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2007年9月至今在哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)任副教授。主要授课的课程包括本科课程“混凝土与砌体结构设计”、“混凝土基本原理”、以及研究生课程“结构健康监测中的传感及信号处理技术”,主要研究方向为复合材料(FRP)在土木工程中的应用,土木工程结构健康监测,人工智能(AI)在土木工程结构健康监测及无损检测中的应用,光纤传感器和再生建筑材料。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目三项,主持并完成国家自然科学基金青年基金一项,同时主持并完成几项横向和校级项目。 教育经历 1995.9-1999.7 大连理工大学土木工程系,工民建专业,获学士学位 1999.9-2001.7 香港科技大学土木工程系,建筑材料专业,获工学硕士学位 2001.9-2004.11 香港科技大学土木工程系,建筑材料专业,获工学博士学位 研究与工作经历 2005.1-2005.3 香港科技大学土木工程系 职位:访问学者 2005.4-2007.8 深圳市建筑科学研究院 职位:研发工程师 2007.9至今 哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)土木与环境工程学院 职位:副教授 科研项目 2017.7-2019.6 “基于激光锁相热成像的集成芯片表面裂纹检测技术研究JCYJ20170307145853300”,深圳市科技计划基础研究项目,项目主持人,结题 2018.1-2021.12 “基于非线性激光超声调制的混凝土微裂缝非接触式监测理论与方法研究”,国家自然科学基金面上基金[51778191],项目主持人,在研 2017.1-2018.12 “集成芯片表面裂纹检测技术前期研发”,横向课题,项目主持人,结题 2013-2016 “FRP加固结构界面损伤的远距离声-激光检测原理与方法研究”,国家自然科学基金面上基金[51278156],项目主持人,已结题 2009-2011 “利用干涉型光纤传感器对FRP 的分层或界面剥离进行无损检测的新方法”,国家自然科学基金青年基金[50808054],项目主持人,已结题 2015-2016 “基于绿色环保的再生骨料混凝土研制及耐久性能研JCYJ20140704172618811”,深圳市科技计划基础研究项目,项目主持人,已结题 2006 “高性能再生骨料混凝土的开发研究[SY7200646412]”,深圳市科技信息局科技计划项目无偿拨款,项目主持人,已结题 2008 “利用光纤传感器对FRP分层或界面剥离的无损检测研究”,哈工大科研创新基金,项目主持人,已结题 2009-2011 “地震与腐蚀作用下钢筋混凝土材料与结构动力特性研究”,国家自然科学基金面上项目[50878070],项目第二参与人,已结题


FRP在土木工程中的应用 土木工程结构健康监测 人工智能(AI)在土木工程结构健康监测及无损检测中的应用 光纤传感器 新型结构和新材料结构


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Xu, Y., Leung, C.K.Y., Tong, P., Jiang, Y., Lee, S. K. L. “Interfacial debonding detection in bonded repair with a fiber optical interferometric sensor”, Composites Science and Technology, Vol.65, pp.1428-1435 (2005) (SCI: IF: 4.141) Xu, Y., Leung, Christopher K.Y., Yang, Z. L., Tong, P., and Lee, Stephen K.L. “A new fiber optic based method for delamination detection in composites”, Structural Health Monitoring, 2003, V. 2, No. 3, 205-223 (SCI IF: 1.614) 许颖,江毅,“基于对称3×3耦合器的马赫-策德尔光纤干涉仪及其在复合材料分层检测中的应用”, 深圳特区科技,2005,V.139, pp. 356-365, 深圳市科学技术协会优秀论文奖 许颖,梁坚凝,江毅,“用光纤干涉仪检测I形复合材料梁腹板/翼缘连接处的分层”,复合材料学报,2007,V. 24, No. 3,143-150(EI) 陈泽广,刘文彬,许颖 ,“工厂化预制砼多层住宅梁柱中间拆分框架体系的研究”,住宅建设的创新/发展(三),2006,pp.40-50. Leung C.K.Y., Yang, Z. L., Xu, Y., Tong, P., Lee, S.K.L., “Delamination Detection in Laminate Composites with an Embedded Fiber Optical Interferometric Sensor”, Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical, (13 April 2005), Volume 119, Issue 2, pp. 336-344 (SCI IF: 2.084) 江毅, 许颖, “表面粘贴光纤干涉仪测量复合材料梁的分层” ,测试技术学报,2003年第四期,Vol. 17, pp. 354-358 (被EI光盘收录,中国科技核心期刊) 江毅,许颖,Leung C. K. Y. ,“埋入光纤Mach-Zehnder干涉仪检测复合材料梁的分层”, 复合材料学报,2004, 21(1): 129-133.(EI) 江毅 , 许颖 , Christopher K. Y. Leung, “复合材料梁修复层脱落的光纤检测技术”, 建筑材料学报,2006年(9卷)第一期,pp. 28-31 (EI page one) Yi Jiang, Ying Xu,Christopher K. Y. Leung,“3×3 Coupler-Based Mach-Zehnder Interferometer and Its Application in the Delamination Detection in FRP Composite”,Journal of intelligent material system and structures, Vol. 19, No.4, 2008:497-507 (SCI IF: 1.18). 许 颖, 喻 毅, 梁坚凝,“复合材料I形梁分层的光纤超声探测技术数值研究”,复合材料学报,2010.6(第27卷)第三期,pp. 162-168(EI). 