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Inorganic Chemistry

Our aim is to synthesise new solid state compounds and correlate their chemical and physical properties with their compositions and crystal structures. Many technological developments are driven by the discovery of solids with particular magnetic, electronic or chemical properties. The compounds we make may also be desirable model materials with which to test theories in condensed matter physics. We work on non-oxide or multi-anion compounds which offer contrasting and complementary properties to the better-studied oxides. We synthesise new compounds using a range of methods, measure their crystal structures and physical properties and feed the results back into the synthetic programme.


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Controlling parameters for superconductivity in layered lithium iron hydroxide selenides. H Sun, D N Woodruff, S J Cassidy, G M Allcroft, S J Sedlmaier, A L Thompson, P A Bingham, S D Forder, S Cartenet, N Mary, S Ramos, F R Foronda, B H Williams, X. Li, S J Blundell, S J Clarke, Inorg. Chem. In Press (2015). Ammonia-Rich High-Temperature Superconducting Intercalates of Iron Selenide Revealed through Time-Resolved in Situ X-ray and Neutron Diffraction. S J Sedlmaier, S J Cassidy, R G Morris, M Drakopoulos, C Reinhard, S J Moorhouse, D O’Hare, P Manuel, D Khalyavin, S J Clarke, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 136, 630-633 (2014). Control of the superconducting properties of Sr2-xCaxVO3FeAs through isovalent substitution. A J Corkett, D G Free, S J Cassidy, S Ramos, S J Clarke, J. Solid State Chem. B 216, 91-98 (2014). Local structure of sodium- and iron-deintercalated NaFeAs S J Cassidy, S. Ramos, S J Clarke, Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 640, 2889–2896, (2014). Enhancement of the superconducting transition temperature of FeSe by intercalation of a molecular spacer layer. M Burrard-Lucas, D G Free, S J Sedlmaier, J D Wright, S J Cassidy, Y Hara, A J Corkett, T Lancaster, P J Baker, S J Blundell, S J Clarke, Nature Materials 12, 15-19, (2013). Magnetic fluctuations and spin freezing in nonsuperconducting LiFeAs derivatives J D Wright, M J Pitcher, W Trevelyan-Thomas, T Lancaster, P J Baker, F L Pratt, S J Clarke, and S J Blundell, Phys. Rev. B 88, 060401(R) (2013). Spin fluctuations away from (π,0) in the superconducting phase of molecular-intercalated FeSe A E Taylor, S J Sedlmaier, S J Cassidy, E A Goremychkin, R A Ewings, T G Perring, S J Clarke, A T Boothroyd, Phys. Rev. B 87, 220508(R), (2013). Sr2Mn2O4Se: A New Oxychalcogenide with Antiferromagnetic Chains D G Free, S J Herkelrath, S J Clarke, Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. (2012), In Press. Competing magnetic structures and the evolution of copper ion/vacancy ordering with composition in the manganite oxide chalcogenides Sr2MnO2Cu1.5(S1−xSex)2 P Adamson, J Hadermann, C F Smura, O J Rutt, G Hyett, D G Free, S J Clarke, Chem. Mater. 24, 2802–2816. (2012) 10.1021/cm301486v The gradual destruction of magnetism in the superconducting family NaFe1−xCoxAs. J D Wright, T Lancaster, I Franke, A J Steele, J S Möller, M J Pitcher, A J Corkett, D G Free, D R Parker, F L Pratt, P J Baker, S J Clarke, and S J Blundell, Physical Review B 85, 054503 (2012). Antiferromagnetic spin fluctuations in LiFeAs observed by neutron scattering. A E Taylor, M J Pitcher, R A Ewings, T G Perring, S J Clarke and A T Boothroyd, Physical Review B 83, 220514(R) (2011). High spin cobalt(II) ions in square planar coordination: structures and magnetism of the oxysulfides Sr2CoO2Cu2S2, Ba2CoO2Cu2S2 and their solid solution. C F Smura, D R Parker, M Zbiri, M R Johnson, Z A Gál, and S J Clarke, Journal of the American Chemical Society 133, 2691 (2011). Structure, magnetism and superconductivity of the layered iron arsenides Sr1−xNaxFe2As2. R Cortes-Gil and S J Clarke, Chemistry of Materials 23, 1009 (2011). Compositional control of the superconducting properties of LiFeAs M J Pitcher, T Lancaster, J D Wright, I Franke, A J Steele, P J Baker, F L Pratt, W Trevelyan Thomas, D R Parker, S J Blundell and S J Clarke, Journal of the American Chemical Society 132, 10467 (2010). The indifference of superconductivity and magnetism to size-mismatched cations in the layered iron arsenides Ba1-xNaxFe2As2 R Cortes-Gil, D R Parker, M J Pitcher, J Hadermann and S J Clarke, Chemistry of Materials 22, 4304 (2010). Control via electron count of the competition between magnetism and superconductivity in cobalt-doped and nickel-doped NaFeAs D R Parker, M J P Smith, T Lancaster, A J Steele, I Franke, P J Baker, F L Pratt, M J Pitcher, S J Blundell and S J Clarke Physical Review Letters 104 057007 (2010). Stoichiometric CeOCuS – a well-behaved Ce(III) layered oxysulfide M J Pitcher, C F Smura and S J Clarke, Inorganic Chemistry 130 14426 (2009). Download Structure, antiferromagnetism and superconductivity of the layered iron arsenide NaFeAs D R Parker, M J Pitcher, P J Baker, I Franke, T Lancaster, S J Blundell and S J Clarke, Chemical Communications 2189 (2009). Download Response of superconductivity and crystal structure of LiFeAs to hydrostatic pressure M Mito, M J Pitcher, W Crichton, G Garbarino, P J Baker, S J Blundell, P Adamson, D R Parker and S J Clarke, Journal of the American Chemical Society 131 2986 (2009). Download Enhancement of Superfluid Stiffness, Suppression of Superconducting Tc and Field-induced Magnetism in the Pnictide Superconductor LiFeAs F L Pratt, P J Baker, S J Blundell, T Lancaster, H J Lewtas, P Adamson, M J Pitcher, D R Parker and S J Clarke Physical Review B 79 052508 (2009). Download
