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王威于2008年毕业于哈尔滨工业大学应用化学专业,获理学学士,毕业论文导师为郝素娥教授。2008-2013年期间于美国宾州州立大学攻读化学博士学位,导师为美国科学院院士Thomas Mallouk教授。2014年至今就职于哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)材料科学与工程学院,现任教授,博士生导师。2016.2-2017.2期间王威为韩国基础科学研究院软物质与活性物质中心访问学者,与美国科学院院士Steve Granick教授开展了多项合作。2014年入选深圳市地方级领军人才。2015年获韩国基础科学研究院青年研究员奖。2018年入选哈工大青年拔尖教授。王威现任中国微纳米技术学会微纳执行器与微系统分会、微纳机器人分会理事。获国家自然科学基金优青项目、广东省杰出青年基金、深圳市优秀青年基金等资助。 王威课题组研究领域为微纳米机器人的交叉科学,研究内容包括微纳米低维材料的制备、微纳米马达的驱动机制、动态自组装、集群行为与集群智慧、多物理数值模拟等。截止2023年8月,共在Sciende Advances、PNAS、Advanced Materials、JACS、PRL、Angewandte Chemie、ACS Nano等国内外高水平期刊上共发表学术论文70余篇,引用5400余次,参与出版著作4部。研究成果受到国内外同行的广泛关注和高度评价,被国内外媒体如CNN、BBC等报道,被Nanoscale、Chemsystemchem等期刊评选为2024年Emerging investigator。 教育经历 2008.8-2013.8 美国宾州州立大学,化学系,Mallouk课题组,博士 2004.9-2008.7 哈尔滨工业大学,应用化学系,学士 研究与工作经历 2018.3至今 哈尔滨工业大学深圳研究生院,教授 2014.2-2018.3 哈尔滨工业大学深圳研究生院,副教授 2015.7-2015.9 美国宾州州立大学访问学者 2016.2-2017.2 韩国基础科学研究院软物质与活性物质研究中心访问研究员


智能仿生材料(应激响应材料) 微纳米低维材料的化学制备、表征 胶体颗粒的物理、化学基础问题 超声波微纳米粒子操控,光学追踪 COMSOL多物理耦合模拟 微纳米颗粒动态自组装、自组织 我们现在主要研究的是能够自发运动的微纳米颗粒材料,也被称作微纳米马达,或者活性胶体,或者胶体马达。这种材料一般是微米尺度的胶体颗粒,在特定的条件下,能够在液体中自主运动(像显微镜下面的细菌一样)。我们的主要工作,是合成这些颗粒,然后寻找合适的条件驱动他们,并在显微镜下面观察他们的运动、相互作用、群体行为、自组装等。在观察记录的基础上,我们运用电脑建模、简单的物理模型、以及一些简单的化学知识,来理解这些运动背后的科学原理。另一方面,在这些知识的基础上,我们也可以利用这些运动的微纳米颗粒来探索在环境、生物医药等等领域的应用。后一方面的工作我们做的比较少,更多的是探索科学问题。


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Chem. 2021, 93, 49, 16628–16637 (published on Dec. 2, 2021) Wang, Wei* and Thomas E. Mallouk*. A Practical Guide to Analyzing and Reporting the Movement of Nanoscale Swimmers. ACS Nano, 2021, 15, 10, 15446–15460 (published on 12 October, 2021) Zihan Ye, Yong Wang, Sanhu Liu, Dandan Xu, Wei Wang, and Xing Ma*, Construction of Nanomotors with Replaceable Engines by Supramolecular Machine-Based Host–Guest Assembly and Disassembly, JACS, 2021, 143, 37, 15063–15072 (published on 9 September, 2021) Shifang Duan, Pengzhao Xua and Wei Wang*, Better fuels for photocatalytic micromotors: a case study of triethanolamine, Chem. Commun., 2021, 57, 9902 - 9905 (published on 31 August, 2021) Xianglong Lyu, Xiaoxia Liu, Chao Zhou, Shifang Duan, Pengzhao Xu, Jia Dai, Xiaowen Chen, Yixin Peng, Donghao Cui, Jinyao Tang, Xing Ma*, and Wei Wang*, Active, Yet Little Mobility: Asymmetric Decomposition of H2O2 Is Not Sufficient in Propelling Catalytic Micromotors, JACS, 2021, 143, 31, 12154–12164 (published on 2 August, 2021) Qizhang Wang#, Chao Zhou#, Luyang Huang and Wei Wang*, "Ballistic" Waves Among Chemically Oscillating Micromotors, Chem. Comm., 2021, 57, 8492-8495 (published on 26 July, 2021) Luyang Huang, Jeffrey L. Moran* and Wei Wang*, Designing Chemical Micromotors That Communicate-A Survey of Experiments, JCIS Open, 2021, 2, 100006 (published 6 April 2021) Wei Wang* and Chao Zhou, A Journey of Nanomotors for Targeted Cancer Therapy: Principles, Challenges, and a Critical Review of State-of-The-Art, Adv. Healthcare Mater., 2020, 10(2), 2001236 (published 27 October 2020) Xie, Wenqing, Chao Zhou, Xiaoliang Zhang, Sinan Du, Wei