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2015年9月于香港理工大学获得哲学博士学位,2016年3月于同济大学获得管理学博士学位。2015年9月至2016年2月赴奥克兰大学土木与环境工程系进行短期访问。2016年3月至2018年1月于新加坡国立大学建设系从事博士后研究。2018年1月获聘中南大学土木工程学院特聘教授。主持国家自然科学基金研究项目1项,参与国家自然科学基金研究项目2项,参与新加坡经济发展署资助研究项目1项。在专业内知名学术期刊及国际会议累计发表论文50余篇,出版专著1本。受邀担任近50本国际学术期刊审稿人。 教育经历 [1] 2013.1-2015.9 香港理工大学, 建设工程管理专业,哲学博士 [2] 2010.9-2016.3 同济大学, 建设工程管理专业,管理学博士 [3] 2007.9-2010.6 河南工业大学, 岩土工程专业,工学硕士 [4] 2003.8-2007.6 东南大学,工程管理专业,管理学学士 工作经历 [1] 2018.1-至今 中南大学, 土木工程学院工程管理系,特聘教授 [2] 2016.3-2018.1 新加坡国立大学,设计与环境学院,博士后 [3] 2015.9-2016.2 奥克兰大学, 工程学院土木与环境工程系,访问学者 科研项目 [1]2020-2022, 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目:城市轨道交通建设项目韧性评估、模拟及提升研究 [项目编号:71901224],主持 [2]2020-2022, 湖南省自然科学基金青年基金项目:干扰性事件下城市轨道交通建设项目韧性管理研究 [项目编号:2020JJ5779],主持 [3]2019-2020, 国家自然科学基金科学部主任基金项目:川藏铁路建设全过程管理研究 [项目编号:71941018],参与 [4]2015-2018,新加坡经济发展署与美国营建研究院联合研究项目:Improvement of Capital Project Predictability and Construction Productivity for Process Construction and Maintenance Projects [项目编号:R-296-000-162-597],参与 [5]2012-2015,国家自然科学基金面上项目:政府投资建设项目中“隧道行为”的机理、动态演化及对策研究 [项目编号:71172107],参与 著作成果 [1]Shan, M., Le, Y., Chan, A.P.C., & Hu, Yi. (2019). Corruption in the Public Construction Sector: A Holistic Review. Springer.,2020 获奖信息 [1]Hot Paper, “Causal Factors of Corruption in Construction Project Management: An Overview. Science and Engineering Ethics, 25(1), 1-31,” recognized by the Essential Science Indicators, Clarivate Analytics, January/February 2020. [2]Highly Cited Paper, “Causal Factors of Corruption in Construction Project Management: An Overview. Science and Engineering Ethics, 25(1), 1-31,” recognized by the Essential Science Indicators, Clarivate Analytics, March/April, 2019. [3]Best Paper Award, “Developing a Knowledge-based Decision Support System for Prefabricated Prefinished Volumetric Construction.” 4th International Conference on Research Methodology for Built Environment & Engineering, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand, 24-25 April, 2019. [4]Highly Cited Paper, “Key constraints and mitigation strategies for prefabricated prefinished volumetric construction. Journal of Cleaner Production, 183, 183-193,” recognized by the Essential Science Indicators, Clarivate Analytics, November/December, 2018. [5]Highly Commended Paper Award, “Assessment of Green Retrofit of Existing Mature Residential Estates in Singapore.” The 7th World Construction Symposium, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 29 June – 1 July, 2018 [6]Highly Cited Paper, “Investigating Residents’ Perceptions of Green Retrofit Program in Mature Residential Estates: The Case of Singapore. Habitat International, 63, 103-112,” recognized by the Essential Science Indicators, Clarivate Analytics, May 2018 [7]世博园区大型群体复杂项目管理与系统性控制关键技术及推广应用,2011年上海市科技进步一等奖 [8]城市生命线系统的非工程减灾措施研究,2010年河南省教育厅科技进步一等奖


