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Tomoe Shimada joined ECNU in 2017 and has been a lecturer of Japanese as a Second Language to students of Japanese major. She holds a master degree in Second-language acquisition and is also studying for a doctoral degree. Her study is Cognitive mechanism of processing abstract terms in 漢字 by young Japanese Language Learner students from non-漢字 countries . She was born in Yokohama, Japan. After graduating from Ibaraki University,she had been teaching at a public elementary school and high school. Then she got a master's degree and worked International school for children from abroad in Japan. She also has experience of doing a JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) volunteer in Peru. She worked for the disabled children for 2 years. She likes traveling in unknown places and drawing illustrations. 岛田友绘于2017年加入华东师大外语学院,担任日语系的讲师。她拥有第二语言习得硕士学位,目前在攻读博士学位。她的出生地是日本横滨。从茨城大学毕业后,她一直在一所公立小学和高中教书。获得了硕士学位后,她在日本的国外儿童国际学校工作。之前,她也在秘鲁的日本国际合作机构(JICA)为残疾儿童做了两年的志愿者服务。岛田友绘平时喜欢画插图以及到小众景点旅行。


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