Wang, Huaguang Wang*, and Zexin Zhang*. "Large-scale Synthesis of Uniform and Shape-tunable ZnO/Polysiloxane Janus Micromotors Powered by Visible Light and Pure Water". ChemNanoMat, 2020, 6(12), 1749-1753 (published 24 September 2020). Xianglong Lv, Zuyao Xiao, Chao Zhou, Yong Wang, Shifang Duan, Jingyuan Chen, Wendi Duan, Xing Ma* and Wei Wang*, Tadpole‐Shaped Catalytic Janus Microrotors Enabled by Facile and Controllable Growth of Silver Nanotails, Adv. Func. Mater. 2020, 30(46), 2004858 (published on September 6, 2020) Zhou, Min, Dan Gao*, Zhou Yang, Chao Zhou, Ying Tan, Wei Wang*, and Yuyang Jiang. "Streaming-enhanced, chip-based biosensor with acoustically active, biomarker-functionalized micropillars: a case study of thrombin detection." Talanta, 2021, 222,121480. (published on August 13, 2020) Zuyao Xiao, Shifang Duan, Pengzhao Xu, Jingqin Cui, Hepeng Zhang, and Wei Wang*, Synergistic Speed Enhancement of an Electric-Photochemical Hybrid Micromotor by Tilt Rectification, ACS Nano, 2020, 14, 7, 8658–8667 (published on June 12, 2020) Pengzhao Xu, Shifang Duan, Zuyao Xiao, Zhou Yang and Wei Wang*, Light-powered Active Colloids from Monodisperse and Highly Tunable Microspheres with A Thin TiO2 shell, Soft Matter, 2020, 16, 6082 - 6090 (published on June 5, 2020) Chao Zhou #, Qizhang Wang #, Xianglong Lv, and Wei Wang*, Non-oscillatory Micromotors "Learn" to Oscillate On-the-fly from Oscillating Ag Micromotors, Chemical Communications, 2020, 56, 6499 - 6502 (published on April 23, 2020) Chao Zhou, Nobuhiko Jessis Suematsu, Yixin Peng, Qizhang Wang, Xi Chen, Yongxiang Gao, and Wei Wang*, Coordinating an Ensemble of Chemical Micromotors via Spontaneous Synchronization, ACS Nano, 2020, 14, 5, 5360–5370 (published on April 9, 2020) Wei Wang*, Xianglong Lv, Jeffrey L. Moran, Shifang Duan and Chao Zhou, A practical guide to active colloids: choosing synthetic model systems for soft matter physics research, Soft Matter, 2020,16, 3846-3868 (published on Mar. 20, 2020. Soft Matter Most Popular 2020) Zuyao Xiao, Jingyuan Chen, Shifang Duan, Xianglong Lv, Jizhuang Wang, Xing Ma, Jinyao Tang, and Wei Wang*, Bimetallic coatings synergistically enhance the speeds of photocatalytic TiO2 micromotors, Chemical Communications, 2020, 56, 4728-4731 (published on Mar. 2, 2020) Xi Chen, Chao Zhou, Yixin Peng, Qizhang Wang and Wei Wang*, Temporal Light Modulation of Photochemically Active, Oscillating Micromotors: Dark Pulses, Mode Switching, and Controlled Clustering, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2020, 12, 10, 11843-11851 (published on Feb. 24, 2020) Sinan Du, Huaguang Wang, Chao Zhou, Wei Wang* and Zexin Zhang*, Motor and Rotor in One: Light-Active ZnO/Au Twinned Rods of Tunable Motion Modes, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142, 5, 2213-2217 (published on Jan. 19, 2020) Yong Wang, Wendi Duan, Chao Zhou, Qing Liu, Jiahui Gu, Heng Ye, Mingyu Li, Wei Wang* and Xing Ma*. Phoretic Liquid Metal Micro/Nanomotors as Intelligent Filler for Targeted Microwelding. Advanced Materials 2019, 31(51), 1905067. (published on October 30, 2019) Ren, Liqiang, Nitesh Nama, Jeffrey M. McNeill, Fernando Soto, Zhifei Yan, Wu Liu, Wei Wang*, Joseph Wang*, and Thomas E. Mallouk*. 