[1] 可持续建设管理 [2] 建筑业职业伦理道德

可持续建设管理 建筑业职业伦理道德研究 项目评估


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

[1].Hwang, B.G., Li, Y.S., Shan, M.*, Chua, J.E. (2020). Prioritizing Critical Management Strategies to Improving Construction Productivity: Empirical Research in Singapore. Sustainability, 12(22), 9349. [2].Zhang, Y.C., Luo, W.Z., Shan, M.*, Pan, D.W., Mu, W.J. (2020). Systematic Analysis of PPP Research in Construction Journals: From 2009 to 2019. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 27(10), 3309-3339. [3].Hwang, B.G., Shan, M.*, Zhu, L., & Lim, W.C. (2020). Cost Control in Megaprojects: Efficacy, Tools and Techniques, Key Knowledge Areas, and Project Comparisons. International Journal of Construction Management, 20(5), 427-449. [4].Hwang, B.G., Shan, M.*, Ong, J.J.M. and Krishnankutty, P. (2020). “Mechanization in Building Construction Projects: Assessment and Views from the Practitioners”, Production Planning and Control, 31(8), 613-628. [5].Shan, M., Hwang, B.G.*, Caldas, C.H., Yin, Z., & Oliveira, D.P. (2020). Towards Cleaner and More Productive Maintenance in Petrochemical Facilities: Mechanization and an Assessment Method. Journal of Cleaner Production. 259(2020), 120864. [6].Zhai, Z., Shan, M.*, and Le, Y. (2020). “Investigating the Impact of Governmental Governance on Megaproject Performance: Evidence from China.” Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 26(2), 449-478 [7].Owusu, E.K., Chan, A.P.C., Shan, M., & P?rn, E. (2020). An Empirical Study on Construction Process Corruption Susceptibility: A Vignette of International Expertise. Science and Engineering Ethics, 26(1), 325-349 [8].Zhai, Z., Shan, M.*, Darko, A., and Le, Y. (2020). “Visualizing the Knowledge Domain of Project Governance: A Scientometric Review.” Advances in Civil Engineering, 6813043 [9].Shan, M., Liu, W.Q., Hwang, B.G.*, and Lye, J.M. (2020). “Critical Success Factors for Small Contractors to Conduct Green Building Construction Projects in Singapore: Identification and Comparison with Large Contractors.” Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27(8), 8310-8322 [10].Zhu, L., Shan, M., and Xu, Z. (2019). “Critical Review of Building Handover-Related Research in Construction and Facility Management Journals.” Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, article in press [11].Yin, Z., Caldas, C., De Oliveira, D., Hwang, B.G., and Shan, M. (2019). “Mechanization Level Assessment and Technology Identification for Productivity Improvement in Petrochemical Facility Maintenance.” Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, article in press [12].Yiu, N.S.N., Chan, D.W.M., Sze, N.N., Shan, M., Sze, N.N. (2019). Could the Implementation of Safety Management System Improve Construction Safety Outcome? A Structural Equation Model. Buildings, 9(4), 89 [13].Yiu, N.S.N., Chan, D.W.M., Shan, M.*, Sze, N.N. (2019). Implementation of Safety Management System in Managing Construction Projects: Benefits and Obstacles. Safety Science, 117 (August), 23-32 [14].Owusu E.K., Chan, A.P.C., & Shan, M. (2019). Causal Factors of Corruption in Construction Project Management: An Overview. Science and Engineering Ethics, 25(1), 1-31 [15].Chen, G.X., Shan, M.*, Chan, A.P.C., Liu, X., & Zhao, Y.Q. (2019). Investigating the Causes of Delay in Grain Bin Construction Projects: The Case of China. International Journal of Construction Management, 19(1), 1-14 [16].Shan, M., Le, Y., Yiu, K.T.W., Chan, A.P.C., Hu, Y.*, & Zhou You (2018). Assessing collusion risks in managing construction projects using artificial neural network. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 24(5): 2003-2025 [17].Shan, M., and Hwang, B.G.* (2018). “Green Building Rating Systems: Global Reviews of Practices and Research Efforts”, Sustainable Cities and Society, 39, 172-180 [18].Hwang, B.G., Shan, M.*, Lye, J.M. (2018). "Adoption of Sustainable Construction for Small Contractors: Major Barriers and Best Solutions." Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 20(10), 2223-2237 [19].Hwang, B.G., Shan, M.* and Looi, K.Y. (2018). “Knowledge-based Decision Support System for Prefabricated Prefinished Volumetric Construction”, Automation in Construction, 94, 168-178 [20].Hwang, B.G., Shan, M.* and Looi, K.Y. (2018). “Key Constraints and Mitigation Strategies for Prefabricated Prefinished Volumetric Construction”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 183, 183-193 [21].Hwang, B.G., Shan, M.* (2018). “Management Strategies and Innovations: Important Roles to Sustainable Construction”, Sustainability, 10(3), 606 [22].Hwang, B.G., Shan, M.*, & Phuah, S.L., (2018). Safety in Green Building Construction Projects in Singapore: Performance, Critical Issues, and Improvement Solutions. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 22(2): 447-458 [23].Zhang, Y.C., Gu, J.L., Shan, M.*, Xiao, Y.Z., & Darko, A. (2018). Investigating Private Sectors’ Behavior Intention to Participate in PPP Projects: An Empirical Examination Based on the Theory of Planned Behavior. Sustainability, 10(8), 2692 [24].Zhu, L., Shan, M., & Hwang, B.G*. (2018). Overview of Design for Maintainability in Building and Construction Research. ASCE Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 32(1), 04017116 [25].Darko, A., Chan, A.P.C., Yang, Y., Shan, M., He, B.J., Gou, Z. (2018). Influences of barriers, drivers, and promotion strategies on green building technologies adoption in developing countries: The Ghanaian case. Journal of Cleaner Production, 200, 687-703 [26].Shan, M., Hwang, B.G.* & Wong, S.N.K. (2017). A Preliminary Investigation of Underground Residential Buildings: Advantages, Disadvantages, and Critical Risks. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology. 70, 19-29 [27].Shan, M., Chan, A.P.C., Le, Y., Hu, Y.* & Xia, B. (2017). Understanding Collusive Practices in Chinese Construction Projects. ASCE Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice, 143(3), 05016012 [28].Shan, M.*, Le, Y., Yiu, K.T.W., Chan, A.P.C., & Hu, Y. (2017). Investigating the underlying factors of corruption in the public construction sector: Evidence from China. Science and Engineering Ethics. 23(6): 1643-1666 [29].Shan, M., Hwang, B.G.* & Zhu, L. (2017). A Global Review of Sustainable Construction Project Financing: Policies, Practices, and Research Efforts. Sustainability, 9(12), 2347 [30].Hwang, B.G., Shan, M.*, Xie S., & Chi, S. (2017). Investigating Residents’ Perceptions of Green Retrofit Program in Mature Residential Estates: The Case of Singapore. Habitat International, 63, 103-112 [31].Hwang, B.G., Shan, M.*, & Supa’at N.N.B. (2017). Green Commercial Building Projects in Singapore: Critical Risk Factors and Mitigation Measures. Sustainable Cities and Society, 30, 237-247 [32].Hwang, B.G., Shan, M.*, Phua, H., & Chi, S. (2017). An Exploratory Analysis of Risks in Green Residential Building Construction Projects: The Case of Singapore. Sustainability, 9(7), 1116 [33].Xie, L.L., Xia, B., Hu, Y.*, Shan, M., & Le, Y. (2017). Public Participation Performance in Public Construction Projects of South China: A Case Study of the Guangzhou Asian Games Venues Construction. International Journal of Project Management, 35(7), 1391-1401 [34].Hwang, B.G., Shan, M.*, & Tan, E.K., (2016). Investigating Reworks in Green Building Construction Projects: Magnitude, Influential Factors, and Solutions. International Journal of Environmental Research, 10(4), 499-510 [35].Ameyaw, E.E., Hu, Y., Shan, M.*, Chan, A.P.C., & Le, Y. (2016). Application of Delphi method in construction engineering and management (CEM) research: A quantitative perspective. Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 22(8), 991-1000 [36].Chan, A.P.C., Hu, Y., Ma, L., Shan, M., & Le, Y. (2016). Improving the outcomes of public drainage projects through NEC3-based relational contracting: A Hong Kong case study. ASCE Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice, 142(2), 06015003 [37].Hu, Y., Chan, A.P.C., Le, Y., Xu, Y., & Shan, M. (2016). Developing a program organizational performance index for delivering construction megaprojects in China: Fuzzy synthetic evaluation analysis. ASCE Journal of Management in Engineering, 32(4), 05016007 [38].Shan, M., Chan, A.P.C., Le, Y.*, & Hu, Y. (2015). Investigating the effectiveness of response strategies for vulnerabilities to corruption in the Chinese public construction sector. Science and Engineering Ethics, 21(3), 683-705 [39].Shan, M., Chan, A.P.C., Le, Y.*, Xia, B., & Hu, Y. (2015). Measuring corruption in public construction projects in China. Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice, 141(4), 05015001 [40].Le, Y., Shan, M.*, Chan, A.P.C., & Hu, Y. (2014). Investigating the causal relationships between causes of and vulnerabilities to corruption in the Chinese public construction sector, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 140(9), 05014007


