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教育背景 博士,管理科学与工程,复旦大学 荣誉称号 2020.11,2020 中国信息经济学家乌家培资助计划,中国信息经济学乌家培资助计划评选委员会 学术经历 2012.01——2013.01,访问学者,美国南加利福尼亚大学 2007.01——2007.06,访问学者,美国麻省理工学院斯隆管理学院 科研获奖 2022.01,“中国信息经济学会学术年会(2021)”博士生论坛优秀论文,中国信息经济学会 2021.10,第一届“数据智能与管理”学术会议优秀论文奖,管理科学与工程学会,人工智能技术与管理应用分会 2021.06,Best Workshop Paper,The 14th China Summer Workshop on Information Management (CSWIM 2021) 2020.11,2020年中国信息经济学乌家培资助计划获得者,中国信息经济学乌家培资助计划评选委员会 2019.10,中国信息经济学2019优秀成果,中国信息经济学会 2019.06,Best Workshop Paper,The 13th China Summer Workshop on Information Management (CSWIM2019) 2011.06,阿里巴巴青年学者支持计划第二期最佳学者,阿里巴巴(中国)有限公司 教学获奖 2023.09,复旦大学本科教学成果奖(二等奖),复旦大学 2017.12,2017年上海MBA优秀学位论文,上海MBA教育指导委员会,上海市研究生教育学会 2010.07,首届全国百篇优秀教学案例评选获奖案例,全国工商管理硕士教育指导委员会




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Tian Lu, Xianghua Lu, and Yifan Dou. 2023. The little bid more, the merrier? Quantifying the effects of filler-item recommendations in contingent free shipping. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 61.1-18. Gang Chen, Xiangge Li, Shuaiyong Xiao, Chenghong Zhang, and Xianghua Lu. 2023. RACL: A robust adaptive contrastive learning method for conversational satisfaction prediction. Pattern Recognition 138.1-14. Yajing Wang, Gang Chen, Yunjie (Calvin) Xu, and Xianghua Lu. 2023. Novel role-wise attention mechanism for predicting purchases made through chat-based online customer services. Decision Support Systems 169.1-11. Yuanqiang Ye, Xianghua Lu, and Tian Lu. 2022. Examining the spillover effect of sustainable consumption on microloan repayment: A big data-based research. Information & Management 59(5).1-18. Xianghua Lu, Tian Lu, Chong (Alex) Wang, and Ruofan Wu. 2021. Can social notifications help to mitigate payment delinquency in online peer‐to‐peer lending?. Production and Operations Management 30(8).2564-2585. Jing Li, Xueming Luo, Xianghua Lu, and Takeshi Moriguchi. 2021. The double-edged effects of e-commerce cart retargeting: does retargeting too early backfire?. Journal of Marketing 85(4).123-140. Sulin Ba, Yuan Jin, Xinxin Li, and Xianghua Lu. 2020. One size fits all? The differential impact of online reviews and coupons. Production and Operations Management 29(10).2403-2424. Xianghua Lu, Shu He, Shaohua Lian, Sulin Ba, and Junjie Wu. 2020. Is user-generated content always helpful? The effects of online forum browsing on consumers' travel purchase decisions. Decision Support Systems 137.1-10. Xinlin Yao, Peiran Zhang, Xianghua Lu, and Lihua Huang. 2020. Early or late? entry timing in online it service markets and the moderating effects of market characteristics. Journal of Business Research 114.265-277. Xianghua Lu and Yuxin Chen. 2020. Situations matter: understanding how individual browsing situation routineness impacts online users' advertisement clicks behavior. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research 21(2).113-129. Ninghua Du, Lingfang Li, Tian Lu, and Xianghua Lu. 2020. Prosocial compliance in P2P lending: a natural field experiment. Management Science 66(1).315-333. Xueming Luo, Xianghua Lu, and Jing Li. 2019. When and how to leverage e-commerce cart targeting: The relative and moderated effects of scarcity and price incentives with a two-stage field experiment and causal forest optimization. Information Systems Research 30(4).1203-1227. Cheng Yi, Zhenhui (Jack) Jiang, Xiuping Li, and Xianghua Lu. 2019. Leveraging user-Generated content for product promotion: The effects of firm-Highlighted reviews. Information Systems Research 30(3).711-725. He (Michael) Jia, Sha Yang, Xianghua Lu, and C. Whan Park. 2018. Do consumers always spend more when coupon face value is larger? the inverted u-shaped effect of coupon face value on consumer spending level. Journal of Marketing 82(4).70-85. Xianghua Lu, Chee Wei Phang, Sulin Ba, and Xinlin Yao. 2018. Know who to give: Enhancing the effectiveness of online product sampling. Decision Support Systems 105.77–86. Xinlin Yao, Xianghua Lu, Chee Wei Phang, and Sulin Ba. 2017. Dynamic sales impacts of online physical product sampling. Information & Management 54(5).599–612. Lei Huang, Xianghua Lu, and Sulin Ba. 2016. An empirical study of the cross-channel effects between web and mobile shopping channels. Information & Management 53(2).265–278. Xianghua Lu, Xia Zhao, and Ling Xue. 2016. Is combining contextual and behavioral targeting strategies effective in online advertising?. ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems 7(1).1-20. Chunhua Wu, Hai Che, Tat Y. Chan, and Xianghua Lu. 2015. The economic value of online reviews. Marketing Science 34(5).739–754. Barney Tan, Shan L. Pan, Xianghua Lu, and Lihua Huang. 2015. The role of IS capabilities in the development of multi-sided platforms: The digital ecosystem strategy of alibaba.com. Journal of the Association for Information Systems 16(4).248-280. Chee Wei Phang, Chuan-Hoo Tan, Juliana Sutanto, Fabio Magagna, and Xianghua Lu. 2014. Leveraging O2O commerce for product promotion: An empirical investigation in mainland China. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 61(4).623-632. Xianghua Lu and Xia Zhao. 2014. Differential effects of keyword selection in search engine advertising on direct and indirect sales. Journal of Management Information Systems 30(4).299–325. Lihua Huang, Sulin Ba, and Xianghua Lu. 2014. Building online trust in a culture of Confucianism: The impact of process flexibility and perceived control. ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems 5(1).1-23. Sha Yang, Shijie Lu, and Xianghua Lu. 2014. Modeling competition and its impact on paid-search advertising. Marketing Science 33(1).134–153. Xianghua Lu, Sulin Ba, Lihua Huang, and Yue Feng. 2013. Promotional marketing or word-of-mouth? Evidence from online restaurant reviews. Information Systems Research 24(3).596–612. Xianghua Lu, Cheewei Phang, and Jie Yu. 2011. Encouraging participation in virtual communities through usability and sociability development: An empirical investigation. The Data Base for Advances in Information Systems 42(3).96-114. Juliana Sutanto, Chee Wei Phang, Chuan Hoo Tan, and Xianghua Lu. 2011. Dr. Jekyll vis-à-vis Mr. Hyde: Personality variation between virtual and real worlds. Information & Management 48(1).19-26. Lihua Huang, Ganglan Hu, Xianghua Lu. 2009. E-business Ecosystem and its Evolutionary Path: The Case of the Alibaba Group in China. Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems vol.1(4).25-36. Xianghua Lu and Michael S H Heng. 2009. Cultural Influence on IS Practices in China:A Literature Analysis. Journal of Global Information Technology Management 12(4).6-24. 卢向华. 2008. Critical factors of ASP acceptance in SMEs:an empirical study of Chiese ASP clients. International Journal of Electronic Customer Relationship Management vol.2(4).297-314. Xianghua Lu, Lihua Huang, Michael S.H.Heng. 2006. Critical success factors of inter-organizational information systems–A case study of Cisco and Xiao Tong in China. Information & Management 43(3).395-408. 黄逸雨,卢向华,许博. 疫情与城际消费流动:基于城市消费功能及产业数字化视角. 管理科学学报, 2023, 26(5): 248-270. 