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教育背景 2007.09-2011.07 西安工程大学 环境科学系 本科 理学学士 2011.09-2013.07 中国农业大学 农业资源利用系 农学硕士 2013.09-2017.07 中国农业大学 环境科学与工程系 工学博士 工作履历 2017.10-2019.09 中国农业大学 生态学博士后 2019.10- 中国农业大学 资源环境学院 副教授 奖励与荣誉 神农中华农业科技奖一等奖(2019年) 排名14 全国农牧渔业丰收奖一等奖(2019年)排名8 教育部科学技术进步奖二等奖(2018年)排名12 畜牧业现代化簪畜禽粪污资源化利用论坛征文论文一等奖(2019年)排名1 北京市优秀毕业生(2017年) 中国农业大学博士国家奖学金(2016年、2014年) 中国农业大学优秀毕业生(2013年) 学术兼职 农田土壤污染防控与修复北京市重点实验室副主任、秘书(2020-) 绿色食品评审专家(2019-) 北京市生活垃圾分类指导专家(2019-)


有机固体废弃物好氧堆肥过程挥发性及风险污染物控制 有机固体废弃物好氧堆肥技术及生物干化技术 种养循环模式构建及环境影响评价


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Yilin Kong, Guoying Wang, Huan Tang, Jia Yang, Yan Yang, Jiani Wang, Guoxue Li, Yun Li, Jing Yuan*, 2022. Multi-omics analysis provides insight into the phytotoxicity of chicken manure and cornstalk on seed germination. Science of The Total Environment, 160611. Yilin Kong, GuoyingWang, Wenjie Chen, Yan Yang, Ruonan Ma, Danyang Li, Yujun Shen, Guoxue Li, Jing Yuan*, 2022. Phytotoxicity of farm livestock manures in facultative heap composting using the seed germination index as indicator[J]. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2022,247:114251. Ruolan Tang, Yan Liu, Ruonan Ma, Lanxia Zhang, Yanming Li, Guoxue Li, Dingmei Wang, Jiacong Lin, Qinfen Li, Jing Yuan*, 2022. Effect of moisture content, aeration rate, and C/N on maturity and gaseous emissions during kitchen waste rapid composting[J]. Journal of Environmental Management,2023,326, 116662. Ruonan Ma, Yan Liu, Jiani Wang, Danyang Li, Chuanren Qi, Guoxue Li, Jing Yuan*, 2022. Effects of oxygen levels on maturity, humification, and odor emissions during chicken manure composting. Journal of Cleaner Production,369, 133326. Yan Yang, Ziming Yin, Liqiong Li, Yun Li, Yan Liu, Yiming Luo, Guoxue Li*, Jing Yuan*, 2022. Effects of dicyandiamide, phosphogypsum and superphosphate on greenhouse gas emissions during pig manure composting. The Science of the total environment,846, 157487. Lijuan Peng, Ruonan Ma, Sinan Jiang, Wenhai Luo, Yangyang Li, Guoying Wang, Zhicheng Xu, Yan Wang, Chuanren Qi, Yanming Li, Guoxue Li*, Jing Yuan*, 2022. Co-composting of kitchen waste with agriculture and forestry residues and characteristics of compost with different particle size: An industrial scale case study. Waste Management,149:313-322. Yan Liu, Ruonan Ma, Ruolan Tang, Yilin Kong, Jiani Wang, Guoxue Li, Jing Yuan*, 2022. Effects of phosphate-containing additives and zeolite on maturity and heavy metal passivation