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2006年获中国科学院化学研究所博士学位。2007-2011年间先后在美国克拉克森大学(Clarkson University)和天普大学(Temple University)从事研究工作,任研究助理、博士后及访问学者等职,2011年8月—2016年3月间在中国科学院新疆理化技术研究所任研究员。2016年4月全职加入哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)材料学院,任教授,入选深圳市“高层次人才”。主要从事燃料电池、二次电池功能材料与器件相关研究工作,迄今发表SCI论文八十余篇,授权/申请发明专利十余项,2018年入选英国皇家化学会2017 “全球Top 1%高被引中国作者”榜单。曾主持国家、地方性项目10余项,参与重点实验室、工程中心等平台项目5项,担任本领域内多个主流国际杂志的审稿人。 教育经历 1997-2001 烟台大学,本科 2001-2006 中科院化学所,硕博连读 研究与工作经历 2007-2008 美国克拉克森大学(Clarkson University)化学与生命科学系,研究助理、研究助理教授 2008-2011 美国天普大学(Temple University)化学系,博士后、访问学者 2011-2016 中国科学院新疆理化技术研究所,研究员、博士生导师 2016至今 哈尔滨工业大学深圳研究生院,教授、博士生导师 科研项目 2013-2015 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目 2015-2018 国家自然科学基金面上项目 2016-2018 哈尔滨工业大学探索项目 2017-2019 深圳市科研启动项目 2018-2020 深圳市科创委面上项目 2020-2023 深圳市科创委面上项目 2022-2025 深圳市科创委面上项目


电催化剂的设计及其燃料电池应用研究 二次电池材料的设计及其应用研究


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X. Wu, S. Zhang, J. Gao, X. Liu, Q. Yuan, Y. Wu and W. Gan, Remedy for Collapse of ZIF Derived Carbon: Micro-Pore Filled Synthesis to Improve ORR Catalytic Property. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 2022. 169(1). Y. Wang, Y. Liu, H. Wang, S. Dou, W. Gan, L. Ci, Y. Huang and Q. Yuan, MOF-based ionic sieve interphase for regulated Zn2+ flux toward dendrite-free aqueous zinc-ion batteries. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2022. 10(8), 4366-4375. H. Wang, P. Wang, W. Gan, L. Ci, D. Li and Q. Yuan, VS4 nanoarrays pillared Ti3C2Tx with enlarged interlayer spacing as anode for advanced lithium/sodium ion battery and hybrid capacitor. Journal of Power Sources, 2022. 534. Y. Liu, Y. Wang, H. Wang, S. Dou, J. Wu, W. Gan and Q. Yuan, Binder-free 3D hierarchical Bi Nanosheet/CNTs arrays anode for full sodium-ion battery with high voltage above 4 V. Journal of Power Sources, 2022. 540. J. Gao, X. Zhou, Y. Wang, Y. Chen, Z. Xu, Y. Qiu, Q. Yuan, X. Lin and H.-J. Qiu, Exploiting the Synergistic Electronic Interaction between Pt-Skin Wrapped Intermetallic PtCo Nanoparticles and Co-N-C Support for Efficient ORR/EOR Electrocatalysis in a Direct Ethanol Fuel Cell. Small, 2022. 18(25). S. Dou, Q. Tian, T. Liu, J. Xu, L. Jing, C. Zeng, Q. Yuan, Y. Xu, Z. Jia, Q. Cai, W.-D. Liu, S.R.P. Silva, Y. Chen and J. Liu, Stress-Regulation Design of Mesoporous Carbon Spheres Anodes with Radial Pore Channels Toward Ultrastable Potassium-Ion Batteries. Small Science, 2022. 2(10). J. Cheng, G. Hou, Q. Chen, D. Li, K. Li, Q. Yuan, J. Wang and L. Ci, Sheet-like garnet structure design for upgrading PEO-based electrolyte. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022. 429. H. Yu, Y. Zhang, L. Li, Z. Ding, Y. Chen, Q. Yuan, R. Sun, K. Li, C. Liu and J. Wu, SnO2 nanoparticles embedded in 3D hierarchical honeycomb-like carbonaceous network for high-performance lithium ion battery. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2021. 858. S. Xue, P. Guha, Q. Yuan and W. Gan, In Situ Spectroscopic Probes for Structures and Processes at the Surface of Noble Metallic Nanoparticles. Particle & Particle Systems Characterization, 2021. 38(5). H. Wang, X. Que, Y. Liu, X. Wu, Q. Yuan, J. Lu and W. Gan, Facile synthesis of yolk-shell structured SiOx/C@Void@C nanospheres as anode for lithium-ion batteries. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2021. 874. W. Pan, Z. Zheng, X. Wu, J. Gao, Y. Liu, Q. Yuan and W. Gan, Facile synthesis of 2D/3D hierarchical NiCu bimetallic MOF for non-enzymatic glucose sensor. Microchemical Journal, 2021. 170. M. Mao, X. Wu, Y. Hu, Q. Yuan, Y.-B. He and F. Kang, Charge storage mechanism of MOF-derived Mn2O3 as high performance cathode of aqueous zinc-ion batteries. Journal of Energy Chemistry, 2021. 52, 277-283. L. Li, Y. Liu, H. Yu, R. Sun, Z. Ding, K. Li, Q. Yuan, J. Wu and X. Liu, Hollow spherical 0.5Li(2)MnO(3)center dot 0.5LiMn(1/3)Ni(1/3)CO(1/3)O(2) prepared by facile molten salt method for enhanced long-cycle and rate capability of lithium-ion batteries. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2021. 855. B. Li, J. Li, W. Gan, Y. Tan and Q. Yuan, Unveiling the Molecular Dynamics in a Living Cell to the Subcellular Organelle Level Using Second-Harmonic Generation Spectroscopy and Microscopy. Analytical Chemistry, 2021. 93(42), 14146-14152. T. Jiang, J. Gao, Z. Jin, K. Hu, Q. Yuan and H.-J. Qiu, Multicomponent nanoporous Al-Ni-Cu-Pt-Pd-Co as highly stable anode catalysts in a flexible room-temperature pure ethanol-powered solid-state fuel cell. Materials Today Energy, 2021. 21. R. Zhao, X. Wu, Y. Gao, Y. Liu, J. Gao, Y. Chen, Z. Zheng, W. Gan and Q. Yuan, A unique bimetallic MOF derived carbon-MWCNTs hybrid structure for selective electrochemical determination of lead ion in aqueous solution. Microchemical Journal, 2020. 158. H. Wang, X. Wu, W. Dong, S.-L. Lee, Q. Yuan and W. Gan, One-step preparation of single-layered graphene quantum dots for the detection of Fe3+. Spectrochimica Acta Part a-Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2020. 226. Q. Tang, Y. Shi, Z. Ding, T. Wu, J. Wu, V. Mattick, Q. Yuan, H. Yu and K. Huang, Three-dimensional hierarchical graphene and CNT-coated spinel ZnMn2O4 as a high-stability anode for lithium-ion batteries. Electrochimica Acta, 2020. 338. J. Gao, F. Zhang, W. Gan, Y. Gui, H. Qiu, H. Li and Q. Yuan, MOF-Derived 2D/3D Hierarchical N-Doped Graphene as Support for Advanced Pt Utilization in Ethanol Fuel Cell. Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020. 12(42), 47667-47676. G. Fang, J. Gao, J. Lv, H. Jia, H. Li, W. Liu, G. Xie, Z. Chen, Y. Huang, Q. Yuan, X. Liu, X. Lin, S. Sun and H.-J. Qiu, Multi-component nanoporous alloy/(oxy)hydroxide for bifunctional oxygen electrocatalysis and rechargeable Zn-air batteries. Applied Catalysis B-Environmental, 2020. 268. Y. Chen, X. Wu, Y. Feng, J. Gao, Y. Huang, W. Gan and Q. Yuan, Molten salt assisted synthesis of three dimensional FeNx/N,S-C bifunctional catalyst for highly compressible, stretchable and rechargeable Zn-Air battery. Carbon, 2020. 166, 64-73. S. Xue, X. Liu, S.-L. Chen, W. Gan and Q. Yuan, Surface curvature-dependent adsorption and aggregation of fluorescein isothiocyanate on gold nanoparticles. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2019. 21(48), 26598-26605. X.X. Wu, S.C. Wu, Y.C. Li, H. Chen, Q.H. Yuan and W. Gan, A highly sensitive electrochemical sensor for Cd(II) based on protic salt derived nitrogen and sulfur co-doped porous carbon. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2019. 