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教育和工作经历 湖南师范大学生命科学学院博士(2011) 美国内布拉斯加医学院生物化学与分子生物学系 交流学生(2009-2010) 美国纽约血液中心 红系发育实验室 (2015-2016) 中南大学生命科学学院 副教授 硕士生导师 研究简介 研究领域主要集中在核酸适体的开发及应用研究,血液肿瘤药物治疗及机制研究,以及红系发育与铁代谢等相关研究。目前主持中央军委科技委创新培育项目一项,获得并主持国家自然科学基金,中国博士后基金,湖南省自然科学基金及博士点基金等项目。发表论文数篇。


1. 核酸适体的开发及应用研究; 2. 血液肿瘤药物治疗及机制研究; 3. 红系发育与铁代谢等相关研究。


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1. Sun, S., Wang, Y., Chen, H., Fang, L., Cui, Y., Han, X., Wu D., Li H., Ye M. Zhao X., Liu, J. (2016). STIP Regulates ERK1/2 Signaling Pathway Involved in Interaction with PP1γ in Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Curr Mol Med., 16(8), 767-775.,2016 2. Zhang L, Sun S, Zhou J, Liu J, Lv JH, Yu XQ, Li C, Gong L, Yan Q, Deng M, Xiao L, Ma H, Liu JP, Peng YL, Wang D, Liao GP, Zou LJ, Liu WB, Xiao YM, Li DW. Knockdown of Akt1 promotes Akt2 upregulation and resistance to oxidative-stress-induced apoptosis through control of multiple signaling pathways. Antioxidants & Redox Signaling.;15(1):1-17.,2011, (Co-First Authors) 3. Liu J, Ji W, Sun S, Zhang L, Chen HG, Mao Y, Liu L, Zhang X, Gong L, Deng M, Chen L, Han WJ, Chen PC, Hu WF, Hu X, Woodward Z, Liu WB, Xiao YM, Liang SP, Liu Y, Liu SJ, Li DW., The PP2A-Aβ gene is regulated by multiple transcriptional factors including Ets-1, SP1/SP3, and RXRα/β. Curr Mol Med. ,12(8):982-94., 2012, (Co-First Authors) 4. Chen H, Choesang T, Li H, Sun S, Pham P, Bao W, Feola M, Westerman M, Li G, Follenzi A, Blanc L, Rivella S, Fleming R, Ginzburg Y., Increased hepcidin in transferrin-treated thalassemic mice correlates with increased liver BMP2 expression and decreased hepatocyte ERK activation. Haematologica, Mar;101(3):297-308.,2016. 5. Wang, Z., Zhang, J., Zeng, Y., Sun, S., Zhang, J., Zhang, B., Zhu, M., Ouyang, R., Ma, B., Ye, M., An, X. and Liu, J., Knockout of 4.1B triggers malignant transformation in SV40T-immortalized mouse embryo fibroblast cells. Mol. Carcinog.. doi:10.1002/mc.22515., 2016 6. Sun Z, Wang Y, Han X, Zhao X, Peng Y, Li Y, Peng M, Song J, Wu K, Sun S, Zhou W, Qi B, Zhou C, Chen H, An X, Liu J., miR-150 inhibits terminal erythroid proliferation and differentiation. Oncotarget. 6(40):43033-47., 2015. 7. Wang Z, Ma B, Li H, Xiao X, Zhou W, Liu F, Zhang B, Zhu M, Yang Q, Zeng Y, Sun Y, Sun S, Wang Y, Zhang Y, Weng H, Chen L, Ye M, An X, Liu J. Protein 4.1N acts as a potential tumor suppressor linking PP1 to JNK-c-Jun pathway regulation in NSCLC. Oncotarget. 7(1):509-23., 2016. 8. Luo Y, Roy M, Xiao X, Sun S, Liang L, Chen H, Fu Y, Sun Y, Zhu M, Ye M, Liu J., Lycorine induces programmed necrosis in the multiple myeloma cell line ARH-77. Tumour Biol. 36(4):2937-45., 2015. 