during pig manure composting. Science of The Total Environment,836, 155727 Yilin Kong, Ruonan Ma, Guoxue Li, Guoying Wang, Yan Liu, Jing Yuan*, 2022. Impact of biochar, calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer and spent mushroom substrate on humification and heavy metal passivation during composting. Science of The Total Environment, 824:153755. Guoying Wang, Yilin Kong, Yan Yang, Ruonan Ma, Liqiong Li, Guoxue Li, Jing Yuan*, 2022. Composting temperature directly affects the removal of antibiotic resistance genes and mobile genetic elements in livestock manure. Environmental Pollution, 303:119174. Guoying Wang, Yilin Kong, Yan Yang, Ruonan Ma, Yujun Shen, Guoxue Li, Jing Yuan*, 2022. Superphosphate, biochar, and a microbial inoculum regulate phytotoxicity and humification during chicken manure composting. Science of The Total Environment, 824:153958. Danyang Li, Jing Yuan, Jingtao Ding, Huihui Wang, Yujun Shen*, Guoxue Li*, 2022. Effects of carbon/nitrogen ratio and aeration rate on the sheep manure composting process and associated gaseous emissions. Journal of environmental management,323 116093. 王佳妮,马若男,唐若兰,李丽琼,彭丽娟,李国学,林嘉聪,王定美,李勤奋,袁京*, 2022. 冷凝水回流对堆肥腐熟度和温室气体排放的影响.中国环境科学:1-11. 杨佳, 王国英, 唐若兰, 王佳妮, 马若男, 李国学, 袁京*, 2022. 生物炭和菌剂对羊粪微好氧堆肥腐熟度和温室气体排放的影响[J]. 农业工程学报, 2022,38(10):224-231. 刘燕,马若男,李国学,袁京*, 2022. 基于添加剂使用的污泥堆肥厂经济效益分析.农业环境科学学报, 41(01):202-209. 李旺旺,刘燕,李国学,杨佳,杨燕,马若男, 袁京*, 2022. 菌剂和含磷添加剂联合添加对污泥堆肥污染气体排放及堆肥品质的影响, 农业环境科学学报,2022,41(04):878-887. 杨燕, 李国学, 罗一鸣, 杨佳, 袁京*, 2022. 双氰胺、氢醌与含磷添加剂联合使用对堆肥温室气体排放的影响. 中国环境科学, 42(02):936-944. 林嘉聪, 王定美, 袁京, 李国学, 李勤奋, 袁巧霞. 蚯蚓-蚯蚓粪分离-收获工艺与关键部件试验[J]. 农业工程学报, 2022,38(12):233-242. 彭丽娟, 唐若兰, 李军港, 袁京, 李国学*. 厨余垃圾与农林废弃物协同好氧堆肥效果及产品性质[J]. 城市管理与科技, 2022,23(02):69-71. 张兰霞, 杜巍, 王岩, 徐志程, 袁京, 亓传仁, 李军港, 罗文海, 李扬阳, 何威, 李国学*. 2022. 不同碳源农林废弃物与厨余垃圾协同堆肥腐熟度和臭气排放研究. 环境工程: 1-12. 李丹阳, 王娟, 袁京, 亓传仁, 张燕卿, 丁京涛, 王惠惠, 沈玉君, 李国学*. 2022. 不同饲养方式下的羊产排污系数对比研究. 农业环境科学学报: 1-13. Guoying Wang, Yan Yang, Yilin Kong, Ruonan Ma, Jing Yuan*, Guoxue Li*, 2022. Key factors affecting seed germination in phytotoxicity tests during sheep manure composting with carbon additives. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 421:126809. Yan Yang, Guoying Wang, Guoxue Li, Ruonan Ma, Yilin Kong, Jing Yuan*, 2021. Selection of sensitive seeds for evaluation of compost maturity with the seed germination index. Waste Management, 136:238-243. Guoying Wang, Guoxue Li, Jiali Chang, Yilin Kong, Tao Jiang, Jiani Wang,Jing Yuan*, 2021. Enrichment of