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毛俊,哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)材料科学与工程学院教授。国家青年特聘专家(2019),深圳市杰出青年基金获得者(2023),全国向上向善好青年(2022),麻省理工科技评论35岁以下科技创新35人(中国)(2022),深圳市国家级领军人才(2021),深圳市孔雀团队核心成员(2021)。以第一作者、共同一作和通讯作者身份在Science, Nature Materials, Nature Energy, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., Nature Communications, Science Advances等国际知名期刊上发表文章39篇,ESI高被引7篇,发表合作文章62篇,参与撰写学术专著2部,被引用7300+次,H因子为48。 教育经历 2014.8-2018.5,休斯顿大学,博士(机械工程) 2012.9-2014.7,东北大学 ,硕士(热能工程) 2013.6-2013.9,日本国立材料科学研究院,访问学生 2008.9-2012.7,东北大学,学士(热能与动力工程) 工作经历 2021.1-至今,哈尔滨工业大学(深圳),教授 2018.5-2020.8,休斯顿大学德州超导中心,博士后研究员 科研项目 国家级 2021.01-2023.12 国家海外高层次人才引进计划项目,主持 2022.01-2024.12 国家自然科学基金青年基金,主持 省级 2021.01-2023.12 国家海外高层次人才引进计划项目配套经费,主持 2023.01-2025.12 广东省基础研究面上项目,主持 市级 2021.05-2026.04 深圳市孔雀团队,课题负责人 2021.07-2024.12 深圳市引进人才启动经费,主持 2021.11-2024.10 深圳市基础研究面上项目,主持 2022.11-2025.10 深圳市高等院校稳定支持项目(重点项目),主持 2023.04-2028.04 深圳市杰出青年基金项目,主持 校级 2021.01-2024.01 哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)科研启动经费,主持 2021.07-2022.12 哈尔滨工业大学先进焊接与连接国家重点实验室自主课题,主持 2023.01-2024.12 哈尔滨工业大学研究生教育教学改革研究项目,主持 其他 2021.11-2021.12,中国原子能研究院横向课题,参与 科研成果与奖励 2022 麻省理工科技评论35岁以下科技创新35人(中国) 2022 全国向上向善好青年 2021 国家青年特聘专家 2021 深圳市国家级领军人才 2020 国际热电协会优秀博士后奖励 2019 国家优秀自费留学生奖 2018 休斯顿大学博士毕业论文奖 2017 美国船级社奖学金 2017 美国德克萨斯州超导中心朱经武奖学金 2016 美国船级社奖学金


高性能热电制冷材料探索与开发 高性能热电制冷器件研制


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X.T. Wu, X.J. Ma, H.H. Yao, K. Liang, P. Zhao, S.H. Hou, L. Yin, H.Y. Yang, J.H. Sui, X. Lin, F. Cao, Q. Zhang*, J. Mao*, Revealing the chemical instability of Mg3Sb2-xBix-based thermoelectric materials, ACS Appl. Mater. Interface, 2023. 通讯作者 K. Liang, H.Y. Yang, P. Zhao, C.H. Lin, X.T. Wu, J.H. Sui, F. Cao, Q. Zhang*, J. Mao*, Characterizing the thermoelectric cooling performance across a broad temperature range, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 94, 2023. 通讯作者 H.H. Yao, J. Li, Z.W. Zhang, C. Chen, J. Mao, F. Cao, X.J. Liu, Q. Zhang*, X. Lin*, Abnormally soft acoustic phonons in the Mg3Sb2 allomerisms, Mater. Today Phys., 36, 101180, 2023. F.X. Bai, H. Yu, D. Peng, H.J. Pang, L. Yu, L.C. Chen, J. Mao, Q. Zhang*, X.J. Chen*, Strong acoustic-optical phonon coupling in high-performance thermoelectric material Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3, Mater. Today Phys., 37, 101200, 2023. Z.X. Wu, X.D. Wang, S.H. Hou, Y.J. Liu, Z.Q. Tang, L. Yin, Y.W. Qiao, J. Wang, J. Mao, Q. Zhang*, F. Cao*, Scalable and tunable PEDOT:PSS emitter for thermal camouflage, Adv. Optic. Mater., 2301303, 2023. Y. Liu, X. Wang, S.H. Hou, Z.X. Wu, J. Wang, J. Mao, Q. Zhang*, Z.G. Liu*, F. Cao*, Scalable-produced 3D elastic thermoelectric network for body heat harvesting, Nat. Comm., 14, 3058, 2023. X.J. Ma, H.H. Yao, S.Z. Zhi, P. Zhao, S. Ye, S.C. Duan, L. Yin, J. Li, X. Bao, J.H. Sui, F. Cao, Q. Zhang*, J. Mao*, Identifying the point defects in single-crystalline Mg3Sb2, Chem. Mater., 2023. 