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孙飞云,哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)土木与环境工程学院教授、博士生导师。 国家级青年人才计划入选者(2023年)、首批深圳市海外高层次人才(孔雀计划)入选者(2012年)、深圳市地方级领军人才(2017年)。 2011年博士毕业于香港大学土木工程系(导师:李晓岩教授)。2011年起加入哈尔滨工业大学(深圳),先后从事博士后研究(合作导师:董文艺教授)、助理教授、副教授、教授。国际水协会(IWA)中国青年委员会委员,国际水协会膜技术专业委员会中国分会理事,Chinese Chem. Letter等SCI期刊编委/客座编辑。研究方向包括膜分离技术及其过程开发、污水处理和资源化、饮用水深度处理、城市雨水利用技术等。主持包括国家自然科学基金面上项目(3项)与青年基金项目、国家科技重大专项子课题、国家重点研发国际间合作(课题)、广东省自然科学基金、深圳市基础研究学科布局项目等30余项。迄今发表学术文章200余篇(其中Water Research, Journal of Membrane Science, Chemical Engineering Journal 等SCI论文120余篇),主编或者参编国内外专著5部,申请和授权国家专利20余项。先后获2021年度广东省科技进步二等奖(第2)、2020年深圳市科技进步二等奖(第2)、2019年度环境保护科学技术二等奖(第4)、2019年广东省市政行业协会一等奖(第2)、2014年建设部华夏奖三等奖等奖励。 教育经历 2006年9月—2010年11月,工学博士学位(土木工程,市政方向),香港大学 学位论文:膜生物反应器应用于生物法除磷脱氮过程研究:处理效果、膜污染机理及其控制 2003年9月—2006年3月, 工学硕士学位(环境工程),北京交通大学 学位论文:好氧硝化颗粒污泥反应器分离尿液稳定化处理试验研究 1999年9月—2003年6月, 工学学士学位(环境工程),太原理工大学 研究与工作经历 2021年12月至今, 教授,博士生导师,哈尔滨工业大学(深圳) 2016年5月—2021年12月,副教授,博士生导师,哈尔滨工业大学(深圳) 2014年8月—2016年4月, 副教授,硕士生导师,哈尔滨工业大学深圳研究生院 2013年6月—2014年7月, 助理教授,硕士生导师,哈尔滨工业大学深圳研究生院 2011年6月—2013年5月, 博士后,哈尔滨工业大学深圳研究生院 2010年5月—2010年12月,实习,深圳市人居环境委员会(现深圳市生态环境局) 科研项目 2023~2026年,国家自然科学基金项目“水体PFASs迁移转化机制”,主持 2021~2023年,深圳市科技计划-稳定支持计划(面上项目)“E-AnCMBR系统及其效能”,主持 2020年~2021年,山西省重点研发计划项目“垃圾渗滤液制备污水厂碳源技术研发”,主持 2020~2024年,国家自然科学基金项目“膜结构影响MBfR异向传质”,主持 2020~2022年,深圳市科技创新委员会“坪山河流域全天候水环境达标技术集成与应用示范”,参与 2017~2020年,国家自然科学基金面上项目“陶瓷膜MBR耦合生物电化学过程”,主持 2017~2019年,广东省自然科学基金项目“纳滤膜界面微生物附着机制”,主持 2018~2021年,深圳市基础研究项目“低压高临界通量纳滤膜研究”,主持 2015~2019年,深圳市水务局技术研发项目“河道生态修复效果监测与评估”,主持 2018~2019年,深圳市水务局科技创新项目“深圳湾项目水质变化及控制策略研究”,主持 2018~2020年,深圳市科技应用示范项目“高排放标准污水处理厂升级改造”,参与 2016~2018年,深圳市基础研究项目“低能耗高通量生物电化学陶瓷膜MBR系统”,主持 2015~2017年,国家重大科技专项“中小水厂消毒工艺优化及副产物控制技术研究与示范”,参与 2014~2017年,国家自然科学基金青年基金项目“纳滤浓差极化行为解析”,主持 2014~2017年,国家科技支撑计划课题“生活垃圾源头干湿分离的经济性及实施路径研究”,参与 2017~2019年,深圳市技术攻关项目“海绵城市监测及评估系统研发”,主持 2014~2016年,深圳市基础研究项目“纳米无机盐掺杂改性制备抑菌抗污染型超滤膜”,主持 2014~2015年,深圳市水务局技术研发“民生水务生态水务前沿技术适用性研究”,主持 2012~2015年,国家科技重大专项“水体污染控制与治理”子课题,南方低影响开发示范区和示范工程监测与评估,子课题负责人,主持 2012~2015年,国家重大科技专项子课题“典型行业排水特征污染物脱除成套技术研究与示范”,参与 2012~2014年,广东省自然科学基金(博士启动)项目:“正向渗透(FO)深度处理EfOM过程膜污染机理与控制研究”,主持 2012~2013年,中国博士后基金:“正向渗透处理EfOM过滤行为与膜通量衰减驱动机制研究”,主持 2013~2015年,深圳市孔雀计划技术创新资助项目:“高效同步脱氮除磷MBR系统开发与膜污染控制策略研究”,主持 2012~2015年,国家科技重大专项“水体污染控制与治理”“十二五”子课题,景观生态-活性污泥复合处理系统稳定运行机制,第二合作完成人 2011~2014年,国家自然科学基金,发酵产氢宏基因组[FeFe]-氢酶筛选与体外多酶体系制氢研究,第一合作完成人 2012~2014年,国家自然科学基金,污泥底泥化学与生化修复中重金属分布与形态转化,第一合作完成人




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书籍及书籍章节 《景观生态-活性污泥复合系统及其污水处理技术》-中国建筑工业出版社-主编 《电镀废水处理技术与工艺研究》-中国建筑工业出版社-副主编 《城镇污水处理膜生物反应器(MBR)工艺与膜污染控制技术》-哈尔滨工业大学出版社-主编 《城市再生水利用与再生水设施的建设管理》-哈尔滨工业大学出版社-参编 期刊论文(* 作为通讯作者) Zhang W., Li M., Lin L., Li M., Sun FY.*. Peroxyacetic acid activation by cobalt-doped peanut shell biochar for efficient CBZ degradation: Role of organic radicals, singlet oxygen, and high-valent cobalt species. Separation and Purification Technology, 11, 2023, 125592. Song Z., Liao RF., Zhang XB., Su XL., Wang MM., Zeng HJ., Dong WY., Sun FY.*. Simultaneous methanogenesis and denitrification in an anaerobic moving bed biofilm reactor for landfill leachate treatment: Ameliorative effect of rhamnolipids. Water Research, 245, 15. 2023, 120646. Yang C., Lin L.