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曾获荣誉: 湖南省100个科技创新人才(2020年度引进) 上海计算机学会优秀博士学位论文奖 吕丰,男,湖北鄂州人,中共党员。2013年6月毕业于中南大学软件学院,获工学学士学位。2018年6月毕业于上海交通大学计算机科学与工程系,获工学博士学位,导师李明禄教授;其中2016年10月-2017年10月,受国家留学基金委资助,在加拿大滑铁卢大学电子与计算机工程宽带通信实验室(BBCR Group)进行联合博士培养,导师 Xuemin (Sherman) Shen教授 。2018年9月-2019年12月,在加拿大滑铁卢大学电子与计算机工程系从事博士后研究,导师 Xuemin (Sherman) Shen教授。自2020年1月起,正式加入中南大学计算机学院获聘特聘教授,隶属于中南大学透明计算实验室,其实验室主任为张尧学院士。 以技术骨干身份参与多项国家重点基金与课题,包括国家自然科学基金重点国际合作项目、国家863课题、国家科技部重点研发计划等。在相关领域发表高质量SCI/EI收录论文50余篇,包括Proceedings of the IEEE, IEEE TMC, IEEE JSAC, IEEE TITS, IEEE IOTJ, IEEE TII, IEEE TVT等国际权威SCI期刊,以及IEEE INFOCOM, IEEE ICDCS, IEEE SECON等国际顶级会议。另著有由施普林格出版社出版的英文专著一部 (Springer Verlag, ISBN-10: 3030512282, ISBN-13: 978-3030512286)。其中一篇论文获IEEE通信学会两大旗舰国际议之一IEEE ICC 2019最佳论文奖(16/2590);四篇论文入选ESI同领域前百分之一高被引论文。目前正担任国际权威SCI期刊《IEEE Systems Journal》编委,和国际重要SCI期刊《Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications》客座编委。现/曾担任 IEEE ICNC'20, IEEE BigDataSE'19'20, IEEE CyberSciTech'19, IEEE VTC-Fall'19'20, IEEE ICCC'19'20, IEEE WCSP'19等多个国际会议程序委员会成员,IEEE JSAC,IEEE TMC, IEEE TITS, IEEE IOTJ, IEEE TII, IEEE TVT, IEEE TNSE等十多个国际权威SCI期刊审稿人。 欢迎有志于科学研究的本科生、硕士生、博士生随时与我联系,邮箱:fenglyu@csu.edu.cn 教育经历 [1] 2013.9-2018.6 上海交通大学 | 计算机科学与技术 | 博士学位 | 博士研究生毕业 导师:李明禄教授 [2] 2016.10-2017.10 加拿大滑铁卢大学 | 电子信息与计算机工程 联合培养博士,导师:Prof. Xuemin (Sherman) Shen [3] 2009.9-2013.6 中南大学 | 软件工程 | 学士学位 | 大学本科毕业 工作经历 [1] 2020.1-至今 中南大学 | 计算机学院 | 特聘教授 中南大学透明计算实验室 [2] 2018.9-2019.12 University of Waterloo | Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Post-Doctoral Fellow Supervisor: Prof. Xuemin (Sherman) Shen 科研项目 [1]国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,面向服务质量的B5G车联网资源部署策略与优化算法研究 (No.62002389),2021/01-2023/12,24万,在研,主持 [2]中南大学科研启动经费及人才项目专项经费,城市大数据智能分析理论与应用, 120万元, 2020.1-2024.12,在研,主持; [3]国家自然科学基金重点国际合作项目,基于车载网络的协作式主动交通安全关键技术研究 (No. 61420106010),2015.1-2019.12, 270万元, 已结题,参与; [4]国家科技部863课题,基于中国云产品的混合云关键技术与系统 (No. 2015AA01A202),700万元, 2015.1-2017.12, 已结题,参与; [5]国家自然科学基金面上项目,面向高密度车联网的可靠柔性广播关键技术研究 (No. 61772340),64万元, 2018.01-2021.12,64万元,在研,参与; [6]国家自然科学基金重点国际合作项目,面向沉浸式体验的空天地一化车联网关键技术,270万元, 2017.01 - 2020.12, 在研,参与; [7]国家科技部重点研发计划,社会安全大数据基础架构技术研究 (No. 2017YFC0803700), 956万, 2017.7-2020.6,在研,参与; [8]上海交通大学基础网络建设,大规模智能WiFi系统搭建与维护,系统规模3500万,参与。 著作成果 [1]Feng Lyu, Minglu Li, and Xuemin (Sherman) Shen (authors), Vehicular Networking for Road Safety, Springer Verlag, (ISBN-10: 3030512282, ISBN-13: 978-3030512286).[外文专著 (Monograph)]],2020


[1] 车联网 (物联网) [2] 大数据科学与工程 [3] 移动计算 [4] 空天地一体化网络


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

[1]Y. Deng,F. Lyu (Corresponding Author),J. Ren,Y. Chen,P. Yang,Y. Zhou,Y. Zhang.FAIR: Quality-Aware Federated Learning with Precise User Incentive and Model Aggregation:Proc. IEEE Infocom'21 [2]H. Wu, F. Lyu (Corresponding Author), C. Zhou, J. Chen, L. Wang, and X. Shen.Optimal UAV Caching and Trajectory in Aerial-Assisted Vehicular Networks: A Learning-Based Approach.[J]:IEEE J. Selected Areas of Communications:2020,to appear [3]F. Lyu, J. Ren, N. Cheng, P. Yang, M. Li, Y. Zhang,X. Shen.LEAD: Large-Scale Edge Cache Deployment Based on Spatio-Temporal WiFi Traffic Statistics.