antibiotic resistance genes after sheep manure aerobic heap composting. Bioresource Technology, 323:124620. Zhicheng Xu, Yu Ma, Lanxia Zhang, Yiyu Han, Jing Yuan, Guoxue Li*, Wenhai Luo*, 2021. Relating bacterial dynamics and functions to gaseous emissions during composting of kitchen and garden wastes. Science of The Total Environment, 767:144210. Zeyu Zhang, Xiaoyin Shang, Wenhai Luo, Jing Yuan, Ting Xu, Yuquan Wei, Ji Li*, 2021. Carbohydrates and genetic properties of two psychrophile pseudomonas B 5-16 and B 6-15. Environmental technology & innovation, 22:101422. 杨燕,李国学,罗一鸣,杨佳,袁京*, 2021. 双氰胺、氢醌与含磷添加剂联合使用对堆肥温室气体排放的影响. 中国环境科学, DOI: 10.19674/j.cnki.issn1000-6923.20210825.003 袁京, 刘燕, 唐若兰, 马若男, 李国学*, 2021.畜禽粪便堆肥过程碳氮损失及温室气体排放综述. 农业环境科学学报, 40(11):2428-2438. 陈文旭,李国学,马若男,刘燕,袁京*, 2021. 对鸡粪堆肥过程含硫臭气排放的影响. 农业环境科学学报, 40(11):2465-2471. 杨佳,李国学,马若男,王国英,袁京*, 2021. 腐熟堆肥回流对猪粪堆肥含硫臭气排放的影响. 农业环境科学学报, 40(11):2456-2464. 杨燕,李国学,李旺旺,袁京*, 2021.两次全国污染源普查结果对比分析.中国农业文摘-农业工程, 33(06):9-13. 杨燕,尹子铭,袁京, 罗一鸣, 李国学*, 2021. 双氰胺和氢醌添加对堆肥温室气体排放的影响. 农业环境科学学报, 40(11):2439-2447. Yan Liu, Ruonan Ma, Danyang Li, Chuanren Qi, Lina Han, Mei Chen, Feng Fu,Jing Yuan*, Guoxue Li*. 2020. Effects of calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer, biochar and spent mushroom substrate on compost maturity and gaseous emissions during pig manure composting. Journal of Environmental Management, 267: 110649. Guoying Wang, Yilin Kong, Yan Liu, Danyang Li, Xuehua Zhang, Jing Yuan*, Guoxue Li*. 2020. Evolution of phytotoxicity during the active phase of co-composting of chicken manure, tobacco powder and mushroom substrate. Waste Management, 114: 25-32. 马若男,李丹阳,亓传仁,李国学,王国英,刘燕,孙少泽,袁京*, 2020. 碳氮比对鸡粪堆肥腐熟度和臭气排放的影响. 农业工程学报, 36(24):194-202. 张兰霞,李国学*, 罗文海, 袁京*, 2020. 北京城乡不同功能区生活垃圾组成特性及分类研究. 环境卫生工程, 28(06):15-21. 张智烨,袁京, 王国英, 张地方, 李本纲*, 李国学, 2020. 辅料添加对厨余垃圾生物干化产品燃烧热特性的影响. 环境工程学报,14(05):1365-1375. 李丹阳,马若男,亓传仁,袁京, 李国学*, 孙少泽,刘燕, 2020. 含水率对羊粪堆肥腐熟度及污染气体排放的影响. 农业工程学报, 36(20):254-262. 刘婉岑,李赟,袁京, 李国学, 罗文海*, 张邦喜, 2020. 厌氧膜生物反应器在畜禽养殖废水处理领域的应用机遇与挑战. 中国沼气, 38(06):3-13. 齐晨,王国英,拉环,袁京, 李国学, 2020. 依托集中式粪污资源化处理中心实现整区域养殖全覆盖. 畜牧业环境, (12): 10-11. Jing Yuan, Difang Zhang, Ruonan Ma, Guoying Wang, Yun Li, Shuyan Li, Huan Tang, Bangxi Zhang, Danyang Li, Guoxue Li*, 2019. Effects of inoculation amount and application method on the biodrying performance of municipal solid waste and the odor emissions produced, Waste Management, 93: 91-99. Jing Yuan, Yun Li, Guoying Wang, Difang Zhang, Yujun Shen, Ruonan Ma, Danyang Li, Shuyan