*, Shang SS., Ma SS., Sun FY., Kaimin Shih., Li XY*. Packed OV-SnO2-Sb bead-electrodes for enhanced electrocatalytic oxidation of micropollutants in water. Water Research, 245, 15. 2023, 120628. Song Z., Liao RF., Su XL., Zhang X., Zhao ZL., Sun FY*. Development of a novel three-dimensional biofilm-electrode system (3D-BES) loaded with Fe-modified biochars for enhanced pollutants removal in landfill leachate. Science of The Total Environment, 903, 10, 2023, 166980. Su XL., Feng XC., Wang MM., Song Z., Dong WY., Li XY., Ren NQ., Sun FY*. Temporal dynamic of biofouling on the ultrafiltration membrane for wastewater reclamation and strategy for biofouling pertinence mitigation. Journal of Membrane Science, 687, 5. 2023, 122053 Yang SW., Shang WT., Shi HH., Sun FY., Zeng HJ. Development of an automatic and object-oriented method for spacer design in the spiral wound nanofiltration modules to comprehensively enhance filtration performance. Desalination. Volume 566, 15. 2023, 116945. Zhang W., Li M., Luo JW., Zhang G., Lin L., Sun FY., Li M., Dong ZJ., Li XY. Modulating the coordination environment of Co single-atom catalysts through sulphur doping to efficiently enhance peroxymonosulfate activation for degradation of carbamazepine. Chemical Engineering Journal, 474, 15. 2023, 145377 He X., Chen WT., Sun FY., Jiang ZK., Li B., Li XY., Lin L.*. Enhanced NH4+ Removal and Recovery from Wastewater Using Na-Zeolite-based Flow-Electrode Capacitive Deionization: Insight from Ion Transport Flux. Environmental Science and Technology. 2023, 57, 23, 8828–8838. Song Z., Sun F.Y., Xing DY., Liao RF., Zhang XB., Wang MM., Su XL., Wen Zheng., Dong WY. Integrating electrochemical pre-treatment with carrier-based membrane bioreactor for efficient treatment of municipal waste transfer stations leachate. Bioresource Technology 379 (2023) 129003. Feng L., Sun FY., Yang JX., Cui D., Li ZH., Pi SS., Zhao HP., Li A. Intracellular electron competition in response to the oxygen pressure of the aerobic denitrification process in an O2-based membrane biofilm reactor (MBfR) for nitrate removal. Science of the Total Environment 875 (2023) 162592 Shang WT., Liu WJ., Wang WL., Khanzada NK., Guo JX., Li M., Li XY., Lao JY., Jeong SY., Tso CY., Sun FY.*, An AK*. Facile synthesis of micro-eggette patterned nanofiltration membrane with enhanced anti-fouling and rejection performance. Desalination 555 (2023) 116524. Zeng HJ., Sun FY., Zhang JJ., Wang Y., Yang SW., Xing DY*., Gradient crosslinking optimization for the selective layer to prepare polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) nanofiltration (NF) membrane: The enhanced filtration performance and potential rejection for EDCs. Journal of Membrane Science 675 (2023) 121548. Su XL., Sun FY.*, Zhang JJ., Xing DY., Li XY., Song Z., Feng L., Huang ZC., Li A., Characterization and shifting of microbial community to chemoautotrophic denitrification for anaerobic sulfamethoxazole biodegradation with different electron acceptors. Journal of Cleaner production. 387, 2023, 135870. Liu DQ., Liu P., Liu DM., Zhao J., Zhang T., Zhong LL., Sun FY.