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宋金华,男, 1957年生于山东沂水。1978级合肥工业大学材料系本科,1985级西北工业大学材料系硕士,1987级英国纽卡斯尔大学材料系博士。1990至2018布鲁内尔伦敦大学任职。先后任博士后研究员(1990-97),讲师(1997-2000), 高级讲师(2000-04),终生教授和材料加工中心主任(2004-18)。 2018年加盟南方科技大学任创新创业学院和材料科学及工程系双聘教授,领导生物基材料研发和工业化


材料加工,涵盖 (1)金属(航空发动机叶片成型);(2)陶瓷(纳米粉注塑、粉体压制及切削,3D喷墨打印);(3)材料加工过程计算机模拟(叶片精密锻造,粉体材料力学行为,脱脂过程等);(4)近20年, 重点研究生物基材料(生物基可降解材料、植物纤维及其复合材料,木素、纤维及半纤维素分离及利用技术,生物基泡沫材料及应用等)


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

H.W. Chandler and J.H. Song, Mathematical Modelling of Isostatic Pressing, Br. Ceram. Trans. J, 88(1989), 167-172. J.H. Song and H.W. Chandler, The Determination of some Compaction Properties of Ceramic Powders using a Simple Cylindrical Apparatus, Br. Ceram. Trans. J. 89(1990), 49-52. H.W. Chandler and J.H. Song, A Variational Principle for the Compaction of Granulate Materials, Chemical Engineering Science, 45 (1990), 1359-1366. J.H. Song, High Strength Steel Wire Cable Connector, Innovation, 20(1991), 13-15. G. Dransfield, I. Birkby, P. McColgan, J.R.G. Evans and J.H. Song, Manufacture of Ceramic Components from Ultra-fine Oxide Powders, Proc. Brit. Ceram. Soc. 51(1993), 15-23. H. Song and J.R.G. Evans, The Assessment of Dispersion of Fine Powders for Injection Moulding and Related Process, J. Euro. Ceram. Soc. 12(1993), 467-478. H. Song and J.R.G. Evans, Phase Separation during Reheating of Mouldings, Processing of Advanced Materials, 3(1993), 193-198. J.H. Song and J.R.G. Evans, A Die Pressing Test for the Estimation of Agglomerate Strength, J.Am. Ceram. Soc. 77(1994), 806-814. G. Dransfield, I. Birkby, J.H. Song and J.R.G. Evans, Factors Affecting the Machinability of Fine Powder Compacts, Br. Ceram. Tran. J, 93(1994), 183-186. J.H. Song and J.R.G. Evans, Flocculation after Injection Moulding in Ceramic Suspensions. Journal of Materials Research, 9(1994), 2386-2397. H. Song and J.R.G. Evans, The Effect of Undispersed Agglomerates on the Relative Viscosity of Ceramic Suspensions, J. Mat. Sci. Lett. 13(1994), 1642-1644. H. Song and J.R.G. Evans, A Comparison Between the Injection Moulding of Fine and Ultra-fine Zirconia Powders, Ceramics International, 21(1995), 325-333. A. Matar, M.J. Edirisinghe, J.R.G. Evans, E.H. Twizell and J.H. Song, Modelling the Removal of Organic Vehicle from Ceramic or Metal Mouldings: the Effect of Gas Permeation on the Incidence of Defects, J. Mat. Sci., 30 (1995), 3805-3810. H. Song and J.R.G. Evans, Ultra-fine Ceramic Powder Injection Moulding, the Role of Dispersants, J. Rheology, 40 (1996), 131-152. H. Song, J.R.G. Evans, M.J. Edirisinghe and E.H. Twizell, Effect of A Powder Bed on the Critical Heating Rate for Thermolysis of Ceramic Injection Moulded Components, A.I.Ch.E.J., 42(1996), 1715-1722. H. Song, J.R.G. Evans, M.J. Edirisinghe and E.H. Twizell, Modelling the Effect of Gas Transport on the Formation of Defects during Thermolysis of Moulded Powders, J. Mater. Res., 11 (1996), 830-840. H. Song, J.R.G. Evans, M.J. Edirisinghe and E.H. Twizell, Mathematical Modelling of Binder Removal from Plastically-formed Engineering Ceramics, Advances in Computational Mathematics, 6(1996), 325-331. H. Song, J.R.G. Evans, M.J. Edirisinghe and E.H. Twizell, Review: Gas Transport Coefficients in Ceramic Bodies during the Thermolysis of Organic Additives, International Materials Reviews, 41 (1996), 116-128. H. Song and J.R.G. Evans, On the Machinability of Ceramic Compacts, J. Euro. Ceram. Soc. 17(1997), 1665-73. H. Song, Compaction Behaviour of Ceramic Powders and Computer Modelling, Ch. Mater. Res. 2(1997), 50-61.
