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教育经历 2000-2005 获工学博士学位(岩土工程),南洋理工大学 学位论文:节理岩体中二维波动问题研究 1988-1991 获工学硕士学位(岩石力学),北京科技大学 学位论文:计算机辅助设计在新城金矿的应用研究 1984-1988 获工学学士学位(采矿工程),北京科技大学 学位论文:小官庄岩石蠕变性能实验研究 研究与工作经历 2008-现在 副教授、硕导、博导,哈工大深圳研究生院土木与环境工程学院 2005-2007 博士后,哈工大深圳研究生院土木与环境工程学院 科研项目 2022-2024 国家重大研发计划专题:多灾种组合灾变风险叠加风险率计算与评估 2022-2024 深圳市科技计划项目,复合海床地基中大直径钢筒基础稳定性研究 2021-2024 国家重大研发计划子课题:大型桥隧灾害全程在线与智能信息管理系统 2017-2021 国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于时域边界元及离散元的岩体渗流损伤耦合研究 2017-2019 国家青年科学基金:不均匀沉降作用下土质覆盖层防渗性能劣化机理及调控方法 2015-2016 深圳市科技计划项目,水力压裂页岩气增产技术中岩体渗流损伤耦合研究 2014-2015 沙荷西路隧道管棚支护与生态边坡技术研究 2014-2014 爆炸应力波在节理岩体中传播规律的研究配套项目 2012-2015 无底柱分段崩落法无(低)贫化放矿实验研究 2012-2014 国家自然科学基金面上项目:爆炸应力波在节理岩体中传播规律的研究 2012-2014 首云铁矿爆破参数优化的研究 2010-2011 潮湿地区土遗址PS渗透加固潜力研究 2008-2012 锡冶山尾矿库坝体稳定性特殊影响因素分析 2008-2010 广东省自然科学基金面上项目:爆炸地震波通过平行岩石节理传播规律的研究 2008-2008 水利部岩土力学与工程重点实验室开放研究基金资助项目 2007-2008 余华寺矿区支护技术优化




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Qin X.F., Lei W.D.*, Li H.J., Fan Y.H.. Corner treatment in 3D time?domain boundary element method. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 2022, 44:556. Qin X.F., Fan Y.H., Li H.J., Lei W.D.*. A Direct Method for Solving Singular Integrals in Three-Dimensional Time-Domain Boundary Element Method for Elastodynamics. Mathemnatics, 2022, 10: 286. Lei W.D., Qin X.F, Li H.J., Fan Y.H.*. Causality condition relevant functions-orientated analytical treatment on singularities in 3D TD-BEM. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2022, 427(2022): 127113 Lei W.D., Zhou H.*, Li H.J., Chen R.. Development of TD-BEM Formulation for Dynamic Analysis for Twin-Parallel Circular Tunnels in an Elastic Semi-In_niteMedium. Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 2021, 26(2): 577-597. DOI: 10.32604/cmes.2021.011857. Li, H.J, Lei W.D.*, Zhou H., Chen R. Ji D.F.. Analytical treatment on singularities for 2-D elastoplastic dynamics by time domain boundary element method using Hadamard principle integral. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 129 (2021) 93–104. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enganabound.2021.03.022. Li H.J., Lei W.D.*, Chen R. Hu Q.. A study on boundary integral equations for dynamic elastoplastic analysis for the plane problem by TD?BEM. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2021, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10409-020-01048-w Ji D.F., Lei W.D.*, Liu Z.J.. Finite element method and boundary element method iterative coupling algorithm for 2?D elastodynamic analysis. Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1007/s40314-020-01233-4. Lei W.D., Ji D.F.*, Zhu G.P.. Time-domain boundary element method with von Mises model for solving 2-D elastoplastic dynamic problems. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (2019) 41: 269. Lei W.D., Liu C., Qin X.F., and Chen R.*. Iterative coupling of precise integration FEM and TD-BEM for elastodynamic analysis. ?Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 2018, 67(4): 317-326. Lei W.D,Li H.J.,Qin X.F*.,Chen R..Dynamics-based analytical solutions to singular integrals for elastodynamics by time domain boundary element method. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 56(2018),612-625. Ji D.F., Lei W.D*., Li H.J.. Corner treatment by assigning dual tractions to every node for elastodynamics in TD-BEM, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 284(2016): 125-135. Ji D.F., Lei W.D*., Li Q.X.. Discussion on two-dimensional elastodynamics by the time-domain boundary element method: Lagrange interpolation strategy in time integration, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2014(40): 197-198. Lei W.D., Ji D.F*., Li H.J., Li Q.X.. On an analytical method to solve singular integrals both in space and time for 2-D elastodynamics by TD-BEM. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2015, 39: 6307-6318. Chen R., Lei W.D.*, Li Z.H.. Anisotropic shear strength characteristics of a tailings sand. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2014 (71):5165–5172. Lei W.D.. Development of a new method of processing wave amplitude for numerical analysis in rock dynamics. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2011, 48(4): 674-680. Lei W.D.*, Teng J., Ashraf M.H., Zhao J., Guan J.. Experimental study on prediction model for maximum rebound ratio. Journal of Central South University of Technology, 2007, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 115-119. Lei W.D.*, Ashraf M.H., Yan S., Teng J.. A numerical study on 2-D compressive wave propagation in rock masses with a set of joints along the radial direction normal to the joints. Computers and Geotechnics, 2007, Vol. 34, No. 6, pp. 508-523. Lei W. D.*, Teng J., Ashraf M. H., Zhao J.. Transmission ratio (Tn) in the radian direction normal to rock joints in 2-D compressional wave propagation in rock masses. Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing, 2006, Vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 199-206. Lei W.D.*, Teng J., Ashraf M. H., Zhao J., Guan J.. Numerical study on maximum rebound ratio in blasting wave propagation along radian direction normal to joints. Journal of Central South University of Technology, 2006, Vol. 13, No. 6, pp. 743-748. Lei W.D.*, Ashraf M.H., Zhao J.. Pilot studies on two dimensional w ave propagation in rock masses. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China,2005, Vol . 15, No. 4, pp. 949-955. 雷卫东,李宏军*,柳 纯. 载应力波在无限弹性介质中传播的特征线法解 岩土力学, 2016, 37(10):2979-2983 雷卫东*,李清新,陈锐. 和土稳态二维渗流的边界元法研究,2015,46(增刊1):95-100 雷卫东*, 陈锐, 韩小良. 某岩体节理分组快速聚类分析及离散优化第9 卷地下空间与工程学报(9增刊1): 1574-1579, 2013. 会议论文及发表演说 Lei W.D., He X.F., Chen R.. Verification of UDEC Modelling 1-D Wave Propagation in Rocks. Appllied Mechanics and Materials, 2011, Vols 90-93: 1998-2001. Lei W.D., Zhao F., Wang S.P.. A Geometric Correction Method in Survey of Geometry Properties of Discontinuities in Rock Masses. Advanced Materials Research, 2011, Vols 261-263: 1729-1733. Ashraf M.H., Lei W.D., Teng J., Zhao J.. A prediction model for the transmission ratio in 2-D compressional wave propagation in rock masses. ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication, 2006, No. 150: 143-148. Lei W.D., Zhao J., Ashraf M.H., Teng J.. Validation of UDEC modeling 2 dimensional wave propagation in rock. Proceedings of the 4th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium, ISRM International symposium, Nov., 2006, Singapore


2011- 函评专家:国家自然科学基金 2009- 审稿人:《Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements》、《Applied Mathematical Modelling》、《Environmental Earth Sciences》、北京科技大学学报、爆炸与冲击等期刊
