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教育背景 2002.3-2006.3 上海交通大学 博士 1999.9-2002.3 华北工学院 硕士 1995.9-1999.7 华北工学院 学士 工作经历 2006.03--2008.03 上海交通大学机动学院 博士后 2008.04--2011.12 上海交通大学机动学院 讲师 2012.01--2016.12 上海交通大学机动学院 副研究员 2017.01 上海交通大学机动学院 研究员 科研项目 2021.01-2024.12 国家自然科学基金“近桨艉附体非均匀湍流尾迹诱发的桨-轴系统随机振动及噪声特性研究”, 负责人; 2018.01-2022.12 国家自然科学基金 "水下强冲击波载荷下分层梯度覆盖层的近壁面流体空化机理及其防护效能研究", 负责人; 2013.01-2016.12 国家自然科学基金“近场水下爆炸早期载荷下大孔覆层-壳板复合结构的变形破损特性研究”, 负责人; 2009.01-2011.12 国家自然科学基金“超弹性夹芯覆盖层受水下爆炸载荷时的流固耦合动态屈曲机制及均匀化方法研究”, 负责人; 2021.1-2024.12 两机重大专项基础研究项目子课题“XXX冲击动力学建模与试验研究” 负责人; 2022.6-2024.6 XX型号演示验证项目”XXX螺旋桨非定常水动力激励力测试装置研制”; 负责人; 2021.1-2022.12 科研所横向项目"大型XXX流致振动与流噪声分析评估“,负责人; 2018.1-2021.12 “十三五”装备预研通用项目:“XXXX螺旋桨激振力测试技术", 负责人; 2019.1-2020.12 型号科研项目“XXX电池冲击防护装置研制“,负责人;; 2019.1-2020.12 型号科研项目“XXX人员冲击损伤及冲击防护装具防护效能评估“,负责人; 2019.1-2020.12 型号科研项目“S207桨轴耦合噪声分析与评估“,负责人; 2018.1-2019.12 型号科研项目“S133螺旋桨激振力与桨轴耦合振动噪声评估“,负责人; 2011.01-2015.12 GF973项目专题 “冲击波在多层介质中的传播机理及防护方法” ,负责人; 2009.01-2014.12 GF973项目专题 “轴系-船体耦合振动模式及演化规律研究”,负责人; 2009.01-2011.12 GF科工局基础科研项目“船舶-轴系耦合振动建模及传递路径分析”,负责人; 2011.01-2012.12 “十二五”预先研究项目“新型抗冲隔声覆层的冲击防护机理研究”,负责人; 2012.01-2016.12 “十二五”预先研究项目“新型船体覆盖层的制备工艺研究”,负责人; 2006.10-2008.10 中博后基金项目"金属夹芯船体结构受水下爆炸时的结构响应分析方法研究",负责人; 2008.01-2008.12 科研所横向项目"XXX辐射噪声预报模型",负责人; 2009.04-2011.01 科研所横向项目"循环水泵组仿真分析与测试研究",负责人; 教学工作 有限元方法 本科生 学时48 学分3 高等结构动力学 硕士研究生 学时54 学分3 软件版权登记及专利 管接头横向冲击刚度及阻尼特性测试装置 CN201010154332.7 电磁式船舶轴系纵向振动主动控制装置 CN201010613171.3 可弹性弯曲的抗冲吸能覆盖层 CN201410282915.6 动态试验加载装置 CN201410282923.0 荣誉奖励 2014年度机械动力工程学院“最受欢迎教师奖” 2015年度机械动力工程学院“最受毕业生欢迎导师奖” 2013年 省部级科技进步一等奖 排6 2011年 省部级科技进步一等奖 排3 2008年 省部级科技进步二等奖 排9 2016年 上海交通大学晨星青年学者奖励计划(A类) 2012年 上海交通大学晨星青年学者奖励计划(B类) 2011年 上海交通大学晨星青年学者奖励计划(C类) 2009年 上海交通大学优秀博士后二等奖


流致振动噪声分析与控制方法 旋转机械非定常力的测量方法 结构冲击动力学及防护新技术 机械结构振动与噪声控制技术


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1. Tong X D, Chen H Y, Chen Y, et al. Influence of skew angle on the random vibration response of propeller-shafting system induced by turbulent inflow. Ocean Engineering, 2022, 244: 110350. 2. Shizhang Huang, Xiandong Tong, Yong Chen, Effects of Internal Fluid on the Dynamic Behaviors of Double Cylindrical Shells Subjected to Underwater Explosion, Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, 2022, 144(4): 041701. 3. Chen H, Tong X, Chen Y, et al. Theoretical and experimental studies on the hydrodynamic damping of elastic rotating propeller blades. International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, 2022: 100446. 4. Tong X D, Chen H Y, Chen Y. Low frequency broadband noise radiated by highly skewed propeller ingesting inflow turbulence. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2021, 490: 115709.(SCI) 5. Tong X D, Chen H Y, Dong X Q,. Chen Y,Experimental and numerical investigations on the unsteady thrust of a propeller in presence of an upstream rudder. Ocean Engineering, 2021, 237: 109644. 6. Shizhang Huang,Zeyu Jin,Yong Chen,Underwater blast resistance of double cylindrical shells with circular tube stiffeners,Ocean Engineering,2021, 238, 109691. 7. Zhenkun Lin, Kai Zhou,Zhiwen He,Yong Chen,Zengguang Li,Hongxing Hua,Vibro-acoustic analysis of a cylindrical-conical hull subjected to propeller forces,Applied Ocean Research,2020, 104,102373 9. Hongyang Chen, Xiandong Tong, Zhiwen He, Yong Chen, Numerical and experimental studies on the hydrodynamic damping of a zero-thrust propeller, Journal of Fluids and Structures, 2020, 94, 1-11 10. Xiandong Tong, Yong Chen, Random response of highly skewed propeller-shafting system induced by inflow turbulence, Ocean Engineering, 2020, 195, 1-13 11. Caiyu Yin, Zeyu Jin, Yong Chen, Hongxing Hua. Effects of sacrificial coatings on stiffened double cylindrical shells subjected to underwater blasts, International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2020, 136: 103412. 12. Wei Kang, Zhenguo Zhang, Kai Zhou, Yong Chen,The random vibration and force transmission characteristics of the elastic propeller-shafting system induced by inflow turbulence,Ocean Engineering, 2019,188:1-15 13. Feng Chen, Yong Chen, Hongxing Hua. Vibration analysis of a submarine elastic propeller-shaft-hull system using FRF-based substructuring method. Journal of Sound and Vibration. 443, 2019: 460-482. 