通讯作者 L. Yin, F. Yang, X. Bao, W.H. Xue, Z.P. Du, X.Y. Wang, J.X. Cheng, H.J. Ji, J.H. Sui, X.J. Liu, Y.M. Wang, F. Cao, J. Mao*, M.Y. Li*, Z.F. Ren*, Q. Zhang*, Low-temperature sintering of Ag nanoparticles for high-performance thermoelectric module design, Nat. Energy, 2023. 通讯作者 W.H. Xue, S. Li, H.H. Lun, S.Z. Zhi, X.F. Li, F.X. Bai, C. Chen, J. Mao*, Y.M. Wang*, Q. Zhang*, Insight into the intrinsic microstructures of polycrystalline SnSe based compounds, Nanotechnology, 2023. 通讯作者 L.H. Wei, C. Chen, S.C. Duan, H.H. Yao, Z.X. Wu, X.J. Liu, J Mao, X. Li*, F. Cao*, Q. Zhang*, Realizing enhanced thermoelectric performance in Zintl-phase SrCuSb by reducing the thermal conductivity, ACS Appl. Energy Mater., 2023. Q. Wang, Z.Z. Zeng, P. Zhao, C. Chen, N.C. Ouyang, J. Mao, Yue Chen*, B-site columnar-ordered halide double Perovskites: breaking octahedra motions induces strong lattice anharmonicity and thermal anisotropy, Chem. Mater., 2023. X.F. Li, H.H. Yao, S.C. Duan, X. Bao, W.H. Xue, Y.M. Wang, F. Cao*, M.C. Li, Z.Y. Chen, Y. Wang, X. Lin, X.J. Liu, Z.Z. Feng*, J. Mao*, Q. Zhang*, Identifying the effect of Ni solubility on the thermoelectric properties of HfNiSn-based half-Heuslers, Acta Mater., 244, 118591, 2023. 通讯作者 P. Zhao, H.H. Yao, S.Z. Zhi, X.J. Ma, Z.X Wu, Y.J. Liu, X.Y. Wang, L. Yin, Z.W. Zhang, S.H. Hou, X.D. Wang, S.L. Chen, C. Chen, X. Lin, H.L. Liu, X.J. Liu, F. Cao, Q. Zhang*, J. Mao*, Realizing n-type CdSb with promising thermoelectric performance, J. Mater. Sci. Technol., 144, 54-61, 2022. 通讯作者 X. Bao, S.H. Hou, Z.X. Wu, X.D. Wang, L. Yin, Y.Y. Liu, H.L. He, S.C. Duan, J. Mao*, F. Cao*, Q. Zhang*, Mechanical properties of thermoelectric generators, J. Mater. Sci. Technol., 2022. 通讯作者 J.C. Jia, Y. Zhou, X.X. Chen, W.H. Xue, H.L. Yu, J. Li, S.Z. Zhi, C. Chen, J. Wang, S.H. Hou, X.J. Liu, Y.M. Wang, F. Cao, Y. Chen, J. Mao*, and Q. Zhang*, Revealing the defect-dominated electron scattering in Mg3Sb2-based thermoelectric materials, Research, 2022, 9875329, 2022. 通讯作者 H.L. He, Z.T. Wang, S.C. Duan, X.D. Wang, L. Yin, S.H. Hou, C. Chen, K.J. Liu, L.H. Wei, J. Mao*, F. Cao, Q. Zhang*, Improving the mechanical properties of Bi2Te3-based thermoelectric materials by K2Ti6O13 whisker, ChemNanoMat, 202200389, 2022. 