*, Liu J., Wang W. Binder-free in-situ reinforced nanofibrous membrane with anti-deformable pore structures for seawater concentration. Journal of Membrane Science. Available online 30 December 2022, 121338 Liao RF, Song Z, Zhang JJ, Xing DY, Yan SB, Dong WY, Sun FY.*, Pilot-scale treatment of municipal garbage mechanical dewatering wastewater by an integrated system involving partial nitrification and denitrification. Journal of Environmental Management. 329, 2023, 117088. Xing DY, Shen Q, Tao SY, Zeng HJ, Dong WY, Sun FY.*, Aminoimidazole ionic liquid (IL) embellishment of nanofiltration (NF) membrane to simultaneously enhance heavy metals rejection and permeability. Desalination. 549, 2023, 116345. Zhang, W., Li M., Shang WT., Wang MM., Zhang JJ., Sun FY.,* Li M., Li XY., Singlet oxygen dominated core-shell Co nanoparticle to synergistically degrade methylene blue through efficient activation of peroxymonosulfate. Separation and Purification Technology. 308, 2023, 122849. Xie, WY., Song W., Li J., Zhang XL., Dong WY., Sun FY.*, Micro-polluted water resources treatment by PVDF-TiO2 membrane combined with Fe2+/sodium dithionite (DTN)/O2 pre-oxidation process. Chemosphere. 311, Part 1, 2023, 136998. Han Q., Wang MM., Sun FY., Yu BP., Dong ZJ., Luo JW., Li P., Jin XL., Dai ZG. Effectiveness and degradation pathways of bisphenol A (BPA) initiated by hydroxyl radicals and sulfate radicals in water: Initial reaction sites based on DFT prediction. Environmental Research. 216, Part 2, 2023, 114601. Yuan CY., Sun FY.*, Zhang JJ., Feng L., TU HH., Li A., Low-temperature-resistance granulation of activated sludge and the microbial responses to the granular structural stabilization. Chemosphere. 311, Part 2, 2023, 137146. Li Z. Han Q., Sun FY., Li SZ., Liu J., Liu X., Lu JJ., Li WY., Unraveling effects of multivalent salts on internal fouling by proteins in NF-like forward osmosis. Journal of Membrane Science. 668, 2023, 121236. Yang, SW; Song, Z; Li, P; Sun, FY;* Zeng, HJ; Dong, WY; Feng, XC*, Ren NQ. Biofouling initiation on a microfiltration membrane related to deposition and adhesion of bacteria from the perspective of interface interactions, Desalination, 545, 2023, 116151. Lu JJ., Zhang H., Li WY., Yi JB., Sun FY.,* Zhao YW., Feng L., Li Z., Dong WY., Biofilm stratification in counter-diffused membrane biofilm bioreactors (MBfRs) for aerobic methane oxidation coupled to aerobic/anoxic denitrification: Effect of oxygen pressure. Water Research. 226, 2022,119243 Song, Z; Liao, RF; Wang, MM; Zhang, JJ; Dong, ZJ; Wen, Z; Dong, WY; Sun, FY*. Biosurfactant-driven synergic roles to accelerate biofilm formation in an anaerobic moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR): A comprehensive analysis on meso and micro scale, Journal of Cleaner Production, 373, 2022, 133930. Su, XL; Xing, DY; Song, Z; Dong, WY ; Zhang, MD ; Feng, L ; Wang, MM; Sun, FY.