郑大庆,黄丽华,郭梦珂,卢向华. 公共数据资源治理体系的演化模型:基于整体性治理的建构. 电子政务, 2022, (5): 79-92. 张成洪,肖帅勇,陆天,卢向华,黄丽华. 基于校园消费数据分析大学生网络借贷行为:借款倾向、消费变化与违约风险. 系统工程理论与实践, 2021, 41(3): 574-586. 黄丽华,何晓,卢向华. 企业在线社群内容组合策略的影响研究. 管理科学学报, 2020, 23(2): 104-118. 张沛然,黄蕾,卢向华,黄丽华. 互联网环境下的多渠道管理研究——一个综述. 经济管理, 2017, 39(1): 134-146. 卢向华. 竞价排名广告的关键词投放策略及其绩效研究. 管理科学学报, 2013, 16(6): 1-9. 秦二娃,卢向华. 网络零售中的新客户与老客户购买行为差异:基于淘宝网的实证对比研究. 经济管理, 2012, 34(6): 82-90. 卢向华,彭志伟,巴素琳. 互联网营销服务创新及其价值——基于赞助搜索广告的分析. 研究与发展管理, 2011, 23(6): 64-69. 梁晓雅,卢向华. 产品创新、架构变革与文化协同——基于多案例比较的电子企业可持续成长分析. 研究与发展管理, 2010, Vol.22(3): 58-66. 杨冠淳,卢向华. 促进用户粘性的虚拟社区技术与管理设计创新——基于实证的研究. 研究与发展管理, 2009, Vol.21(5): 29-38. 胡岗岚,卢向华,黄丽华. 电子商务生态系统及其协调机制研究——以阿里巴巴集团为例. 软科学, 2009, 23(9): 5-10. 卢向华,冯越. 网络口碑的价值--基于在线餐馆点评的实证研究. 管理世界, 2009, (7): 126-132,171. 卢向华. 企业信息化建设能力构成因素的实证研究. 科技进步与对策, 2009, Vol.26(14): 89-92. 胡岗岚,卢向华,黄丽华. 电子商务生态系统及其演化路径. 经济管理, 2009, 31(6): 110-116. 胡岗岚 卢向华 黄丽华. 中国软件产品开发的价值导向. 上海管理科学, 2009, Vol.31(2): 38-44. 卢向华. 网络个体创业的成长路径及其创业环境——以淘宝网络卖家为例. 经济管理, 2009, 31(4): 64-69. 卢向华,冯骏,黄丽华. 中国信息系统的国际研究分析及对比. 信息系统学报, 2009, 3(1): 75-84. 卢向华,吴昊. ASP服务供需双方的关系推进模型研究. 科技管理研究, 2009, Vol.29(3): 152-154. 董亮,卢向华,黄丽华. ASP平台运营的原模型分析. 管理学报, 2007, vol.4(1): 57-60.66. 卢向华. 现代企业IT组织的匹配性设计探讨. 科学学与科学技术管理, 2006, : 130-135. 刘明,卢向华. 探索ASP 模式信息化的成功之路. 中国制造业信息化, 2006, (6): 70-71. 卢向华. 企业信息的保险箱“信息银行”. AMT前沿论丛, 2004, : 56-59. 卢向华,凌鸿. 基于形成性评价的项目价值促生模式. 经济管理.新管理, 2003, (18): 44-49. 会议/研讨会论文 Chenghong Zhang, Shuaiyong Xiao, Tian Lu, and Xianghua Lu. 2019. Who Borrows Money from Microloan Platform? - Evidence from Campus E-card. HCI in Business, Government and Organizations. Information Systems and Analytics. HCII 2019 Orlando, FL, United states.295-304. Yunjie Xu,Xianghua Lu,Khim Yong Goh,Zhenghui Jiang. 2009. The Impact of Online Social Network on Consumer Loyalty: An Empirical Study of An Online Dining Community. USA,Phoenix.1-18. Barney Tan,Shan L Pan,Xianghua Lu,Lihua Huang. 2009. Leveraging Digital Business Ecosystems for Enterprise Agility: The Tri-Logic Development Strategy of Alibaba.com. USA,Phoenix.1-18. Xianghua Lu,Yue Feng. 2009. Does Price Matter for Online Word-of-Mouth Value---Evidence from Online Restaurants' Reviews. Incheon,Korea.938-944. Ganglan Hu,Xianghua Lu,Lihua Huang. 2009. E-business Ecosystem and its Evolutionary Path: Exploring the Phenomenon of E-business Industrial Cluster in China with a Case Study of Alibab Group. Incheon,Korea.902-908. Xianghua LU. 2008. IT Integration Framework in M&A. 第十四届海峡两岸资讯管理发展策略研讨会.中央大学资讯管理学系 .53-61. Xiang-Hua Lu,Michael S H Heng. 2008. CULTURAL ASPECTS OF IS IN CHINA. PACIS2008 .406-419. Xianghua Lu. 2007. Determinants of ASP Adoption in SMEs:An Empirical Study of Chinese ASP clients. .不详. Liang Dong,Xianghua Lu,Lihua Huang. 2006. Exploring the news ASP Business Model:Business Circles Oriented ASP Platform. .488-494. Lu Xianghua,Lihua Huang. 2005. The Development of IT evalution theoretical studies. vol.2.111-116. Wenbo Chen,Lihua Huang,Xianghua Lu. 2005. The B2B Adoption in Retail Firms in China:An Empirical Study. vol.2.1502-1505. 李明辉,卢向华. 媒体丰富度理论的研究综述. 信息系统协会中国分会第三届学术年会, 2009, 中国,武汉: 769-775. 胡岗岚,黄丽华,卢向华. 网商竞合关系研究. , 2009, 中国,杭州: 37-41. 卢向华. 个人网络创业的转型及其约束研究——以淘宝网网络卖家为例. , 2009, 中国,杭州: 18-23. 卢向华,黄丽华. 企业信息系统价值的实现模式研究. , 2003, : 28-32. 学术专著 卢向华. 信息系统价值管理. 北京: 经济管理出版社, 2005. 教材和其他 王雷,卢向华等. 科创企业知识产权战略与管理——CXO的知识产权指南. 上海: 复旦大学出版社, 2023. 刘健,黄丽华,卢向华,余长国,赵德发,胡克瑾,郭中朝,张晓莺,张玥,胥正川,程岩,王志佳,白柠,朱世雄,黄春华,李高. 信息化规划与项目管理(下册). 上海: 上海世纪出版股份有限公司,上海科学技术出版社, 2007. 刘健,黄丽华,卢向华,余长国,赵德发,胡克瑾,郭中朝,张晓莺,张玥,胥正川,程岩,王志佳,白柠,朱世雄,黄春华,李高. 信息化规划与项目管理(上册). 上海: 上海世纪出版股份有限公司,上海科学技术出版社, 2007.