1046, 115-122. X. Wu, S. Wu, Y. Li, H. Chen, Q. Yuan and W. Gan, A highly sensitive electrochemical sensor for Cd(II) based on protic salt derived nitrogen and sulfur co-doped porous carbon. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2019. 1046, 115-122. H. Chen, X. Wu, R. Zhao, Z. Zheng, Q. Yuan, Z. Dong and W. Gan, Preparation of reduced graphite oxide loaded with cobalt(II) and nitrogen co-doped carbon polyhedrons from a metal-organic framework (type ZIF-67), and its application to electrochemical determination of metronidazole. Microchimica Acta, 2019. 186(9). H. Chen, X. Wu, C. Lao, Y. Li, Q. Yuan and W. Gan, MOF derived porous carbon modified rGO for simultaneous determination of hydroquinone and catechol. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2019. 835, 254-261. X. Wu, C. Lao, Y. Li, Q. Yuan and W. Gan, Tunable Synthesis of CoP and CoP2 Decorated 3D Carbon Nanohybrids and the Application of CoP2 Decorated One in Electrochemical Detection of Chloramphenicol in Milk and Honey. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 2018. 165(16), B916-B923. H.Q. Wang, R.Y. Xu, H. Chen and Q.H. Yuan, Synthesis of nitrogen and sulfur co-doped yolk-shell porous carbon microspheres and their application for Pb(II) detection in fish serum. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2018. 266, 63-69. H. Wang, R. Xu, H. Chen and Q. Yuan, Synthesis of nitrogen and sulfur co-doped yolk-shell porous carbon microspheres and their application for Pb(II) detection in fish serum. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2018. 266, 63-69. L.L. Xiao, R.Y. Xu, Q.H. Yuan and F. Wang, Highly sensitive electrochemical sensor for chloramphenicol based on MOF derived exfoliated porous carbon. Talanta, 2017. 167, 39-43. Y. Wang, L. Luo and Q.H. Yuan, An STM Investigation on a Metal Induced Structural Evolution of an m-Substituted Bipyridine Derivative on Highly Oriented Pyrolytic Graphite. General Chemistry, 2017. 3, 130-133. S.H. Zhou, H.B. Xu, Q.H. Yuan, H.J. Shen, X.F. Zhu, Y. Liu and W. Gan, N-Doped Ordered Mesoporous Carbon Originated from a Green Biological Dye for Electrochemical Sensing and High-Pressure CO2 Storage. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2016. 8(1), 918-926. R.Y. Xu, L.L. Xiao, L. Luo, Q.H. Yuan, D.F. Qin, G.Z. Hu and W. Gan, Nitrogen, Sulfur Dual-Doped Mesoporous Carbon Modified Glassy Carbon Electrode for Simultaneous Determination of Hydroquinone and Catechol. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 2016. 163(13), B617-B623. L.L. Xiao, J. Yin, Y.C. Li, Q.H. Yuan, H.J. Shen, G.Z. Hu and W. Gan, Facile one-pot synthesis and application of nitrogen and sulfur-doped activated graphene in simultaneous electrochemical determination of hydroquinone and catechol. Analyst, 2016. 141(19), 5555-5562. Y. Wang, Q.H. Yuan, H.B. Xu, X.F. Zhu and W. Gan, Metal dependent motif transition in a self-assembled monolayer of bipyridine derivatives via coordination: An STM study. Journal of Chemical Physics, 2016. 145(3). H.B. Xu, H.H. Wang, S.H. Zhou, L.L. Xiao, Y. Yan and Q.H. Yuan, A protocol of self-assembled monolayers of fluorescent block molecules for trace Zn(II) sensing: structures and mechanisms. RSC Advances, 2015. 5(128), 106061-106067.


2017至今 Senior Editorial Board Members of General Chemistry