通讯作者 K.J. Liu, Z.W. Zhang, C. Chen, L.H. Wei, H.L. He, J. Mao*, Q. Zhang*, Entropy engineering in CaZn2Sb2-YbMg2Sb2 Zintl alloys for enhanced thermoelectric performance, Rare Metal, 41, 2998-3004, 2022. 通讯作者 X. Jia, Y.S. Deng, X. Bao, H.H. Yao, S. Li, Z. Li, C. Chen, X.Y. Wang, J. Mao, F. Cao, J.H. Sui, J.W. Wu, C.P. Wang, Q. Zhang*, X.J. Liu*, Unsupervised machine learning for discovery of promising half-Heusler thermoelectric materials, NPJ Comput. Mater., 8, 34, 2022. J.W. Zhou*, H.T. Zhu, Q.C. Song, Z.W. Ding, J. Mao, Z.F. Ren, G. Chen*, Mobility enhancement in heavily doped semiconductors via electron cloaking, Nat. Commun., 13, 2482, 2022. Z.W. Zhang, H.H. Yao, Q. Wang, W.H. Xue, Y.M. Wang, L. Yin, X.Y. Wang, X.F. Li, C. Chen, J.H. Sui, X. Lin, Y. Chen, X.J. Liu, J. Mao*, G.Q. Xie*, Q. Zhang*, Achieving High Thermoelectric Performance in Severely Distorted YbCd2Sb2, Adv. Funct. Mater., 2205215, 2022. 通讯作者 Z.X. Wu, J. Wang, L. Yin, J. Mao, Q. Zhang*, F. Cao*, Boosting total conversion efficiency of hybrid photovoltaic–thermal via a spectral splitter/absorber based on lossy periodic structured media, Solar RRL, 202200283, 2022. X.Y. Wang, H.H. Yao, L. Yin, W.H. Xue, Z.W. Zhang, S.C. Duan, L.J. Chen, C. Chen, J.H. Sui, X.J. Liu, Y.M. Wang, J. Mao*, Q. Zhang*, X. Lin*, Band modulation and strain fluctuation for realizing high average zT in GeTe, Adv. Energy Mater., 2201043, 2022. 通讯作者 Y. Sun, L. Yin, Z.W. Zhang, H.L. He, C. Chen, S. Li, L.J. Chen, J.J. Cai, X.Y. Wang, J.H. Sui, X.J. Liu, J. Mao*, F. Cao*, Q. Zhang*, Low contact resistivity and excellent thermal stability of p-type YbMg0.8Zn1.2Sb2/Fe-Sb junction for thermoelectric applications, Acta Mater., 235, 118066, 2022. 通讯作者 X.D. Wang, H.L. He, L. Yin, J.X. Cheng, J.H. Sui, X.J. Liu, J. Mao*, F. Cao, Q. Zhang*, Infinite coordination polymer for enhancing the thermoelectric performance of Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3 for low-grade waste heat recovery, Mater. Today Energy, 100994, 2022. 通讯作者 F.X. Bai, H. Yu, Y.K. Peng, S. Li, L. Yin, G. Huang, L.C. Chen, A. Goncharov, J.H. Sui, F. Cao, J. Mao*, Q. Zhang*, X.J. Chen*, Electronic topological transition as a route to improve thermoelectric performance in Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3, Adv. Sci., 202105709, 2022. 通讯作者 X.D. Wang, J.X. Cheng, L. Yin, Z.W. Zhang, X.Y. Wang, J.H. Sui, X.J. Liu, J. Mao*, F. Cao*, Q. Zhang*, Organic/inorganic hybrid design as a route for promoting the Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3 for high-performance thermoelectric power generation, Adv. Funct. Mater., 202200307, 2022. 