* Understanding the effects of electrical exposure mode on membrane fouling in an electric anaerobic ceramic membrane bioreactor[J]. Journal of membrane science,2022,659,120756. Li, M; Luo, JW ; Lu, JJ ; Shang, WT ; Mu, JL ; Sun, FY*; Dong, ZJ ; Li, XY .A novel nanofibrous PAN ultrafiltration membrane embedded with ZIF-8 nanoparticles for effective removal of Congo red, Pb(II), and Cu(II) in industrial wastewater treatment[J]. Chemosphere,2022,304,135285. Shang, WT; Yang, SW; Liu, WJ; Wong, PW; Wang, R; Li, XY; Sheng,GP; Lau,W; An, AK; Sun, FY*. Understanding the influence of hydraulic conditions on colloidal fouling development by using the micro-patterned nanofiltration membrane: Experiments and numerical simulation[J]. Journal of Membrane Science, 2022,654,120559. Gu YR., Song Z., Dong ZJ., Sun FY., Jiang CC., Qi JK., Efficient degradation and deiodination of iopamidol by UV/sulfite process: Assessment of typical process parameters and transformation paths. Environment International. 167, 2022, 107383. Mohan, Brij; Xing, TT; Kumar, Sandeep; Kumar, Suresh; Ma, SX; Sun, FY; Xing, DY; Ren, P. A chemosensing approach for the colorimetric and spectroscopic detection of Cr3+, Cu2+, Fe3+, and Gd3+ metal ions[J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 845,1572421. Sun, FY; Zeng, HJ; Tao, SY; Huang, YX; Dong, WY; Xing, DY. Nanofiltration membrane fabrication by the introduction of polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane nanoparticles: Feasibility evaluation and the mechanisms for breaking "trade-off" effect[J]. Desalination, 2022, 527, 115515. Wang, MM; Sun, FY; Zeng, HJ; Su, XL; Zhou, GF; Liu, H; Xing, DY. Modified Polyethersulfone Ultrafiltration Membrane for Enhanced Antifouling Capacity and Dye Catalytic Degradation Efficiency[J]. Separations, 2022, 9(4),92. Deng, Y; Xu, W; Zeng, QH; Sun, FY; Wang, F; Li, YJ. Effects of temperature and relative humidity on soil-air partition coefficients of organophosphate flame retardants and polybrominated diphenyl ethers[J]. Chemosphere, 2022, 291(1),132716. Peng, L; Xu, W; Zeng, QH; Sun, FY; Guo, Y; Zhong, S; Wang, F; Chen, D. Exposure to perfluoroalkyl substances in waste recycling workers: Distributions in paired human serum and urine[J]. Environment International, 2022, 158,106963. Zhao, Z; Wang, X; Zhu, G; Wang, F; Zhou, Y; Dong, WY; Wang, H; Sun FY; Xie, H. 2022. Enhanced removal of Cu-EDTA in a three-dimensional electrolysis system with highly graphitic activated biochar produced via acidic and K2FeO4 treatment. Chemical Engineering Journal, 430, 132661. Lu, JJ; Shen, Q; Li, XY; Sun, FY*; Yi, JB; Dong WY; Yan, WJ; Du, L; Mu, JL. 2022. Surface-manipulated membranes to accelerate biofilm formation and to resist bacterial detachment in MBfR for aerobic methane oxidation coupled to denitrification[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 430: 132629. Shen, Q; Xing, DY; Sun, FY*. 2022. Designed water channels and sieving effect for heavy metal removal by a novel silica-poly (ionic liquid) nanoparticles TFN membrane[J]. Journal of Membrane Science, 641: 119945. Ma, JX; Xu, Y; Sun, FY*; Chen, XD; Wang, W*. Perspective for removing volatile organic compounds during solar-driven water evaporation toward water production[J]. Ecomat, 2021, 3(6), e12147. Li, P; Miao, R; Wang, P; Sun, FY; Li, XY. 2021. Bi-metal oxide-modified flat-sheet ceramic membranes for catalytic ozonation of organic pollutants in wastewater treatment. Chemical Engineering Journal, 426, 131263. Song, Z; Su, XL; Li, P; Sun, FY*; Dong, WY; Zhao, Z; Liao, R. 2021. Facial fabricated biocompatible homogeneous biocarriers involving biochar to enhance denitrification performance in an anoxic moving bed biofilm reactor. Bioresource Technology, 341, 125866. Song, Z; Yang, SW; Li, P; Peng, W; Sun, FY*. 