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Dr. Vassily Hatzimanikatis is currently Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering and Bioengineering at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL). Vassily received a PhD and a MS in Chemical Engineering from the California Institute of Technology, and his Diploma in Chemical Engineering from the University of Patras, in Greece. After the completion of his doctoral studies, he held a research group leader position at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich, Switzerland. Prior to joining EPFL, Vassily worked for three years in DuPont, Cargill, and Cargill Dow, on the development of biocatalysts for the production of industrial chemicals, and for six years as an Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois. Vassily was a DuPont Young Professor (2001-2004) and he received the Jay Bailey Young Investigator Best Paper Award in Metabolic Engineering in 2002. While at Northwestern University he received the Teacher of the Year Award from the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences in 2004. He is currently a member of the Executive Committee of SystemsX, the Swiss Initiative in Systems Biology.


Vassily's research interests are in the areas of systems biotechnology, bioinformatics, and complexity of biological systems. He is associate editor of the journal Biotechnology and Bioengineering, and associate editor for Bioinformatics of the journal Metabolic Engineering. He serves on the editorial advisory board of the journals Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering and Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology. He has published over 40 technical articles and he is co-inventor in two patents.


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N. Hadadi, K. Cher Soh, M. Seijo, A. Zisaki and X. Guan et al. A computational framework for integration of lipidomics data into metabolic pathways , accepted in Metabolic engineering, 2014. J. Racle, F. Picard, L. Girbal, M. Cocaign-Bousquet and V. Hatzimanikatis. A Genome-Scale Integration and Analysis of Lactococcus lactis Translation Data , in Plos Computational Biology, vol. 9, num. 10, 2013. D. Mattanovich and V. Hatzimanikatis. Metabolic modeling in biotechnology and medical research , in Biotechnology Journal, vol. 8, num. 9, p. 962-963, 2013. I. Fierro-Monti, J. Racle, C. Hernandez, P. Waridel and V. Hatzimanikatis et al. A Novel Pulse-Chase SILAC Strategy Measures Changes in Protein Decay and Synthesis Rates Induced by Perturbation of Proteostasis with an Hsp90 Inhibitor , in Plos One, vol. 8, num. 11, 2013. I. Fierro-Monti, J. Racle, C. Hernandez, P. Waridel and V. Hatzimanikatis et al. A Novel Pulse-Chase SILAC Strategy Measures Changes in Protein Decay and Synthesis Rates Induced by Perturbation of Proteostasis with an Hsp90 Inhibitor , in Plos One, vol. 8, num. 11, p. e80423, 2013. J. Racle, F. Picard, L. Girbal, M. Cocaign-Bousquet and V. Hatzimanikatis. A Genome-Scale Integration and Analysis of Lactococcus lactis Translation Data , in Plos Computational Biology, vol. 9, num. 10, p. e1003240, 2013. D. Merulla, V. Hatzimanikatis and J. R. Van Der Meer. Tunable reporter signal production in feedback-uncoupled arsenic bioreporters , in Microbial Biotechnology, vol. 6, num. 5, p. 503-514, 2013. L. Mier-Y-Teran-Romero, M. Silber and V. Hatzimanikatis. Mechanistically Consistent Reduced Models of Synthetic Gene Networks , in Biophysical Journal, vol. 104, num. 9, p. 2098-2109, 2013. S. Tymoshenko, R. Oppenheim, D. Soldati-Favre and V. Hatzimanikatis. Functional genomics of Plasmodium falciparum using metabolic modelling and analysis , in Briefings in Functional Genomics, vol. 12, num. 4, p. 316-327, 2013. A. Chakrabarti, L. Miskovic, K. C. Soh and V. Hatzimanikatis. Towards kinetic modeling of genome-scale metabolic networks without sacrificing stoichiometric, thermodynamic and physiology constraints , in Biotechnology Journal, vol. 8, num. 9, p. 1043–1057, 2013. A. Radivojevic, B. Chachuat, D. Bonvin and V. Hatzimanikatis. Exploration of trade-offs between steady-state and dynamic properties in signaling cycles , in Physical Biology, vol. 9, num. 4, p. 045010, 2012. J. Racle, J. Overney and V. Hatzimanikatis. A computational framework for the design of optimal protein synthesis , in Biotechnology and Bioengineering, vol. 109, num. 8, p. 2127-2133, 2012. E. Brunk, M. Neri, I. Tavernelli, V. Hatzimanikatis and U. Rothlisberger. Integrating computational methods to retrofit enzymes to synthetic pathways , in Biotechnology and Bioengineering, vol. 109, p. 572-582, 2012. R. Kishony and V. Hatzimanikatis. Systems biology , in Current Opinion In Biotechnology, vol. 22, p. 538-540, 2011. K. C. Soh, L. Miskovic and V. Hatzimanikatis. From network models to network responses: integration of thermodynamic and kinetic properties of yeast genome-scale metabolic networks , in FEMS Yeast Research, vol. 12, num. 2, p. 129-143, 2011. S. D. Finley, L. J. Broadbelt and V. Hatzimanikatis. In silico feasibility of novel biodegradation pathways for 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene , in Bmc Systems Biology, vol. 4, p. -, 2010. C. S. Henry, L. J. Broadbelt and V. Hatzimanikatis. Discovery and Analysis of Novel Metabolic Pathways for the Biosynthesis of Industrial Chemicals: 3-Hydroxypropanoate , in Biotechnology And Bioengineering, vol. 106, p. 462-473, 2010. L. Mier-y-Teran-Romero, M. Silber and V. Hatzimanikatis. The Origins of Time-Delay in Template Biopolymerization Processes , in Plos Computational Biology, vol. 6, num. 4, p. e1000726, 2010. S. J. Jol, A. Kuemmel, V. Hatzimanikatis, D. A. Beard and M. Heinemann. Thermodynamic Calculations for Biochemical Transport and Reaction Processes in Metabolic Networks , in Biophysical Journal, vol. 99, p. 3139-3144, 2010. A. Singh, K. C. Soh, V. Hatzimanikatis and R. T. Gill. Manipulating redox and ATP balancing for improved production of succinate in E. coli , in Metabolic Engineering, 2010.
