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教育背景 博士,2001年12月, 美国弗吉尼亚理工学院(Virginia Tech),森林生态学 硕士,1995年 7月, 中科院沈阳应用生态研究所,森林土壤学 学士,1992年 7月, 南京农业大学,土壤与植物营养学 工作经历 2011年8月至今:中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,研究员 2005年8月-2011年7月:北京大学城市与环境学院,副教授 2004年6月-2005年7月:北京大学城市与环境学院,讲师 2001年6月-2004年6月:美国Jones Ecological Research Center,博士后 1995年7月-1997年6月:中国农业科学院国际合作局,项目官员




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1.Kong, D.L., C. Ma, Q. Zhang, L. Li, X. Chen, H. Zeng, D. L. Guo*. 2014. Leading dimensions in absorptive root trait variation across 96 subtropical forest species. New Phytologist, In press. 2.Xiong, Y.M., H. Zeng, H. Xia, D. L. Guo*. 2014. Interactions between leaf litter and soil organic matter on carbon and nitrogen mineralization in six forest litter-soil systems. Plant and Soil, DOI 10.1007/s11104-014-2033-9. 3.Wu, X., H. Liu, L. He, Z. Qi, O.A. Anenkhonov, A.Y. Korolyuk, Y. Yu, D.L. Guo. 2014. Stand-total tree-ring measurements and forest inventory documented climate-induced forest dynamics in the semi-arid Altai Mountains. Ecological Indicators 36: 231-241. 4.Hu, G., H. Liu, O. A. Anenkhonov, A. Y. Korolyuk, D. V. Sandanov, D.L. Guo. 2013. Forest buffers soil temperature and postpones soil thaw as indicated by a three-year large-scale soil temperature monitoring in the forest-steppe ecotone in Inner Asia. Global and Planetary Change 104: 1-6. 5.Zeng, F.J., C. Song, H. Guo, B. Liu, W. Luo, D. Gui, S. Arndt, D.L. Guo. 2013. Responses of root growth of Alhagi sparsifolia Shap. (Fabaceae) to different simulated groundwater depths in the southern fringe of the Taklimakan Desert, China. Journal of Arid Land 5(2): 220-232. 6.Guo, Y.Y., J Wang, D Kong, W Wang, D.L. Guo, Y. Wang, Q. Xie, Y. Liu, H. Zeng. 2013. Fine root branch orders contribute differentially to uptake, allocation and return of potentially toxic metals. Environmental Science & Technology 47:11465-11472. 7.Bruelheide, H., et al. 2013. Designing forest biodiversity experiments: general considerations illustrated by a new large experiment in subtropical China. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 5: 74-89. 8.Liu, H.Y., A. P. Williams, C. D. Allen, D.L. Guo, X. Wu, O. A. Anenkhonov, E. Liang, D. V. Sandanov, Y. Yin, Z. Qi And N. K. Badmaeva. 2013. Rapid warming accelerates tree growth decline in semi-arid forests of Inner Asia. Global Change Biology 19: 2500-2510. 9.Chen, W.L., H. Zeng, D.M. Eissenstat, D.L. Guo*. 2013. Variation of first-order root traits across climatic gradients and evolutionary trends in geological time. Global Ecology and Biogeography 22: 846-856. 10.Xiong, Y.M., P.P. Fan, S.L. Fu, H. Zeng, D. L. Guo*. 2013. Slow decomposition and limited nitrogen release by lower order roots in eight Chinese temperate and subtropical trees. Plant and soil 363: 19-31. 11.Ouimette, A., D.L. Guo, E.A. Hobbie, J.C. Gu. 2013. Insights into root growth, function, and mycorrhizal abundance from chemical and isotopic data across root orders. Plant and soil 367: 313-326. 12.Chen, F.S., K.J. Niklas, G.S. Chen, D.L. Guo. 2012. Leaf traits and relationships differ with season as well as among species groupings in a managed Southeastern China forest landscape. Plant Ecology 213:1489-1502. 13.Wu, X.C., H.Y. Liu, D.L. Guo, O.A. Anenkhonov, N.K. Badmaeva, D.V. Sandanov. 2012. Growth decline linked to warming-induced water limitation in hemi-boreal Forests. PLoS ONE 7(8): e42619. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0042619. 14.Wang, J.J, Y.Y. Guo, D.L. Guo, S. L. Yin, D.L. Kong, Y.S. Liu, H. Zeng. 2011. Fine root mercury heterogeneity: metabolism of lower-order roots as an effective route for mercury removal. Environmental Science and Technology 46: 769-777. 15.Sun, Y., J.C. Gu, H.F. Zhuang, D.L. Guo, Z.Q. Wang. 2011. Lower order roots more palatable to herbivores: a case study with two temperate tree species. Plant and Soil 347: 351-361. 16.Gu, J.C., Z.Q. Wang, D.L. Guo*. 2011. Influence of root structure on root survivorship: an analysis of 18 tree species using a minirhizotron method. Ecological Research 26: 755-762. 17.Bruelheide, H., M. B?hnke, S. Both, T. Fang, T. Assmann, M. Baruffol, J. Bauhus, F. Buscot, X.Y. Chen, Bi.Y. Ding, W. Durka, A. Erfmeier, M. Fischer, C. Gei?ler, D.L. Guo, L.D. Guo, W. H?rdtle, J.S.He, A. Hector, W. Kr?ber, P. Kühn, A. C. Lang, K. Nadrowski, K. Pei, M. Scherer-Lorenzen, X. Shi, T. Scholten, A. Schuldt, S. Trogisch, G. von Oheimb, E. Welk, C. Wirth, Y.T. Wu, X. Yang, X. Zeng, S. Zhang, H. Zhou, K. Ma, and B. Schmid. 2011. Community assembly during secondary forest succession in a Chinese subtropical forest. Ecological Monographs 81(1): 25-41. 18.Xia, M.X., D.L. Guo*, K.S. Pregitzer. 2010. Ephemeral root modules in Fraxinus mandshurica. New Phytologist 188: 1065-1074. 19.Fan, P.P., D.L. Guo*. 2010. Slow decomposition of lower order roots: a key pathway of root C and nutrient retention in the soil. Oecologia 163: 509-515. 20.Yang, Y.H., J.Y. Fang, W.H. Ma, D.L. Guo, A. Mohammat. 2010. Large-scale pattern of biomass partitioning across China’s grasslands. Global Ecology and Biogeography 19: 268-277.