2021. Roles of initial bacterial attachment and growth in the biofouling development on the microfiltration membrane: From viewpoints of individual cell and interfacial interaction energy. Journal of Membrane Science, 638, 119723 Liu, S; Zhao, S; Liang, Z; Wang, F*; Sun, FY*; Chen, D. 2021. Perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in leachate, fly ash, and bottom ash from waste incineration plants: Implications for the environmental release of PFAS. Science of The Total Environment, 795, 148468. Sun, FY; Yang, JY; Shen, Q; Xing DY. 2021.Conductive polyethersulfone membrane facilely prepared by simultaneous phase inversion method for enhanced anti-fouling and separation under low driven-pressure[J]. Journal of Environmental Management, 297: 113363. Xie, WY; Li, J; Sun, FY*; Dong, WY; Dong, Z. 2021. Strategy study of critical flux/threshold flux on alleviating protein fouling of PVDF-TiO2 modified membrane. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 9(5), 106148. Li, P; Yang, C; Sun, FY; Li, XY. 2021. Fabrication of conductive ceramic membranes for electrically assisted fouling control during membrane filtration for wastewater treatment. Chemosphere, 280, 130794. Shen, Q; Xing, D; Sun, FY*; Dong, WY; Shang, WT; Zhao, L; Dong, ZJ. 2021. Facile pyrrole oxidative polymerization with ionic liquid to modify ceramic membrane for sustainable fouling control. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 9(4), 105630. Huang, X; Duan, C; Duan, W; Sun, FY; Cui, H; Zhang, S; Chen, X. 2021. Role of electrode materials on performance and microbial characteristics in the constructed wetland coupled microbial fuel cell (CW-MFC): A review. Journal of Cleaner Production, 126951. Su, X; Yuan, JJ; Dong, WY; Sun, FY*; Wang, M; Dong, ZJ; Du, C. 2021. Organic and nitrogenous pollutants removal paths in vegetation activated sludge process (V-ASP) for decentralized wastewater treatment by using stable isotope technique. Bioresource Technology, 330, 124959. Kumar, S; Liu, S; Mohan, B; Zhang, M; Tao, Z; Sun, FY; Ren, P. 2021. Fluorine-Containing Triazole-Decorated Silver (I)-Based Cationic Metal–Organic Framework for Separating Organic Dyes and Removing Oxoanions from Water. Inorganic Chemistry, 60(10), 7070-7081. Dong, Z; Li, M; Chen, M; Gu, Y; Jiang, C; Sun, FY*. 2021. Formation of iodinated products in Fe (II)/peroxydisulfate (PDS) system. Water Supply, 21(3), 1016-1024. 吕志超, 宋秀兰, 席玉鹤, 苏小莉, 董文艺, 孙飞云*. 可调容积型多级AO工艺模拟仿真系统的构建及其稳定调控研究[J]. 现代化工, 2021, 41(04): 194-199. Shang, WT; Li, X; Liu, W; Yue, S; Li, M; Sun, FY*; An, AK. 2021. Effective suppression of concentration polarization by nanofiltration membrane surface pattern manipulation: Numerical modeling based on LIF visualization. Journal of Membrane Science, 622, 119021. Lu, JJ; Yan WJ; Shang WT; Sun, FY*. 