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丁健(1953.02.20- )中国工程院院士,发展中国家科学院院士,肿瘤药理学家。江苏无锡人。1992年毕业于日本国立九州大学,获博士学位。中科院上海药物研究所研究员、课题组长,肿瘤研究中心主任,中国科学院大学药学院院长,国家基金委创新研究群体首席。兼任中国药理学会、中国药学会副理事长,浦东新区科协主席,曾任中科院上海药物研究所所长(2004-2013)。 1986.10-1992.1 日本国立九州大学 博士生、访问学者 1992.2-1994.4 中国科学院上海药物研究所 博士后 1994.4-1-至今 中国科学院上海药物研究所 副研究员、研究员、课题组长 1996.3-2004.11 中国科学院上海药物研究所 副所长 2004.12-2013.12 中国科学院上海药物研究所 所长 2005.1-2012.1 新药研究国家重点实验室 主任 2014.06-2019.05 中国科学院上海药物研究所 学术委员会主任 2014.01-现在 中国科学院大学 药学院院长




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Wang X#, Zhang M, Ping F, Liu H, Sun J, Wang Y, Shen A, Ding J*, Geng M*. Identification and therapeutic intervention of coactivated anaplastic lymphoma kinase, fibroblast growth factor receptor 2, and ephrin type‐A receptor 5 kinases in hepatocellular carcinoma. Hepatology. 2019;69(2):573-586. Huang X , Yan J, Zhang M , Wang Y, Chen Y, Fu X, Wei R, Zheng X, Liu Zh, Zhang X; Yang H,Hao B, Shen Y, Su Y, Cong X, Huang M, Tan M*, Ding J*, Geng M*.Targeting Epigenetic Crosstalk as a Therapeutic Strategy for EZH2-aberrant Solid Tumors, Cell, 2018;175(1):186-199. Lian Q, Xu J, Yan S, Huang M*, Ding H, Sun X, Ding J*, Sun B* and Geng M*. Chemotherapy-induced intestinal inflammatory responses are mediated by exosome secretion of double-strand DNA via AIM2 inflammasome activation. Cell Res. 2017;27(6):784-800. Yue X, Ai J, Xu Y, Chen Y, Huang M, Yang X, Hu B, Zhang H, He Ch, Yang X, Tang W, Peng X, Dong L, Wang H, Fan J*, Ding J*, Geng M*. Polymeric immunoglobulin receptor promotes tumor growth in hepatocellular carcinoma. Hepatology. 2017;65(6):1948-1962. Chen Y, Wang Y, Zhang J, Su Y, Shen Y, Jiang D, Hou Y, Geng M*, and Ding J*. G9a regulates breast cancer growth by modulating iron homeostasis through the repression of ferroxidase hephaestin . Nature Commun. 2017 8(1):27. Dai X, Yan J, Fu X, Pan Q, Sun D, Xu Y, Wang J, Nie L, Tong L, Shen A, Zheng M, Huang M, Tan M, Liu H, Huang X*, Ding J*, Geng M*. Aspirin inhibits cancer metastasis and angiogenesis via targeting heparanase. Clin Cancer Res. 2017;23(20):6267-6278. Liu H, Ai J, Shen A, Chen Y, Wang X, Peng X, Chen H, Shen Y, Huang M*, Ding J*, Geng M*.c-Myc alteration determines the therapeutic response to FGFR inhibitors. Clin Cancer Res. 2017; 23(4):974-984. Zeng H#, Qu J#, Jin N#, Xu J, Lin C, Yang X, He X, Tang S, Lan X, Yang X, Chen Z, Huang M*,Ding J*, Geng M*.Feedback activation of leukemia inhibitory factor receptor limits response to histone deacetylases inhibitors in breast cancer. Cancer Cell, 2016;30(3):459-73. Shen A#, Wang L#, Huang M, Sun J, Chen Y, Shen Y, Yang X, Wang X, Ding J*, Geng M*. c-Myc alterations confer therapeutic response and acquired resistance to c-Met inhibitors in MET-addicted cancers. Cancer Res, 2015 ,75(21):4548-59. Ai J#, Tang Q#, Wu Y#, Xu Y#, Feng T, Zhou R, Chen Y, Gao X, Zhu Q, Yue Xihua, Pan Q, Xu S, Li J, Huang M, Daugherty-Holtrop Jennifer, He Y, Xu H.Eric, Fan J*, Ding J*, Geng M*. The Role of Polymeric Immunoglobulin Receptor in Inflammation-Induced Tumor Metastasis of Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma. J Natl Cancer Inst. 103(22):1696-712, 2011.
