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学习工作经历 2000/9-2006/7,复旦大学,电路与系统,博士 1989/9-1992/7,上海交通大学医学院,生物医学工程,硕士 1982/9-1986/7,西安交通大学,生物医学电子工程,学士 2012/12-至今, 复旦大学,信息科学与工程学院电子工程系,教授 2003/12-2012/11,复旦大学,信息科学与工程学院电子工程系,副教授 1994/5-2003/11, 复旦大学,电子工程系,讲师 1992/7-1994/4, 复旦大学,电子工程系,助教 获奖情况 2005----上海市科技进步三等奖一项 2008----中国国际工业博览会中国高校展区优秀展品一等奖 2014----上海优秀发明选拔赛金奖 现在承担和参与的课题 上海市经信委,工业强基项目,高端心脏介入用电生理仪核心功能模块及整机配套应用“一条龙”项目,GYQJ-2018-2-05,2018-06至2022-07,1650万元(其中复旦189万元),在研,复旦部分负责人 上海市科委科技支撑计划,生物医药领域项目,16441907900,可快速实现连续消融损伤的新型射频消融仪研制,2016-06至2019-06,50万元,结题,主持 国家自然科学基金委,面上项目,61171009,基于双磁棒旋转搜索的电磁定位/跟踪方法研究,2012-01至2016-12,62万元,结题,主持 企业合作项目,电生理放大器中消融效果评估方法研究,201809-202008,48万元,结题,主持 企业合作项目,心脏介入手术中智能心律诊断的方法研究,201801-201912,45万元,结题,主持 企业合作项目,可用于植入式除颤器的高压充放电电路加工及技术指导,201607-201807,45万元,结题,主持 企业合作项目,植入式心脏起搏器测试方案的咨询服务,202005-202304,12万元,在研,主持 企业合作项目,医用体外诊断动态光场图像采集电子模块的临床验证,202104-202108,30万元,在研,主持