Li, Guoxue Li*, 2019. Biodrying performance and combustion characteristics related to bulking agent amendments during kitchen waste biodrying, Bioresource Technology, 284:56-64. Jing Yuan, Longlong Du, Shuyan Li, Fan Yang, Zhiye Zhang, Guoxue Li*, Guoying Wang, 2019. Use of mature compost as filter media and the effect of packing depth on hydrogen sulfide removal from composting exhaust gases by biofiltration, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 26:3762-3770. Jing Yuan, Difang Zhang, Longlong Du, Fan Yang, Guoxue Li*, Yuan Luo, 2019. Effect of woody peat as an additive on maturity and gaseous emissions during pig manure composting, Compost Science & Utilization, 27:69-80. Penghu Liu#, Jing Yuan#, Zhihe Jiang, Yixiang Wang, Boqi Weng*, Guoxue Li*, 2019. A lower cadmium accumulating strain of Agaricus brasiliensis produced by 60Co-γ-irradiation, LWT - Food Science and Technology, 114:108370. Jing Yuan, Yun Li, Shili Chen, Danyang Li, Huan Tang, David Chadwick, Shuyan Li, Wangwang Li, Guoxue Li*, 2018. Effects of phosphogypsum, superphosphate, and dicyandiamide on gaseous emission and compost quality during sewage sludge composting, Bioresource Technology, 270:368-376. Jing Yuan, Difang Zhang, Yun Li, Ji Li, Wenhai Luo, Hongyu Zhang, Guoying Wang, Guoxue Li*, 2018. Effects of the aeration pattern, aeration rate, and turning frequency on municipal solid waste biodrying performance, Journal of Environmental Management, 218:416-424. Jing Yuan, Yun Li, Hongyu Zhang, Difang Zhang, David Chadwick, Guoxue Li*, Guoying Wang, Menghao Chi, Fan Yang, 2018. Effects of adding bulking agents on the biodrying of kitchen waste and the odor emissions produced, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 67:344-355. Difang Zhang, Wenhai Luo, Jing Yuan, Guoxue Li*, 2018. Co-biodrying of sewage sludge and organic fraction of municipal solid waste: role of mixing proportions. Waste Management, 77:333-340. 迟孟浩,杨帆,李旺旺,袁京, 王继红, 李国学*, 李赟. 2018. 厨余垃圾堆肥间歇通风方式的可行性研究, 环境污染与防治, 40(08):917-921. Jing Yuan, Difang Zhang, Yun Li, David Chadwick, Guoxue Li*, Yu Li, Longlong Du, 2017. Effects of adding bulking agents on biostabilization and drying of municipal solid waste. Waste Management, 62:52-60. Difang Zhang, Wenhai Luo, Jing Yuan, Guoxue Li*, Yuan Luo, 2017. Effects of woody peat and superphosphate on compost maturity and gaseous emissions during pig manure composting. Waste Management, 68:56-63. Shuyan Li*, Jijin Li, Jing Yuan, Guoxue Li, Bing Zang, Yangyang Li, 2017. The influences of inoculants from municipal sludge and solid waste on compost stability, maturity and enzyme activities during chicken manure composting. Environmental technology, 38:1770-1778. 