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教育工作经历 2019年8月—今,复旦大学工程与应用技术研究院,青年研究员,博士生导师 2015年6月—2019年7月,荷兰EMT公司,CTO 2011年10月—2015年3月,荷兰NTS-Group公司,Lead Engineer 2007年7月—2013年9月,荷兰埃因霍芬理工大学电子系,博士(PhD,控制系统) 2005年6月—2007年6月,希捷科技(新加坡科技园研发中心),工程师 2003年8月—2005年5月,新加坡国立大学,硕士(机电一体化) 1999年8月—2003年7月,西安交通大学电气工程学院,学士(电气工程与自动化) 获奖情况 2020年,上海市海外高层次人才项目 2021年,国家级海外高层次人才项目


控制系统应用研究,包括:鲁棒控制、多输入多输出系统辨识和控制、主动减振控制、精密运动控制、冗余控制等 永磁电机解析解建模 六自由度磁浮精密运动系统、磁浮主动减振系统 多自由度压电微动台、大行程行走式压电致动运动台、超声电机运动台 精密装备动力学架构设计、建模和测量


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Runze Ding, Chenyang Ding*, Yunlang Xu, Xiaofeng Yang, “Neural-network-based Adaptive Robust Precision Motion Control of Linear Motors with Asymptotic Tracking Performance”. Nonlinear Dynamics, Volume 108, pp.1339–1356, 2022. Runze Ding, Chenyang Ding*, Yunlang Xu, Weike Liu, Xiaofeng Yang, “Neural network-based robust integral error sign control for servo motor systems with enhanced disturbance rejection performance”. ISA Transactions, Volume 129, Part A, October 2022, pp.580-591. Runze Ding, Ding Chenyang, Xu Yunlang, Xiaofeng Yang*, “An optimal sensor/actuator placement method for flexible structures considering spatially varying disturbances”, Journal of Vibration and Control, Volume 28, Issue 23-24, pp.3575-3585, 2021. Runze Ding, Chenyang Ding*, Yunlang Xu, Weike Liu, Xiaofeng Yang, “An Optimal Actuator Placement Method for Direct-drive Stages to Maximize Control Bandwidth”, Proceedings of IECON 2020, 18 November 2020, Singapore. Yunlang Xu, Chenyang Ding, Xinyi Su, Zhi Li, Xiaofeng Yang*, “Predictive-adaptive sliding mode control method for reluctance actuator maglev system”, Nonlinear Dynamics, Volume 111, pp.4343–4356, 2023. C. Ding, J.L.G. Janssen, A.A.H. Damen, P.P.J. van den Bosch, J.J.H. Paulides, and E. Lomonova. “Modeling and realization of a 6-DoF contactless electromagnetic anti-vibration system and verification of its static behavior”. Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM), 11-14 July 2012, Kachsiung, Taiwan. C. Ding, M. Gajdusek, A.A.H. Damen, and P.P.J. van den Bosch, “Optimal Static Decoupling for the Decentralized Control: an Experimental Study”, Proc. 18th IFAC World Congress. Milan, Italy. 28 Aug. – 2 Sep. 2011. C. Ding, Y. Zhu, A.A.H. Damen, and P.P.J. van den Bosch, “Performance Comparison of Two Control Strategies: Direct MIMO Control Design with MIMO Identification and the Decentralized Control with Optimized Static Decoupling”, Proc. 8th International Symposium on Linear Drives for Industry Applications (LDIA 2011), Eindhoven, The Netherlands. 3-6 Jul. 2011. C. Ding, A.A.H. Damen, and P.P.J. van den Bosch, “Robust Vibration Isolation of a 6-DOF System Using Modal Decomposition and Sliding Surface Optimization”, Proc. American Control Conference. San Francisco, California, USA. 29 Jun. – 1 Jul. 2011. C. Ding, A.A.H. Damen, and P.P.J. van den Bosch, “Robust Vibration Isolation by Frequency-Shaped Sliding Surface Control with Floor Velocity/Acceleration Measurement”, Proc. 36th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. Glendale, AZ, USA. 7-10 Nov. 2010. C. Ding, A.A.H. Damen, and P.P.J. van den Bosch, “Robust Vibration Isolation by Frequency-Shaped Sliding Surface Control with Geophone Dynamics”, Proc. 36th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. Glendale, AZ, USA. 7-10 Nov. 2010.