[1] Guest Editor,“Professional Ethics in Sustainable Construction,” Special Issue of Sustainability, 2020.4-2020.12 [2] 中华建设管理研究会(CRIOCM)理事 (2020-2022) [3] 湖南省工程管理学会理事 (2018-至今) [4] Member of Journal Advisory Board. Sci (ISSN 2413-4155), MDPI AG (2018 - Present). [5] Member of Journal Editorial Board. Sustainability, Section Board for 'Sustainable Urban and Rural Development' (ISSN 2071-1050), MDPI AG, Impact Factor: 2.075 (2018 - Present). [6] Guest Editor. Collection "Sustainable Construction, Development and Management in the Built Environment", Sustainability (ISSN 2071-1050), MDPI AG. Impact Factor: 2.075 (2018.5-present). [7] Guest Editor. Special Issue "Innovative Management Practice for Resilience and Sustainability of Civil Infrastructures", Sustainability (ISSN 2071-1050), MDPI AG. Impact Factor: 2.075 (2018.6-2019.5). [8] Guest Editor. Special Issue "Sustainable Construction, Development and Management in the Built Environment", Sustainability (ISSN 2071-1050), MDPI AG. Impact Factor: 2.075 (2017.11-2018.4). [9] Guest Editor. Special Issue "Management Strategies and Innovations for Sustainable Construction", Sustainability (ISSN 2071-1050), MDPI AG. Impact Factor: 2.075 (2017.4-2017.10). [10] Member of the Scientific Committee, the 43rd Australian Universities Building Educators Association (AUBEA) 2019 Conference, Central Queensland University, Noosa, Australia, 6-8 November 2019.