通讯作者 Z.X. Wu, Z.K. Ren, J. Wang, S.H. Hou, Y.J. Liu, Q. Zhang*, J. Mao, X.J. Liu, F. Cao*, Realization of an efficient wide-angle solar selective absorber via the impedance matching, Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells, 238, 111582, 2022. K.J. Liu, C. Chen, X.F. Li, J.C. Jia, C.L. Xia, J. Mao, Q. Huang, J.H. Sui, F. Cao, X.J. Liu, Y. Chen*, Q. Zhang*, Tuning the carrier scattering mechanism by rare-earth element doping for high average zT in Mg3Sb2-based compounds, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2022. Z.W. Zhang, H.H. Yao, X. Jia, X.Y. Wang, X.F. Li, C. Chen, X. Lin, J.H. Sui, X.J. Liu, J. Mao*, G.Q. Xie*, Q. Zhang*, Band convergence and phonon engineering to optimize the thermoelectric performance of CaCd2Sb2, Appl. Phys. Lett., 120, 041901, 2022. 通讯作者 Y.J. Liu, S.H. Hou, X.D. Wang, L. Yin, Z.X. Wu, X.Y. Wang, J. Mao, J.H. Sui, X.J. Liu, Q. Zhang*, Z.G. Liu*, F. Cao*, Passive radiative cooling enables improved performance in wearable thermoelectric generators, Small, 2106875, 2022. X.F. Li, Z. Li, S.C. Duan, D. Qin, Q. Wang, C. Chen, S. Li, F. Cao, J. Mao, C. Wang, J.H. Sui, X.J. Liu, Q. Zhang,* Thermodynamic approaches to determine the vacancy concentration in defective Nb1-xCoSb half-Heusler thermoelectric materials, Acta Mater., 2022. S.Z. Zhi, J.C. Jia, Q. Zhang*, F. Cao, X.J. Liu, J. Mao*, A sketch for super-thermoelectric materials, Mater. Today Phys., 2022. 通讯作者 J. Wang, Z.X Wu, Y.J Liu, Z.K. Ren, S.H. Hou, Y. Luo, X.J. Liu, J. Mao, Q. Zhang*, F. Cao*, An ultra-high temperature stable solar absorber using the ZrC-based cermets, Front. Energy Res., 9, 787237, 2021. S.C. Duan, W.H. Xue, H.H. Yao, X.Y. Wang, C. Wang, S. Li, Z.Z. Zhang, L. Yin, X. Bao, L.H. Huang, X.D. Wang, C. Chen, J.H. Sui, Y. Chen, J. Mao, F. Cao*, Y.M Wang*, Q. Zhang*, Achieving high thermoelectric performance by NaSbTe2 Alloying in GeTe for simultaneous suppression of Ge vacancies and band tailoring, Adv. Energy Mater., 2103385, 2021. X.Y. Wang, W.H. Xue, Z.W. Zhang, X.F. Li, L. Yin, C. Chen, B. Yu, J.H. Sui, F. Cao, X.J. Liu, J. Mao, Y.M. Wang*, X. Lin*, Q. Zhang*, Stabilizing the optimal carrier concentration in Al/Sb-codoped GeTe for high thermoelectric performance, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 13, 457171-45725, 2021. X. Jia, S. Li, Z.W. Zhang, Y.S. Deng, X. Li, Y.R. Yan, J. Mao, J. Yang, Q. Zhang*, X.J. Liu*, Using materials quality factor BE for design of thermoelectric materials with multiple bands, Mater. Today Phys., 18, 100371, 2021. P.J.Ying, R. He, J. Mao, Q.H. Zhang, H. Reith, J.H. Sui, Z.F. Ren*, K.Nielsch, G. Schierning, Towards tellurium-free thermoelectric modules for powergeneration from low-grade heat, Nat. Commun., 12, 1-6, 2021. Z.X. Liang, C.C. Xu, H.J. Shang, Q. Zhu, F.Z. Ding, J. Mao*, Z.F. Ren*, High thermoelectric energy conversion efficiency of a n-type Mg3Bi2-based and p-type Bi2Te3-based unicouple, Mater. Today Phys., 19, 100413, 2021. 