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教育状况 2010年10月–2014年11月:马丁路德大学,农业经济学博士 2003年9月-2006年7月:河北农业大学商学院,农林经济管理学硕士 1999年9月-2003年7月:河北农业大学经济与贸易学院,经济学学士 工作经历 2018年1月-目前:中国农业大学经济管理学院,副教授 2014年12月-2017年12月:中国农业大学经济管理学院,讲师 2008年5月-2010年9月:中国科学院农业政策研究中心,研究助理 奖励及其他 2021 优秀教师,中国农业大学 2020 年度学者,中国青年农业经济学家论坛 2019 青年新星 A,中国农业大学 2017 《老年人焦虑症状调查研究》 获得北京高校青年教师社会调研优秀成果 一等奖,北京市委教育工作委员会 2017 优秀班主任,中国农业大学 2016 《养老服务模式创新研究》 获得北京高校青年教师社会调研优秀成果 一等奖,北京市委教育工作委员会 2016 优秀班主任,中国农业大学 2015 《北京市打工子弟小学教师队伍现状调研》 获得北京高校青年教师社会调研优秀成果 一等奖,北京市委教育工作委员会 2014 国家优秀自费留学生奖学金 留学基金委




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英文论文 Zhai, S; Chen, Q; Zhao, Q*. Beauty and popularity in friendship networks—Evidence from migrant schools in China. Economics Letters, 2022, Vol (215), 110468 Cui, Y., Si W., Zhao Q., Glauben T. and Feng L.* The Impact of COVID-19 on Dietary Diversity of Children and Adolescents: Evidence from a Rural-Urban Panel Study. China & World Economy. 2021, 29 (6) , 53-72. Liu, Z., Si W., Zhao Q. and Tao C.*. Does Subjective Dietary Knowledge Affect Sugar-Sweetened Carbonated Beverages Consumption and Child Obesity? Empirical Evidence from the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region in China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2021, 18, 3713. Zhu, C; Chen, Q; Si, W; Li, Y; Chen, G; Zhao, Q*. Alcohol Use and Depression: a Mendelian Randomization Study from China. Frontiers in Genetics. 2020. 585351. Tao, C; Zhao, Q; Glauben, T; Ren, Y*. Does Dietary Diversity Reduce the Risk of Obesity? Empirical Evidence from Rural School Children in China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2020, 17, 8122. Chen, Q; Yu, C; Zhao, Q*. Impacts of boarding on primary school students' mental health outcomes – Instrumental-Variable evidence from rural northwestern China. Economics and Human Biology, 2020, 39, 100920 Chen, Q; Pei C; Zhao, Q*. Intrahousehold flypaper effects—Quasi-experimental evidence from a randomized school-feeding program in rural northwestern China. Economics Letters, 2020, Vol (191), 109134 Wang, H; Zhao, Q; Bai, Y; Zhang, L; Yu, X*. Poverty and Subjective Poverty in Rural China. Social Indicators Research. 2020. 150:219–242 Zhao, Q; Yu, X*. Parental Nutrition Knowledge, Iron Deficiency and Children Anemia in Rural China. Journal of Development Studies, 2020, Vol (56), 578-595 Wang, H*; Zhao, Q; BOSWELL, M; Rozelle, S. Can School Feeding Programs Reduce Malnutrition in Rural China? Journal of School Health. 2019. DOI: 10.1111/josh.12849. Chen, Q; Pei, C; Bai, Y; Zhao, Q*. Impacts of Nutrition Subsidies on Diet Diversity and Nutritional Outcomes of Primary School Students in Rural Northwestern China - Do Policy Targets and Incentives Matter? International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2019, 16, 2891. Liu, X; Zhao, Q; Chen, Q*. Better Nutrition, Healthier Mind? Experimental Evidence from Primary Schools in Rural Northwestern China. Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 2019, 18(8), 1768–1779. Chen, Q; Wang, X; Zhao, Q*. Appearance Discrimination in Grading? ? Evidence from Migrant Schools in China. Economics Letters, 2019, Vol (181), 116-119. Zhao, Q; Wang, X*; Rozelle, S. Better cognition, better school performance Evidence from primary schools in China. China Economic Review, 2019, Vol (55), 199-217. Zhu, C; Zhang, X; Zhao, Q; Chen, Q*. Hybrid marriages and phenotypic heterosis in offspring Evidence from China. Economics and Human Biology. 