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教育经历 2003—2006 美国密歇根大学牙科学院和电子微束分析实验室研究员(Research Investigator ) 2001—2002 美国密歇根大学牙科学院、物理系、化学系和生物纳米技术中心联合博士后研究员 (Postdoctoral Research Fellow) 1999—2001 英国利兹大学牙科研究院、物理和天文学系联合博士后研究员 (Postdoctoral Research Fellow) 1996—1999 北京大学化学与分子工程学院纳米科技中心, 获理学博士(物理化学)。博士论文题目:AFM /STM纳米加工和信息存储研究 1993—1996 兰州大学现代物理系, 获理学硕士(放射化学) 1989—1993 兰州大学化学系, 获理学学士(分析化学) 获得荣誉 NIH R01 Funding (co-investigator, 2004-2008) NIH Research Fellowship (2001-2002) Leeds Teaching Hospital NHS Trust Research Fellowship (1999-2001) 首届北京科技摄影展一等奖 北京大学1996-1997 学年安泰奖学金


生物矿化 (Biomineralization),口腔材料 (Dental Materials),仿生生物材料 (Biomimetic Biomaterials),组织工程 (Tissue Engineering)


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Chen H, Tang Z, Liu J, Sun K, Chang SR, Peters MC, Mansfield JF, Czajka-Jakubowska A, Clarkson BH: Acellular synthesis of a Human Enamel-like Microstructure, Advanced Materials 18: 1846-1851, 2006 Chen H, Czajka-Jakubowska A, Spencer NJ, Mansfield JF, Robinson C, Clarkson BH: Effects of Systemic Fluoride and in vitro Fluoride Treatment on Enamel Crystals, Journal of Dental Research 85:1042-1045,2006 Chen H, Sun K, Tang Z, Law RV, Mansfield JF, Czajka-Jakubowska A, Clarkson BH: Synthesis of Fluorapatite Nanorods and Nanowires by Direct Precipitation from Solution, Crystal Growth & Design 6: 1504-1508, 2006. Chang S, Chen H, Liu J, Wood D, Bentley P, Clarkson B: Synthesis of a bioactive, hydroxyapaptite nucleating molecule, Calcified Tissue International 78: 55-61, 2006. Chen H, Robinson C, Shore RC, Brookes SJ, Zhang J, Smith DA, Clarkson BH, Kirkham J: Nanoscale analysis of bone mineral crystals, NSTI-Nanotech 2006, ISBN 0-9767985-7-3 Vol. 2: 95-98, 2006 Chen H, Clarkson BH, Sun K, Mansfield JF: Self-assembly of synthetic hydroxyapatite nanorods into an enamel prism-like structure, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 288: 97-103, 2005. Czajka-Jakubowska A, Chen H, Clarkson BH, Siepak J, Stopa J: The influence of fluoride administered in drinking water on enamel crystal topography, Pol. J. Enviorn. Stud. Vol. 14 suppl. 5s:49-54, 2005. Chen H, Chen Y, Orr BG, Banaszak-Holl MM, Majoros I, Clarkson BH: Nanoscale probing of enamel nanorod surface using polyamidoamine dendrimer, Langmuir 20(10): 4168-4171, 2004. Harrell JM, Murphy PJM, Morishima Y, Chen H, Mansfield JF, Galigniana MD, Pratt WB: Evidence for glucocorticoid receptor transport on microtubules by dynein, Journal of Biological Chemistry 279(52): 54647-54654, 2004 Chen H, Banaszak-Holl MM, Orr BG, Majoros I, Clarkson BH: Interaction of Dendrimers (Artificial Proteins) with Biological Hydroxyapatite Crystals, Journal of Dental Research 82(6): 443-448, 2003. Murphy PJM, Morishima Y, Chen H, Galigniana MD, Mansfield JF, Simons SS and Pratt WB: Visualization and Mechanism of Assembly of a Glucocorticoid Receptor-hsp70 Complex that is Primed for Subsequent hsp90-Dependent Opening of the Steroid Binding Cleft, Journal of Biological Chemistry 278(37):34764-34773, 2003. Wallwork ML, Kirkham J, Chen H, Chang SR, Robinson C, Clarkson BH: Imaging Dentin Proteins on Enamel Crystal Using Atomic Force Microscopy, Calcified Tissue International 71:249-255, 2002. Kirkham J, Brooks SJ, Shore RC, Wood SR, Smith DA, Zhang J, Chen H, Robinson C: Physico-chemical properties of crystal surfaces in matrix-mineral interactions during mammalian biomineralisation. Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science 7(1-2):124-132, 2002.