医学电子学 心脏电生理诊断/治疗方法及系统


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Xin Wen, Yanqi Huang, Xiaomei Wu, and Biyong Zhang. A feasible feature extraction method for atrial fibrillation detection from BCG. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics,APR 2020, Vol.24(4): 1093-1103. Qi Guo, Xiaomei Wu. Measuring cardiac output through thermodilution based on machine learning. Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, 2021, Vol.21, 2140003. Rongru Wan, Yanqi Huang, and Xiaomei Wu. Detectuion of ventricular fibrillation based on ballistocardiography by constructing an effective feature set. Sensors, 2021, Vol.21,3524. Zihui Geng, Lian Ji, Honglei Zhu, Jianfei Wang and Xiaomei Wu. Effects of increased extracellular potassium concentration induced by ischemia on the vulnerability of bentricular arrhythmias and the regularity of related ventricular tachycardia. Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 2189. Shengjie Yan, Kaihao Gu, Xiaomei Wu, Weiqi Wang. Computer simulation study on the effect of electrode-tissue contact force on thermal lesion size in cardiac radiofrequency ablation. International Journal of Hyperthermia, 2020, Vol 37(1):37-48. Kaihao Gu, Yiheng Wang, Shengjie Yan, and Xiaomei Wu. Modeling analysis of thermal lesion characteristics of unipolar/bipolar ablation using circumferential multipolar catheter. Applied Sciences, 2020, 10: 9081. Honglei Zhu, Lian Jin, Yanqi Huang, and Xiaomei Wu. A computer simulation research of tow types of cardiac physiological pacing. Applied Sciences, 2021, 11: 449. Lian Jin, Yanqi Huang, Honglei Zhu, Zihui Geng, Xiaomei Wu. Key factors to the rate dependence of early afterdepolarizations: a simulation study. Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, 2021, Vol.21(1): 215002. Jiayu Zhang, Li Qian, Xingyu Hou, Honglei, Zhu, Xiaomei Wu. Supraventricular tachycardia classification using attention based residual networks. Journal of medical imaging and health informatics, 2020, 录用。 Qi Guo, Xiaomei Wu. Mearsuring cardiac output through thermodilution based on machine learning. Journal of medical imaging and health informatics, 2021,Vol.21,2140003. Xingman Huang and Xiaomei Wu. An electromagnetic tracking method based on phase difference detection. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2019, Vol.55(6):5700180. Li Qian, Jianfei Wang, Lian Jin, Yanqi Huang, Jiayu Zhang, Honglei Zhu, Shengjie Yan and Xiaomei Wu. Optimized convolutional neural network by genetic algorithm for the classification of complex arrhythmia. Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics, 2019, Vol.9, 1905-1912. Xin Wen, Yanqi Huang, Xiaomei Wu, Biyong Zhang. A correlation-based algorithm for beat-to Beat heart rate estimation from ballistocardiograms. EMBS, 2019, Germany. Jianfei Wang, Jin Lian, Weiqi Wang, Xiaomei Wu. A mono-bidomain electrophysiological simulation method for electrical defibrillation research [C]. 2020 10th International Conference on Bioscience, Biochemistry and Bioinformatics, Kyoto, Japan, January 19-22, 2020. Yanqi Huang, Jianfei Wang, Lian Jin, Li Qian, and Xiaomei Wu. Toward Miniaturization of Defibrillators: Design of a Defibrillation Charge/Discharge Circuit. EMBS, 2019, Germany. Qingshu Liu, Xiaomei Wu, and Xiaojing Ma. An automatic segmentation method for heart sounds. BioMedical Engineering OnLine, (2018)17:106. Li Qian, Jianfei Wang, Lian Jin, Biao Song and Xiaomei Wu. Effect of ventricular myocardium characteristics on the defibrillation threshold. Technology and Health Care 26 (2018)S241-S248. Chang Sheng, Xingman Huang, Xiaomei Wu. Application of curve fitting in electromagnetic tracking of electronically controlled rotating magnetic field. BIBE 2018;International Conference on Biological Information and Biomedical Engineering, 6-8 June 2018, Shanghai, China. Min Sha, Yifeng Wang, Ning Ding, Xiaomei Wu, Zuxiang Fang. An electromagnetic tracking method based on fast determination of the maximum magnwetic flux density vector represented by two azimuth angles. Measurement 109(201706), 160-167. Shengjie Yan, Xiaomei Wu and Weiqi Wang. Computer simulation study on comparing lesion effects of radio frequency ablation for treating atrial fibrillation by multichannel bipolar or unipolar. Proceedings of 2017 the 7th International Workshop on Computer Science and Engineering, Beijing, 25-27June, 2017,pp: 1379-1386. Shengjie Yan, Xiaomei Wu, and Weiqi Wang. Theoretical and experimental analysis of amplitude control ablation and bipolar ablation in creating linear lesion and discrete lesions for treating atrial fibrillation. International Journal of Hyperthermia, 2o17, Vol.33(6), pp: 608-616. 李铖铃,邬小玫。MRI射频场环境下植入物佩戴者的安全性研究。中国医疗器械杂志,2020,Vol.44(2):101-107. 钱力,王建飞,金炼,宋彪,黄彦淇,朱红蕾,鄢盛杰,邬小玫。从CT数据到带纤维走向的全心脏有限元模型的建立。中国生物医学工程学报,2020,Vol.29(2):180-188. 黄兴曼,邬小玫。基于相位差的电磁定位系统设计。电子测量技术,2020,Vol.43(8):54-59. 冯久勍,邬小玫。血流储备分数的研究进展。中国医疗器械杂志,2020,Vol.44(2):179-184. 盛昶,沙敏,邬小玫,方祖祥。基于DSP的旋转磁场电磁跟踪系统设计。中国医疗器械杂志,2018,42(2):79-83.


中国心律学会副主任委员 中国生物医学工程学会会员 国药局器械评审专家 上海生物医学工程学会会员
