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哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)教授,国家杰出青年科学基金获得者,深圳市国家级领军人才。研究团队主要从事基于半导体光学材料和器件的制备,涉及研究内容包括微纳米体系的数值建模、光刻或电子束曝光以及反应离子刻蚀等的微纳米制备技术、以及光学和电学表征技术。近年来在国际刊物和会议上发表相关的优秀原创论文140 余篇(其中《Nature》1 篇,《Science》1 篇,《Nature Communications》9篇,《Science Advances》1篇, 《Advanced Materials》等高水平论文32篇,合著专著一部),多篇文章单篇他引超过200 次。研发技术达到了”华为XXX器件“的应用要求并进入流片阶段。 教育经历 2006-2010 美国Purdue University, 电子与计算机工程系, 博士 2003-2006 复旦大学,光科学与技术系, 硕士 1999-2003 中山大学,物理系,学士 研究与工作经历 2012年至今 哈尔滨工业大学,深圳研究生院,教授,博士生导师 2011年至今 哈尔滨工业大学,物理系,教授,博士生导师 2010-2011 美国Purdue University, 电子与计算机工程系,博士后 科研项目 2013-2015 国家自然科学基金“优秀青年”项目 2012-2014 教育部”新世纪优秀人才”项目 2011-2013 中科院半导体所开放性课题 2012-2015 哈工大研究生院启动资金




查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

All-Dielectric Full-Color Printing with TiO2 Metasurfaces,S Sun, Z Zhou, C Zhang, Y Gao, Z Duan, S Xiao*, Q Song*,ACS Nano, 2017 Integrated photonic power divider with arbitrary power ratios,K Xu*, L Liu, X Wen, W Sun, N Zhang, N Yi, S Sun, S Xiao*, Q Song,Optics Letters 42 (4), 855-858,2017 Lead halide perovskite nanoribbon based uniform nanolaser array on plasmonic grating un, C Zhang, K Wang, S Wang, S Xiao*, Q Song*,ACS Photonics,2017 Highly Reproducible Organometallic Halide Perovskite Microdevices based on Top‐Down Lithography,N Zhang, W Sun, SP Rodrigues, K Wang, Z Gu, S Wang, W Cai, S Xiao*, Q. Song*, Advanced Materials,2017 Whispering-gallery-mode based CH 3 NH 3 PbBr 3 perovskite microrod lasers with high quality factors,K Wang, S Sun, C Zhang, W Sun, Z Gu, S Xiao*, Q Song*,Materials Chemistry Frontiers. The Role of Excitons on Light Amplification in Lead Halide Perovskites Q Lü, H Wei, W Sun, K Wang, Z Gu, J Li, S Liu, S Xiao*, Q Song*,Advanced Materials 28 (46), 10165-10169 Single Crystal Microrod Based Homonuclear Photonic Molecule Lasers K Wang, W Sun, S Wang, S Liu, N Zhang, S Xiao*, Q Song*, Advanced Optical Materials Whispering-gallery-mode based CH 3 NH 3 PbBr 3 perovskite microrod lasers with high quality factors,Materials Chemistry Frontiers,K Wang, S Sun, C Zhang, W Sun, Z Gu, S Xiao*, Q Song*, In Press. Improving the performances CH3NH3PbBr3 perovskite microrod laser through hybridization with few-layered graphene, Advanced Optical Materials, C Zhang, K Wang, N Yi, Y Gao, M Zhu, W Sun, S Liu, K Xu,Q Song*,S Xiao*, In Press. Experimental demonstration of PT‐symmetric stripe lasers,Z Gu, N Zhang, Q Lyu, M Li, S Xiao*, Q Song*, Laser & Photonics Reviews 10 (4), 697-697(2016). High-Density and Uniform Lead Halide Perovskite Nanolaser Array on Silicon,K Wang, Z Gu, S Liu, W Sun, N Zhang, S Xiao*, Q Song*,The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 7 (13), 2549-2555(2016). Microwave sintering versus conventional sintering of NiCuZn ferrites. Part II: Microstructure and DC-bias superposition characteristics, C Ouyang, S Xiao, J Zhu, W Shi, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 407, 182-187(2016). Microwave sintering versus conventional sintering of NiCuZn ferrites. Part I: Densification evolution, J Zhu, C Ouyang, S Xiao, Y Gao,Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 407, 308-313(2016). High efficiency light conversion between micro-and nano-photonic circuits, Z Gu, S Xiao*, Q Song*, Journal of Optics 18 (7), 075009(2016). Unidirectional Lasing Emissions from CH3NH3PbBr3 Perovskite Microdisks, K Wang, W Sun, J Li, Z Gu, S Xiao*, Q Song*, ACS Photonics,(2016). Random lasing actions in self-assembled perovskite