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Work in my group is concerned with studying the mechanisms of simple gas phase reactions using polarized laser pump and probe (flash photolysis) techniques. We have developed various experimental methods, including the photon initiated reaction technique1, that enable us to investigate the dynamics of elementary unimolecular (photochemical)2,3 and bimolecular4,5 reactions with product quantum state resolution. Our experiments currently employ either laser induced fluorescence (LIF) or resonantly enhanced multiphoton ionization (REMPI) spectroscopy to probe the nascent reaction products of simple chemical processes. The REMPI detection scheme is usually coupled with a technique known as velocity-map ion imaging6, that provides a two-dimensional picture of isolated chemical reactions a few nanoseconds after they have taken place. An example of an image obtained in this way is shown and discussed further below. Experiments like these provide a wealth of information that allow us to elucidate the mechanisms of simple chemical processes at the molecular level (further information about which can be found on our group web page).


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Steric effects and quantum interference in the inelastic scattering of NO(X) + Ar B. Nichols, H. Chadwick, S.D.S. Gordon, C.J. Eyles, B. Hornung, M. Brouard, M.H. Alexander, F.J. Aoiz, A. Gijsbertsen and S. Stolte Chemical Science 6, 2202, (2015) Fully quantum state-resolved inelastic scattering of NO(X) + Kr: Differential cross sections and product rotational alignment M. Brouard, H. Chadwick, S.D.S. Gordon, B. Hornung, B. Nichols, J. Kłos, F.J. Aoiz and S. Stolte J. Chem. Phys. 141, 164306, (2014) Inelastic Scattering of NO by Kr: Rotational Polarization over a Rainbow Helen Chadwick, Bethan Nichols, Sean D. S. Gordon, Balazs Hornung, Eleanor Squires, Mark Brouard, Jacek Kłos, Millard H. Alexander, F. Javier Aoiz and Steven Stolte J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 5, 3296 (2014) Taming molecular collisions using electric and magnetic fields Mark Brouard, David H. Parker, and Sebastiaan Y. T. van de Meerakker Chem. Soc. Rev., 43, 7279 (2014) Dynamic Stark Control of Torsional Motion by a Pair of Laser Pulses Lauge Christensen, Jens H. Nielsen, Christian B. Brandt, Christian B. Madsen, Lars Bojer Madsen, Craig S. Slater, Alexandra Lauer, Mark Brouard, Mikael P. Johansson, Benjamin Shepperson, and Henrik Stapelfeldt Phys. Rev. Lett., 113, 073005 (2014) Modifications to a commercially available linear mass spectrometer for mass-resolved microscopy with the pixel imaging mass spectrometry (PImMS) camera E. Halford, B. Winter, M. D. Mills, S. P. Thompson, V. Parr, J. J. John, A. Nomerotski, C. Vallance, R. Turchetta and M. Brouard Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom., 28, 1649 (2014) Reaction kinetics: Isotope effects feel the cold M. Brouard Nature Chemistry, News&Views, 6, 274 (2014) Collisional depolarisation in electronically excited radicals H. Chadwick, M. Brouard, T. Perkins and F.J. Aoiz Int. Rev. Phys. Chem. 33, 79, (2014) A fast microchannel plate-scintillator detector for velocity map imaging and imaging mass spectrometry B. Winter, S. J. King, M. Brouard and C. Vallance Rev. Sci. Instrum. 85, 023306, (2014) The collisional depolarization of OH(A) and NO(A) with Kr H. Chadwick, M. Brouard, Y.-P. Chang, C. J. Eyles, G. McCrudden, T. Perkins, S. A. Seamons, J. Klos, M. H. Alexander, P. J. Dagdigian, D. Herraez-Aguilar and F. J. Aoiz J. Chem. Phys. 140, 054306, (2014) Covariance imaging experiments using a pixel-imaging mass-spectrometry camera C. S. Slater, S. Blake, M. Brouard, A. Lauer, C. Vallance, J.J. John, R. Turchetta, A. Nomerotski, L. Christensen, J.H. Nielsen, M.P. Johansson, and H. Stapelfeldt Phys. Rev. A 89, 011401(R), (2014) Fast sensors for time-of-flight imaging applications C. Vallance, M. Brouard, A. Lauer, C.S. Slater, E. Halford, B. Winter, S.-J. King, J.W.L. Lee, D. Pooley, I. Sedgwick, R. Turchetta, A. Nomerotski, J.J. John and L. Hill Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 16, 383, (2014) Electronic Quenching of OH (A) Induced by Collisions with Kr Atoms J.H. Lehman, M.I. Lester, J. Klos, M.H. Alexander, P.J. Dagdigian, D. Herraez-Aguilar, F.J. Aoiz, M Brouard, H. Chadwick, T. Perkins, and Scott A. Seamons J. Phys. Chem. A 117, 13481, (2013) Origin of collision-induced molecular orientation M. Brouard, B. Hornung and F.J. Aoiz Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 183202 (2013) Velocity corrected ion extraction in microscope mode imaging mass spectrometry B. Winter, E. Halford, M. Brouard Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 356, 14 (2013) Exploring surface photoreaction dynamics using pixel imaging mass spectrometry (PImMS) M.D. Kershis, D.P. Wilson, M.G. White, J.J. John, A. Nomerotski, M. Brouard, J.W.L. Lee, C. Vallance, and R. Turchetta J. Chem. Phys. 139, 084202, (2013) The fully quantum state-resolved inelastic scattering of NO(X) + Ne: experiment and theory M. Brouard, H. Chadwick, C.J. Eyles, B. Hornung, B. Nichols, J.M. Scott, F.J. Aoiz, J. Klos, S. Stolte and X. Zhang Mol. Phys. 111, 1759, (2013) Rotational alignment effects in NO(X) + Ar inelastic collisions: An experimental study. M. Brouard, H. Chadwick, C.J. Eyles, B. Hornung, B. Nichols, F.J. Aoiz, P.G. Jambrina, and S. Stolte J. Chem. Phys. 138, 104310, (2013) Rotational alignment effects in NO(X) + Ar inelastic collisions: A theoretical study. M. Brouard, H. Chadwick, C.J. Eyles, B. Hornung, B. Nichols, F.J. Aoiz, P.G. Jambrina, S. Stolte, and M.P. de Miranda J. Chem. Phys. 138, 104309, (2013) The hyperfine structure of NO(A). M. Brouard, H. Chadwick, Y.-P. Chang, B.J. Howard, S. Marinakis, N. Screen, S.A. Seamons, A. La Via J. Mol. Spec. 282, 42, (2012)