[J]:IEEE Trans. on Mobile Computing:2020, to appear [4]F. Lyu, J. Ren, P. Yang, N. Cheng, Y. Zhang,X. Shen.SoSA: Socializing Static APs for Edge Resource Pooling in Large-Scale WiFi System.[C]:Proc. IEEE Infocom'20, Toronto, Canada, July 6-9:2020. [5]F. Lyu, N. Cheng, H. Zhu, H. Zhou, W. Xu, M. Li,X. Shen.Towards Rear-End Collision Avoidance: Adaptive Beaconing for Connected Vehicles.[J]:IEEE Trans. on Intelligent Transportation Systems:2020, to appear. [6]F. Lyu, H. Zhu, N. Cheng, H. Zhou, W. Xu, M. Li,X. Shen.Characterizing Urban Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications for Reliable Safety Applications.[J]:IEEE Trans. on Intelligent Transportation Systems:2019, to appear. [7]F. Lyu, J. Ren, N. Cheng, P. Yang, M. Li, Y. Zhang,X. Shen.Demystifying Traffic Statistics for Edge Cache Deployment in Large-Scale WiFi System.[C]:Proc. IEEE ICDCS'19, Dallas, Texas, USA:July 7-10, 2019. [8]F. Lyu, F. Wu, Y. Zhang, J. Xin, and X. Zhu,.Virtualized and Micro Services Provisioning in Space-Air-Ground Integrated Network:IEEE Wireless Communications:2020, to appear [9]W. Zhuang, Q. Ye, F. Lyu, N. Cheng, J. Ren.SDN/NFV-Empowered Future IoV With Enhanced Communication, Computing, and Caching.[J]:Proceedings of the IEEE,108(2):274-291, 2020. [10]F. Wu, W. Yang, J. Ren, F. Lyu, P. Yang, Y. Zhang, and X. Shen.NDN-MMRA: Multi-Stage Multicast Rate Adaptation in Named Data Networking WLAN.[J]:IEEE Trans. on Multimedia:2020, to appear [11]C. Zhou, W. Wu, H. He, P. Yang, F. Lyu, N. Cheng, and X. Shen.Deep Reinforcement Learning for Delay-Oriented IoT Task Scheduling in Space-Air-Ground Integrated Network.[J]:IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications:2020, to appear [12]J. Ren, KM. Mahfujul, F. Lyu (Corresponding Author), S. Yue, Y. Zhang.Joint Channel Allocation and Resource Management for Stochastic Computation Offloading in MEC.[J]:IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology:2020, to appear [13]X. Cao, P. Yang, F. Lyu, J. Han, Y. Li, D. Guo, and X. Shen.Trajectory Penetration Characterization for Efficient Vehicle Selection in HD Map Crowdsourcing.[J]:IEEE Internet of Things Journal:2020, to appear [14]N. Cheng, F. Lyu, W. Quan, C. Zhou, H. He, W. Shi,X. Shen.Space/Aerial-Assisted Computing Offloading for IoT Applications: A Learning-based Approach.[J]:IEEE J. Selected Areas of Communications,37(5):1117-1129, 2019. [15]J. Chen, H. Wu, P. Yang, F. Lyu, X. Shen.Cooperative Edge Caching with Location-based and Popular Contents for Vehicular Networks.[J]:IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology:2020, to appear [16]F. Wu, W. Yang, J. Ren, F. Lyu, X. Ding, Y. Zhang.Adaptive Video Streaming Using Dynamic NDN Multicast in WLAN.[C]:IEEE INFOCOM 2020-Workshops,2020:97-102 [17]X Peng, H Zhou, B Qian, K Yu, F Lyu, W Xu.Enabling Security-Aware D2D Spectrum Resource Sharing for Connected Autonomous Vehicles.[J]:IEEE Internet of Things Journal:2020, to appear. [18]F. Lyu, L. Fang, G. Xue, H. Xue, M. Li.Large-Scale Full WiFi Coverage: Deployment and Management Strategy Based on User Spatio-Temporal Association Analytics.[J]:IEEE Internet of Things Journal,6(6):9386-9398, 2019 [19]P. Yang, F. Lyu (Corresponding Author), W. Wu, N. Zhang, L. Yu,X. Shen.Edge Coordinated Query Configuration for Low-Latency and Accurate Video Analytics.