nanoparticles, S Liu, W Sun, J Li, Z Gu, K Wang, S Xiao*, Q Song*, Optical Engineering 55 (5), 057102-057102(2016). Broadband and Tunable-Focus Flat Lens with Dielectric Metasurface, J Zhong, N An, N Yi, M Zhu, Q Song, S Xiao*, Plasmonics 11 (2), 537-541(2016). Triangular lasing modes in hexagonal perovskite microplates with balanced gain and loss, Z Gu, K Wang, W Sun, S Liu, N Zhang, S Xiao*, Q Song*, RSC Advances 6 (69), 64589-64594(2016). Tailoring the lasing modes in CH 3 NH 3 PbBr 3 perovskite microplates via micro-manipulation, S Liu, W Sun, Z Gu, K Wang, N Zhang, S Xiao*, Q Song*, RSC Advances 6 (56), 50553-50558(2016). A hybrid system with highly enhanced graphene SERS for rapid and tag-free tumor cells detection, N Yi, C Zhang, Q Song, S Xiao*, Scientific reports 6(2016). Fabricating high refractive index titanium dioxide film using electron beam evaporation for all-dielectric metasurfaces, N An, K Wang, H Wei, Q Song, S Xiao*, MRS Communication(2016). Three-dimensional light confinement in a PT-symmetric nanocavity, W Sun, Z Gu, S Xiao, Q Song*, RSC Advances 6 (7), 5792-5796(2016). Large-Scale and Defect-Free Silicon Metamaterials with Magnetic Response, N Yi, S Sun, Y Gao, K Wang, Z Gu, S Sun, Q Song, S Xiao*, Scientific reports 6(2016). Hybridizing CH 3 NH 3 PbBr 3 microwires and tapered fibers for efficient light collection, Z Gu, W Sun, K Wang, N Zhang, C Zhang, Q Lyu, J Li, S Xiao*, Q Song*, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 4 (21), 8015-8019(2016). Tunable perovskite microdisk lasers, W Sun, K Wang, Z Gu, S Xiao*, Q Song*,Nanoscale 8 (16), 8717-8721(2016). Two‐Photon Pumped CH3NH3PbBr3 Perovskite Microwire Lasers, Z Gu, K Wang, W Sun, J Li, S Liu, Q Song, S Xiao, Advanced Optical Materials, (2015). Improvement of the chirality near avoided resonance crossing in optical microcavity, Song. QH, Gu. ZY, Zhang. N, Wang. KY, Yi. NB, Xiao. SM*, SCIENCE CHINA-PHYSICS MECHANICS & ASTRONOMY, 58, 114210(2015). Mid-infrared tunable magnetic response in graphene-based diabolo nanoantennas, Yi. NB, Liu. ZX, Sun. S, Song. QH, Xiao. SM*, CARBON, 94, 501-506(2015). Wafer-scale metamaterials for polarization-insensitive and dual-band perfect absorption, Liu. J, Zhu. MX, Zhang. N, Zhang. HT, Zhou. Y, Sun. S, Yi. NB, Gao, S. Song, QH, Xiao. SM*, Nanoscale, 7, 18914-18917(2015). Inversed Vernier effect based single-mode laser emission in coupled microdisks, Li. M, Zhang. N, Wang. KY, Li. JK, Xiao. SM*, Song. QH*, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 5, 13682(2015). Quasi-guiding Modes in Microfibers on a High Refractive Index Substrate Wang. KY, Gu. ZY, Sun. WZ, Li. JK, Xiao. SM*, Song. QH*, ACS PHOTONICS, 1278-1283(2015). Polarization-independent metamaterial with broad ultrahigh refractive index in terahertz region, Liu. ZX, Zhang. C, Sun. S, Yi. NB, Gao. YS, Song. QH, Xiao. SM*, OPTICAL MATERIALS EXPRES, 1949-1953(2015). Absorption enhancement in thin-film organic solar cells through electric and magnetic resonances in optical metamaterial, Zhang. C, Zhou. WZ, Sun. S, Yi. NB, Song. QH, Xiao. SM*, OPTICAL MATERIALS EXPRESS, 1954-1961(2015). Deformed Microdisk-Based End-Fire Injection and Collection Resonant Device, Liu. S, Gu. ZY, Zhang. N, Wang. KY. Lyu, Q. Xu, K, Xiao. SM*, Song. QH*, JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY, 3698-3703(2015). Enhancement of magnetic dipole emission at yellow light in optical metamaterials, Hu. WL, Yi. NB, Sun. S, Cui. L, Song. QH, Xiao. SM*, OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS, 