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教育经历 2000-2004 获工学博士学位(计算机辅助材料工程),香港理工大学 学位论文:体心立方和密排六方金属晶体的纳米塑性 1995-1997 获文学学士学位(科技英语),哈尔滨工业大学 1992-1996 获工学学士学位(焊接工艺及设备),哈尔滨工业大学 研究与工作经历 2019- 至今 教授、博士生导师、副院长,哈工大(深圳)材料科学与工程学院 2016-2018 副教授、博士生导师、副院长,哈工大(深圳)材料科学与工程学院 2011-2016 副教授、副院长,哈工大(深圳)材料科学与工程学院 2007-2016 副教授,哈工大深圳研究生院材料科学与工程学院 2005-2010 副处长,哈工大深圳研究生院 科技发展处 2004-2005 访问学者,香港理工大学 电子与资讯工程学系 1997-2000 研究实习员,哈尔滨工业大学 科研处 科研项目 2017-2020 国家自然科学基金面上项目:纳尺度二氧化钒相变机理和传导特性及其力学栽荷调控研究(项目编号:11672090) 2018-2020 深圳市发改委工程实验室:深圳空天探测成像技术工程实验室 2016-2017 深圳市科技创新项目:ZAO平面式异质结钙钛矿太阳能电池的制备与性能研究(项目号: JCYJ20150513151706572) 2015-2016 深圳市科技创新项目:一种新型动力锂电池正极材料二氧化钒纳米线的制备与性能研究(项目号: JCYJ20140606094908124) 科研成果及奖励 2009 获黑龙江省科技进步三等奖 1999 获黑龙江省教学成果二等奖 1999 获哈工大教学成果二等奖




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Xiangli Liu, Jian Wang*, Low-energy, mobile grain boundaries in magnesium, Scientific Reports, 6(21393), 2016/2/19. Chengqian Wang, Jian Shao, Xiangli Liu*, Yun Chen, W. M. Xiong, X. Y. Zhuang, Yue Zheng*, Phase transition characteristics in the conductivity of VO2(A) nanowires: size and surface effects, PCCP, 2016, 18(15):10262-10269 Qiang Sheng, Xiangli Liu*, W. J. Chen, W. M. Xiong, G. L. Jiang, Yue Zheng*, Domain stability and polar-vortex transformations controlled by mechanical loads in soft ferromagnetic nanodots, AIP Advances, 2016, 6(3): 035003 Zongxiao Li, Xiangli Liu*, Temperature-dependent photoluminescence property of self-assembly ZnO nanowires via chemical vapor deposition combined with hydrothermal pretreatment, Materials, 2015, 8(11):7598-7603 Chengqian Wang, Xiangli Liu*, Jian Shao, Weiming Xiong, Wenjing Ma and Yue Zheng*, Structural transition and temperature-driven conductivity switching of single crystalline VO2(A) nanowires, RSC Advances, 2014, 4(109):64021-64026 Z.X. Li, X.L. Liu*, W.J. Chen, X.Y. Zhang, Y Wang, W.M. Xiong and Y Zheng*, Switchable diode effect in ferroelectric thin film: High dependence on poling process and temperature, AIP Advances 2014, 4(12), 127111 X.L. Liu*,Nonvolatile hologram storage properties of tri-doped Zn:Ce:Cu:LiNbO3 crystals, Optik-International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 2014, 125(17):4903–4905 X.L. Liu*, Influence of Sc ions on optical properties of Ce:LiTaO3 crystals, Optik-International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 2013, 124(18):3646-3648 C.H. Woo, X.L. Liu. Generation of c-component edge dislocations in α-zirconium during neutron irradiation–An atomistic study, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2009, 393(3):513-517 C. H. Woo, X.L. Liu. Atomistic calculation of point-defect diffusion anisotropy and irradiation growth in α-zirconium, Philosophical Magazine, 2007, 87(16-17):2355-2369 X.L. Liu, S.I. Golubov, C.H. Woo, Hanchen Huang*. Glide of edge dislocations in tungsten and molybdenum, Material Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing, 2004, 365(1-2):96-100 X.L. Liu, S.I. Golubov, C.H. Woo*, Hanchen Huang. Atomistic simulations of dislocation-void interaction using Green’s function boundary relaxation. Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 2004, 5(6):527-539. S.I. Golubov*, X.L. Liu, Hanchen Huang, C.H. Woo. GFCUBHEX: Program to calculate elastic Green's functions and displacement fields for applications in atomistic simulations of defects in cubic and hcp crystals, Computer Physics Communications, 2001, 137(2):312-324