2021. Simultaneous enhancement of nitrate removal flux and methane utilization efficiency in MBfR for aerobic methane oxidation coupled to denitrification by using an innovative scalable double-layer membrane. Water Research.194: 116936. Xie, WY; Li, J; Sun, FY*; Dong, WY. 2020. Ultrasonication favors Tio2 nano-particles dispersion in PVDF ultrafiltration membrane to effectively enhance membrane hydrophilicity and anti-fouling capability. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27(9):1-17 Li, M; Sun, FY*; Shang, WT; Zhang, XL; Dong, WY; Dong, ZJ; Zhao, SF.2020 Removal mechanisms of perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) by nanofiltration: Roles of membrane contaminant interactions. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2020. 126814 Dong, ZJ; Wang, F; Song, XL; Zhang, M; Jiang, CC; Sun, FY*; Li, M. 2020. Fe (II)- activated persulfate oxidation effectively degrades iodoform in water: influential factors and kinetics analysis. Arabian journal of chemistry. 2020. 01. 023. Song, Z; Zhang, XB; Sun, FY; Ngo, HH?, Wenshan Guo, Haitao Wen, Chaocan Li, Zumin Zhang. 2020. Specific microbial diversity and functional gene (AOB amoA) analysis of a spongebased aerobic nitrifying moving bed biofilm reactor exposed to typical pharmaceuticals. Science of the Total Environment. 2020.140660 W.T. Shang, M. Li, L.C. Chen, F.Y. Sun*, Z. Dong. 2020. A fluorescence-based indicator for nanofiltration fouling propensity caused by effluent organic matter (EfOM). Process Biochem. 91, 260-270. W.T. Shang, F.Y. Sun, W. Jia, J. Guo, S. Yin, P. W. Wong, A. K. An. 2020. High-performance nanofiltration membrane structured with enhanced stripe nano-morphology. J. Membr. Sci. 600, 117852. W.Y. Xie, J. Li, F.Y. Sun*, W.Y. Dong. 2020. Ultrasonication favors TiO2 nano-particles dispersion in PVDF ultrafiltration membrane to effectively enhance membrane hydrophilicity and anti-fouling capability. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2020, 27(9):9503-9519. 陈铁, 孙飞云*, 杨淑芳, 陈立春, 熊向陨, 汪燕. 2020 基于SWAT模型的观澜河流域城市面源污染负荷量化及影响效应评估[J]. 环境工程学报, 14(10): 2866-2875. 母家乐,卢建江,谭琴,周志鹏,宋姿,孙飞云*,董文艺. 2020. 雨源型河道生态修复评价指标体系构建及应用[J].天津科技, 47(09):82-85. 杨松文,陈铁,周志鹏,董文艺,孙飞云*,洪德松,张斌,孙丹平.海绵城市径流指标评估监测网络的构建方法[J].环境工程学报,2020,14(11):3225-3233. 周志鹏,陈铁,杨松文,母家乐,王明明,董文艺,孙飞云*.基于雨型的南方典型小流域城市降雨径流污染特征研究[J].天津科技,2020,47(09):86-92. 陈铁,周志鹏,杨松文,母家乐,苏小莉,董文艺,孙飞云*,张健君,杨淑芳,陈立春.南方典型小流域城市地表污染物特性研究[J].天津科技,2020,47(09):67-75. J.Y. Yang, F.Y. Sun, L. Zhao, D.Y. Xing, W.Y. Dong, Z. Dong. 2020. High-conductivity microfiltration membranes incorporated with ionic liquids and their superior anti-fouling effectiveness.. Journal of Membrane Science, 2019, 603:117767. Shang, WT Dong, ZJ; Li, M; Song, XL; Zhang, M; Jiang, CC; Sun, FY*. 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Yue, F.Y. Sun.2018.Sorption analysis of perfluorinated chemicals on nanofiltration membrane. The 2nd IBA-AMBRES Conference. Tianjin, China, Apr 16-18, 2018. (oral presentation). Q.M. Ou, F.Y. Sun, H.J. Li, J. Li. Liquid-phase organic substances minimization and its importance to membrane fouling mitigation in biofilm-MBR. 2nd International Conference on Desalination using Membrane Technology, July 26-29, Singapore. (poster presentation). L.C. Chen, F.Y. Sun .Membrane permeability loss and biofouling behavior in nanofiltration due to surface water NOM and wastewater EfOM, 2nd International Conference on Desalination using Membrane Technology, July 26-29, Singapore. (Oral presentation). F.Y. Sun, J. Li, W.Y. Dong.Effect of dissolved organic matters (DOM) properties on concentration polarization profile and biofouling formation in nanofiltration. 