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教育与工作经历 1998.4~至今 北京理工大学 自动化学院 智能信息处理与控制研究所 先后任讲师、副教授 2016.3-2016.8 英国克兰菲尔德大学 航空工程系 访问学者 2011.5-2012.5 美国佛罗里达大学 计算机信息科学与工程系 访问学者 2000.9-2007.3 北京理工大学 计算机科学与工程系 网络安全 博士 1995.9-1998.3 沈阳理工大学 计算机系 计算机及应用 硕士 1991.9-1995.7 沈阳理工大学 计算机系 计算机及应用 学士 教学成果 “第三届北京理工大学教学名师”,2020年9月 “北京理工大学第十五届教育教学成果二等奖”, 排名第二,2020年10月 “北京理工大学第三届迪文优秀教师奖”,2018年11月 “北京理工大学第十四届教育教学成果二等奖”,排名第一,2017年12月 “北京理工大学第十届T-more 优秀教师奖”,2015年10月 “北京理工大学优秀硕士论文指导教师”2014年3月


工业互联网 网络信息安全


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Yang Hou; Lingguo Cui; Senchun Chai; Baihai Zhang; Fenxi Yao, A Proportion-Derivative Formation Control Protocol with Time Delays for the Multi-Agent System Under Switching Topologies, Proceedings of the 37th Chinese Control Conference, CCC 2018, 2018-July, p6925-6930 Shiwei Cui; Lingguo Cui;Yidong Du; Senchun Chai; Baihai Zhang; Calibration of MEMS Accelerometer Using Kaiser Filter and the Ellipsoid Fitting Method; Proceedings of the 37th Chinese Control Conference, 2018-July, p4679-4684. Zhou,Shaopeng; Cui, Lingguo; Fang, Chen; Chai, Senchun, Research on Network Topology Discovery Algorithm for Internet of Things Based on Multi-Protocol, 10th International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control, ICMIC 2018, November 9, 2018. Zhou, Jingxuan; Cui, Lingguo; Chai, Senchun; Guan, Zixiao. A localization strategy based on a region division for wireless sensor networks. Chinese Control Conference, CCC, v 2016-August, p 8433-8437, August 26, 2016, Proceedings of the 35th Chinese Control Conference, CCC 2016 Ye, Guang; Zhang, Baihai; Chai, Senchun; Cui, Lingguo. Energy Balanced Redeployment Algorithm for Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, v 2015, 2015 Zhang, Yongtao; Cui, Lingguo; Chai, Senchun. Energy-efficient localization for mobile sensor networks based on RSS and historical information. Proceedings of the 2015 27th Chinese Control and Decision Conference, CCDC 2015, p 5246-5251, July 17, 2015 Hu, Gui; Chai, Senchun; Cui, Lingguo; Sun, Guangxiong. Attitude control of spherical unmanned aerial vehicle based on Active Disturbance Rejection Control. Chinese Control Conference, CCC, v 2015-September, p 1191-1195, September 11, 2015, Proceedings of the 34th Chinese Control Conference, CCC 2015 Wang, Jian; Cui, Lingguo; Zhang, Baihai; He, Chaoxing. An improved simulation model for tomato plant based on physiological development time. Proceedings - 2014 7th International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Design, ISCID 2014, v 1, p 465-468, March 19, 2015 Li, Qiao; Zhang, Baihai; Cui, Lingguo; Fan, Zhun; Athanasios, V. Vasilakos. Epidemics on small worlds of tree-based wireless sensor networks. Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, v 27, n 6, p 1095-1120, November 30, 2014 Wen, Longfei; Cui, Lingguo; Chai, Senchun; Zhang, Baihai. Neighbor constraint assisted distributed localization for wireless sensor networks. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, v 2014 Guan, Zixiao; Cui, Lingguo; Huang, Wenqian; Zhang, Baihai; Chai, Senchun. A non-destructive estimation method for the soluble solids content of apples. Proceedings of the 33rd Chinese Control Conference, CCC 2014, p 6668-6672, September 11, 2014 Qiao Li*, Baihai Zhang, Lingguo Cui, V. V. Athanasios. Epidemics on Small Worlds of Tree-Based Wireless Sensor Networks, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 2013. Zehua Li, Lingguo Cui*, Senchun Chai, Guolong Zhang. The design and implementation of a network virtual simulation system, Control and Decision Conference, 2013.05.25-27, Guiyang, 3439 – 3444, 2013. Fei Yao, Lingguo Cui*, Senchun Chai, Guolong Zhang. Distributed interactive 3D combat simulation system for the army training and testing, Control and Decision Conference (CCDC), 2013 25th Chinese, 2013.05.25-27, Guiyang, 3143 – 3147, 2013. 温龙飞, 崔灵果, 张百海, 金雪. 不均匀布置传感器网络定位优化算法, 兵工学报, 34(5), 639-643, 2013.


计算机学会 会员 中国指挥与控制学会 会员
