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Inorganic Chemistry

Our current research topics cover a broad range of interests and activities, from Metal-Insulator Transitions (MITs) to sustainable and renewable chemistry for energy. A brief summary of areas of interest are presented below:


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"Electronic structure of ternary CdxZn1-xO (0≤x≤0.075) alloys"; HHC Lai, VL Kuznetsov, RG Egdell, PP Edwards; Appl. Phys. Lett.; 100; 072106; (2012) "A combined experimental inelastic neutron scattering, Raman and ab initio lattice dynamic study of α-lithium amidoborane"; KR Ryan, AJ Ramirez-Cuesta, K Refson, MO Jones, PP Edwards and WIF David; Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.; 13; 12249-12253; (2011) "High-pressure crystal structure prediction of calcium borohydride using density functional theory"; PC Aeberhard, K Refson, PP Edwards, WIF David; Phys. Rev. B; 83(17); 174102/1-174102/7; (2011) "Exceptional visible-light-driven photocatalytic activity over BiOBr-ZnFe2O4 heterojunctions"; L Kong , Z Jiang, T Xiao, L Lu, MO Jones, PP Edwards; Chem. Comm.; 47(19); 5512-5514; (2011) "Neutron Compton Scattering investigation of sodium hydride: From bulk material to encapsulated nanoparticulates in amorphous silica gel"; AG Seel, A Sartbaeva, J Mayers, AJ Ramirez-Cuesta, PP Edwards; J Chem. Phys.; 134; 114511; (2011) "... A Metal Conducts and a Non-Metal Doesn't"; PP Edwards, MTJ Lodge, F Hensel, R Redmer; Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A; 368; 941-965; (2010) "Turning Carbon Dioxide into Fuel"; Z Jiang, T Xiao; VL Kuznetzov; PP Edwards; Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A; 368; 3343-3364; (2010) "Experimental and density-fuctional study of the electronic structure of In4Sn3O12"; DH O'Neil, A Walsh, RM Jacobs,VL Kuznetsov, RG Egdell and PP Edwards; Phys. Rev. B; 81; 085110; (2010) "A molecular perspective on lithium-ammonia solutions"; E Zurek, PP Edwards, R Hoffmann; Angew. Chem. Int. Edit.; 48; 8198-8232; (2009) "Water/oil microemulsion for the preparation of robust La-hexaaluminates for methane catalytic combustion"; Z Jiang, ZP Hao, JX Su, TC Xiao and PP Edwards; Chem. Comm.; 22; 3225-3227; (2009) "Tuning the decomposition temperature in complex hydrides: Synthesis of a mixed alkali metal borohydride"; EA Nickels, MO Jones, WIF David, SR Johnson, RL Lowton, M Sommariva and PP Edwards; Angew. Chem. Int. Edit.; 47; 6758-6765; (2008) "Sir Humphry Davy: Boundless Chemist, Physicist, Poet and Man of Action"; JM Thomas; PP Edwards; VL Kuznetsov; Chem. Phys. Chem.; 9; 59-66; (2008)