14. Zeyu Jin, Caiyu Yin, Yong Chen, Hongxing Hua. Underwater blast resistance of sacrificial claddings with small/significant strain hardening, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, 2019, 233(1): 124-137. 15. Zeyu Jin, Caiyu Yin, Yong Chen, Hongxing Hua. Dynamics of an underwater explosion bubble near a sandwich structure [J]. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 2019, 86: 247-265. 16. Zeyu Jin, Caiyu Yin, Yong Chen, Hongxing Hua. Numerical study on the interaction between underwater explosion bubble and a moveable plate with basic characteristics of a sandwich structure [J]. Ocean Engineering, 2018, 164: 508-520. 17. Yong. Chen, Li. Wang, HongXing. Hua,Longitudinal Vibration and Unsteady Thrust Transmission of the Rim Driven Thruster Induced by Ingested Turbulence,Ocean Engineering, 2017, 2017,131, 149-161 18. Yong. Chen, Li. Wang, HongXing. Hua,Longitudinal vibration of marine propeller-shafting system induced by inflow turbulence,Journal of Fluids and Structures, 2017, 68, 264-278 19. Yong Chen, Feng Chen, Zhipeng Du, Hongxing Hua. Influence of Solid Rubber Coating on the Response of Floating Structure to Water Blast Wave, ASME: Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, 2016, 138(6), 061302 20. Yong Chen, Feng Chen, Zhipeng Du, Hongxing Hua. Transient underwater shock response of sacrificed coating with continuous density graded foam core, Composites Part B: Engineering, 2016, 98: 484-495 21. Yong Chen, Feng Chen, Zhipeng Du, Hongxing Hua. Protective effect of polymer coating on the circular steel plate response to near-field underwater explosions. Marine Structures, 2015, 40: 247-266 22. Yong Chen, Feng Chen, Zhipeng Du, Hongxing Hua. Mitigating performance of elastic graded polymer foam coating subjected to underwater shock. Composites Part B: Engineering, 2015, 69: 484-495 23. Yong Chen, Zhiyi Zhang, Hongxing Hua. Experimental research on the responses of neoprene coated cylinder subjected to underwater explosions. ASME: Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, 2013, 135(1): 011102. 24. Yong Chen, Hongxing Hua. Performance of an elastic polymer foam cushion in attenuating responses of shipboard standing-men to ship vertical shock. Journal of Vibration and Control, 2013, 19: 1999-2012. 25. Yong Chen, Zhiyi Zhang, Hongxing Hua. Experimental Investigation on Active Vibration Control of a Shaft-Hull System Under Longitudinal Excitation. Advances In Vibration Engineering, 2013, 12(6): 559-570. 26. Yong Chen, Yu Wang, Zhang Zhiyi, Hongxing Hua. Transverse impact characteristics of a rubber pipe expansion joint. Journal of mechanical science and technology, 2012, 26, 1655-1661. 27. Yong Chen, Zhiyi Zhang, etc., Attenuating performance of a polymer layer coated onto floating structures subjected to water blasts, European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids, V28 (2009) 591–598 28. Yong Chen, Zongpeng Tong. Yu Wang, Houyu Gou Hongxing Hua, Experimental investigation on the dynamic response of scaled ship model with rubber sandwich coatings subjected to underwater explosion, International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2009, 36, 318–328 29. Yong Chen, Yu Wang, etc., Impact characteristics of stiffened plates penetrated by sub-ordnance velocity projectiles, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2008, 64, 634–643 30. Yong Chen, ZhiYi Zhang, etc., Crush dynamics of square honeycomb thin rubber wall, Thin-Walled Structures , 2009, 47, 1447–1456 31. Yong Chen,Zhang Juna, Wang Yu, Tang Ping,Non-linear transient analysis of a blast-loaded circular plate resting on nonviscous fluid, International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 2005, 82, 729–737 32. Yong Chen, Yu Wang, Hongxing Hua, An analytic model for the water blast response of one-dimensional marine structure coated with elastic foam, Archive of Applied Mechanics, 2010, 80, 1243-1253 33. Zeyu Jin, Caiyu Yin, Yong Chen, Hongxing Hua. Graded effects of metallic foam cores for spherical sandwich shells subjected to close-in underwater explosion. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2016, 94: 23-35 34. Caiyu Yin, Zeyu Jin, Yong Chen, Hongxing Hua. One-dimensional response of single/double-layer cellular cladding to water blast. