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方真 二级教授 博士生导师; 中国农大生物和农业工程博士(导师:曾德超院士); 加拿大麦吉尔(McGill)大学材料工程博士(导师:JA Kozinski院士)。他是快速水解技术发明人 (美国专利号 US patent#: 8268126, 2012;US patent#: 9115215, 2015; US patent#: 9243303, 2016)。方真教授是Springer 系列丛书“生物燃料和生物炼制”总编辑, Biotechnology forBiofuels (IF 6.4,生物能源领域影响因子最高的刊物)副主编,Biofuels,Bioproducts and Biorefining (IF 4.4)顾问编委, 以及多个国际期刊的编委。并为国际著名大学(如 Purdue)正教授资格评审专家。进入“2014 和 2015年中国高被引学者”能源领域榜单(Elsevier-Scopus)。获 2012 云南省政府彩云奖。他有 96 篇论文(大多为 Q1 区)发表于国际著名的能源/化工/农业工程刊物


(1)纳米和固体催化剂的制备及应用,包括催化木质纤维素水解并生产可发酵糖,合成化学品和生物燃料,和催化植物油制备生物柴油等 (2)水热法水解纤维素、木质纤维素生产可发酵糖、有机酸和化学品等,及木质素的开发与应用 (3)微生物发酵法转化木质纤维素水解产物生产油脂(生物柴油)、醇、酮、有机酸、氢气及其它次级代谢产物。微生物发酵法转化副产品甘油生产乳酸、丙二醇等化学品。 (4)绿色溶剂的研发与应用(水热水,离子液体,有机电解液,超临界


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1. YT Wang, Zhen Fang*, F Zhang, Esterification of Oleic Acid to Biodiesel Catalyzed by a Highly Acidic Carbonaceous Catalyst, Applied Energy, minor revision after review (Oct 2016). 2. H Li, Zhen Fang*, J Luo, S Yang, Direct Conversion of Biomass Components to the Biofuel Methyl Levulinate Catalyzed by Acid-Base Bifunctional Zirconia-Zeolites, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 200,182–191 (2017). 3. XK Li, Zhen Fang*, J Luo, TC Su, Coproduction of Furfural and Easily Hydrolyzable Residue from Sugar Cane Bagasse in the MTHF/Aqueous Biphasic System: Influence of Acid Species, NaCl Addition, and MTHF, ACS Sustainable Chemistry& Engineering, 4(10), 5804−5813 (2016). 4. XF Tian, L Rehmann, C Xu, Zhen Fang*, Pretreatment of Eastern White Pine (Pinus Strobes L.) for Enzymatic Hydrolysis and Ethanol Production by Organic Electrolyte Solutions, ACS Sustainable Chemistry &Engineering, 4(5), 2822-2829 (2016). 5. F Zhang, Xue-Hua Wu, Min Yao, Zhen Fang*, YT Wang, Production of Biodiesel and Hydrogen from Plant Oil Catalyzed by Magnetic Carbon-Supported Nickel and Sodium Silicate, Green Chemistry, 18,3302-3314 (2016). 6. M Huang, J Luo, Zhen Fang*, H Li, Biodiesel Production Catalyzed by Highly Acidic Carbonaceous Catalysts Synthesized via Carbonizing Lignin in Sub- and Super-critical Ethanol, Applied Catalysis B:Environmental, 190, 103–114 (2016). 7. H Li, Zhen Fang*, RL Smith Jr., S Yang, Efficient Valorization of Biomass to Biofuels with Bifunctional Solid Catalytic Materials,Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 55, 98–194 (2016). 8. D Jiang, Zhen Fang*, SX Chin, XF Tian, Biohydrogen Production from Hydrolysates of Jatropha Hulls and Sugarcane Bagasse with Clostridium Butyrium, Scientific Reports, 6, 27205, DOI: 10.1038/srep27205 (2016). 9. H Li, Zhen Fang*, S Yang, Direct Conversion of Sugars and Ethyl Levulinate into γ-Valerolactone with Superparamagnetic Acid-Base Bifunctional ZrFeOx Nanocatalysts, ACS Sustainable Chemistry &Engineering, 4(1), 236-246 (2016). 10. H Li, Zhen Fang*, S Yang, Direct Catalytic Transformation of Biomass Derivatives into Biofuel Component -Valerolactone with Magnetic NiZr Nanoparticles, ChemPlusChem, 81, 135-142, (2016).
