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Degrees PhD, Duke University, 1977 AB, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 1973 Awards and Honors 2014-17 HKBU Scholar, Hong Kong China 2013 ACS Herty Award 2011 Emory University Scholar-Teacher of 2011 2010- Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science 2006- Chair, Department of Chemistry, Emory University 2002- Howard Hughes Medical Institute Professor 2000- Asa Griggs Candler Professor of Chemistry and Biology 1985-6 Alfred P. Sloan Fellow 1984-7 Camille and Henry Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar 1977-9 NIH Fellow, Columbia University 1975-7 Charles R. Hauser Fellow, Duke University



Courses ECS 490: On Recent Discoveries by Emory Researchers (ORDER)


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Jillian E. Smith, Allisandra K. Mowles, Anil K. Mehta, David G. Lynn, (2014). Looked at Life from Both Sides Now.Life 4: 887–902: doi: 10.1021/ja508621b (Open Access) Chen Liang, Rong Ni, Jillian E. Smith, W. Seth Childers, Anil K. Mehta, David G. Lynn, (2014). Kinetic Intermediates in Amyloid Assembly.J. Am. Chem. Soc 136: 15146–15149: doi: 10.1021/ja508621b (pre submission pdf) Sha Li; Anton N. Sidorov; Anil K. Mehta; Anthony J. Bisignano; Dibyendu Das; W. Seth Childers; Erin Schuler; Zhigang Jiang; Thomas M. Orlando; Keith Berland; David G. Lynn, (2014). Neurofibrillar Tangle Surrogates: Histone H1 Binding to Patterned Phosphotyrosine Peptide Nanotubes. Biochemistry 53: 4225-4227. (pre submission pdf) Goodwin JT, Lynn DG. (2014) Holistic Education in Times of Specialization and Globalization. Angew Chem, Int Ed. 53:6832-6832. doi: 10.1002/anie.201400597. Lin Y-H, Pierce BD, Fang F, Wise A, Binns A, Lynn D. (2014) Role of the VirA histidine autokinase of Agrobacterium tumefaciens in the initial steps of pathogenesis. Frontiers in Plant Science.;5: article 195 p1-doi: 10.3389/fpls.2014.00195. Neil R.Anthony, Anil K. Mehta, David G. Lynn and Keith M. Berland (2014) Mapping amyloid-ß(16-22) nucleation pathways using fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy,Soft Matter, 10: 4162-4172, pdf. Qiaohang Guo, Anil K. Mehta, Martha A Grover, Wenzhe Chen, David G. Lynn and Zi Chen. Shape Selection and Multi-stability in Helical RibbonsApplied Physics Letters,104(21):211102. pdf from arxiv.org Neil R. Anthony, Keith M. Berland, Anil K. Mehta, W. Seth Childers and David G. Lynn, (2014). Imaging Nucleation, Growth and Heterogeneity in Self-Assembled Amyloid Phases, In: Uversky VN, Lyubchenko YL, editors. Bio-nanoimaging. Boston: Academic Press; 2014. p. 27-36. Anil K. Mehta, Rebecca F. Rosen, W. Seth Childers, John D. Gehman, Lary C. Walker and David G. Lynn (2013). Context dependence of protein misfolding and structural strains in neurodegenerative diseases, Biopolymers, 100: 722-730. Jessica Hernández-Guzmán, Li Sun, Anil K. Mehta, Jijun Dong, David G. Lynn and Kurt Warncke (2013). Copper(II)-bis-Histidine Coordination Structure in a Fibrillar Amyloid β-Peptide Fragment and Model Complexes Revealed by Electron Spin Echo Envelope Modulation Spectroscopy, ChemBioChem, 14: 1762-1771. David G. Lynn, Cynthia J. Burrows, Jay T Goodwin and Anil K. Mehta (2012). Origins of Chemical Evolution, Acc Chem Res, 45: 2023�2024. Rong Ni, W. Seth Childers, Kenneth I. Hardcastle, Anil K. Mehta and David G. Lynn (2012). Remodeling Cross-ß Nanotube Surfaces with Peptide/Lipid Chimeras, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 51: 6635-6638. W. Seth Childers, Anil K. Mehta, Thinh Q. Bui, Yan Liang and David G. Lynn (2012). Toward Intelligent Material, In Molecular Self-Assembly - Advances and Applications, ; 1st ed.; Li, A., Ed.; Pan Stanford Publishing Pte Ltd: Singapore/SG, 2012; pp 1-36. Jay T Goodwin, Anil K. Mehta and David G. Lynn (2012). Digital and Analog Chemical Evolution, Acc Chem Res, 45: 2189-2199. W. Seth Childers, Neil R. Anthony, Anil K. Mehta, Keith M. Berland and David G. Lynn (2012). Phase Networks of Cross-β Peptide Assemblies, Langmuir, 28: 6386-6395. Lakshmi N. Anumukonda, Avery Young, David G. Lynn, Ragan Buckley, Amena Warrayat, Christina L. Graves, Heather D. Bean, and Nicholas V. Hud (2011). Adenine Synthesis in a Model Prebiotic Reaction: Connecting Origin of Life Chemistry with Biology, J Chem Ed, 88: 1698-1701. W. A. Anderson, R. M. Amasino, M. Ares, U. Banerjee, B. Bartel, V. G. Corces, C. L. Drennan, S. C. R. Elgin, I. R. Epstein, E. Fanning, L. J. Guillette, J. Handelsman, G. F. Hatfull, R. R. Hoy, D. Kelley, L. A. Leinwand, R. Losick, Y. Lu, D. G. Lynn, C. Neuhauser, D. K. O'Dowd, T. Olivera, P. Pevzner, R. R. Richards-Kortum, J. Rine, R. L. Sah, S. A. Strobel, G. C. Walker, D. R. Walt, I. M. Warner, S. Wessler, H. F. Willard and R. N. Zare (2011). Competencies: A Cure for Pre-Med Curriculum, Science, 334: 760-761. Xiaoyu Li, Andres F. Hernandez, Martha A. Grover, Nicholas V. Hud and David G. Lynn (2011). Step-Growth Control in Template-Directed Polymerization, Heterocycles ,82(2): 1477-1488. W. Seth Childers, Anil K. Mehta, Rong Ni, Jeannette V. Taylor and David G. Lynn (2010). Peptides Organized as Bilayer Membranes, Angewandte Chemie International Edition , 49: 4104-4107. Horowitz ED, Engelhart AE, Chen MC, Quarles KA, Smith MW, Lynn DG, Hud NV.(2010). Intercalation as a means to suppress cyclization and promote polymerization of base-pairing oligonucleotides in a prebiotic world., Proc Natl Acad Sci, 107: 5288–5293.