通讯作者 C.C. Xu, Z.X. Liang, H.J. Shang, D.Z. Wang, F.Z. Ding, J. Mao*, Z.F. Ren*, Scalable synthesis of n-type Mg3Sb2-xBix for thermoelectric applications, Mater. Today Phys., 17, 100336, 2021. 通讯作者 J. Mao, G. Chen, Z.F. Ren, Thermoelectric cooling materials, Nat. Mater., 20, 456-461, 2021. S. Li, Z.Z. Feng, Z.J. Tang, F.H. Zhang, F. Cao, X.J. Liu, D.J. Singh, J. Mao*, Z.F. Ren*, Q. Zhang*, Defect engineering for realizing p-type AgBiSe2 with promising thermoelectric performance. Chem. Mater., 32, 3528-3536, 2020. 通讯作者 H.J. Shang, Z.X. Liang, C.C. Xu, S.W. Song, D.X. Huang, H.W. Gu, J. Mao*, Z.F. Ren*, F.Z. Ding*, N-type Mg3Sb2-xBix with Improved Thermal Stability for Thermoelectric Power Generation. Acta Mater., 201, 572-579, 2020. 通讯作者 T. Zhou, Z.Z. Feng, J. Mao, J. Jiang, H.T. Zhu, D. Singh, C. Wang, Z.F. Ren, Thermoelectric properties of Zintl phase YbMg2Sb2, Chem. Mater., 32, 776-784, 2020. W.Y. Ren, Q.C. Song, H.T. Zhu, J. Mao, L. You, G.A. Gamage, J.W. Zhou, T. Zhou, J. Jiang, C. Wang, J. Luo, J. Wu, Z.M. Wang, G. Chen, Z.F. Ren, Intermediate-level doping strategy to simultaneously optimize power factor and phonon thermal conductivity for improving thermoelectric figure-of-merit, Mater. Today. Phys., 15, 100250, 2020. L. Yin, C. Chen, F. Zhang, X.F. Li, F.X. Bai, Z.W. Zhang, X.Y. Wang, J. Mao, F. Cao, X.J. Chen, J.H. Sui, X.J. Liu, Q. Zhang, Reliable n-type Mg3.2Sb1.5Bi0.49Te0.01/304 stainless steel Junction for thermoelectric applications, Acta Mater., 198, 25-34, 2020. Y. Niu, S. Li, J. Mao, C.C. Yang, Q.Y. Zhang, Q. Zhang, J. Jiang, C. Wang, Z.F. Ren, Suppressed phase transition and enhanced thermoelectric performance in iodine-doped AgCuTe, Nano Energy, 77, 105297, 2020. H.J. Shang, Z.X. Liang, C.C. Xu, J. Mao, H.W. Gu, F.Z. Ding, Z.F. Ren, N-type Mg3Sb2-xBix alloys as promising thermoelectric materials, Research, 1219461, 2020. J. Mao, H.T. Zhu, Z.W. Ding, Z.H. Liu, G.A. Gamage, G. Chen, Z.F. Ren, High thermoelectric cooling performance of Mg3Bi2-based materials, Science, 365, 495-498, 2019. H.T. Zhu#, J. Mao#, Y.W. Li, J.F. Sun, Y.M. Wang, Q. Zhu, G.N. Li, Q.C. Song, J.W. Zhou, Y.H. Fu, R. He, T. Tong, Z.H. Liu, W.Y. Ren, L. You, Z.M. Wang, J. Luo, A. Sotnikov, J.M. Bao, K. Nielsch, G. Chen, Z.F. Ren, Discovery of TaFeSb based half Heuslers with high thermoelectric performance, Nat. Commun., 10, 270, 2019. 共同一作 H.T. Zhu#, J. Mao#, Y.M. Wang, Z.Z. Feng, J.F. Sun, Q. Zhu, Z.H. Liu, D. Singh, Z.F. Ren, Understanding the asymmetrical thermoelectric performance for discovering promising thermoelectric materials, Sci. Adv., 5, eaav5813, 2019. 