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教育经历 2005-2009 获哲学博士学位(环境工程),香港科技大学 2002-2005 获工学硕士学位(环境科学与工程),清华大学 1996-2000 获工学学士学位(环境工程),同济大学 研究与工作经历 2017-今 哈尔滨工业大学(深圳),副教授 2011-2017 哈尔滨工业大学深圳研究生院,副教授 2009-2011 AECOM Asia Company Ltd. 环境顾问 2000-2002 中国环境科学研究院,研究助理 专业资质与学术兼职 2014-今 国际水协(IWA)会员 2008-今 期刊受邀审稿人:Environmental Science and Technology、Water Research、Chemosphere、Science of The Total Environment、Chemical Engineering Journal、Environmental Engineering and Science、Environmental Technology 科研项目 2020-2023 国家自然科学基金面上项目:路易斯酸协同的过渡金属修饰阴极还原脱氟降解水中全氟脂肪化合物的研究,主持 2020-2022 企业合作:高有机物高氨氮养殖废水污染物强化去除工艺技术,主持 2020-2022 企业合作:废水处理设施多水质参数在线监测装置与系统,主持 2017-2019 深圳市技术创新资助项目:水体底泥污染的修复与控制综合技术研发,联合主持 2015-2018 国家重大科技专项子课题:低碳发展模式下水质风险防控技术集成与工程示范,主持 2016-2017 深圳市生活垃圾分类事务管理中心委托研究:垃圾分类和减量征信约束方案制订,主持 2016-2017 深圳市生活垃圾分类事务管理中心委托研究:生活垃圾干湿分类示范工程生产稳定性测试,主持 2014-2017 国家科技支撑计划子课题:生活垃圾快速机械脱水工艺自动调控系统研究,主持 2013-2015 国家自然科学基金青年基金:污染底泥化学与生化修复中重金属分布与形态的转化,主持 2013-2015 深圳市技术创新资助项目:生物-化学组合原位控制与修复城市河道底泥污染技术研发,主持 2011-2013 广东省自然科学基金:腐殖质对使用零价铁处理地下水有机污染物的影响效应与机理研究,主持 2011-2012 深圳河非原位底泥淋洗处理技术实验室试验专题工作,联合主持 2011-2012 深圳河污染底泥生化处理技术实地试验附加实验研究,联合主持 2009-2011 深圳河污染底泥治理策略合作研究,主要研究人员




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Chen, Y., Ma, H., Zhu, J., Gu, Y., Liu, T.*, 2022. New insights into ferric iron-facilitated UV254 photolytic defluorination of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA): Combined experimental and theoretical study. Journal of Hazardous Materials 434, 128865. Zhu, J., Chen, Y., Gu, Y., Ma, H., Hu, M., Gao, X., Liu, T.*, 2022. Feasibility study on the electrochemical reductive decomposition of PFOA by a Rh/Ni cathode. Journal of Hazardous Materials 422, 126953. Ma, H., Gao, X., Chen, Y., Zhu, J., Liu, T.*, 2021. Fe(II) enhances simultaneous phosphorus removal and denitrification in heterotrophic denitrification by chemical precipitation and stimulating denitrifiers activity. Environmental Pollution 287, 117668. Cai, G. Liu, T.*, Zhang, J., Song, H., Lu, X., Liu, L., 2021. Spatiotemporal variation of bacterial communities in three cascade reservoirs in a southern city of China. Water Supply 21, 2532-2543. Jing, R., Liu, T., Tian, X., Rezaei, H., Yuan, C., Qian, J., Zhang, Z., 2020. Sustainable strategy for municipal solid waste disposal in Hong Kong: current practices and future perspectives. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 27, 28670-28678. Xing, D., Chen, Y., Zhu, J., Liu, T*, 2020. Fabrication of hydrolytically stable magnetic core-shell aminosilane nanocomposite for the adsorption of PFOS and PFOA. Chemosphere 251, 126384. Li, T., Dong, W., Zhang, Q., Xing, D., Ai, W., Liu, T*, 2020. Phosphate removal from industrial wastewater through in-situ Fe2+ oxidation induced homogenous precipitation: Different oxidation approaches at wide-ranged pH. Journal of Environmental Management 255, 109849. Liu, T., Gu, Y., Xing, D., Dong, W., Wu, X., 2018. Rapid and high-capacity adsorption of PFOS and PFOA by regenerable ammoniated magnetic particle. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 25, 13813-13822. Han, Q., Dong, W., Wang, H., Liu, T., Tian, Y., Song, X., 2018. Degradation of tetrabromobisphenol A by ferrate(VI) oxidation: Performance, inorganic and organic products, pathway and toxicity control. Chemosphere 198, 92-102. Liu, T., Zhang, Z., Dong, W., Wu, X., Wang, H., 2017. Bioremediation of PAHs contaminated river sediment by an integrated approach with sequential injection of co-substrate and electron acceptor: Lab-scale study. Environmental Pollution 230, 413-421 . Gu, Y., Liu, T., Wang, H., Han, H., Dong, W., 2017. Hydrated electron based decomposition of perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) in the VUV/sulfite system. Science of the Total Environment 607-608, 541-548. Gu, Y., Liu, T.