9. Q. Yan, L. Gong, M. Deng, L. Zhang (Co-First Authors), S. Sun, J. Liu, H. Ma, D. Yuan, P. Chen, X. Hu, J. Liu, J. Qin, L. Xiao, X. Huang, J. Zhang, D-W. Li*, (2010). Sumoylation activates the transcriptional activity of p32 Pax-6, an important transcription factor for Eye and brain development. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. ,107(49):21034-9., 2010. 10. F-Y. Liu, X-C. Tang, M. Deng, P. Chen, W. Ji, X. Zhang, L. Gong, Z. Woodward, J. Liu, L. Zhang, S. Sun, J-P. Liu, K. Wu, M-X. Wu, X-L. Liu, M-B. Yu, Y. Liu, D-W. Li*. The tumor suppressor p53 regulates c-Maf and Prox-1 to control lens differentiation. Curr Mol Med.,12(8):917-28., 2012. 11. M. Deng, P. Chen, F. Liu, S. Fu, H. Tang, Y. Fu, Z. Xiong, S. Hui, W. Ji, X. Zhang, L. Zhang, L. Gong, X. Hu, W. Hu, S. Sun, J. Liu, L. Xiao, W-B. Liu, Y-M. Xiao, S-J. Liu, Y. Liu, D-W. Li *. The p53-Bak apoptotic signaling axis plays an essential role in regulating differentiation of the ocular lens. Curr Mol Med.,12(8):901-16.,2012. 12. W-F. Hu, L. Gong, Z. Cao, H. Ma, W. Ji, M. Deng, M. Liu, X-H. Hu, P. Chen, Q. Yan, H-G. Chen, J. Liu, S. Sun, L. Zhang, J-P. Liu, E. Wawrousek, D-W. Li *. αA-and αB-crystallins interact with caspase-3 and Bax to guard mouse lens development. Curr Mol Med., 12(2):177-87., 2012. 13. L. Zhang, Q. Yan, J-P. Liu, L-J. Zou, J. Liu, S. Sun, M. Deng, L. Gong, W-K. Ji, D-W. Li . Apoptosis: its functions and control in the ocular lens. Curr Mol Med., 10(9):864-75., 2010. 14. M. Deng, P-C. Chen, S. Xie, J-Q. Zhao, L. Gong, J-P. Liu, L. Zhang, S. Sun, J. Liu, H-L. Ma, B. Surinder, and D-W. Li*, The Small Heal Shock Protein AlphaA-Crystallin Is Expressed In Pancreas and Acts as A Negative Regulator of Carcinogenesis. Biochem. Biophys. Acta.-Molecular Basis of Diseases.,1802:621-631., 2010. 15. L. Xiao, L. Gong, D. Yuan, M. Deng, J-P. Liu, L-L. Chen, L. Zhang, S. Sun, J. Liu, X-H. Hu, H-L. Ma, C-B. Zheng, H Fu, P-Q. Chen, J-Q. Zhao, S-S. Xie, X-M. Zeng, L-J. Zou, Y-M. Xiao, W-B. Liu, J. Zhang, Y. Liu, D-W. Li*, Protein Phosphatase-1 regulates Akt1 signaling pathway to control gene expression, cell survival and differentiation. Cell Death Differ., 17(9):1448-62., 2010. 16. H-L. Ma, Y-L. Peng, L. Gong, W-B. Liu, S. Sun, J. Liu, C-B. Zheng, H. Fu, D. Yuan, J. Zhao, P-C. Chen, S-S. Xie, X-M. Zeng, Y-M. Xiao, Y. Liu, D-W. Li*. The goldfish SG2NA gene encodes two alpha-type regulatory subunits for PP-2A and displays distinct developmental expression pattern. Gene Regul Syst Bio., 3:115-29., 2009. 17. W-B. Liu, Y. Li, L. Zhang, H-G. Chen, J-P. Liu, S. Sun, Y. Liu and D-W. Li*. Differential expression of the catalytic subunits for PP-1 and PP-2A and the regulatory subunits for PP–2A in mouse eye. Mol. Vis. ,14:762-73., 2008.