202-206(2015). End-fire injection of guided light into optical microcavity, Liu. S, Gu. ZY, Zhang. N, Wang. KY, Xiao. SM, Lyu. Q, Song. QH, APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS, 255-260(2015). Single Nanoparticle Detection Using Far-field Emission of Photonic Molecule around the Exceptional Point, Zhang. N, Liu. S, Wang. KY, Gu. ZY, Li. M, Yi. NB, Xiao. SM*, Song, QH*, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 5, 11912(2015). Photon hopping and nanowire based hybrid plasmonic waveguide and ring-resonator, Gu. ZY, Liu. S, Sun. S, Wang. KY, Lyu. Q, Xiao. SM*, Song. QH, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 5, 9171(2015). Enhanced second-harmonic generation from nonlinear optical metamagnetics, Sun. S, Yi. NB, Yao, WJ. Song, QH, Xiao. SM*, OPTICS EXPRESS, 26613-26620(2014). The combination of high Q factor and chirality in twin cavities and microcavity chain, Song. QH, Zhang. N, Zhai. HL, Liu. S, Gu. ZY, Wang. KY, Sun. S, Chen. ZW, Li. M, Xiao. SM*, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 4, 6493(2014). Coherent destruction of tunneling in chaotic microcavities via three-state anti-crossings, Song. QH, Gu. ZY. Liu, S. Xiao. SM*, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 4, 4858(2014). The impact of emission mechanisms on the long-lived states around avoided resonance crossings in chaotic microcavity, Liu. S, Zeng. C, Gu. ZY, Wang. KY, Zhang. N, Sun. S, Xiao. SM, Song. QH, OPTICS EXPRESS, 5086-5097(2014). Deformed microdisk coupled to a bus waveguide for applications in resonant filter, Song. QH, Liu. S, Gu. ZY, Zhang. N, Xiao. SM, OPTICS LETTERS, 1149-1152(2014). Prior to HITSZ Q. Song, C. Zeng, and S. Xiao*, "Coherent destruction of dynamical tunneling in asymmetric resonant cavities", Physical Review A, 87, 013831 (2013) D. Brown, M. Walker, A. Urbas, A. Kildishev, S. Xiao, and V. Drachev*, “Direct measurement of group delay dispersion in metamagnetics for ultrafast pulse shaping”, Opt. Exp. 20, 23082 (2012). J. Trieschmann, S. Xiao, A. Kildishev, V. Drachev, and V. Shalaev*, “ADE-FDTD simulation of nonlinear media matched to a pump-probe experiment”, Opt. Exp. 19, 18253 (2011). S. Xiao, V. Drachev, A. Kildishev, X. Ni, U. Chettiar, H-K.Yuan, and V. Shalaev*, “Loss-free and active optical negative index metamaterial”, Nature, 466, 735 (2010). Q. Song, S. Xiao, Z. Xu, J. Liu, X. Sun, V. Drachev, V. Shalaev*, O. Akkus, Y. Kim, “Random laser spectroscopy for nanoscale perturbation sensing”, Optics Letters, 35, 2624(2010). Q. Song, S. Xiao, Z. Xu, J. Liu, X. Sun, V. Drachev, V. Shalaev*, O. Akkus, Y. Kim, “Random lasing in bone: potential as novel spectroscopy for nanostructure analysis”, Optics Letters, 35, 1425(2010). S. Xiao, U. Chettiar, A. Kildishev, V. Drachev, and V. Shalaev*, “Yellow-light negative index metamaterials”, Optics Letters, 34, 3478 (2009) S. Xiao, U. Chettiar, A. Kildishev, V. Drachev, and V. Shalaev*, “Tunable magnetic response of metamaterials”, App. Phy. Lett. 95,033114 (2009). Y. Sivan, S. Xiao, U. Chettiar, A. Kildishev, V. Drachev, and V. Shalaev*, “Frequency domain simulations of a negative-index material with embedded gain”, Optics Express, 34, 3364 (2009).


2010年至今 美国光学学会杂志Optics Letters, Optics Express, Applied Physics B, JOSA B特约审稿人 美国Nature Publishing Group旗下的期刊Scientific Reports特约审稿人 美国化学学学会杂志Nano Letters特约审稿人 美国应用物理学会杂志Applied Physics Letters杂志特约审稿人 Optics Communications特约审稿人 美国光学学会会员