[J]:IEEE Trans. on Industrial Informatics:2019, to appear. [20]F. Lyu, J. Ren, P. Yang, N. Cheng, W. Tang, Y. Zhang,X. Shen.Fine-Grained TDMA MAC Design Towards Ultra-Reliable Broadcast for Autonomous Driving.[J]:IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine,26(4):46-53, 2019. [21]F. Lyu, N. Cheng, H. Zhu, H. Zhou, W. Xu,X. Shen.Intelligent Context-Aware Communication Paradigm Design for IoVs based on Data Analytics.[J]:IEEE Network,32(6):74-82, 2018. [22]F. Lyu, H. Zhu, H. Zhou, W. Xu, N. Zhang, M. Li,X. Shen.SS-MAC: A Novel Time Slot-Sharing MAC for Safety Messages Broadcasting in VANETs.[J]:IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology,67(4):3586-3597, 2018. [23]F. Lyu, N. Cheng, H. Zhou, W. Xu, W. Shi, J. Chen, M. Li.DBCC: Leveraging Link Perception for Distributed Beacon Congestion Control in VANETs.[J]:IEEE Internet of Things Journal,5(6):4237-4249, 2018 [24]F. Lyu, H. Zhu, H. Zhou, L. Qian, W. Xu, M. Li,X. Shen.MoMAC: Mobility-Aware and Collision-Avoidance MAC for Safety Applications in VANETs.[J]:IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology,67(11):10590-10602, 2018. [25]S. Zhang, J. Chen, F. Lyu (Corresponding Author), N. Cheng, W. Shi, X. Shen.Vehicular Communication Networks in Automated Driving Era.[J]:IEEE Communications Magazine,56(9):26-33, 2018. [26]F. Lyu, H. Zhu, N. Cheng, Y. Zhu, H. Zhou, W. Xu, G. Xue, M. Li.ABC: Adaptive Beacon Control for Rear-End Collision Avoidance in VANETs.[C]:Proc. IEEE SECON'18, Hong Kong, China:Jun 11-13, 2018 [27]W. Shi, J. Li, N. Cheng, F. Lyu, S. Zhang, H. Zhou,X. Shen.Multi-Drone 3D Trajectory Planning and Scheduling in Drone Assisted Radio Access Networks.[J]:IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology,68(8):8145-8158, 2019. [28]N. Cheng, F. Lyu, J. Chen, W. Xu, H. Zhou, S. Zhang,X. Shen.Big Data Driven Vehicular Networks.[J]:IEEE Network,32(6):160-167, 2018. [29]W. Xu, H. Zhou, N. Cheng, F. Lyu, W. Shi, J. Chen,X. Shen.Internet of Vehicles in Big Data Era.[J]:IEEE/CAA J. Automatica Sinica (invited paper),5(1):19-35, 2018. [30]W. Xu, W. Shi, F. Lyu, H. Zhou, N. Cheng,X. Shen.Throughput Analysis of Vehicular Internet Access via Roadside WiFi Hotspot.[J]:IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology,68(4):3980-3991, 2019. [31]F. Lyu, J. Ren, N. Cheng, P. Yang, M. Li, Y. Zhang,X. Shen.Big Data Analytics for User Association Characterization in Large-Scale WiFi System.[C]:Proc. IEEE ICC'19, Shanghai, China:May 20-24, 2019. [32]F. Lyu, P. Yang, W. Shi, H. Wu, W. Wu, N. Cheng,X. Shen.Online UAV Scheduling Towards Throughput QoS Guarantee for Dynamic IoVs.[C]:Proc. IEEE ICC'19, Shanghai, China:May 20-24, 2019. [33]F. Lyu, H. Zhu, H. Xue, Y. Zhu, S. Chang, M. Dong, M. Li.An Empirical Study on Urban IEEE 802.11 p Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication.[C]:Proc. IEEE SECON'16, London, UK:Jun 27-30, 2016. [34]L. Fang, G. Xue, F. Lyu (Corresponding Author), H. Sheng, F. Zou, M. Li.Intelligent Large-Scale AP Control with Remarkable Energy Saving in Campus WiFi System.