袁京, 张地方, 李赟, 李国学*, 李煜, 王国英, 2017. 外加碳源对厨余垃圾生物干化效果的影响. 中国环境科学, 37(02):628-635. 齐琪, 袁京, 李赟, 张地方, 李国学*, 2017. 生活垃圾生物干化物料制备 RDF 工艺参数及其热特性研究.中国环境科学, 37(3):1051-1057. 李赟, 袁京, 李国学*, 张地方, 王国英, 张邦喜, 2017. 辅料添加对厨余垃圾快速堆肥腐熟度和臭气排放的影响.中国环境科学, 37(3):1031-1039. 陈是吏, 袁京, 李国学*, 何胜洲, 张邦喜, 2017. 过磷酸钙和双氰胺联用减少污泥堆肥温室气体及NH3排放. 农业工程学报, 33(06):199-206. Jing Yuan, David Chadwick, Difang Zhang, Guoxue Li*, Shili Chen, Wenhai Luo, Longlong Du, Shengzhou He, Shengping Peng, 2016. Effects of aeration rate on maturity and gaseous emissions during sewage sludge composting. Waste Management, 56:403-410. 袁京, 何胜洲, 李国学*, 彭生平, 陈是吏, 杜龙龙, 张地方, 徐鹏翔, 2016. 添加不同辅料对污泥堆肥腐熟度及气体排放的影响. 农业工程学报, 32(S2):241-246. 袁京, 杜龙龙, 张智烨, 李国学*, 张地方, 江滔, 杨青原, 2016. 腐熟堆肥为滤料的生物滤池对堆肥气中NH3的去除效果. 农业环境科学学报, 35(01):164-171. 张地方, 袁京, 王国英, 李国学*, 罗渊, 张邦喜, 2016. 木本泥炭添加比例对猪粪堆肥腐熟度和污染及温室气体排放的影响. 农业工程学报, 32(S2):233-240. 罗渊, 袁京, 李国学*, 李恕艳, 谭钧, 邢文军, 2016. 种子发芽试验在低碳氮比堆肥腐熟度评价方面的适用性. 农业环境科学学报, 35(01):179-185. 张智烨, 李国学*, 袁京, 孙巧萍, 罗渊, 张地方, 2016. 玉米秸秆滤料对猪粪发酵沼液过滤效果. 环境工程学报, 10(04):1985-1992. 张邦喜, 孙巧萍, 李恕艳, 李国学*, 杜龙龙, 王雅雅, 袁京, 张地方, 2016. 提高沼液生物有效性的曝气参数优化. 农业工程学报, 32(S2):226-232. Jing Yuan, Qingyuan Yang, Zhiye Zhang, Guoxue Li*, Wenhai Luo, Difang Zhang, 2015. Use of additive and pretreatment to control odors in municipal kitchen waste during aerobic composting. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 37:83-90. Wenhai Luo, Jing Yuan, Yiming Luo, Guoxue Li*, Long D. Nghiem and William E. Price, 2014. Effects of mixing and covering with mature compost on gaseous emissions during composting Chemosphere, 117, 14-19. 袁京, 李国学*, 李荣花, 李宁, 杨帆, 2015. 小麦/玉米轮作体系中不同施肥方法下的养分淋溶排污系数测算. 农业环境科学学报, 34 (04):738-744. 杜龙龙, 袁京, 李国学*, 杨金兵, 2015. 通风速率对厨余垃圾堆肥NH3和H2S排放及腐熟度影响.中国环境科学, 35 (12):3714-3720. 杜龙龙, 李国学*, 袁京, 杨金兵, 2015. 不同添加剂对厨余垃圾堆肥 NH3和 H2S排放的影响.农业工程学报, 31(23):195-200. 张红玉, 张玉冬, 顾军, 李国学*, 袁京, 2015. 调理剂对厨余垃圾堆肥中H2S和NH3排放的影响. 中国环境科学, 35(11):3379-3386. 袁京, 杨帆, 李国学*, 李宁, 罗文海, 2014. 非正规填埋场矿化垃圾理化性质与资源化利用研究. 中国环境科学, 34(7):1811-1817. 罗一鸣,张丽丽, 李国学*, 吴迪梅, 袁京, 张卓毅, 刘佳, 2014.规模养猪场粪便堆肥处理生命周期评价实例分析. 农业环境科学学报, 33(11):2254-2259. 袁京, 李国学*, 张红玉, 罗一鸣, 2013.基于转运站满负荷的北京市新东西城区生活垃圾物流优化方案研究. 环境科学, 34(9):3633-3640. 张红玉, 李国学*, 袁京, 臧冰, 杨青原, 2013. 固氮添加剂降低厨余垃圾堆肥中NH3和H2S排放.农业工程学报, 29(23):173-178. 出版著作 中国循环农业理论与实践研究进展.中国农业大学出版社, 2014, 参编. 新型肥料.科学出版社, 2013, 参编.