陈泽广,许颖,张哲,“适用于多层钢结构住宅体系的轻型叠合板楼盖结构的实验研究”,钢结构,2011.5 (5), Vol. 26 No.146, pp.17-23(核心) 朱继华,辛佩龙,许颖,邢锋,"冷弯薄壁钢类椭圆截面轴压构件设计方法",哈尔滨工业大学学报,2011(10), pp.124-128(EI) Ying Xu, Yaqi Li, Yi Jiang, Christopher K. Y. Leung “Application of 3×3 Coupler Based Mach-Zehnder Interferometer in Delamination Patch Detection in Composite”, NDT & E International, Vol. 44, (2011.4), pp. 469-476 (SCI, IF: 1.826) XU Ying,“Delamination Detection at web/ flange junction of I-section Composite Beam with Fiber Optical Interferometer Sensor”, Composites Part B,2014.3, Vol. 58, pp.140-146 (SCI, IF: 2.646) XU Ying,*, CHEN Rui, LIU Zhian, SHAO Changjun,“An acoustic-optical fiber NDE technique for interfacial damage detection in FRP-retrofitted structures”,NDT & E International, Vol. 72, (2015.6), pp. 50-57 (SCI, IF: 1.826) 许颖,刘志安,邵长军,“FRP加固结构界面损伤的声- 光纤检测数值模拟及实验”,复合材料学报,2014.12(第31卷)第6期,pp. 1588-1596(EI) Chengyin Liu,Ying Xu*,Xishuang Han “An improved frequency domain regression method for structural damage detection in wireless sensor network”,Advances in Mechanical Engineering ,2016 , 8 (10),pp.1-13 (SCI) 许颖*, 柴磊, 卢苗苗, “初始缺陷对FRP加固混凝土柱破坏形式的影响”,复合材料学报, 2017 , 34 (8) :1712-1720(EI) 许颖*,李冰成,龚枭杰,“瑞利波检测钢结构表面缺陷深度数值研究”,测试技术学报,2016,30(4):322-330(中国科技核心期刊) Xu Ying, Wang Dexiang, Tang Tianyou, Lu Miaomiao, “Debonding Patch Detection in FRP-Strengthened Materials with Fiber-Optic Interferometer”, Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics[J], 2017 (3) :255-264(EI) Shuxian Hong, Jianchao Zhang, Hui Liang, Jindong Xiao, Chuangyi Huang, Guangde Wang, Heng Hu, Yuqing Liu, Ying Xu, Feng Xing, Biqin Dong, “Investigation on early hydration features of magnesium potassium phosphate cementitious material with the electrodeless resistivity method”, Cement and Concrete Composites, 2018,90:235-240 (SCI: 5.172)https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cemconcomp.2018.04.005 Ying Xu, Chengyin Liu*, Lei Chai, Miaomiao Lu and Congcong Luo “Failure mechanism of fiber-reinforced polymer-confined concrete column with initial defects”, Journal of Composite materials, 2018,,Vol. 52(21): 2887-2897 (SCI: 1.13) Ying Xu*, Shuai-Ying Wang, Lei Chai, Cong-Cong Luo “Mechanical Performance of Prefabricated External Wall Panel under Horizontal Displacement”, Korea Journal of Civil Engineering, 2018.11,Vol. 22(11): 4519-4529(SCI: 0.940) 许颖, 陈锐, 卢苗苗, 祖红光, “考虑材料各向异性的纤维增强聚合物基复合材料板损伤Lamb波检测和定位”,复合材料学报,2019.2,Vol. 36(2): 389-399 (EI) 许颖, 牛丽,祖红光,“基于冲击-光纤法的焊接型钢梁损伤检测理论与实验研究”, 振动与冲击,2018,Vol. 37(24):123-130(EI) Ying Xu*, Chengyin Liu, Lei Chai, Congcong Luo “The effect of defect size on the integrity of CFRP-confined concrete column”, Construction and Building Materials,2019.3,Vol. 200:521–529(SCI: 4.039) 会议论文 Xu, Y., Leung, C. K.Y., Tong, P., and Lee, S. K. L, “A new fiber optic based method for delamination detection in composites” in 3rd International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Palo Alto, U.S.A. (Sept. 2001) Xu, Y., Leung, C. K.Y., Tong, P., and Lee, S. K. L., “Detection of Closed Delamination in Composites With Fiber Optic Sensors, in Proceedings of the 15th ASCE Engineering Mechanics Conference (EM 2002), CD ROM. (2002). Xu, Y., Leung, C.K.Y., Tong, P., Jiang, Y., Lee, S. K. L., “Interfacial Delamination Detection in Bonded Repair with Fiber Optical Interferometric Sensor”, in Proceedings of International Symposium on Macro-, Meso-, Micro- and Nano-Mechanics of Materials (MM2003), Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong (2003) Ying Xu, Zeguang Chen,Wenbin Liu, “Industrialized Multi-layer Precast Concrete Experimental Building with Middle-joint Beams and Columns Frame System”, in Proceedings of The 6th