[C]:Proc. IEEE ICPADS'18, Singapore:Dec. 11-13, 2018. [35]R. Jin, G. Xue, F. Lyu (Corresponding Author), H Sheng, G Liu, M. Li.Leveraging Inner-Connection of Message Sequence for Traffic Classification: A Deep Learning Approach.[C]:Proc. IEEE ICPADS'18, Singapore:Dec. 11-13, 2018. [36]H. Xue, J. Yu, L. Lu, F. Lyu, F. Tang, M. Li.Push the limit of Multipath Profiling using Commodity WiFi Devices with Limited Bandwidth.[J]:IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology:2020, to appear. [37]F. Wu, W Yang, J. Ren, F. Lyu, P. Yang, Y. Zhang,X. Shen.Named Data Networking Enabled Power Saving Mode Design for WLAN.[J]:IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology,69(1):901-913, 2020. [38]B. Qian, H. Zhou, F. Lyu, J. Li, T. Ma, F. Hou.Toward Collision-Free and Efficient Coordination for Automated Vehicles at Unsignalized Intersection.[J]:IEEE Internet of Things Journal,6(6):10408-10420, 2019. [39]S. Fu, N. Cheng, N. Zhang, X. Jian, F. Lyu, H. Wen,X. Shen.Virtualization Enabled Multi-Point Cooperation with Convergence of Communication, Caching, and Computing.[J]:IEEE Network:2019, to appear. [40]W. Xu, H. Zhou, W. Shi, F. Lyu,X. Shen.Throughput Analysis of In-Vehicle Internet Access via On-Road WiFi Access Points.[C]:Proc. IEEE VTC'17-Fall, Toronto, Canada:Sept. 24-27, 2017. [41]W. Shi, J. Li, N. Cheng, F. Lyu, Y. Dai, H. Zhou,X. Shen.3D Multi-Drone-Cell Trajectory Design for Efficient IoT Data Collection.[C]:Proc. IEEE ICC'19, Shanghai, China:May 20-24, 2019. [42]F. Wu, W. Yang, J. Ren, F. Lyu, P. Yang, Y. Zhang,X. Shen.Cutting Down Idle Listening Time: A NDN-Enabled Power Saving Mode Design for WLAN.[C]:Proc. IEEE ICC'19, Shanghai, China:May 20-24, 2019. [43]P. Yang, N. Zhang, S. Zhang, F. Lyu, L. Yu,X. Shen.Asymptotic Optimal Edge Resource Allocation for Video Streaming via User Preference Prediction.[C]:Proc. IEEE ICC'19, Shanghai, China:May 20-24, 2019. [44]C. Zhou, H. He, P. Yang, F. Lyu, W. Wu, N. Cheng,X. Shen.Deep RL-based Trajectory Planning for AoI Minimization in UAV-assisted IoT.[C]:Proc. WCSP'19, Xian, China:Oct. 23-25, 2019. [45]H. Wu, J. Chen, F. Lyu, L. Wang,X. Shen.Joint Caching and Trajectory Design for Cache-Enabled UAV in Vehicular Networks.[C]:Proc. WCSP'19, Xian, China:Oct. 23-25, 2019. [46]W. Wang, Z. Yin, F. Lyu, H. Wu, Q. Wu,X. Shen.Pilot Spoofing Attack Detection and Downlink Precoding in Massive MIMO Systems.[C]:Proc. WCSP'19, Xian, China:Oct. 23-25, 2019. [47]C. Zhou, W. Wu, H. He, P. Yang, F. Lyu, N. Cheng,X. Shen.Delay-aware IoT Task Scheduling in Space-air-ground Integrated Network.[C]:Proc. IEEE Globecom'19, Waikoloa, HI, USA:Dec. 9-13, 2019. [48]X. Cao, Y. Li, J. Han, P. Yang, F. Lyu, D. Guo,X. Shen.Online Worker Selection Towards High Quality Map Collection for Autonomous Driving.[C]:Proc. IEEE Globecom'19, Waikoloa, HI, USA:Dec. 9-13, 2019. [49]M. Gao, A. Bo, Y. Niu, W. Wu, P. Yang, F. Lyu,X. Shen.Edge Caching and Content Delivery with Minimized Delay for both High-Speed Train and Local User.[C]:Proc. IEEE Globecom'19, Waikoloa, HI, USA:Dec. 9-13, 2019. [50]W. Xu, H. Zhou, H. Wu, F. Lyu, N. Cheng,X. Shen.Intelligent Link Adaptation in 802.11 Vehicular Networks: Challenges and Solutions.[J]:IEEE Communications Standards Magazine,3(1):12-18, 2019.
