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Our research comes under the broad heading of the chemistry of Carbohydrates and Proteins. The reactions and manipulation of sugars and proteins have fascinated organic chemists for over a century and this work is culminating today in a host of new drugs for treating diseases. It is becoming increasingly clear that oligosaccharides (carbohydrates in small clusters) and alterations in proteins (modifications) are examples of chemically complex biological markers that act critcially in important extracellular and organismal processes such as immune response, microbial infection, cancer metastasis and cellular adhesion, inflammation, in addition to vital intracellular communication events such as epigenetics and signalling cascades. Their remarkable structural diversity means that they can often mediate highly specific and therefore complex processes. The application of an understanding of such systems on a fundamental level leads to the design, synthesis and modification of potential therapeutic and biotechnologically applicable systems.


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Designing Logical Codon Reassignment – Expanding the Chemistry in Biology A. Dumas, L. Lercher, C.D. Spicer, B.G. Davis Chem. Sci. 2015, 6, 50-69 A Type-II Biomarker for Differentiating Relapsing-Remitting from Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis A. Dickens, J.R. Larkin, J.L. Griffin, A. Cavey, L. Matthews, M.R. Turner, G.K. Wilcock, B.G. Davis, T.D.W. Claridge, J. Palace, D.C. Anthony, N.R. Sibson Neurology 2014, 83, 1492-1499 Modification of Fulleropyrazolines Modulates Their Cleavage by Light R.N. Rutte, T.B. Parsons, B.G. Davis Chem. Commun. 2014, 50, 12297-12299 Dissecting the Reaction of Phase II metabolites of Ibuprofen and Other NSAIDS with Human Plasma Protein R.N. Monrad, J.C. Errey, C.S. Barry, M. Iqbal, X. Meng, L. Iddon, J.A. Perrie, J.R. Harding, I.D. Wilson, A.V. Stachulski, B.G. Davis Chem. Sci. 2014, 5, 3789-3794 Selective Chemical Protein Modification C.D. Spicer, B.G. Davis Nat. Commun. 2014, 5, 4740 The Three Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Antigen 85 Isoforms have Unique Substrates and Activities Determined by Non-active Site Regions K.M. Backus, M.A. Dolan, C.S. Barry, M. Joe, P. McPhie, H.I. Boshoff, T.L. Lowary, B.G. Davis, C.E. Barry J. Biol. Chem. 2014, 289, 25041-25053 Creation of a Gated Antibody as a Conditionally Functional Synthetic Protein S.B. Gunnoo, H.M. Finney, T.S. Baker, A.D. Lawson, D.C. Anthony, B.G. Davis Nat. Commun. 2014, 5, 4388 Most Human Proteins Made in Both Nucleus and Cytoplasm Turn Over within Minutes S. Baboo, B. Bhushan, H. Jiang, C.R. Grovenor, P. Pierre, B.G. Davis, P.R. Cook PLoS ONE 2014, 9, e99346 Synthetic Phosphorylation of p38α Recapitulates Protein Kinase Activity K.P. Chooi, S.R.G. Galan, R. Raj, J. McCullagh, S. Mohammed, L.H. Jones, B.G. Davis J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2014, 136, 1698–1701 Rationally Designed Short Polyisoprenol-Linked PglB Substrates for Engineered Polypeptide and Protein N-Glycosylation F. Liu, B. Vijayakrishnan, A. Faridmoayer, T.A. Taylor, T.B. Parsons, G.J.L. Bernardes, M. Kowarik, B.G. Davis J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2014, 136, 566-569 ‘Naked’ and Hydrated Conformers of the Conserved Core Pentasaccharide of N-linked Glycoproteins and Its Building Blocks C.S. Barry, E.J. Cocinero, P. Carcabal, D.P. Gamblin, E.C. Stanca-Kaposta, S.M. Remmert, M.C. Fernandez-Alonso, S. Rudic, J.P. Simons, B.G. Davis J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 16895-16903 DNA Modification under Mild Conditions by Suzuki–Miyaura Cross-Coupling for the Generation of Functional Probes L. Lercher, J.F. McGouran, B.M. Kessler, C.J. Schofield, B.G. Davis Angew. Chem. Intl Ed. 2013, 52, 10553-10558 Enhanced Aqueous Suzuki–Miyaura Coupling Allows Site-Specific Polypeptide 18F-Labeling Z. Gao , V. Gouverneur, B.G. Davis J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 13612-13615 Glycomimetic Affinity-Enrichment Proteomics Identifies Partners for a Clinically-Utilized Iminosugar I.N. Cruz, C.S. Barry, H.B. Kramer, C.C. Chuang, S. Lloyd, A.C. van der Spoel, F.M. Platt, M. Yang, B.G. Davis Chem. Sci. 2013, 4, 3442-3446 Realizing the Promise of Chemical Glycobiology L.-X. Wang, B.G. Davis Chem. Sci. 2013, 4, 3381-3394 Rapid Cross-Metathesis for Reversible Protein Modifications via Chemical Access to Se-Allyl-selenocysteine in Proteins Y.A. Lin, O. Boutureira , L. Lercher, B. Bhushan, R.S. Paton, B.G. Davis J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 12156–12159 Single-Molecule Interrogation of a Bacterial Sugar Transporter Allows the Discovery of an Extracellular Inhibitor L. Kong, L. Harrington, Q. Li, S. Cheley, B.G. Davis, H. Bayley Nat. Chem. 2013, 5, 651-659 ‘Multicopy Multivalent’ Glycopolymer-Stabilized Gold Nanoparticles as Potential Synthetic Cancer Vaccines A.L. Parry, N.A. Clemson, J. Ellis, S.S.R. Bernhard, B.G. Davis, N.R. Cameron J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 9362–9365 Self-Liganded Suzuki-Miyaura Coupling for Site-Selective Protein PEGylation A. Dumas, C.D. Spicer, Z. Gao, T. Takehana, Y.A. Lin, T. Yasukohchi, B.G. Davis Angew. Chem. Intl Ed. 2013, 52, 3916-3921 QuaNCAT: Quantitating Proteome Dynamics in Primary Cells A.J.M. Howden, V. Geoghegan, K. Katsch, G. Efstathiou, B. Bhushan, O. Boutureira, B. Thomas, D.C Trudgian, B.M Kessler, D.C Dieterich, B.G. Davis, O. Acuto Nat. Methods 2013, 10, 343-348
