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Physical and Theoretical Chemistry

How macroscopic materials properties depend on their microscopic structure and dynamics is an illustrative case of complexity. Issues like metal fatigue, mechanical strength of materials and transport properties are of key importance from a fundamental point of view as well as for many applications in technology and industry. The presence of grain boundaries, dislocations and various other types of defects in many materials lie at the heart of these issues. Colloidal systems provide an excellent model playground to address such problems, as they are relatively rich in defects due to their slow dynamics and intrinsic polydispersity. In addition, colloidal systems are easily deformed and manipulated using optical laser tweezers, while their macroscopic properties can be conveniently characterized using rheology. At the same time, the colloidal ‘atoms’ are sufficiently large to be imaged by video- and/or confocal microscopy and their properties can be tuned using advanced chemical methods.


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A. Curran, S. Tuohy, D G.A.L. Aarts, M. J. Booth, T. Wilson, R. P.A. Dullens (2014) Decoupled and simultaneous three-dimensional imaging and optical manipulation through a single objective. Optica 1: 4. 223-226 A.H. Lewis, L. Garlea, J. Alvarado, O.J. Dammone, P.D. Howell, A. Majumdar, B.M. Mulder, M. P. Lettinga, G. H. Koenderinkb, D. G.A.L. Aarts (2014) Colloidal liquid crystals in rectangular confinement: theory and experiment. Soft Matter 10: 39. 7865-7873. A. L. Thorneywork, R. Roth, D. G.A.L. Aarts, R. P.A. Dullens (2014) Communication: radial distribution functions in a two-dimensional binary colloidal hard sphere system. The Journal of chemical physics 140: 16. Apr. S J Ivell, R P A Dullens, S Sacanna, DGAL Aarts (2013) Emerging structural disorder in a suspension of uniformly dimpled colloidal particles Soft Matter 9: 39. 9361-9365. S A Setu, I Zacharoudiou, G J Davies, D Bartolo, S Moulinet, A A Louis, J M Yeomans, DGAL Aarts (2013) Viscous fingering at ultralow interfacial tension Soft Matter 9: 44. 10599-10605. Thomas Skinner, Henry Martin, Dirk Aarts, Roel Dullens (2013) Frustrated crystallisation and melting in two-dimensional pentagonal confinement Soft Matter 9: 44. 10586-10591. Nadanai Laohakunakorn, Benjamin Gollnick, Fernando Moreno-Herrero, Dirk G A L Aarts, Roel P A Dullens, Sandip Ghosal, Ulrich F Keyser (2013) A Landau-Squire nanojet. Nano letters 13: 11. 5141-5146 Nov. Thomas O E Skinner, Simon K Schnyder, Dirk G A L Aarts, Jürgen Horbach, Roel P A Dullens (2013) Localization dynamics of fluids in random confinement. Physical review letters 111: 12. Sep. Laura Campo-Deaño, Roel P A Dullens, Dirk G A L Aarts, Fernando T Pinho, Mónica S N Oliveira (2013) Viscoelasticity of blood and viscoelastic blood analogues for use in polydymethylsiloxane in vitro models of the circulatory system. Biomicrofluidics 7: 3. 05. Arthur V Straube, Roel P A Dullens, Lutz Schimansky-Geier, Ard A Louis (2013) Zigzag transitions and nonequilibrium pattern formation in colloidal chains. The Journal of chemical physics 139: 13. Oct. E A G Jamie, R P A Dullens, D G A L Aarts (2012) Fluid-fluid demixing of off-critical colloid-polymer systems confined between parallel plates JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER 24: 28. JUL 18. E A G Jamie, R P A Dullens, D G A L Aarts (2012) Spinodal decomposition of a confined colloid-polymer system. J Chem Phys 137: 20. Nov. Denis Bartolo, Dirk Aarts (2012) Microfluidics and soft matter: small is useful Soft Matter 8: 41. 10530-10535. A O Parry, C Rascón, E A G Jamie, D G A L Aarts (2012) Capillary emptying and short-range wetting. Physical review letters 108: 24. Jun. Michael P N Juniper, Rut Besseling, Dirk G A L Aarts, Roel P A Dullens (2012) Acousto-optically generated potential energy landscapes: potential mapping using colloids under flow. Optics express 20: 27. 28707-28716 Dec. Oliver J Dammone, Ioannis Zacharoudiou, Roel P A Dullens, Julia M Yeomans, M P Lettinga, Dirk G A L Aarts (2012) Confinement induced splay-to-bend transition of colloidal rods. Physical review letters 109: 10. Sep. E A G Jamie, R P A Dullens, D G A L Aarts (2011) Tuning the demixing of colloid-polymer systems through the dispersing solvent JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER 23: 19. MAY 18. Thomas O E Skinner, Dirk G A L Aarts, Roel P A Dullens (2011) Supercooled dynamics of grain boundary particles in two-dimensional colloidal crystals JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS 135: 12. SEP 28. Roel P A Dullens, Clemens Bechinger (2011) Shear Thinning and Local Melting of Colloidal Crystals PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 107: 13. SEP 19.
