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1997年-2001年,中南大学粉末冶金国家重点实验室,工学学士 2001年-2004年,中南大学粉末冶金国家重点实验室,工学硕士 2004年-2008年,上海交通大学材料科学与工程学院,工学博士 2008年8月-2014年12月,上海交通大学材料科学与工程学院,助理研究员 2010年3月-2010年6月,日本京都大学化学研究所,日本学术振兴会(JSPS)资助访问学者 2015年1月至今,上海交通大学材料科学与工程学院,副研究员 2018年11月-2019年10月,美国哈佛医学院附属波士顿儿童医院,公派访问学者


稀土纳米材料 主要从事稀土相关纳米材料及其生物医学应用领域研究工作


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Yan Liu, Yingying Huo, Yawen Xu, Kang Sun, Guangdong Zhou, Daniel S. Kohane, Ke Tao*, Transcytosis of Nanomedicine for Tumor Penetration, Nano Lett. 2019, 19, 8010-8020. Yan Liu, Yawen Xu, Zezhong Zhang, Yingying Huo, Dexin Chen, Wei Ma, Kang Sun, Gulen Yesilbag Tonga, Guangdong Zhou*, Daniel S. Kohane, Ke Tao*, A simple yet multifunctional nanoformulation for eradicating tumors and preventing recurrence with safely low administration dose, Nano Lett. 2019, 19, 5515-5523 Yan Liu, Yawen Xu, Xiangshuai Geng, Yingying Huo, Dexin Chen, Kang Sun, Guangdong Zhou*, Biqiong Chen*, Ke Tao*, Synergistic targeting and efficient photodynamic therapy based on graphene oxide quantum dot-upconversion nanocrystal hybrid nanoparticles, Small, 2018, 1800293 Dexin Chen, Daqian Wan, Rongying Wang, Yanyue Liu, Kang Sun, Kaicheng Li, Yang Qu, Songtao Ai*, Kerong Dai, Ke Tao*, Multimodal nanoprobe based on upconversion nanoparticles for monitoring implanted stem cells in bone defect of big animal, ACS Biomater. Engin., 2018, 4, 626-634. Dexin Chen, Mengyuan Xu, Yanyue Liu, Rongying Wang, Zhaofeng Zhang, Kang Sun, Ke Tao*, Fixed-diameter upconversion nanorods with controllable length and their interaction with cells, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 2018, 512, 591-599. Dexin Chen, Ran Tao, Ke Tao*, Biqiong Chen, Seok Ki Choi, Qing Tian, Yawen Xu, Guangdong Zhou*, Kang Sun*, Efficacy dependence of photodynamic therapy mediated by upconversion nanoparticles: Subcellular positioning and irradiation productivity, Small, 2017, 13, 1602053. (Back Cover) Daqian Wan, Dexin Chen, Kaicheng Li, Yang Qu, Kang Sun, Ke Tao*, Kerong Dai, Songtao Ai*, Gold Nanoparticles as a potential cellular probe for tracking of stem cells in bone regeneration using Dual-Energy Computed Tomography, ACS Applied Materials & Interface, 2016, 8, 32241-32249 Pamela T. Wong, Dexin Chen, Shengzhuang Tang, Sean Yanik, Michael Payne, Alexa Coulter, Kenny Tang, Ke Tao*, Kang Sun, James R. Baker, Jr., Seok Ki Choi*, Modular Integration of Dendrimer, Photocaged Doxorubicin and Upconversion Nanocrystals for Folate Receptor-targeted Near Infrared Detection and Drug Release, Small, 2015, 11, 6078-6090 Richard Justin, Ke Tao, Sabiniano Román, Dexin Chen, Andrew Pearson, Sheila MacNeil, Kang Sun*, Biqiong Chen*, Photoluminescent and superparamagnetic reduced graphene oxide-iron oxide quantum dots for dual-modality imaging, drug delivery and photothermal therapy, Carbon, 2016, 97, 54-70