*, Zhang, Q., Dong, W., 2017. Efficient decomposition of perfluorooctanoic acid by a high photon flux UV/sulfite process: Kinetics and associated toxicity. Chemical Engineering Journal 326, 1125-1133. Liu, T., Wang, H., Zhang, Z., Zhao, D., 2017. Application of synthetic iron-oxide coated zeolite (IOCZ) for the pollution control of river sediments. Chemosphere 180, 160-168. Wang, H., Liu, T.*, Feng, S., Zhang, W., 2017. Metal removal and associated binding fraction transformation in contaminated river sediment washed by different types of agents. Plos One 12, e0174571. Wang, H., Liu, T.*, Tsang, D. C. W., Feng, S., 2017. Transformation of heavy metal fraction distribution in contaminated river sediment treated by chemical-enhanced washing. Journal of Soil & Sediments 17, 1208-1218. Gu, Y., Dong, W., Luo, C., Liu, T.*, 2016. Efficient reductive decomposition of perfluorooctane sulfonate in a high photon flux UV/sulfite system. Environmental Science & Technology 50, 10554-10561. Rao, P., Liu, T.*, Liang, X., Ding, G., 2016. Dual effects of humic acid in trichloroethylene removal from groundwater by zero-valent iron: Hydrophobic partition and surface adsorption. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 227, 137. Liu, T., Zhang, Z., Mao, Y., Yan, D. Y. S., 2016. Induced metal redistribution and bioavailability enhancement in contaminated river sediment during in situ biogeochemical remediation. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23, 6353-6362. Liu, T., Yuan, J., Dong, W., Wu, H., Wang, H., 2015. Effects on inorganic nitrogen compounds release of contaminated sediment treatment with in-situ calcium nitrate injection. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 22, 1250-1260. Wang, H., Dong, W., Li, T., Liu, T.*, 2015. A modified BAF system configuring synergistic denitrification and chemical phosphorus precipitation: Examination on pollutants removal and clogging development. Bioresource Technology 189, 44-52. Yan, D. Y. S., Liu, T.*, Lo, I. M. C, 2015. Treatment of urban river contaminated sediment with ex situ advanced oxidation processes: Technical feasibility, environmental discharges and cost-performance analysis. Environmental Technology 36, 2060-2068. Tang, I. Y., Yan, D. Y. S., Lo, I. M. C., Liu, T., 2015. Pulverized fuel ash solidification/stabilization of waste: Comparison between beneficial reuse of contaminated marine mud and sediment. Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management 23, 202-210. Yao, W., Rao, P., Du, Y., Zhang, W., Liu, T., 2015. Synthesis of magnetic silica with quaternary ammonium salt and its application for chromium(VI) removal. Desalination and Water Treatment 55, 173-182. Han, Q., Wang, H., Dong, W., Liu, T., Yin, Y., Fan, H., 2015. Degradation of bisphenol A by ferrate(VI) oxidation: Kinetics, products and toxicity assessment. Chemical Engineering Journal 262, 34-40. Wang, H., Dong, W., Li, T., Liu, T.*, 2014. Enhanced synergistic denitrification and chemical precipitation in a modified BAF process by using Fe2+. Bioresource Technology 151, 258–264. Li, T., Wang, H., Dong, W., Liu, T., Ouyang, F., Zhang, Q., 2014. Phosphate removal during Fe(II) oxidation in the presence of Cu(II): Characteristics and application for electro-plating wastewater treatment. Separation and Purification Technology 132, 388-395. Li, T., Wang, H., Dong, W., Liu, T., Ouyang, F., Zhang, Q., Dong, X., 2014. Performance of an anoxic reactor proposed before BAF: Effect of ferrous sulfate on enhancing denitrification during simultaneous phosphorous removal. Chemical Engineering Journal 248, 41-48. Han, Q., Wang, H., Dong, W., Liu, T., Yin, Y., 2013. Formation and inhibition of bromate during ferrate(VI) – Ozone oxidation process. Separation and Purification Technology 118, 653-658. Han, Q., Dong, W., Wang, H., Liu, T., Sun, F., Yin, Y., Yan, X., 2013. Effects of coexisting anions on decolorization of azo dye X-3B by ferrate(VI) and a comparative study between ferrate(VI) and potassium permanganate. Separation and Purification Technology 108, 74-82. Rao, P., Liu, T.