., Dang, J., & Motohashi, K. (2021). Leveraging standard essential patents for capturing innovation rents: The strategic disclosure of license rules. RIETI Discussion Paper Series, 21-E-028. Huo, D., Dang, J., & Motohashi, K. (2019). Empirical analysis of license policy for declared standard-essential patents in setting technology standards. RIETI Discussion Paper Series, 19-E-023. Huo, D., & Motohashi, K. (2015). Understanding two types of technological diversity and their effects on the technological value of outcomes from bilateral inter-firm R&D alliances. RIETI Discussion Paper Series, 15-E-06. Huo, D., & Motohashi, K. (2015). When category-based indices encounter non-independent categories: Solving the taxonomy issue in resource-based empirical studies. IAM Discussion Paper Series, #030. Huo, D., & Motohashi, K. (2015). Dilemma in individual collaboration for invention: Should we be similar or diverse in knowledge? IAM Discussion Paper Series, #031.


2022至今 《Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics》副主编 2013至今 《Research Policy》《Technovation》《Industry and Innovation》《Journal of World Business》《Information and Management》《Asia Pacific Journal of Management》《Management and Organization Review》《Managerial and Decision Economics》《Applied Economics》《Applied Economics Letters》《Technology in Society》《Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing》《Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management》《Knowledge Management Research and Practice》《Asian Journal of Technology Innovation》《Journal of Environmental and Public Health》《Measuring Business Excellence》《Asia Pacific Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship》《ETRI Journal》《南大商学评论》审稿专家 2016至今 联合国开发计划署、国家知识产权局、广东省基金委、深圳市科创委、清华大学国家高端智库项目评审专家,教育部学位论文抽检评审专家 2021 第十六届中国管理学年会 分论坛主持人 2016 联合国开发计划署(UNDP)可持续发展目标(SDG)网络公开课授课教师
