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2005年获得第八届北京青年优秀科技论文评选二等奖,2007年获得Tetrahedron: Asymmetry Most Cited Paper 2004-2007 Award,2007年入选年教育部新世纪优秀人才,2008年入选北京理工大学杰出中青年教师支持计划,2009年获得Thieme Journal Award,2020和2021年连续两年入选爱思唯尔中国高被引学者。2016年起任ChemistrySelect期刊编委,2022年任Molecules期刊客座编辑。培养的研究生多人获得研究生国家奖学金,一人获得教育部学术新人奖,一人入选博士后创新人才支持计划;指导一名博士研究生获得北京大学优秀博士学位论文奖,指导三名硕士研究生获得北京理工大学优秀硕士学位论文奖。 教育背景 1992.09-1995.06 南开大学,有机化学专业,理学博士 1989.09-1992.07 南开大学,有机化学专业,理学硕士 1985.09-1989.07 郑州大学,有机化学专业,理学学士 工作履历 2016.07-至今 北京理工大学化学与化工学院,教授,博士生导师 2008.09-2016.06 北京理工大学化工与环境学院,教授,博士生导师 2001.04-2008.08 北京大学化学与分子工程学院,副教授,博士生导师 1999.04-2001.03 北京大学化学与分子工程学院,博士后 1995.07-1999.03 山东大学化学学院,讲师,副教授(其间:香港中文大学和香港科技大学访问学者和博士后研究)


研究兴趣主要集中在有机化学与药物化学的交叉领域,旨在发展新型手性配体及催化剂,实现有机反应的高立体选择性控制, 高选择性制备手性药物中间体及生物活性杂环化合物。1. 新型手性配体及金属络合物催化剂、有机小分子催化剂的设计合成与不对称催化反应研究, 发展高效、高选择性的不对称催化合成工艺方法. 2. 发展生物活性杂环化合物和药物中间体的绿色合成技术。


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Bo-Liang Zhao, Da-Ming Du*. Asymmetric synthesis of spirooxindoles with seven stereocenters via organocatalyzed one‐pot three‐component sequential cascade reactions. Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis, 2019,361(14), 3412-3419. Bo-Liang Zhao, Ye Lin, Da-Ming Du*. Enantioselective construction of bispirooxindoles via squaramide‐catalysed cascade Michael/cyclization reaction. Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis, 2019, 361(14), 3387-3393. Ye Lin, Yong-Xing Song, Da-Ming Du*. Enantioselective synthesis of CF3- Containing 3,2’-pyrrolidinyl spirooxindoles and dispirooxindoles via thiourea-catalyzed domino Michael/Mannich [3+2] cycloaddition reactions. advanced Synthesis & Catalysis, 2019, 361(5), 1064-1070. Bo-Liang Zhao, Da-Ming Du*. Catalytic asymmetric Mannich/cyclization of 2-isothiocyanato-1-indanones: An approach to the synthesis of bispirocyclic indanonethioimidazolidine-oxindoles. Organic Letters, 2018,20(13), 3797-3800. Bing-Yu Li, Da-Ming Du*. Chiral squaramide-catalyzed asymmetric Mannich reactions for synthesis of fluorinated 3,3’-bisoxindoles. Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis, 2018, 360(16), 3164-3170. Bo-Liang Zhao, Da-Ming Du*. Enantioselective squaramide-catalyzed trifluoromethylthiolation-sulfur-Michael/aldol cascade reaction: One-pot synthesis of CF3S-containing spiro cyclopentanone-thiochromanes. Organic Letters, 2017, 19(5), 1036-1039. Bo-Liang Zhao, Da-Ming Du* Organocatalytic cascade Michael/Michael reaction for the asymmetric synthesis of spirooxindoles containing five Contiguous stereocenters. Chemical Communications, 2016, 52(36), 6162-6165. Zhihao Cui, Da-Ming Du*. Enantioselective synthesis of -hydrazino alcohols using alcohols and N-Boc-hydrazine as substrates. Organic Letters,2016, 18(21), 5616-5619. Bo-Liang Zhao, Da-Ming Du*. Squaramide-catalyzed enantioselective Cascade approach to bispirooxindoles with multiple stereocenters. Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis, 2016, 358(24), 3992-3998. Jun-Hua Li, Zhihao Cui, Da-Ming Du*. Diastereo- and enantioselective Construction of cyclohexanone-fused spirospyrazolones containing four Consecutive stereocenters through asymmetric sequential reactions. Organic Chemistry Frontiers, 2016, 3(9), 1087-1090. Jun-Hua Li, Da-Ming Du*. Phosphine-catalyzed cascade reaction of unsaturated pyrazolones with alkyne derivatives: Efficient synthesis of pyrano[2,3-c]pyrazoles and spiro-cyclopentanone-pyrazolones. Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis, 2015, 357(18), 3986-3994. Jiahuan Peng, Bo-Liang Zhao, Da-Ming Du*. A combination of metal and organocatalysis: Highly diastereo- and enantioselective construction of fluorinated 2-aminocyclopenta[b]pyran derivatives. Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis, 2015, 357(16-17), 3639-3647. Wen Yang, Da-Ming Du*. Cinchona-based squaramide-catalysed cascade aza-Michael-Michael addition: enantioselective construction of functionalized spirooxindole tetrahydroquinolines. Chemical Communications, 2013, 49(78), 8842-8844. Wen Yang, Yi Yang, Da-Ming Du*. Squaramide-tertiary amine catalyzed asymmetric cascade sulfa-Michael/Michael addition via dynamic kinetic resolution: access to highly functionalized chromans with three contiguous stereocenters. Organic Letters, 2013, 15(6), 1190-1193. Wen Yang, Hai-Xiao He, Yu Gao, Da-Ming Du*. Organocatalytic enantioselective cascade aza-Michael/Michael addition for the synthesis of highly functionalized tetrahydroquinolines and tetrahydrochromanoquinolines. Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis, 2013,355(18), 3670-3678. Hai-Xiao He, Wen Yang, Da-Ming Du*. Enantioselective aza-Henry reaction of imines bearing a benzothiazole moiety catalyzed by a cinchonabased squaramide. Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis, 2013, 355(6), 1137-1148. Wen Yang, Da-Ming Du*. Chiral squaramide-catalyzed highly diastereoand enantioselective direct Michael addition of nitroalkanes to nitroalkenes. Chemical Communications, 2011, 47(47), 12706-12708. Wen Yang, Da-Ming Du*. Chiral squaramide-catalyzed highly enantioselective Michael addition of 2-hydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinones to nitroalkenes. Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis, 2011, 353(8), 1241-1246. Wen Yang, Da-Ming Du*. Highly enantioselective Michael addition of nitroalkanes to chalcones using chiral squaramides as hydrogen bonding organocatalysts. Organic Letters, 2010, 12(23), 5450-5453. Han Liu, Da-Ming Du*. Development of diphenylamine-linked bis(imidazoline) ligands and their application inasymmetric Friedel-Crafts alkylation of indole derivatives with nitroalkenes. Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis, 2010, 352(7), 1113-1118.