*, Zhang, W., Yao, W., Du, Y., 2013. Removal of Cu2+ from aqueous environments using zero-valent iron: Effects of pH, dissolved oxygen and humic acid. Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment 17, 52-56. Dong, W., Zhang, X., Wang, H, Sun, F., Liu, T., 2012. Enhanced denitrification with external carbon sources in a biological anoxic filter. Water Science & Technology 66, 2243-2250. Mak, M. S.H., Lo, I. M. C., Liu, T., 2011. Synergistic effect of coupling zero-valent iron with iron oxide-coated sand in columns for chromate and arsenate removal from groundwater: Influences of humic acid and the reactive media configuration. Water Research 45, 6575-6584. Liu, T., Lo, I. M. C., 2011. Influences of humic acid on Cr(VI) removal by zero-valent iron from groundwater with various constituents: Implication for long-term PRB performance. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 216, 473-481. Liu, T., Rao, P., Mak, M. S. H., Wang, P., Lo, I. M. C., 2009. Removal of co-present chromate and arsenate by zero-valent iron in groundwater with humic acid and bicarbonate. Water Research 43, 2540-2548. Liu, T., Rao, P., Lo, I. M. C., 2009. Influences of humic acid, bicarbonate, and calcium on Cr(VI) reductive removal by zero-valent iron. Science of the Total Environment 407, 3407-3414. Liu, T., Tsang, D. C. W., Lo, I. M. C., 2008. Chromium(VI) reduction kinetics by zero-valent iron in moderately hard water with humic acid: Iron dissolution and humic acid adsorption. Environmental Science & Technology 42, 2092-2098. Rao, P., Mak, M. S. H., Liu, T. Lai, K. C. K., Lo, I. M. C., 2009. Effects of humic acid on arsenic(V) removal by zero-valent iron from groundwater with special references to corrosion products analyses. Chemosphere 75, 156-162. Liu, M. Y., Tsang, D. C. W., Hu, J., Ng, K. T. W., Liu, T., Lo, I. M. C., 2008. Adsorption of methylene blue and phenol by wood waste derived activated carbon. Journal of Environmental Engineering ASCE, 134: 338-345. Tong, A. S. F., Lai, K. C. K., Ng, K. T. W., Tsang, D. C. W., Liu, T., Liu, J., Hu, J., Zhang, W., Lo, I. M. C., 2007. Renewable energy generation by full-scale biomass gasification system using agricultural and forestal residues. Practice Periodical of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste Management ASCE, 11: 177-183. Li, J., Tian, B., Liu, T., Liu, H., Weng, X., Honda, S., 2006. Status quo of E-waste management in mainland China. Journal of Material Cycles & Waste Management 8, 13-20. 会议论文及发表演说(* 通讯作者) Liu, T., Yan, D. Y. S., Lo, I. M. C. Remediation of Urban River Contaminated Sediment with Ex-situ Advanced Oxidation Processes: Case Study. 2014 KoSSGE-ISEG International Conference on Soil and Groundwater Environment, 28-30 April 2014 in Seoul, Korea. Wang, H., Dong, W., Liu, T.*, Wu, X. Enhanced Anaerobic Degradation of TPH and PAHs in Contaminated River Sediment with In-situ Injection of Co-substrate. 2014 KoSSGE-ISEG International Conference on Soil and Groundwater Environment, 28-30 April 2014 in Seoul, Korea. Liu, T., Lo, I. M. C. Influences of humic acid on hexavalent chromium reduction process by zero-valent iron: Kinetics study. International Conference on Waste Engineering and Management, 28-30 May 2008 in Hong Kong, China. Liu, T., Lo, I. M. C. Hexavalent chromium reduction by zero-valent iron in the presence of humic acid and hardness. International Symposium on Environmental Geotechnology and Global Sustainable Development, 2-4 June 2008 in Hong Kong, China. Liu, T., Lo, I. M. C. Influences of humic acid, calcium, and bicarbonate on hexavalent chromium reduction process by zero-valent iron: Kinetics study. 1st International Conference on Hazardous Waste Management, 1-3 October 2008 in Crete, Greece.