2nd International Conference on Desalination using Membrane Technology, July 26-29, Singapore. (poster presentation) Q.M. Ou , F.Y. Sun , H.J. Li, J. Li. Liquid-phase organic substances minimization and its importance to membrane fouling mitigation in biofilm-MBR. 2nd International Conference on Desalination using Membrane Technology, July 26-29, Singapore. (poster presentation). Q.M. Ou , F.Y. Sun , H.J. Li.2015. Membrane permeability improvement by liquid-phase organic substances minimization in biofilm-MBR. The 6th IWA-ASPIRE Conference and Exhibition, Beijing, China, 20 – 24 September, 2015. (oral presentation) J.J. Yuan, F.Y. Sun , W.Y. Dong, K. Zhao, Y.X. Shao, C.H. Du.2015.Long-term operation of a V-ASP for decentralized wastewater treatment and its microbial community structure. The 6th IWA-ASPIRE Conference and Exhibition, Beijing, China, 20 – 24 September, 2015. (oral presentation). W.Y. Dong , J. J. Yuan, F.Y. Sun , P. Li.2014. Enhanced Removal of Nutrients and Micro-pollutants from Domestic Wastewater in an Environment-Friendly Vegetation-Activated Sludge Process, IWA Science Summit on Urban Water, 13-17 July 2014. Harbin, China. P. Li , F.Y. Sun, W.Y. Dong, J.J. Yuan.2014.Treatment Performance and Mathematical Modelling of a Vegetation Sequencing Batch Reactor (V-SBR) for Decentralized Wastewater Treatment. IWA Science Summit on Urban Water, 13-17 July 2014. Harbin, China F.Y. Sun, J.J. Yuan, W.Y.Dong.2014.Enhanced Nutrients and Micro-pollutants Removal by Vegetation in a Hybrid FBR System for Decentralization Domestic Wastewater Treatment. 11th IWA leading edge conference on water and wastewater technologies, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates: 2014. J.J. Yuan, F.Y. Sun, W.Y. Dong.2014.Role of Vegetation in an Ecological Hybrid Vegetation-Activated Sludge Process (V-ASP): from Mathematical Modeling to Experimental Verification. ecoSTP2014 Conference, Verona, Italy, 2014. F.Y. Sun, A.F. Chao, Y.R. Gu, J. Li.2014.Membrane Flux Decline in Nanofiltration of Water Resource DOC and EfOM: Comparative Evaluation and Correlate Pretreatment Method. IWA Conference on Pretreatment of Waster and Wastewater to be held in Shanghai, China, on May 18-21, 2014. J.J. Yuan, F.Y. Sun , W.Y. Dong, K. Zhao.2014.Enhanced Heavy Metal Removal by Wetland Vegetation and Related Significance for Vegetation-Activated Sludge Process Configuration. IWA 14th International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control (ICWS), 2014, Shanghai, China. Q. Zhang , F.Y. Sun, W.Y. Dong , R.B Han.2014.Removal of nitrobenzene from micro-polluted water resource in a submerged MBR and the importance of activated sludge. IWA Specialist Conference "Advances in Particle Science and Separation: from mm to nm scale and beyond", Sapporo, Japan, June 15 -18, 2014


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