共同一作 T. Zhou, J. Mao, J. Jiang, S.W. Song, H.T. Zhu, Q. Zhu, Q.Y. Zhang, W.Y. Ren, Z.M. Wang, C. Wang, Z.F. Ren, Large reduction of thermal conductivity leading to enhanced thermoelectric performance in p-type Mg3Bi2-YbMg2Bi2 solid solutions, J. Mater. Chem. C, 7, 434-440, 2019. S.W. Song, J. Mao, M. Bordelon, R. He, Y.M. Wang, J. Shuai, J.Y. Sun, X.B. Lei, Z.S. Ren, S. Chen, S. Wilson, K. Nielsch, Q.Y. Zhang, Z.F. Ren, Joint effect of magnesium and yttrium on enhancing thermoelectric properties of n-type Zintl Mg3+δY0.02Sb1.5Bi0.5, Mater. Today Phys., 8, 25-33, 2019. W.Y. Ren, H.T. Zhu, J. Mao, L. You, S.W. Song, T. Tong, J.M. Bao, J. Luo, Z.M. Wang, Z.F. Ren, Manipulation of Ni interstitials for realizing large power factor in TiNiSn-based materials, Adv. Electron Mater., 1900166, 2019. Z.W. Zhang, X.Y. Wang, Y.J. Liu, C. Chen, H.H Yao, L. Yin, X.F. Li, S. Li, F. Zhang, F.X. Bai, J.H. Sui, B. Yu, F. Cao, X.J. Liu, J. Mao*, G.Q. Xie*, Q. Zhang*, Balancing the anionic framework polarity for enhanced thermoelectric performance in YbMg2Sb2 Zintl compounds, J. Materiomics, 5, 583-589, 2019. S. Li, H.T. Zhu, J. Mao, Z.Z. Feng, X.F. Li, C. Chen, F. Cao, X.J. Liu, D. Singh, Z.F. Ren, Q. Zhang, n-type TaCoSn-based half-Heuslers as promising thermoelectric materials, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 11, 41321-41329, 2019. Z.H. Liu, S.P. Guo, Y.X. Wu, J. Mao, Q. Zhu, H.T. Zhu, Y.Z. Pei, J.H. Sui, Y.S. Zhang, Z.F. Ren, Design of high-performance disordered half-Heuslers thermoelectric materials using 18-electron rule, Adv. Funct. Mater., 29, 1905044 2019. J. Mao, Z.H. Liu, J.W. Zhou, H.T. Zhu, Q. Zhang, G. Chen, Z.F. Ren, Advances in Thermoelectrics, Adv. Phys., 62, 69-147, 2018. H.T. Zhu#, R. He#, J. Mao#, Q. Zhu, C.H Li, J.F. Sun, W.Y. Ren, Y.M. Wang, Z.H. Liu, Z.J. Tang, A. Sotnikov, Z.M. Wang, D. Broido, D. Singh, Gang Chen, Kornelius Nielsch, Z.F. Ren, Discovery of the ZrCoBi-based half-Heuslers with high thermoelectric conversion efficiency, Nat. Commun., 9, 2497, 2018. 共同一作 Q. Zhang*, Q.C. Song, X.Y. Wang, J.Y. Sun, Q. Zhu, K. Dahal, X. Lin, F. Cao, J. W. Zhou, S. Chen, G. Chen, J. Mao*, Z.F. Ren*, Deep defect level engineering: a strategy of optimizing the carrier concentration for high thermoelectric performance, Energy Environ. Sci., 11, 933-940, 2018. 通讯作者 J. Mao, J. Niedziela, Y.M. Wang, Y. Xia, B.H. Ge, Z.H. Liu, J.W. Zhou, Z.S. Ren, W.S. Liu, M. Chan, G. Chen, O. Delaire, Q. Zhang, Z.F. Ren, Self-compensation: an approach to induce vacancies for phonon engineering, Nano Energy, 48, 189-196, 2018. Z.H. Liu*, J. Mao*, T. H. Liu*, G. Chen*, Z. F. Ren*, Nano-microstructural control of phonon engineering for thermoelectric energy harvesting, MRS Bull., 43, 181-186, 2018. 