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[1]屠翔宇,严莉,朱志勇,杨文华:汽车燃油箱模态仿真分析及试验验证,噪声与振动控制,2016,36(4):88-91 [2]刘秀娟,严莉,袁国清,李双:苏州地铁风亭噪声特性及其衰减仿真分析,城市轨道交通研究, 2015, 18(12): 53-58 [3]张一麟,廖毅,莫品西,周江奇,严莉,蒋伟康,基于车身模态和板块贡献分析的阻尼优化降噪方法研究,振动与冲击,2015,34(4):153-157 [4]黄宗斌,严莉,向上,杨蔚,张文正,周江奇,白车身结构 NVH 优化技术研究,噪声与振动控制,2015,35(2) [5]Li Yan, Weikang Jiang, Zongbin Huang, A Research on the Sound Quality Contribution of Vehicle Body Panel, SAE International, 2014, 2014-01-0896 [6]Li Yan, Weikang Jiang, Research on the procedure for analyzing the sound quality contribution of sound sources and its application , Applied Acoustics, 2014, 79: 75–80 [7]Wenbo Lu,Weikang Jiang,Guoqing Yuan,Li Yan, A gearbox fault diagnosis scheme based on near-field acoustic holography and spatial distribution features of sound field ,Journal of Sound and Vibration,2013,332,2593-2610 [8]蒋伟康,张海滨,严莉, 高架轨道交通噪声的分析与控制技术研究 ,声学技术,2012,31(2),138-146 [9]蒋伟康,严莉, 基于神经网络的电机噪声性能在线检测技术研究 ,振动与冲击,2004,24(4),51-53 [10]严莉, 张志谊, 蒋伟康等, 汽车电机噪声在线检测技术的研究 ,汽车工程,2003,25(3),269-271 [11]Siwei Pan, Weikang Jiang, Li Yan, The Interpolated Time-domain Equivalent Source Method For Modeling Transient Sound Propagation In Half Space, Noise and Vibration -Emerging Technologies, Dubrovnik, Croatia, April, 13-15, 2015 [12]Li Yan, Weikang Jiang, A Simple Method For Measuring Muffler Transmission Loss With PU Probes, Proceedings of the ASME 2013 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, San Diego, California, USA, November 15-21, 2013 [13]Li Yan, Weikang Jiang, Experimental Research on the Method for Measurement of Absorption Coefficient With PU Probe ,ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition,Houston,Texas, USA, Nov 9-15, 2012 [14]Li Yan, Weikang Jiang, Mingfa Zhang, Identification of Dominant Interior Noise Sources in Micro Commercial Vehicle Based on Sound Quality Analyzing ,The 19th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Vilnius, Lithuania, July 8-12, 2012