3D steerable, acoustically powered microswimmers for single-particle manipulation. Science Advances 2019, 5(10), eaax3084. (published on October 25, 2019) Dong, R#., Wang, W#., and Granick, S.*, Colloidal Flatlands Confronted with Urge for the Third Dimension, ACS Nano, 2019, 13(8), 9442-9448 (published on July 26, 2019) Zhang, L. #., Xiao, Z. #., Chen, X., Chen, J., and Wang, W.*, Confined 1D Propulsion of Metallodielectric Janus Micromotors on Microelectrodes Under Alternating Current Electric Fields, ACS Nano, 2019, 13(8), 8842-8853 (published on July 2, 2019) Chen, X., Zhou, C., Wang, W.*, Colloidal Motors 101: A Beginner's Guide to Colloidal Motor Research, Chem. Asia J., 2019, 14, 2388-2405 (published on April 9, 2019) Zhou, C., Chen, X., Han, Z., Wang, W.*, Photochemically Excited, Pulsating Janus Colloidal Motors of Tunable Dynamics, ACS Nano, 2019, 13(4), 4064-4072 (published on March 27, 2019) Yang, X.; Zhu, Q.; Liu, C.; Wang, W.; Li, Y.; Marchesoni, F.; H?nggi, P.; Zhang, H. P. Diffusion of Colloidal Rods in Corrugated Channels. Phys. Rev. E 2019, 99 (2), 020601–020605. Xu, D.; Zhou, C.; Zhan, C.; Wang, Y.; You, Y.; Pan, X.; Jiao, J.; Zhang, R.; Dong, Z.; Wang, W.; Ma, X.*. Enzymatic Micromotors as a Mobile Photosensitizer Platform for Highly Efficient on-Chip Targeted Antibacteria Photodynamic Therapy. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2019, 3, 1807727–11. Xiao, Z., Wei M., Wang, W.*. A Review of Micromotors in Confinements: Pores, Channels, Grooves, Steps, Interfaces, Chains and Swimming in the Bulk, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11(7), 6667-6684. (published on Dec. 18, 2018) Xu, D.; Cai, F.; Chen, M.; Li, F.; Wang, C.; Meng, L.; Xu, D.; Wang, W.; Wu, J.; Zheng, H. Acoustic Manipulation of Particles in a Cylindrical Cavity: Theoretical and Experimental Study on the Effects of Boundary Conditions. Ultrasonics 2019, 93, 18–25. Ren, L.; Wang, W.*; Mallouk, T. E.* Two Forces Are Better Than One: Combining Chemical and Acoustic Propulsion for Enhanced Micromotor Functionality. Acc. Chem. Res. 2018, 51 (9), 1948–1956. (published on Aug. 6, 2018) Wang, Y.; Zhou, C.; Wang, W.; Xu, D.; Zeng, F.; Zhan, C.; Gu, J.; Li, M.; Zhao, W.; Zhang, J.; et al. Photocatalytically Powered Matchlike Nanomotor for Light‐Guided Active SERS Sensing. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 2018, 57 (40), 13110–13113. Dylan Nicholls, Andrew DeVerse, Ra'Shae Esplin, John Castan?eda, Yoseph Loyd, Raaman Nair, Robert Voinescu, Chao Zhou, Wei Wang, and John G Gibbs*, Shape-Dependent Motion of Structured Photoactive Microswimmers, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2018, 10(21), 18050-18056 (published May 3, 2018) Chao Zhou, Hepeng Zhang, Jinyao Tang, and Wei Wang*, Photochemically Powered AgCl Janus Micromotors as A Model System to Understand