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2016, 88: 125-138 35. Zeyu Jin, Caiyu Yin, Yong Chen, Hongxing Hua. One-dimensional analytical model for the response of elastic coatings to water blast. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 2015, 59: 37-56. 36. Caiyu Yin, Zeyu Jin, Yong Chen, Hongxing Hua. Shock mitigation effects of cellular cladding on submersible hull subjected to deep underwater explosion. Ocean Engineering, 2016, 117: 221-237 37. Zeyu Jin, Caiyu Yin, Yong Chen, Coupling Runge-Kutta discontinuous Galerkin method to finite element method for compressible multi-phase flow interacting with a deformable sandwich structure, 2017,130:597–610 38. Zhenhua Zhang, Yong Chen, Xiuchang Huang, Hongxing Hua. Underwater explosion approximate method research on ship with polymer coating. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, 2016: 1475090216642469 39. Feng Xiao, Yong Chen, Hongxing Hua. Comparative study of the shock resistance of rubber protective coatings subjected to underwater explosion. Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, 2014, 136(2): 021402. 40. Zhenhua Zhang, Yong Chen, Hongxing Hua, Yu Wang. Underwater explosion research on ship with polymer hull coating. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, 2014: 1475090213507051. 41. Feng Xiao, Yong Chen, Yu Wang, Hongxing Hua, Dawei Zhu. Experimental research on the dynamic response of floating structures with coatings subjected to underwater explosion. Shock and Vibration, 2014, 2014. 42. Zeyu Jin, Caiyu Yin, Yong Chen, Xiuchang Huang, Hongxing Hua. An analytical method for the response of coated plates subjected to one-dimensional underwater weak shock wave. Shock and Vibration, 2014, 2014. 43. Yegao Qu, Yong Chen, Xinhua Long, Hongxing Hua, Guang Meng. Free and forced vibration analysis of uniform and stepped circular cylindrical shells using a domain decomposition method. Applied Acoustics, 2013, 74(3): 425-439. 44. Yegao Qu, Yong Chen, Xinhua Long, Hongxing Hua, Guang Meng. A modified variational approach for vibration analysis of ring-stiffened conical–cylindrical shell combinations. European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids, 2013, 37: 200-215. 45. Zhenhua Zhang, Yong Chen, Hongxing Hua, Yu Wang. Crush dynamics of rubber tube under low velocity impact. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2013: 0954406213486871. 46. Yegao Qu, Yong Chen, Yifan Chen, Xinhua Long, Hongxing Hua, Guang Meng. A Domain Decomposition Method for Vibration Analysis of Conical Shells With Uniform and Stepped Thickness. Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 2013, 135(1): 011014. 47. Feng Xiao, Yong Chen, Hongxing Hua, Dawei Zhu. Experimental and numerical investigation on the shock resistance of honeycomb rubber coatings subjected to underwater explosion. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, 2015, 229(1): 77-94. 48. Yegao Qu, Yong Chen, Xinhua Long, Hongxing Hua, Guang Meng. A variational method for free vibration analysis of joined cylindrical-conical shells. Journal of vibration and control, 2012: 1077546312456227. 49. Yegao Qu, Shihao Wu, Yong Chen, Hongxing Hua. Vibration analysis of ring-stiffened conical–cylindrical–spherical shells based on a modified variational approach[J]. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2013, 69: 72-84. 50. Fang Hu, Yong Chen, Zhiyi Zhang, Hongxing Hua. Tonal vibration suppression with a model-free control method. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, 2012, 226(4): 360-370. 51. Zhiyi Zhang, Yong Chen, etc., Active vibration isolation and underwater sound radiation control, Journal of Sound and Vibration, V318 (2008) 725–736 52. Jun Li, Yong Chen, Hongxing Hua, Exact dynamic stiffness matrix of a Timoshenko three-beam system, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, V50 (2008) 1023–1034 53. Guoping Feng, Zhiyi Zhang, Yong Chen, Research on transmission paths of a coupled beam-cylindrical shell system by power flow analysis, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, V23 (2009) 2138-2148


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