通讯作者 F. Tian, B. Song, B Lv, J.Y. Sun, S.Y. Huyan, Q. Wu, J. Mao, Y.Z. Ni, Z.W. Ding, S. Huberman, T.H. Liu, G. Chen, S. Chen, C.W. Chu, Z.F. Ren, Seeded growth and characterization of boron arsenide single crystals with high thermal conductivity, Appl. Phys. Lett., 112, 031903, 2018. S.W. Song, J. Mao, J. Shuai, H.T. Zhu, Z.S. Ren, U. Saparamadu, Z.J. Tang, B. Wang, Z.F. Ren, Study on anisotropy of n-type Mg3Sb2-based thermoelectric materials, Appl. Phys. Lett., 112, 092103, 2018. J. Shuai, B.H. Ge, J. Mao, S.W. Song, Y.M. Wang, Z.F. Ren, The significant role of Mg stoichiometry in designing high thermoelectric performance for Mg3(Sb, Bi)2-based n-type Zintls, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 140, 1910-1915, 2018 W.Y. Ren, H.T. Zhu, Q. Zhu, U. Saparamadu, R. He, Z.H. Liu, J. Mao, C. Wang, K. Nielsch, Z.M. Wang, and Z.F. Ren, Ultrahigh power factor in thermoelectric system Nb0.95M0.05FeSb (M = Hf, Zr, and Ti), Adv. Sci., 1800278, 2018. Z.H. Liu, J.F. Sun, J. Mao, H.T. Zhu, W. Y. Ren, J.C. Zhou, Z.M. Wang, D.J. Singh, J.H. Sui, C.W. Chu, Z.F. Ren, Phase-transition temperature suppression to achieve cubic GeTe and high thermoelectric performance by Bi and Mn codoping, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 115, 5332-5337, 2018. J.W. Zhou, H.T. Zhu, T.H. Liu, Q.C. Song, R. He, J. Mao, Z.H. Liu, W.Y. Ren, B.L. Liao, D.J. Singh, Z.F. Ren, G. Chen, Large thermoelectric power factor from crystal symmetry-protected non-bonding orbital in half-Heuslers, Nat. Commun., 9, 1721, 2018. U. Saparamadu, C.H. Li, R. He, H.T. Zhu, Z.S. Ren, J. Mao, S.W. Song, J.Y. Sun, S. Chen, Q.Y. Zhang, K. Nielsch, D. Broido, Z.F. Ren, Improved thermoelectric performance of tellurium by alloying with a small concentration of selenium to decrease lattice thermal conductivity, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 11, 511-516, 2018. Z.S. Ren, J. Shuai, J. Mao, Q. Zhu, S.W. Song, Y.Z. Ni, S. Chen, Significantly enhanced thermoelectric properties of p-type Mg3Sb2 via co-doping of Na and Zn, Acta Mater., 143, 265-271, 2018. J. Mao, J. Shuai, S.W. Song, Y.X. Wu, R. Dally, J.W. Zhou, Z.H. Liu, J.F. Sun, Q.Y. Zhang, C. dela Cruz, S. Wilson, Y.Z. Pei, D. Singh, G. Chen, C.W. Chu, and Z.F. Ren, Manipulation of ionized impurity scattering for achieving high thermoelectric performance in n-type Mg3Sb2-based materials, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 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