Ionic Self-diffusiophoresis, Langmuir, 2018, 34(10), 3289-3295 Tianlong Li#, Anning Zhang#, Guangbin Shao, Mengshi Wei, Bin Guo, Guangyu Zhang*, Longqiu Li * and Wei Wang*, Janus Microdimer Surface Walkers Propelled by Oscillating Magnetic Fields, Advanced Functional Materials, 2018, 28, 1706066 Mengshi Wei, Chao Zhou, Jinyao Tang and Wei Wang*, Catalytic Micromotors Moving Near Polyelectrolyte-Modified Substrates: The Roles of Surface Charges, Morphology, and Released Ions, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2018, 10 (3), 2249–2252 Chao Zhou, #. Leilei Zhao, #. Mengshi Wei and Wei Wang*, Twists and Turns of Orbiting and Spinning Metallic Microparticles Powered by Megahertz Ultrasound, ACS Nano, 2017, 11 (12), 12668–12676 (published on Nov. 28, 2017) Dekai Zhou, Liqiang Ren, Yuguang C. Li, Pengtao Xu, YuanGaoa, Guangyu Zhang, Wei Wang*, Thomas E. Mallouk*, and Longqiu Li*, Visible Light-Driven, Magnetically Steerable Gold/Iron Oxide Nanomotors, Chem. Comm., 2017, 53, 11465-11468 (published on Oct. 2, 2017) L. O. Mair*, B. A. Evans, A. Nacev, P. Y. Stepanov, R. Hilaman, S. Chowdhury, S. Jafari, W. Wang, B. Shapiroe and I. N. Weinberg, Magnetic microkayaks: propulsion of microrods precessing near a surface by kilohertz frequency, rotating magnetic fields, Nanoscale, 2017, 9 (10), 3375-3381 (published on Feb. 17, 2017) Dekai Zhou, Yuguang C. Li, Pengtao Xu, Nicholas S. McCool, Longqiu Li*, Wei Wang and Thomas E. Mallouk*, Visible-light controlled catalytic Cu2O–Au micromotors, Nanoscale, 2017, 9, 75-78(published on Nov. 28, 2016) Chao Zhou, Wei Wang* and Hepeng Zhang*, Individual behaviors and dynamic self-assembly of active colloids (活性胶体的个体行为与动态自组装, published in Chinese), Chinese Science Bulletin, 2017, 62, 194-208 Zeheng Li, Lanjun Bai, Chao Zhou, Xiaohui Yan, Lamar Mair, Anning Zhang, Li Zhang and Wei Wang*, Highly Acid-resistant, Magnetically Steerable Acoustic Micromotors Prepared by Coating Gold Microrods with Fe3O4 Nanoparticles via pH Adjustment, Particle and Particle Systems Characterization, 2017, 34, 1600277 (published on Dec. 19, 2016) Bumjin Jang, Wei Wang, Samuel Wiget, Andrew J. Petruska, Xiangzhong Chen, Chengzhi Hu, Ayoung Hong, David Folio, Antoine Ferreira, Salvador Pane?*, and Bradley J. Nelson*, Catalytic locomotion of core-shell nanowire motors, ACS Nano, 2016, 10(11), 9983-9991 Chang Liu, Chao Zhou, Wei Wang and Hepeng Zhang*, Bimetallic Microswimmers Speed Up in Confining Channels, Physical Review Letters, 2016, 117, 198001 Suzanne Ahmed, Wei Wang, Lanjun Bai, Dillon T. Gentekos, Mauricio Hoyos, and Thomas E. Mallouk*, Density and Shape Effects in the Acoustic Propulsion of Bimetallic Nanorod Motors, ACS Nano, 2016, 10(4), 4763-4769 Chao Zhou, Hua Zhang, Zeheng Li, and Wei Wang*, Chemistry Pumps: A Review of Chemically Powered Micropumps, Lab-on-a-Chip, 2016,16, 1797-1811 E. L. Jewell, W. Wang* and T. E. Mallouk*, Catalytically driven assembly of trisegmented metallic nanorods and polystyrene tracer particles, Soft Matter, 2016, 12(9), 2501-2504.