International Symposium on Architectural Interchanges in Asia (ISAIA 2006), Daegu, Korea (2006) Ying Xu, Biqin Dong, Yi Jiang,“3D Delamination Patch Detection in Laminate Composites with an Novel NDE Technique”,in Proceedings of 15TH European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM15), Venice, Italy, 24-28 June 2012 XU Ying, “Research of principle and technique for acoustic-optical fiber based detection of interfacial damage in FRP-retrofitted structures”, in Proceedings of the Sixth World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring (6WCSCM), Barcelona (Spain), 15-17 July 2014, pp.3184-3191. Ying Xu, Yaqi Li, “Interfacial debonding detection in bonded repair with acoustic-optical technique”, in Proceeding of the 2014 World Congress on Advances in Civil, Environmental, and Materials Research (ACEM14), Busan (Korea), 24-28 August 2014. Ying Xu*, Zhi-An Liu, and Chang-Jun Shao, “NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH FOR ACOUSTIC-OPTICAL FIBER BASED DETECTION OF INTERFACIAL DAMAGE IN FRP-RETROFITTED STRUCTURES”, in Proceeding of the 13th International Symposium on Structural Engineering (ISSE-13), Hefei (China), 25-27 October 2014.pp.74-87. 2015.08: Xu Ying*, Yu Yi:“Numerical Study on Delamination Detection in I-section GFRP Beam with Ultrasonic-Optic Technique”, the 7th International Society for Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure, Torino, Italy. 2015.10: XU Ying*, YU Yi “Computational Study on Delamination Detection in FRP Beam with Ultrasonic-Optic Technique”, The 4th International Conference on Civil Engineering and Urban Planning(CEUP 2015), Beijing, China. (ISTP) 2015.8: Ying Xu*, Bing-Cheng LI, Xiao-Jie GONG, “Numerical studies of interface debonding damage detection in FRP strengthened steel beam using Rayleigh waves”, The 2015 International Conference on Mechanics, Building Material and Civil Engineering (MBMCE 2015), Guilin, China. (ISTP) 2016.5: Ying Xu*, Bingcheng Li, Xiaojie Gong, “Numerical Studies of Interface Debonding Damage Detection in FRP strengthened Steel Beam using Rayleigh Waves”, the 2016 International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Simulation and Modelling (AMSM2016) , Beijing, China. 2016.9: Ying XU*, Bing-Cheng LI, Xiao-Jie GONG, “Numerical Analysis of Interface Debonding Detection in bonded repair with Rayleigh Waves”, the 8th International Conference on Mechanical and Electronics Engineering (ICMEE2016), Nanjing, China. (EI) 2016.10: XU Ying*, WANG Dexiang, TANG Tianyou, “Debonding Patch Detection in FRP-strengthened Materials with Fiber-optic Interferometer”, The 3rd International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring and Integrity Management (ICSHMIM2016), Chengdu, China. 2016.10: Ying Xu*, ShuaiYing Wang, and Lei Chai, “Mechanical performance of light wall panel under horizontal displacement”, The 14th International Symposium on Structural Engineering (ISSE-14) Beijing, China. 2016.12: Ying Xu*, Jun Zhou, Yongfeng, Zhao, “Steel Bar Corrosion Monitoring Based on Encapsulated Piezoelectric Sensors”, 24th Australasian Conference on the Mechanics of Structures and Materials (ACMSM24), Perth, Australia:Oral presentation. 2017.8:第八届(2017)海峡两岸高校师生土木工程监测与控制研讨会,2017.8.21-26, 浙江杭州


2011至今 中国复合材料学会会员 2008至今 国际期刊Sensors & Actuators: A. Physical的审稿人