2018, (29), 102-114. Zhao, Q; Chen, Q; Xiao, Y; Tian, G; Chu, X; Liu, Q*. Saving Forests through Development? Fuelwood Consumption and the Energy-Ladder Hypothesis in Rural Southern China. Transformations in Business & Economics. 2017, Vol. 16, No 3 (42): 199-219. Yue, A; Shi, Y; Luo*, R; Zhang, L; Johnson, N; Rozelle, S; Zhao, Q. The impact of investment on drinking water quality in rural China. China Agricultural Economic Review. 2017, 9 (2): 255-269. Zhao, Q; Brosig, S; Luo, R*; Zhang, L; Yue, A; Rozelle, S. The New Rural Social Pension Program in Rural China: Participation and its Correlates. China Agricultural Economic Review. 2016, 8 (4): 647-661. Burggraf C, Kuhn L, Zhao Q*, Teuber R, Glauben T. “Economic growth and nutrition transition: an empirical analysis comparing demand elasticities for foods in China and Russia.” Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 2015, 14(6), 1008-1022. Zhao Q*, Yu X, Wang X, Glauben T. “The impact of parental migration on children’s school performance in rural China.” China Economic Review, 2014, Vol (31), 43-54. Grant M*, Luo R, Zhang L, Sylvia S, Shi Y, Foo P, Zhao Q, Martorell R, Medina A, Rozelle S. “Effectiveness of provider incentives for anaemia reduction in rural China a cluster randomised trial.” BMJ: British Medical Journal, 2012, 345: e4809. Luo R*, Shi Y, Zhang L, Liu C, Sylvia S, Rozelle S, Sharbono B, Yue A, Zhao Q, Martorell R. “Nutrition and Educational Performance in Rural China’s Elementary Schools: Results of a Randomized Control Trial in Shaanxi Province.” Economic Development and Cultural Change, 2012, 60(4): 735-772. Luo R*, Zhang L, Liu C, Zhao Q, Shi Y, Rozelle S, Sharbono B. “Behind before, they begin: The challenge of Early Childhood education in rural China.” Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 2012, Vol. 37, 55-64. Luo R, Zhang L*, Liu C, Zhao Q, Shi Y, Miller G, Yu E, Sharbono B, Medina A, Rozelle S, Martorell R. “Anaemia among Students of Rural China’s Elementary Schools: Prevalence and Correlates in Ningxia and Qinghai’s Poor Counties.” Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition, 2011, 29(5), 471-485. 中文论文 陶畅,赵启然,李军*,农村学龄儿童膳食多样性与营养状况关联性[J].中国农业大学学报,2022,27(06):290-300. 冯娜娜,孙博睿,赵启然,孙小龙*. 未来预期、农户分化与宅基地退出抉择[J].长江流域资源与环境,2021,30 (10):2383-2391. 朱晨,赵启然,王俊,司伟*,遗传经济学:理论、方法及其在经济学研究中的应用,经济评论,2021,(2):134-148. 于季菲,赵启然*,“农村义务教育学生营养改善计划”供餐方式对小学生身心健康的影响,教育与经济,2020,36(04):30-39. 王新刚,司伟,赵启然,土地经营权稳定性对农户过量施肥的影响研究——基于黑龙江省地块层面数据的实证分析,中国农业资源与区划,2020,41(08):162-168. 罗仁福,刘琰, 刘承芳, 张林秀, 赵启然,新型农村养老保险对农户家庭土地流转行为的影响——基于中国农村发展调查的5省农户微观数据,经济经纬,2019,(5). 陈海江,司伟,赵启然,粮豆轮作补贴:规模导向与瞄准偏差——基于生态补  偿瞄准性视角的分析,中国农村经济,2019,(1). 闵师,项诚,王晓兵,赵启然,中国主要农产品生产的机械劳动力替代弹性分析,农业技术经济,2018,(4). 边芳,张林秀,罗仁福,赵启然,农村居民新农保参保行为及其影响因素,农业现代化研究,2018,(1). 高秋风,赵启然,罗仁福,农村环境治理项目投资决策的瞄准性与有效性分析——来自五省农村的证据,劳动经济研究,2017,(10). 罗仁福,刘承芳,张林秀,赵启然,岳爱,奖学金对中学生德育发展的影响评估-来自唐仲英爱心奖学金项目的实验研究,教育经济评论,2016,(4). 杨博琼,王晓兵,杨军,赵启然,绿色发展和外商直接投资政策选择,中国人口资源与环境,2013,(10). 杨博琼,杨军,赵启然,FDI、技术外溢与东道国环境污染关系研究,对外经贸大学学报,2013,(4). 罗仁福,张林秀,赵启然,易红梅,史耀疆,Scott Rozelle,陕西贫困农村寄宿学校小学生贫血情况调查,中国学校卫生,2011,(10). 罗仁福,张林秀,赵启然,黄季焜,从农村公共基础设施变迁看未来农村公共投资方向,中国软科学,2011,(9). 罗仁福,张林秀,赵启然,刘承芳, 外部冲击对贫困农村外出务工劳动力就业的影响分析——以金融危机中贫困农村地区劳动力的就业为例, 经济经纬,2011,(3). 罗仁福,张林秀,刘承芳,赵启然,邓蒙芝,史耀疆,贫困农村儿童的能力发展状况及其影响因素,学前教育研究,2010,(4). 罗仁福,赵启然,何敏,刘承芳,张林秀,贫困农村学前教育现状调查,学前教育研究,2009,(1).
